Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3437 Divine power and royal power!

"Great Blue Sea God, do you have any instructions?"

Soros, the leader of the Golden Blood Guard, held one hand in front of his chest and bowed 90 degrees in the direction of the Blue Sea God. He was pious and sincere. The Blue Sea Clan would unconditionally execute any instructions of the Blue Sea God.

At this moment, the face of the Siren Clan leader, who had been standing on a huge rock platform, changed slightly.

He was the leader behind the entire sacrificial ceremony. The Blue Sea God was just a puppet in his hand.

But now, this puppet actually had a rebellious heart and dared not to act according to his orders?

But at this moment, he was already in a difficult situation.

That puppet, even if it was just a puppet, was pushed to that position by himself, fused with a trace of the Blue Sea God's divine power, and became the spokesperson of the Blue Sea God.

In the eyes of the Blue Sea Clan, she was the incarnation of the Blue Sea God and the faith of the entire Blue Sea Clan.

Even as the chief of the clan, he could not offend the authority of the Blue Sea God.

Thinking of this, the chief of the Siren clan clenched his fists tightly, and a trace of anger floated in his cold eyes.

However, he endured it.

"These humans are guests of our Blue Sea Clan, and we must not attack them again."

The Blue Sea God said, raised his eyes and looked at Ling Feng again. Ling Feng cast an encouraging look at her, indicating that she was right.

The Blue Sea God was encouraged, and the fact that the Golden Blood Guards obeyed her orders also gave her some confidence.

The human boy in front of him was right.

Instead of being a puppet, being abandoned after losing its usefulness and being left to fend for itself, it is better to take control of your own destiny.

Now, I am the Blue Sea God!


Soros and a group of Golden Blood Guards, and even the people of the entire Blue Sea Clan, looked at Ling Feng and his group with eyes that changed from anger and hatred to gentleness, calmness, and even a trace of envy.

Only the leader of the Siren Clan clenched his fists tightly, cursing in his heart: This bitch dared to act on her own!

His head drooped more and more, and the expression on his face was even more gloomy and terrifying.

But he still chose to endure it.

"Namiya, you bitch, do you think that you have merged a trace of the power of the God of the Blue Sea, and you are really the God of the Blue Sea?"

The Siren Clan sneered in his heart. The merged power of the God of the Blue Sea will not stay in his body for more than three hours.

Now, even if he cooperates with her to finish this play, when the power of this woman dissipates, he, the Clan Leader, can naturally regain control of the situation.

But what he never expected was that there was a military advisor behind Namiya.

Ling Feng did not expect that the Siren Clan Leader did not explode immediately and directly conflict with the "God of the Blue Sea".

According to his original expectation, when the power of the Clan Leader was threatened, this old guy would inevitably go crazy and completely tear his face.

Next, there was a fight between the kingship and the divine power.

In this way, the Siren Chief could be legitimately removed by the hands of the Golden Blood Guards.

However, the Siren Chief chose to endure, so that the conflict did not break out.

This old guy is not a brainless person.

But, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Will this old guy easily give up power to a puppet he has fostered?

Just think about it and you will know that it is impossible.

The only explanation is that the power of the "God of the Blue Sea" cannot last.

Behind his abnormal behavior, it is just a delaying tactic.

Ling Feng also sneered in his heart.

Since you can endure so much, then I will force you again!

Immediately, Ling Feng sent a message to Namiya, "If you want to take control of the real power and sit firmly in your current position, your chief must be eliminated!"

Namiya clenched her fists. Although she was a little surprised, she did not hesitate too much.

"One more thing, listen to the order, Golden Blood Guards, quickly capture Chieftain Amara and kill him on the spot!"

When Namiya gave the order, the Golden Blood Guards were all stunned.


Soros' eyelids jumped, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

The great Blue Sea God, their belief, actually asked them to kill the chieftain on the spot?

Chief Amara's eyes widened, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart: Bitch! You did it so hard!

He knew that this conflict was probably inevitable!

Since this was the case, he could only completely tear his face apart.

Amara's eyes were stern, his hands opened, and his body floated directly into the air.

The cold and murderous voice spread out with him as the center.

"Don't believe her words, she is not our Blue Sea God. She was bewitched by these humans, and her will was contrary to the great Blue Sea God!"

Amara undoubtedly made the wisest choice in the shortest time.

He couldn't blaspheme the gods, otherwise, it would cause the anger of the tribe.

However, he could throw dirty water on Ling Feng and other humans, saying that they blasphemed the gods.

In this way, the anger was naturally transferred.

Sure enough, the members of the Blue Sea Clan all stared at Ling Feng and his group angrily.

