Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3435: Master, I won’t pretend anymore, I’m going to show my cards!

Whoosh whoosh!

Three black lights flashed, and the three railings forming the iron cage were seen shooting out like sharp arrows.




There were three sounds of friction piercing through flesh and blood. The next moment, when everyone reacted, the three Kraken warriors carrying the iron cage were directly penetrated by the railing from their abdomens and were firmly nailed to the ground.

Dark blue blood gurgled out from the wounds in their abdomens, and the power of Xuntian's ice soul directly froze their internal organs, then turned into ice shards and shattered. They looked like they would not survive.


The huge iron cage fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.

In the stunned and astonished gazes of all the Blue Sea people, an icy blue figure slowly rose up from the smoke.

"Master, I won't pretend anymore, I'm showing my cards!"

Lan Xiaoyu touched the ground with one foot, jumped up very gracefully, and landed very smoothly on the top railing of the iron cage.

Although the whole body was still tied with thick ropes, and none of the handcuffs and shackles were loosened, he looked indescribably free and unruly.

"Even if my magic power is sealed, I can control any metal with just my thoughts. Didn't you expect that?"

Lan Xiaoyu smiled proudly, "I can control all the pots and pans in this sacrificial ceremony, and even the weapons in your hands, as I wish!"

As he spoke, the shackles on Lan Xiaoyu's hands suddenly deformed in an exaggerated manner. The shackles that originally just held his wrists became extremely loose in an instant.

As long as Lan Xiaoyu reaches out her hand, she will automatically slip out of the shackles.

Then, as soon as he turned around, his eyes were so focused that Lan Bing'er, Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong, etc. all had their shackles loosened automatically.


Immediately afterwards, figures jumped out from the cage. The moment they were released from the shackles, a light gray shadow shot out from the body of the illusory god Qianjue.

That is the guardian spirit of Huan Shen Qian Jue, a powerful spiritual body that incorporates the will of the Huan Shen clan's ancestors.

Bang bang bang!

The gray shadow flashed, and all the ropes made of special materials came loose and fell down.

In fact, even the blood sea seals in their bodies were completely wiped away.

At this point, all the restraints and seals were completely lifted, and everyone regained all their fighting power!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, he didn't expect that the guardian spirit of the Phantom God Qianjue actually had such wonderful qualities.

However, his power of chaos is not bad either. In fact, he had already lifted the seal early.


Seeing that these "living sacrifices" not only lifted the seal, but also made a grand sacrificial ceremony, the Siren Clan leader was instantly trembling with anger.

"Golden Blood Guard!"

The leader of the Siren clan shouted violently, his eyes were about to burst, and he stared at Ling Feng and everyone, "Catch them! Quick!"

The next moment, the eighteen Golden Blood Guards headed by Thoros all flew out and surrounded Ling Feng and others.

Even if they lift the seal and regain their fighting strength, so what?

But they are still a group of defeated generals.

They can capture these humans alive once, and they can capture them a second time.

There won't be any changes in the ending!

"My defeated general must be captured quickly!"

Thoros shouted low, and a pair of cold eyes swept over everyone.

The auras of the eighteen golden blood guards blended together perfectly.

Eighteen people in one, even if ordinary immortals come, they will not be able to take any advantage, let alone these juniors who are not as talented as the Tao Fruit Realm Immortal Lord.

"That time doesn't count! I just knew nothing about your abilities before, so I fell in love with you, but this time it's different!"

Lan Xiaoyu was obviously dissatisfied. In the previous battle, he underestimated the enemy and was careless. In addition, he had consumed a lot of mana in order to create chaos.

"Then try again?"

Thoros laughed strangely, and with a big move, eighteen golden blood guards took action at the same time.

It's the same power of the sea of ​​blood, and it's the same sealing formation.

Although they are all the third child, they are indeed difficult to deal with!

The next moment, Lan Xiaoyu, Lan Bing'er, and Yan Jinghong took action at the same time. The three of them were all from the Xantian Ice Clan. The power of the Xantian Ice Soul came from the same lineage. If the three of them joined forces, they could also use each other's Xantian Ice Soul. The power is stimulated to the extreme.

As for other people's mana, it does not have the same effect, and forced fusion has no meaning.

On the other side, Xiao Xianling, Mo Yurou, Cheng Tianyong, Huan Shen Qianjue, Zhou Yan, and Nangong Ziling also used their own methods. They all adopted strategies to defeat each other.

Since the opponent is eighteen in one, then as long as one of them is broken, the opponent's formation can be disrupted and their strength will be greatly reduced.

It's a good idea, but unfortunately, the eighteen golden blood guards are integrated with offense and defense. Not only do they combine the power of the eighteen blood guards to attack together, but they also completely integrate defense.

Anywhere they attack is equivalent to dispersing the explosive power into eighteen parts and transferring it to each Golden Blood Guard to withstand it.

Originally, each of the Golden Blood Guards almost had a combat power comparable to that of the Six Imperial Guards. With such a fusion, even the most destructive power of the fusion of the Lan family siblings and Yan Jinghong could not break through the Golden Blood Guards. formation.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, but he was the only one in the audience who had not taken any action.

The others struggled to fight with the Golden Blood Guard, but Ling Feng turned his gaze to the "God of the Blue Sea" on the altar.

He knew that even if everyone regained their fighting strength, it would only be delaying time.

With their strength, they can barely cope with the Golden Blood Guard, but you must know that this is the home base of the Youlan Sea Tribe.

The Golden Blood Guard may be the strongest combat force on the surface of the Youlan Sea Clan, but Ling Feng has already seen that the strength of the Kraken Clan Leader is probably greater than the combined combat power of the eighteen Golden Blood Guards.

The clan leader has not taken action so far because he believes that the Golden Blood Guard is more than enough to deal with Lan Xiaoyu and the others.

But once he finds that something is wrong, the old guy will definitely strike out.

At that time, everyone is afraid that they will still die.

The only turning point lies in the "God of the Blue Sea".

As long as the "God of the Blue Sea" is subdued, all situations can be reversed!

Although that woman is just a puppet, at this moment, since the so-called God of the Blue Sea is integrated with this puppet, then, this puppet, she is the God of the Blue Sea.

It is the god that all the Youlanhai people believe in.

All the Blue Sea people, including the eighteen Golden Blood Guards, would never dare to offend the God of the Blue Sea in any way.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looking for an opportunity.

Looking for an opportunity to break through the blockade in an instant and approach the "God of the Blue Sea".

Bang bang bang!

Yan Jinghong, Lan Xiaoyu, Lan Bing'er, Xiao Xianling and others all used their methods. After all, this time it was to save their lives, and no one continued to hide them. Suddenly, magic weapons appeared frequently, and rare treasures appeared. The flurry of dancing actually gave the eighteen golden blood guards a huge headache.

Even when dealing with those immortals, it seems that they are not as difficult to deal with as these guys in front of them.

In the radiance that filled the sky, a bright light suddenly flashed in Ling Feng's eyes!

The opportunity has come!

He took a deep breath, and a hint of purple appeared in his eyes.

The time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong in his spiritual sea suddenly flickered and jumped.

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure appeared behind the "God of the Blue Sea".

The cold sword edge was slowly raised and pointed at the "God of the Blue Sea".

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