Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3431: Kill gods when you meet them, kill ghosts when you meet them!



Ling Feng and Lan Bing'er looked at each other, exchanged glances, and immediately moved to the left and right at the same time!

In the dark dungeon, only two shadows were seen. The two guards guarding the dungeon were immediately defeated by Ling Feng and Lan Bing'er. They were already lost before they could even see the appearance of the person coming clearly. consciousness.

"Be merciful..."

Ling Feng knocked out the guard on the left with one palm. He seemed to have thought of something again and quickly shouted to Lan Bing'er. Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

Lan Bing'er took action and killed the guard with one blow. The guard on the right had his neck broken and his life was completely cut off.

"excuse me, I……"

Lan Bing'er also realized that her attack seemed a bit too harsh, and gave Ling Feng a slightly apologetic look.

"That's all, there's nothing wrong with what you did."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Perhaps he was also affected by Adoken's words just now and became a bit more womanly.

At this moment, several people who were imprisoned in the prison were a little surprised when they saw the scene outside.

What's going on? Why did a sea monster and a human woman suddenly appear here and attack the guards here?

Could it be that there are any factions fighting within the Kraken?

Just when everyone was shocked, the Siren Warrior pretended by Ling Feng tore off the changes on his face and restored his original appearance.

"Brother Ling?"


For a moment, everyone in the cell widened their eyes and stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

"You...why are you here? Who is she?"

Xiao Xianling stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, and even rubbed her eyes, wondering if she had seen it wrong.

"Her name is Lan Bing'er. We don't have time to explain so much now. Let's leave here first."

Ling Feng briefly introduced Lan Bing'er's name, then raised his hand and opened the door of the cell, saying in a deep voice: "Follow me!"

"How can a mere cell door trap us?"

Xiao Xianling looked helpless, "We have all been poisoned and our magic power cannot function. You can't escape with us."

But it turned out that at the beginning, Zhou Yan and others quickly found the east bank. After discovering the cold clams, they immediately became excited.

He also found that there were only some patrolling sea monsters in the early stage of the mana realm on the beach. Zhou Yan couldn't help but rushed out immediately, preparing to take the Xuanhan Lingzhu directly back to grab the top spot first.

Nangong Ziling beside him couldn't persuade him at all, so he fell into the trap of the monster hidden under the beach and was directly entangled by its tentacles.

As a last resort, Nangong Ziling and Fantasy God Qianjue had no choice but to come to the rescue, and the result was of course one can imagine.

Although the Phantom God Qianjue is very powerful, not only possessing the avenue of power, but also having a guardian spirit to protect his body, he is still unable to defeat four hands with just two fists, not to mention hundreds of sea monsters lurking under the beach. The tentacle monster.

In the end, Illusion God Qianjue tried his best to hold back a group of sea monsters, allowing General Nangong Ziling to escape. However, Nangong Ziling was still caught up by those who wanted to pursue him.

And just when Nangong Ziling was being chased and intercepted by those who wanted to pursue him, he was fortunately encountered by Xiao Xianling and his party who were going to the rescue, and they managed to escape.

However, after Xiao Xianling heard that Zhou Yan and Huan Shen Qianjue were caught, she didn't have much to worry about and immediately decided to go back and carry out rescue.

It's a pity that no one was rescued in the end, and all of them were served in a pot. They were eventually imprisoned and imprisoned here.

"You should leave quickly and leave us alone."

Xiao Xianling sighed softly, gritted her teeth and said: "Among these sea monsters, there are also very powerful beings. I am afraid they are not inferior to our Tianzhi's Liuyu Jiuyao. Anyway, you leave quickly. If you are discovered, you also run away." No more!”

"Poisoning is nothing. As long as you leave here, I can detoxify it for you."

Ling Feng made a secret and directly opened the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and said in a deep voice: "You all will temporarily enter my space magic weapon to rest, and leave the rest to me and Miss Lan."

Although there were some deviations from the plan, Ling Feng did not expect that Xiao Xianling and the others would all lose their ability to fight.

This undoubtedly makes it more difficult to escape from this place.

However, now that the matter has come to this, we can only bite the bullet.


Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth and had no choice but to obey Ling Feng's arrangement.

"Damn it, it's all my fault. If I hadn't lost my temper..."

