Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3430 Successful infiltration!

About half an hour later, everything was ready.

Ling Feng followed the description given by Lan Xiaoyu's sister and brother and roughly described the appearance of a sea monster they killed when they had a scuffle with those sea monsters.

Ling Feng, with the help of his ever-changing ability, completely transformed into a sea monster.

Then, he took out another hemp rope and tied up Lan Bing'er. He even applied some diluted siren poison on Xiao Xianling's wound, making her complexion look even paler.

"Brother Yan, Brother Lan, this is the transmission signal. When I rescue my companions, I will send you a signal, and you will create chaos outside at the same time to help us escape from the siren's lair."

Ling Feng said and handed a magic talisman to Yan Jinghong.

Yan Jinghong carefully put it away and nodded heavily to Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, my sister's life is in your hands!"

Lan Xiaoyu looked at Lan Bing'er with a slightly worried look.

"rest assured."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Lan Xiaoyu's shoulder, then took the rope that tied Lan Bing'er and walked quickly towards the east coast beach.

Not long after, when Ling Feng and the two were about to enter the patrol range of the sirens, Ling Feng lowered his voice and whispered in Lan Bing'er's ear, "Miss Lan, I'm offended!"

Lan Bing'er's eyelids twitched, but before she could react, Ling Feng suddenly pulled the rope, causing her body to stumble and almost fall to the ground.

"Be honest and hurry up!"

Ling Feng had a fierce look on his face, and he was already quite into the drama.

Lan Bing'er glanced at Ling Feng with some resentment, but Ling Feng had completely entered the role of the siren and kicked Lan Bing'er in the abdomen, "Hurry up, wait and see!"

Lan Bing'er was kicked so hard that she almost vomited blood. This guy was just acting, was it necessary to use so much force?

If you don’t know, you really want to think of him as a complete siren.

Lan Xiaoyu, who was lurking in the dark, almost jumped out when she saw this scene, but was held down by Yan Jinghong.

"Brother Lan, I have spoken out before. If you can't bear it, you will mess up your big plan!"

"Okay, I will bear it! I will bear it!"

Lan Xiaoyu gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, remembering that when her sister was patrolling the Ice Clan, she was the proud daughter of heaven, and now she was beaten and kicked like this.

Even if it's acting, it doesn't have to be so realistic.

And soon, the noise caused by Ling Feng immediately alerted the sirens patrolling the beach.

In an instant, a dozen ghost-faced sea monsters holding steel forks quickly surrounded him.

But when he saw the person coming, one of the squad leaders immediately came up to him with a smile, "Aznar, your kid is not dead?"


Ling Feng immediately realized that the name he was pretending to be was Aznar.

"Haha, I got separated from everyone, but I was lucky enough to catch this little human girl!"

Ling Feng said, and stretched out his blue palm, grabbed Lan Bing'er's chin, and said with a smile: "Look at this little girl, she is so tender!"

"It turns out to be this chick."

The team leader obviously recognized Lan Bing'er as the woman they had fought with before, and immediately sneered, "You are quite lucky. You were poisoned by the poison of our Youlan Sea Clan, and you are still alive to this day? "

As he spoke, the squad leader slapped Lan Bing'er hard on the cheek, causing her fair little face to swell up.

"Weren't you very capable and crazy before? You even killed many of us!"

The more the team leader talked, the more excited he became. He slapped Lan Binger a few more times, beating Lan Bing'er to pieces.

"That's right, this stinky bitch is so fierce and fierce!"

Ling Feng was also rude and kicked Lan Bing'er until blood spurted out. He didn't give up.

However, Ling Feng's every kick seemed to be extremely cruel, but in fact, all of it avoided vital points.

Although it hurt a little, there was actually no internal injury.

With Lan Bing'er's physical condition, she will basically be fine after a while.

In addition, Lan Bing'er has always been a stunning beauty. If other sea monsters have any evil thoughts, Ling Feng's plan will inevitably have to be stopped.

Therefore, Ling Feng deliberately beat Lan Bing'er until she vomited blood and made her look like a human being. As a result, those sea monsters might not be interested anymore.

This was done as a last resort to protect Lan Bing'er.

"Okay, okay!"

When the team leader saw Ling Feng kicking Lan Bing'er so much that she lost the air, he lost interest in continuing to torture Lan Bing'er. Instead, he reached out and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, "You kid, you really don't have the slightest bit of air." You don’t know how to show mercy to your beauty, this little girl is so pretty, you’ve ruined her!”

"Hey, this woman is just a bitch! She just wants to be whipped and beaten!"

Ling Feng grinned.

For a moment, the sea monsters around them all burst into laughter.

"Okay, stop it, don't be crippled! Save the night as a living sacrifice!"

After Ling Feng's superb performance, the team leader obviously did not doubt Ling Feng's identity at all. He waved, and the patrolling sirens around him performed their duties and returned to their respective positions.

