Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3429: The East Coast of Xuanyuan! Siren Sacrifice!

"Okay, Brother Yan, Brother Lan, you can come in!"

Ling Feng shouted to the two people outside the cave, and the next moment, Lan Xiaoyu rushed into the cave as fast as possible.

After seeing her sister Lan Bing'er's complexion return to normal and her breathing gradually becoming stable, Lan Xiaoyu turned from worry to joy. First she jumped up and down excitedly, grabbed Ling Feng's hand, and shed tears of gratitude.

"Thank you, Brother Ling. Thank you, Brother Ling!"

Lan Xiaoyu grabbed Ling Feng's hand and shook it vigorously. It could be seen that he really cared about his sister.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "You're welcome, go see your sister."


Lan Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly, turned around and walked quickly towards Lan Bing'er, but her excited face turned impatient in an instant, and said with a hint of dissatisfaction: "Sister, you are so lucky, I thought From now on, I can get rid of your soul-destroying curse!"

This guy!

Ling Feng was secretly amused. He was such a tough-talking person.

However, this is probably a matter of flesh and blood.

"You heartless brat, if it weren't for you, could I be hurt?"

Lan Bing'er rolled her eyes at Lan Xiaoyu. Probably only in front of her biological brother would Lan Bing'er put down all her defenses and precautions.

At some point, Yan Jinghong had already walked to Ling Feng's side, turned to look at him, and said through his spiritual consciousness: "I didn't expect you to really be able to save her. After all, she is also a member of the Xantian clan."

"Anyway, my mother is also a member of the Sky Patrol Ice Clan."

Ling Feng responded in a deep voice.

Perhaps it is for this reason that although Ling Feng hates the Xuantian Clan, he loses his mind and quickly gets rid of them without seeing any of the Xantian Clan.

And based on the ancient scenes preserved in the fog of war that were seen on the top of the Ares Mountain in the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races.

At least, among the Xuntian clan, there are also those who are loyal to Ling Taixu, the ancestor of the Tiandao clan.

The truth behind the Xantian Clan's betrayal of the Tiandao Clan is still confusing.

Before knowing everything completely, there is no need to classify all the Xuntian clan as enemies.


Ling Feng coughed dryly, interrupted the two siblings who were fighting each other, and said in a loud voice: "You two, Miss Lan has just recovered from the poisonous injury. As a doctor, I should stay and take care of Miss Lan for a while. However, my companions are now lost in the Xuanyuan Cold Island, and their lives are uncertain. Therefore, I must say goodbye to a few of them and go to find the rest of my companions."

"Brother Yan also told me just now that you are a disciple of Tianzhi. You and your companions also came to the island to look for the Xuanhan Lingzhu."

Lan Xiaoyu turned around and walked up to Ling Feng. She bowed to him first to express her gratitude, and then said: "Since we all have the same purpose, let's go together. In addition, you saved my sister, so I will naturally do the same." It’s time to help you find your companions, so-called reciprocity!”


Ling Feng blinked, Lan Xiaoyu was a gentleman who knew how to repay kindness.

"Okay, thank you very much, Brother Lan."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and bowed to Lan Xiaoyu.

"Mr. Ling, my injuries are no longer harmful and I can move with you."

Lan Bing'er also slowly stood up and moved her body a little. Her blood flow started and her complexion gradually returned to rosy.

She moved lightly with her lotus steps, walked up to Ling Feng, and gave him a blessing, "I would like to thank Mr. Ling for saving my life."

"No need to be polite."

Ling Feng gently lifted up Lan Bing'er, nodded to her, let go of her elbow, turned around and strode out of the cave, saying as he walked: "Okay, let's set off now, they left before The direction should be the east coast of the island. "


Lan Xiaoyu's eyelids twitched and she blurted out: "That's not good!"

"What's wrong?"

"That's the lair of those sea monsters on the island!"

Ling Feng frowned and silently speeded up a bit.

About half an hour later, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived at the east coast area of ​​Xuanyuan Cold Island.

As Lan Xiaoyu said, this area is the home of those sea monsters with blue skin and ghostly faces.

I saw a huge beach with sirens patrolling everywhere with strange-shaped knives and forks.

And there are some cold clams the size of human heads everywhere, opening and closing, with blue-gold light emitting from them.

These rays of light are exactly what Leng Lingzhu emits!

However, these cold clams are obviously less than ten thousand years old.

Only the Leng Lingzhu bred by ten thousand years of cold clams can be called the Xuan Leng Lingzhu.

But since there are cold clams here, it proves that the Xuanhan Lingzhu is also in this area.

The auras of the sea monsters patrolling on the beach are not very strong, and they are probably only equivalent to those in the early stage of the mana realm.

Although there are a lot of them, they all look ordinary.

With Zhou Yan's overjoyed temperament, he might not be able to help but directly launch an offensive, hoping to kill these sea monsters and then search for ten thousand-year cold clams on the spot.

