Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3428 The Lan family siblings!

Ling Feng stooped down and gently picked off a flower leaf. The blood on it had not yet dried. It was just because the temperature of the entire Xuanyuan Cold Island was so low that the blood was covered with a light layer of frost. The bloody The smell is very light, and if Ling Feng hadn't paid close attention to it, he might not have been able to detect it at all.

"Who is the one?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the blood stain.

Suddenly, a cold sword struck, and Ling Feng's expression changed. His hair stood out among the lightning and flint, and his figure quickly retreated, only to be able to dodge the thunderous strike.


The ground shook violently, and beside Ling Feng, a sword energy directly split the ground into a ravine several feet deep, and the cold air froze, biting to the bone.

This shows that the strength of this person is extraordinary!

"Despicable! Hidden in the back!"

With a flash of fire, Shifang Jiannian automatically fell into the palm of his hand.

The person coming here is very powerful, I'm afraid he is not a weakling.

At this moment, it was Yan Jing Hongfei who stepped forward and pressed Ling Feng's shoulders, "Stop, one of our own!"

"Brother Yan?"

A confused voice came from the other side. He was a little surprised at first, and then apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I thought it was that bastard Shui Changdong!"

But it turns out that the person who just took action was Lan Xiaoyu who came here with Yan Jinghong.

When they were in the Gorge of Mist, Shui Changdong originally had the best chance of saving Lan Bing'er, but he chose to escape without hesitation, leaving Lan Bing'er almost in a desperate situation.

If Yan Jinghong hadn't taken action in the end, Lan Bing'er would have died.

"It's a misunderstanding, just make it clear."

Yan Jinghong coughed lightly and winked at Ling Feng. Ling Feng knew in his heart that the person in front of him must be the disciple of the Xantian Ice Tribe who was working with Yan Jinghong.

They had seen Shui Changdong before, so naturally they couldn't expose it.

"I'm an outer disciple in Xiatian, Ling Feng! I've met my brother!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Lan Xiaoyu. His aura was so well hidden that Lan Xiaoyu could not discover that the person in front of him was actually from the Tiandao clan.

"It turns out to be Brother Ling! I'm Lan Xiaoyu. I almost accidentally injured Brother Ling by mistake. I'm really sorry."

"No problem!" Ling Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Lan has great swordsmanship, I admire you!"

"Brother Ling's movement skills are also amazing, I admire him!"

Lan Xiaoyu looked proud, but she still had a business exchange with Ling Feng.

Yan Jinghong rolled his eyes and changed the subject: "Brother Lan, I see there are no injuries on your body. Is there any blood around here?"

"It belongs to my sister, eh..."

Lan Xiaoyu sighed, and then a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, "There is something strange on this island. My sister and I were attacked by a creature that looked like a human, but had blue skin, a ghost face and fangs. The monster has gills and scales on its face, and it seems to be a descendant of some kind of ancient demon.”

Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong looked at each other, are they descendants of ancient demons?

It seems that it is the sea monster on Xuanyuan Han Island who protects the Xuanyuan Cold Spirit Pearl.

These sea monsters can actually hurt a master like Lan Bing'er. It seems that they should not be underestimated.

Ling Feng frowned deeply.

If Zhou Yan and the others had encountered these sea monsters before, I'm afraid...

Thinking of this, Ling Feng became even more worried.

Lan Xiaoyu paused, then continued: "When my sister was in the Gorge of Mist, she suffered some shock injuries, and was sneak attacked by those sea monsters. She was stabbed in the shoulder and calf by their strange weapons, so she There will be these blood stains."

"Where is Miss Lan now?"

Yan Jinghong asked in a deep voice.

"I hid her in a cave for a while, and then turned back. I wanted to try my luck and see if I could find the antidote from those sea monsters."


Yan Jinghong's expression changed.

"Yes, those knives, forks and spears that I wanted were all smeared with poison. My sister is in a very bad situation right now. Although I have temporarily used magic to suppress the spread of poison in my body, I'm afraid I won't be able to sustain it for too long. ”

At this point, Lan Xiaoyu clenched her fists tightly, "It all comes down to that bastard Shui Changdong, who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If my sister hadn't been injured, how could those sea monsters hurt my sister? "

"Take me to see your sister. Maybe I can find a way."

Ling Feng sighed softly. Now that he was alone, if he could form an alliance and cooperate with the Lan family brothers and sisters, the chances of rescuing other companions together would be greater.

After all, according to what Lan Xiaoyu meant, his sister's strength should be even higher than his.


Lan Xiaoyu blinked, obviously not believing it.

This boy seems to be younger than himself.

Can he detoxify his sister?

"Believe in him, I can vouch for his medical skills."

At the critical moment, Yan Jinghong stood up and said, "Let's go, don't waste time."


Lan Xiaoyu was doubtful and looked at Ling Feng a few more times, but in the current situation, he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

Not long after, under the leadership of Lan Xiaoyu, a group of people arrived outside a cave sealed with frost.

With a stroke of Lan Xiaoyu's palm, the ice melted, and everyone walked quickly into the cave. They saw a girl in white clothes with a veil covering her face, sitting cross-legged and meditating.

It's just that her body was trembling slightly. Although she was separated by a layer of gauze, a wisp of black energy surged on her face, almost reaching the center of her eyebrows.

Apparently he was deeply poisoned.


Lan Xiaoyu's complexion changed drastically. She was fine when she left. How come it took so long for her to become like this?

" are back."

Lan Bing'er's voice trembled, and she weakly raised her eyes, but she didn't even bother to ask why there was a stranger like Ling Feng.

"How are you? How did it become like this?"

Lan Xiaoyu stepped forward to support Lan Bing'er. It could be seen that there was a deep love between the siblings.