"Aznar, Adoken, you two, put this woman in the third layer of ice prison and lock her up with the other living sacrifices. Come out together at night to sacrifice to the God of the Blue Sea!"

"Yes, Captain Muras!"

Adoken raised his right hand and put it on his chest, bowing to the captain.

"Yes, Captain Muras!"

Ling Feng also followed suit, and at the same time he was already sure in his heart that Zhou Yan and the others must have been captured into the dungeon of these sea monsters who claimed to be the Youlan Sea Clan.

As for Xiao Xianling, Mo Yurou and Cheng Tianyong...

They are much stronger than Zhou Yan and others, so they may not necessarily be caught.

But at this moment, he had lost contact with Cheng Tianyong and the others, and he could only find a way to sneak into the Youlanhai clan's lair first.

"Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, get up!"

Ling Feng tugged hard on the rope, and then dragged poor Lan Bing'er, along with Adokken, into the lair of the Youlan Sea Clan, heading towards the third layer of ice prison.

In the distance, Yan Jinghong and Lan Xiaoyu looked at each other.

"It looks like they succeeded!"

Yan Jinghong said in a deep voice.

Lan Xiaoyu, on the other hand, felt her teeth itching with hatred, muttering secretly in her heart: Damn brat, you actually beat my sister so hard! When you come out, I...

Lan Xiaoyu really wanted to give Ling Feng a few kicks, but when she thought about it carefully, he saved her sister's life.

This is also for planning. The so-called caring leads to chaos. It seems that I am just like my sister said. I am too impulsive to be successful!

Speaking of which, my sister is really tolerant. If it were me, I'm afraid she would have exploded.

The inner passages in the Blue Sea Tribe's lair are intricate and complicated. If Adoken hadn't been there to guide the way, outsiders would have gotten lost here if they had broken in by mistake.

"Hey, Aznar, you are so lucky. We thought you were dead before."

Bored, Adoken was leading the way, turning his head from time to time. He didn't know whether it was to talk to Ling Feng or to steal a glance at Lan Bing'er.

Adoken's figure looks a little thin. Compared with other sirens, he is also a very thin and inconspicuous existence.

However, he was quite kind-hearted. When he saw Lan Bing'er being dragged by Ling Feng, he followed suit and staggered. Therefore, when leading the way, he deliberately slowed down so that Lan Bing'er would not be too embarrassed.

They even couldn't help but sigh, "Actually, the sea people are also living beings, and the human race is also a living being. They just want some cold spirit beads. There is no need to use them as living sacrifices!"

Ling Feng was secretly surprised. It seemed that not all of the Youlan Sea Clan were cruel and murderous people.

Originally, Ling Feng's plan was that after rescuing Zhou Yan and the others, Adokken would naturally not be allowed to stay.

But because of this guy's kindness, Ling Feng didn't mind letting him go.

Ling Feng smiled casually and said, "You are so naive, kid!"

"I'm naive, maybe. My father often says this, but I think since we all live in this world, isn't it possible for us to coexist peacefully?"

"Although my father has always said that it is those immortal tribes who have always rejected us, the descendants of the ancient demon, and treated us as slaves, which forced us to hide in the Xuanyuan Cold Island, but if we all continue to hate each other like this , it will never be possible to change this situation.”

Ling Feng blinked and looked at Adoken in surprise.

Unexpectedly, such an ordinary sea monster could actually say such a thing.

It's a pity that the situation of the descendants of the ancient demon in the Immortal Realm can't be easily changed?

Even if she was as strong as Po Meng, she could not only choose to hide in a place like Santu River and run her Wangchuan Station.

As for Lan Bing'er, although she lowered her head, there was a strange look in her eyes.

Perhaps, as a member of the Xantian clan and a superior race, Adokken's words also made her feel a little introspective.

"Haha, Aznar, you must think I'm annoying. Sorry, I talked a bit too much today."

Adoken scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, then said no more and led Ling Feng forward slowly.

Not long after, Adoken stopped outside a cold cave and whispered: "Here we are, this is the third layer of ice prison. You will all become living sacrifices in the sacrificial ceremony at night. I will go I’ll prepare some food for you. It’s better to be a well-fed ghost than a starving ghost.”

However, before he could turn around, his vision went dark and he collapsed.

But it was Ling Feng who knocked him unconscious with a strike of his hand.

"Sorry, Adokken, please rest here for a while."

Ling Feng helped Adoken aside, then pulled Lan Bing'er and entered the ice prison together.

Ling Feng had already checked that there were only two guards guarding the ice prison door, and their strength was not very good. Ling Feng and Lan Bing'er shot at the same time, one left and one right, and they could kill them instantly.

The most important thing is that Ling Feng has seen that in the prison, there are not only Zhou Yan, but also Huan Shen Qianjue and Nangong Ziling.

Even Xiao Xianling, Mo Yurou and Cheng Tianyong were inside.

Good guy, he was served directly from the pot.

However, although they looked embarrassed and injured, luckily, their lives were not in danger.

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