"Oh? Is that so? Did I bewitch your gods, or did you use the tribesmen's belief in the gods as a tool for you to gain eternal life?"

Ling Feng sneered, "God of the Blue Sea, please tell me the crimes of your patriarch. Justice, of course, the public will judge!"

Namiya hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Yes, he is right. From beginning to end, it was the leader of the Amara clan who was manipulating everything. He deceived everyone and incited everyone. He hates human beings and does not hesitate to use his tribe’s sexual sacrifices in exchange for so-called living sacrifices!”

"Over the years, countless tribesmen have died in the process of capturing living sacrifices, but he gave a high-sounding reason and said it was a sacrifice for his faith. But from beginning to end, it was just for his own selfish desires!"

"My mother, my sister, and those silly women who recite the Blue Sea Bible every day in the temple, hoping that one day they will dedicate themselves to the great mission, are nothing more than the hands of the Amara patriarch. "Puppet!"

The more Namiya talked, the more excited she became. She even shouted loudly, "There is no God of the Blue Sea. From beginning to end, there is no God of the Blue Sea at all! What is there is just a ray of divine power left by the God of the Blue Sea, but By our patriarch, he is regarded as a bloody and cruel tool to maintain his rule and maintain his immortality!"





The people of the Blue Sea Clan were completely shocked by Namiya's words.

Their faith that they had held for thousands of years seemed to have completely collapsed.

" are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense!"

Chief Amara was a little panicked, and the expression on his face was even more terrifying and cold.

"How dare you speak out to slander the leader of this clan? You must have been bewitched by these humans and have gone completely crazy!"

Amara no longer puts her hope in those hesitant Golden Blood Guards.

His eyes burst out with a terrifying cold light of death.

The figure flashed, and it turned out to be Xiang Zhi taking Namiya, and eradicating the so-called "God of the Blue Sea" first.

Even though she had a trace of the power of the God of the Blue Sea integrated into her body, she was still pitifully weak in front of him.

What's more, this woman has been protected in the temple since she was a child and has never experienced any battle.

It doesn't even have any combat capabilities.

He had already been prepared for the possibility that there might be some puppets, and he was unwilling to be a puppet on strings.

However, as long as they are unable to compete with themselves, even if they are unwilling, they can only obey orders.

"Want to kill someone and silence them?"

Lan Xiaoyu's eyes flashed, and she flew to stop him.


The terrifying Gangfeng exploded, and Lan Xiaoyu was knocked straight away, unable to even keep up with the speed of the Amala clan leader.

"What? Is this old guy so strong?"

Lan Xiaoyu's eyelids twitched. She didn't expect that this clan leader was actually the most hidden and terrifying being among the Youlan Sea Clan.


Xiao Xianling's expression changed. Ling Feng and the "God of the Blue Sea" were so close. If the leader of the Amara tribe took action against Namiya, Ling Feng would also be affected.

In fact, based on her understanding of Ling Feng, Ling Feng would definitely come to the rescue.

This means that Ling Feng is going to have a head-on confrontation with that Amara clan leader!

A little Immortal Lord of One Talisman who had just broken through to the Talisman Realm and managed to condense a Talisman.

But the leader of the Amara clan was a veteran and powerful man far beyond ordinary immortals.

There is no need to guess at this outcome.

What's more, Amala's angry blow was just a strong wind blowing along the way, and it knocked a strong person like Lan Xiaoyu away.

Ling Feng, can you stop me?

At the same time, Si Chen, who had been hiding in the dark and observing Ling Feng for three years, could no longer hold back at this moment.

Her Majesty once told her that although she could only observe Ling Feng secretly, if Ling Feng encountered a crisis, she would also come to the rescue without exposing her identity.

It seemed that this time, he had to take action.

Thinking of this, Si Chen narrowed his eyes, and his whole body was shrouded in a dark light. The next moment, he had changed into black clothes, and even his whole head was covered tightly, only a pair of eyes were exposed. Come on, not only is the identity indistinguishable, but also the male and female are indistinguishable.

A ray of light flashed in her eyes. Although with her strength, taking action personally against a mere siren clan leader was a bit of a bully.

In fact, all she needed to do was shoot a cold arrow from a distance and kill the leader of the Kraken clan in seconds, which was more than enough.

However, Si Chen is a bit playful by nature. He has been secretly lurking around Ling Feng in the past few years. He has no chance to fight with others and has already become itchy.

If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity, he would probably have to endure another three years for someone like Ling Feng, who retreats once a year for a year at a time.

Three years, it’s scary to think about it!

Therefore, we must take action this time!

No matter what, we must take action!

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