"The poison in her body is a series of cold and cold. It just so happens that the ice soul power of the Xuntian Ice Clan comes from the same source. Her Xuntian magic power not only cannot suppress the poison in her body, but also encourages the operation of the poison. "

At this moment, it was Ling Feng who said clearly, "If we want to save her, we can no longer let her continue to use her energy to resist toxins!"


Lan Xiaoyu looked up at Ling Feng, "But if you don't resist the poison, the poisonous gas will attack your heart..."

"give it to me."

Ling Feng shook his head, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "You all, please go out first."


Lan Xiaoyu was obviously a little uneasy.

After all, Ling Feng was Yan Jinghong's friend, but he knew nothing about Ling Feng.

"It's already time. Don't waste time. Trust him."

Yan Jinghong grabbed Lan Xiaoyu and dragged him out.

Lan Xiaoyu turned back three times with each step, obviously still very worried, but in the end she was dragged out of the cave by Yan Jinghong.

"Brother Yan, are you sure he can really save my sister?"

"Don't worry, with his medical skills, as long as he's not completely dead, there's still a glimmer of hope."

"Only...only on the front line?"

The corner of Yan Jinghong's mouth twitched slightly, and he could only say helplessly: "One line is just an understatement. What I mean is, it's 100% sure. Do you understand now? Your sister can't die!"

Lan Xiaoyu felt a little relieved now, but her eyes still looked into the cave from time to time. Although she couldn't see anything, she still couldn't help it.

At the same time, inside the cave.

Ling Feng took over from Lan Xiaoyu and helped Lan Binger sit on the stone wall.

"Miss Lan, I apologize for any offence."

Lan Bing'er nodded weakly. In her current state, it would be difficult to stop Ling Feng.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and gently tore off the clothes on Lan Bing'er's left shoulder.

Lan Bing'er bit her silver teeth lightly. Although she knew that Ling Feng was treating her, she was still a little shy.

However, in Ling Feng's eyes, she is not a stunning beauty with icy muscles and jade bones.

The wound on Lan Bing'er's left shoulder had almost turned dark purple, and the poisonous blood gurgled out and turned into dark blue blood.

Under the guidance of her sky-scanning ice soul power, the poisonous gas had already invaded the internal organs, and the situation was very troublesome.

"There is really no common sense at all..."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. If it hadn't been for this woman's power of Xuntian Ice Soul to add fuel to the flames, this poison wouldn't have been so difficult to deal with.

"Miss Lan, the wounds on your body must be treated with golden needles first. Otherwise, if the poison gas attacks your heart, it will be hopeless."

Ling Feng said, gently tearing off a strip of cloth from his robe, covering his eyes, and then with another "chi" sound, he tore off the hem of Lan Bing'er's skirt on her calf.

The wounds on the left shoulder and calf need to be treated first.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng took out the golden needle from his arms and used the Etaixuan Vein Sealing Needle to seal the blood of the two wounds. Then he gave Lan Bing'er a life-protecting and heart-protecting pill. After doing all this, he Called Xiaodie out.

It is not impossible to use drugs to deal with the poison in Lan Bing'er's body, but having Xiaodie suck the poison away directly from her is naturally the most immediate way.

With a flash of dim light, Xiaodie flew out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

After a few years, Xiaodie has almost matured into a graceful and beautiful girl.

However, her skills are still as good as those of seven or eight years old, and her biggest hobby seems to be sleeping.

"Xiaodie, I have to trouble you again."

Ling Feng pointed at Lan Bing'er in front of him. Xiaodie's big bright eyes immediately burst out with bright energy.

The next moment, she saw the pair of small wings behind her "whispering" a few times and flying in front of Lan Bing'er. With a "ah woo", she directly bit the wound on Lan Bing'er's body.

For others, it may be a deadly poison, but for Xiaodie, it is nutrients that can nourish life.

"Gulu gulu..."

Xiaodie sucked it in happily, and the light golden light on her body kept flashing.

It seems that because the poison in Lan Bing'er's body is mixed with the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, when Xiaodie absorbs the poison in Lan Bing'er's body, it will inevitably absorb some of her mana.

After absorbing the power of these sky-scanning ice souls, Xiaodie is afraid that some kind of strange mutation will happen again.

Less than half an hour later, Xiaodie finished absorbing the toxin and became drowsy.

Ling Feng then took her back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, then took out a robe and put it on Lan Bing'er.

After doing all this, he untied the cloth covering his eyes, and saw that Lan Bing'er's complexion had basically returned to its original state, feeling much better.

"Thank you, Master, for saving me. Bing'er will never forget you."

Lan Bing'er stood up slowly and bowed to Ling Feng.

"It's a small effort, nothing worth mentioning."

Ling Feng supported Lan Bing'er, and her complexion returned to normal. She indeed looked as beautiful as heaven and earth, extremely charming.

Even Ling Feng was in a daze.

Of course, it's not because of Lan Bing'er's beauty, but because she is also from the Xantian Ice Clan, and her mother is also from the Xantian Ice Clan.

Lan Bing'er even had an inexplicable resemblance to the shadow of Ling Feng's mother whom he had seen before.

Lan Bing'er pursed her lips and chuckled a few times, but it was not because of Ling Feng's life-saving grace that she had any feelings.

Her skill and power are not inferior to those of men. She puts family first in everything, so naturally she will not put her children's personal relationships first.

In her opinion, Ling Feng's medical skills are so good that they may be of great use in the future. Since he is obsessed with his appearance, she might as well show a little ambiguity to him to firmly capture this man's charm. Heartbroken.

Unfortunately, she misjudged Ling Feng after all.

For Ling Feng, women would only affect the speed at which he drew his sword.

At least, most of them are.

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