Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3436 I believe you!

In the midst of lightning and flint, Ling Feng used the laws of time and space to pounce directly behind the God of the Blue Sea. This move undoubtedly greatly inspired the people who were fighting hard.

"Catch the thief first, capture the king, how clever!"

Lan Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and he, who always had his eyes on top of his head, couldn't help but admire Ling Feng.

"No wonder that brat hasn't taken any action, so he has hidden this trick!"

Xiao Xianling also showed a hint of ecstasy.

If Ling Feng succeeds in his sneak attack on the "God of the Blue Sea", as long as he has this hostage in hand, then the sirens of the Blue Sea Clan will naturally not dare to act rashly again.

However, the opponent is the "God of the Blue Sea" after all. Although it is just a puppet, can Ling Feng really subdue him so easily?

Everyone felt mixed feelings for a while, but no matter what, this was the only chance to turn things around.

"Boy, how dare you!"

The eighteen golden blood guards immediately widened their eyes, and Thoros' expression changed even more. He immediately ordered the other blood guards to abandon Xiao Xianling and the others and go straight to Lingfeng.

It's a pity that the formation originally intended to block Xiao Xianling and the others was disrupted now, and their ability to defend and attack was greatly reduced.

How could anyone give up this opportunity?

A cold light flashed in Yan Jinghong's eyes, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Want to leave?"

The frost-bitten Forest Sword in his hand swung the sword's edge, and a hundred-foot-long frost sword light directly blocked the world, forcibly intercepting all eighteen Golden Blood Guards.

At the same time, the body of Illusory God Qian Jue also swelled up against the storm, transforming into a little giant more than three feet tall. He punched out and shattered the void.

The avenue of power is extremely domineering, and one force can defeat all laws.

"What a tyrannical force!"

Lan Xiaoyu's eyes lit up. She didn't expect to see so many weird geniuses when she came out this time.

Although their origins and realm may not be comparable to mine for the time being.

However, the talents they displayed were enough to surprise even him, a direct bloodline of the Sky Patrol Ice Tribe.

Cheng Tianyong was even more cunning. He retreated to a safe corner and threw out a fist-sized bead. With the sound of a mechanical spring turning, the fist-sized bead turned into a clever puppet. Not only Strong and durable, there are two crystal energy cannons hidden in the elbows on both sides of the puppet.

As soon as the cannon was blasted out, not even the Golden Blood Guard dared to take advantage of it.

As for Mo Yu and Xiao Xianling, although their actual combat abilities are a bit inferior, they can't withstand the abundance of treasures. Their Yuling Pills combine offense and defense, especially in blocking roads, and they have no skills at all.

All you need to do is hide within the light shield of Yulingwan and block the opponent's path, and the opponent will have to retreat.

Otherwise, the terrifying twisting and tearing force of the high-speed rotating Yuling Pill will directly tear any approaching object into pieces.

The formation was in chaos, and even with the strength of the Golden Blood Guard, there was nothing they could do about Yu Ling Wan, so they had no choice but to retreat.

Geniuses from all walks of life showed their magical powers and intercepted all the Golden Blood Guards for a while.

The next step is to see whether Ling Feng can successfully subdue the God of the Blue Sea.

"Those guys reacted quickly enough!"

There was a slight arc at the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. Although he did not look back, he knew that the reason why the Golden Blood Guards had not come up to stop him must have been held back by his companions.

Everyone is trying to buy time for themselves regardless of the cost, so no matter what, they are only allowed to succeed and not fail!

However, the method Ling Feng adopted was not a forceful attack.

Although the "God of the Blue Sea" in front of him is just a puppet, after all, it is integrated with the power of the God of the Blue Sea and has power beyond ordinary immortals.

Unless he directly used the power of Meng Po's soul to crush her instantly, it would be impossible for him to compete with this "God of the Blue Sea".

But the moment he saw the eyes of this puppet that was fused with the power of the "God of the Blue Sea", he gave up the plan.

From her eyes, Ling Feng clearly saw a trace of struggle and a trace of resistance.

Therefore, Ling Feng wanted to take a gamble.

As a result, Ling Feng slowly lowered his raised sword, and was replaced by a rhetorical question.