Zhou Yan clenched his fists and punched the surrounding ice wall with a bang. His face was full of remorse, his eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If it weren't for me, I wouldn't have put everyone in trouble!"

"Okay, now is not the time to be downhearted!"

Ling Feng patted his shoulder and immediately signaled everyone to quickly enter his Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Although there is no help from Xiao Xianling and others, Lan Bing'er's strength is definitely at the level of Six Imperial Guards.

However, her current state...

Ling Feng clenched his fists, hoping to escape from here smoothly.

As for the Xuanhan Lingzhu, we can only think of countermeasures.

"I don't have to go in."

Everyone entered the Five Elements Palace one after another, but when it came to Cheng Tianyong, he narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I'm not poisoned. In fact, my physique has long been immune to all poisons. I was caught by them on purpose. I was thinking about how to be a hero and save everyone, but you got there first."


Ling Feng didn't seem surprised by this.

Cheng Tianyong had said before that after he was driven out of Tianyong City, he met an alchemist who used him to test various poisons.

Although what he said may not be entirely true, he should not have lied about this part.

It is natural that Cheng Tianyong has a resistance to poisons beyond ordinary people.

"Then, next, Miss Lan, Brother Cheng, the three of us will kill gods and slay ghosts when we meet them!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said word by word.

"Kill gods if you meet them, slay ghosts if you meet them!"

Cheng Tianyong and Lan Bing'er also took a deep breath, their eyes bursting with fighting spirit.

Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and then he took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, activated the inscription on it, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Yan, you can start to act!"


Yan Jinghong's very straightforward answer came from the talisman.

The voice was cut off, and Ling Feng knew that with Yan Jinghong's swift and decisive style, he should have taken action the moment he lost contact with him.

Since they already knew the threat under the beach, they should be able to hold on until they can reunite with him if they are prepared.

At the same time, inside the sea monster's lair, it seemed that because Ling Feng had just broken the prison's barrier, although he and Lan Bing'er had solved the two guards in the first time, they still alarmed the guards on the upper level of the ice prison.

Not far away, there was already a solemn sound of killing.

The next moment, outside the ice prison, a large group of blue sea monsters holding steel forks have surrounded the third ice prison.

What we have to face next is probably a tough battle!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and a flash of fire flashed in his hand, and all the ten directions were annihilated, and they had already slipped into his palm.

"So there are accomplices, just right, catch them all and sacrifice to the God of the Blue Sea!"

The leading sea monster captain waved his hand, and then a large group of sea monsters swarmed in like a tide.

Fortunately, the entrance to the third ice prison is narrow, and at most three to five sea monsters can rush in at the same time.

This gave Ling Feng and his men an extra natural barrier that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As long as they defend this prison door, no matter how many sea monsters there are, they can only attack from the front at most.

The three looked at each other and immediately showed their magical powers. No matter how fierce the attack was, they must defend this gate.

At the same time, on the beach on the east coast.

Yan Jinghong and Lan Xiaoyu turned into two ice storms, and in an instant, they had caused terrible casualties on the shore.

They knew that there were giant monster tentacles under the beach, so they did not touch the ground at all, creating various storms and ice and snow in the air. Their purpose was to create chaos so that the Youlan Sea Clan would have to send more tribesmen to deal with them, so as to reduce the pressure on Ling Feng and his team.

It must be said that their methods were indeed very effective.

Soon, the leader of the sea monsters who besieged Ling Feng and his team in the third layer of the ice prison received instructions that they must divide their forces into two and suppress the enemies inside the ice prison as soon as possible to avoid delaying the evening sacrificial ceremony.

"What a cunning human!"

The leader of the sea monsters, how could he not understand that the chaos outside must have been created by these human accomplices.

"Soros, I leave this to you. Let the ordinary guards retreat first. Those are not ordinary people. Only you, the Golden Blood Guards, can deal with them!"

The leader of the sea monster gave an order to a sea monster beside him who was burly and had a dark red mark on his forehead, which looked like a red cloud. Then he took half of his tribe to support the East Coast Beach.

The sea monster named Soros had a creepy cold light in his eyes, and then he waved his hand and let out a creepy roar, "Retreat, let us, the Golden Blood Guards, deal with these humans!"

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