"These sea monsters look like they are weak soldiers and generals, but they are actually treacherous inside!"

Lan Xiaoyu frowned and said in a deep voice: "Under that beach, there are still some weird tentacles hidden. Once you break into that beach, you will be attacked by those tentacles, and once you are entangled by the tentacles, The mana will be sucked away and it will be difficult to escape.”

Lan Xiaoyu spoke in a clear and logical manner. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot before.

With the strength of Lan Xiaoyu's sister and brother, they could barely escape, and Lan Bing'er was also poisoned. It was obvious that this beach was indeed full of dangers.

If Zhou Yan and Xiao Xianling arrived here separately, they would probably have...

Ling Feng didn't dare to continue thinking, but his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ling, your companions are probably fine for the time being."

At this moment, Lan Xiaoyu said warmly: "When Xiaoyu and I fought with these sea monsters before, we vaguely heard them say that tonight, it seemed that there was a sacrificial ceremony within their clan, and they wanted to capture us. Go back and serve as a sacrifice. Since there is a sacrifice in the evening, your companions should be taken back for the time being, waiting for the sacrifice ceremony in the evening."

"That makes sense."

Ling Feng nodded and murmured to himself, "Is it a sacrificial ceremony?"

The next moment, Ling Feng frowned, thinking about it.


Yan Jinghong and others all looked at Ling Feng, "Do you have an idea?"

Lan Xiaoyu cautiously reminded: "Brother Ling, although the strength of the few of us together is not weak, it is very difficult to forcefully break into the opponent's lair and rescue people."

"I know."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Since breaking in by force is not possible, let's work together inside and outside and find someone to sneak in first."

"Sneak in? How?"

Lan Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, obviously not quite understanding what Ling Feng meant.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, then took out the "Qian Ji Bai Chang" and put it on his face. As he kneaded it, his face turned out to be exactly the same as those.

Then, his body squirmed, and a moment later, he completely transformed into a sea monster.

It's just that it still lacks some demonic energy.

But that's okay.

Ling Feng took out another demon-transforming pill.

Speaking of which, the recipe for this demon-transforming elixir can be traced back to the time when Ling Feng was at Tianwei Academy and studied alchemy and swordsmanship with Yan Cangtian.

Ling Feng took a sip and swallowed a demon-transforming pill. He immediately became demonic, like an out-and-out demon.

In fact, even the blue skin all over his body is imitated perfectly and is no different.

"Brother Ling, you?"

Siblings Lan Xiaoyu and Lan Bing'er stared at Ling Feng in disbelief with their eyes widened.

Does this guy still have this ability?

"Now, do I look like a siren?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, and then explained his plan, "Then, I will catch one of you, and then take you to the prison of these sea monsters in the name of holding sacrifices. As long as Join me and my companions, and with our combined strength, we will definitely be able to break through.”

"At that time, as long as I send out the signal, you will also create chaos outside. By then, these sea monsters will be overwhelmed and chaos will spread. We can also take advantage of the chaos to fish in troubled waters, rescue my companions, and maybe capture the mysterious cold spirit at the same time. Pearl!”

"good idea!"

Lan Xiaoyu, Lan Bing'er and Yan Jinghong secretly admired it at the same time.

In such a short period of time, Ling Feng could come up with such a clever plan!

It’s really amazing!

"But there is another question. Who should I escort to sneak into the Kraken's lair?"

Ling Feng looked at the three of them, "When the time comes to fall into the hands of these sea monsters, I will inevitably suffer some humiliation, punches and kicks, but no matter what happens, I must endure it, otherwise, I'm afraid all my previous efforts will be wasted!"


Lan Xiaoyu hesitated a little. It wasn't that he was timid, but because of his temperament, he might not be able to endure repeated humiliations.


Yan Jinghong glanced at Lan Xiaoyu, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Lan Bing'er.

"I'll do it."

Lan Bing'er bit her silver teeth and said, "I was poisoned before, and now I look the weakest. If you take me back, you can gain the trust of those sea monsters, right?"


Lan Xiaoyu quickly grabbed Lan Bing'er and said, "I'll go, let me go. At worst, I'll be beaten to death without saying a word."

"From an emotional point of view, it is indeed inappropriate for Miss Lan to be a prisoner, but from a rational point of view, it is more reasonable for her to accidentally be caught by a 'little minion' like me."

Ling Feng frowned and hesitated.

"If that's the case, then let's settle it."

Lan Bing'er took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "Master Ling, then, my life will be in your hands again!"

"Don't worry, Miss Lan, I won't let anything happen to you."

Ling Feng nodded heavily and took another high look at Lan Bing'er.

He is a hero among women, and he is not inferior to men. This is probably the kind of man he is.

However, the burden on his shoulders was a little heavier at the moment.

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