"You can clearly be the spokesperson of the God of the Blue Sea who controls the entire clan, but you choose to become the clan leader's puppet? Are you really willing?"

In an instant, the girl who became the vessel for the power of the God of the Blue Sea and the puppet showed a hint of unwillingness.

Ling Feng felt happy that the other party didn't take action, so his guess seemed to be correct.

The reason why this girl became a puppet may not be entirely willing.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng immediately struck while the iron was hot and continued to attack his heart, "This is not the first time for the Youlan Sea Clan to perform a sacrificial ceremony, but every time I stand on this altar, the container that is called the spokesperson of the gods, Is it different every time?”

"what do you want to say?"

The God of the Blue Sea gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng.

Got it right again!

Ling Feng felt ecstatic again. Judging from the reaction of the God of the Blue Sea, his bold speculation was indeed true.

Then, it's time for him to play freely.

"Don't you find it strange? Why do the spokespersons change every time, but your clan leader is reborn every time, not only gaining stronger power, but also gaining the vitality of youth!"

Ling Feng stared into the eyes of the girl who was the God of the Blue Sea, and said with a mocking expression: "You think you can become the spokesperson of the God of the Blue Sea, but you don't know that you are just a tool used by the patriarch to gain power. After the sacrifice ceremony is over, you will be A waste product with no use value, your fate will not be any better than that of the human beings who are used as living sacrifices. And your great clan leader may also tell you, the subjects of the Youlan Sea Clan, in the most high-sounding words, Say you are following the great God of the Blue Sea!”

The girl clenched her fists. She was the proud daughter of the Blue Sea Clan. She was selected as a saint since she was a child. What she was waiting for was this moment, the moment when she would merge with the power of the God of the Blue Sea.

This is her mission, and it is also something she has longed for all the time since she was sensible.

However, until one day, her aunt and her sister repeated the great moments experienced by the saints of the past generations. Later, they all grew old and died in a short period of time.

Her belief also began to waver slightly at that moment.

Could it be that this is the mission of being a saint?

How sad!

great? Sublime?

That's just because the person who sacrificed his life is not you!

She gritted her teeth, she didn't want to die like her sister, and she didn't want to see the girls in the temple follow in her footsteps.

"No! I won't give in!"

The girl's eyes were determined and angry.

"I won't give in! I won't give in! I won't give in!!!"

She repeated these words, her ice blue eyes even turning red with anger.

"So, we should cooperate, I help you, you help me!"

Ling Feng Shifang Jiannie withdrew, with a sincere smile on his face, "When I was captured into the Youlan Sea Tribe's lair, I heard that some of your tribesmen actually don't want to be enemies of humans forever. They just want to live a peaceful life. Why can't we try to live in peace? Why let the stubborn old guy like the patriarch continue to dominate the younger generation of the Youlanhai tribe? Cause unnecessary casualties?”

"Times have changed! If you are willing to believe in me, I will become your most loyal companion, the most loyal companion of the Blue Sea Clan!"

Ling Feng looked sincere and extended a palm to the "God of the Blue Sea".

"I trust you!"

Without excessive hesitation, the girl reached out and held Ling Feng's hand tightly.

She looked at Ling Feng in confusion and gritted her teeth, "Then... what should we do next?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, retracted his palm, took a few steps back, and then bowed to the girl. At the same time, he whispered: "Don't forget, you are the God of the Blue Sea! You are the god of all the Blue Sea people." Faith in my heart!”

The girl's eyes lit up and she reacted immediately.

She gritted her silver teeth and said loudly: "Stop! Don't fight anymore!"

The gentle and slightly majestic voice lifted the spirits of all the Blue Sea people.

The eighteen golden blood guards were also slightly startled, but they soon stopped attacking.

To them, the words of the God of the Blue Sea are the decrees of the gods and cannot be disobeyed.

"Holy shit?"

Cheng Tianyong, Lan Xiaoyu, Zhou Yan and others were all dumbfounded.

What's going on? This is a little different from the imagined uniform.

However, it seems to be a uniform, but I don't know what method Ling Feng used to actually change the "God of the Blue Sea" and turn his gun to help him?

Could it be that she covets his beauty...ahem, male lust?

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