Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3438 The red flag does not fall down at home, but the colorful flags flutter outside the doo


The anger in the eyes of Amara, the leader of the Kraken clan, has almost burst out.

My overall plan was disrupted by such a few young boys.

Now, he could only take advantage of the gaffe before it completely worsened, and before the situation completely got out of control, to take thunderous action and kill the puppet Namiya who had betrayed him.

Anyone who dares to block his way will die.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He finally persuaded Namiya to abandon the dark side and stand on his side. If the leader of the Siren Clan kills Namia, then they will inevitably face the entire Blue Sea Clan again. of encirclement and suppression.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not let this happen again.

He clenched his fists and took a resolute step, blocking Namiya behind him.

He had already seen that although Namiya had a trace of the power of the God of the Blue Sea, she didn't know how to use it.

At this critical moment, there was no hope for Namiya.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth. It seemed that it was a life-and-death moment, and he could only use Po Meng's power.


Just when Ling Feng was about to activate the second power of the soul that Po Meng had left in his body, a terrifying aura locked him instantly.


Strictly speaking, it locked everything within a few feet around him.

It felt like an ant looking at the mountain, like a lonely boat on the endless sea.

This disparity is as vast as the world!

There is even a vague feeling that when I was in Amanohara, I felt normal when I saw Po Meng's real body.


Ling Feng's eyes widened and he looked at the Siren Clan Leader in front of him in astonishment.

He...he is so strong?

Ling Feng's face was gloomy and terrifying, and his heart sank to the bottom.

He even felt a tremor coming from the depths of his soul.

He couldn't understand even more, how could a mere siren clan leader be so powerful?

If this is a powerful man who is comparable to Meng Po, then is the power of the soul that Meng Po left in her body still useful?

However, just as Ling Feng's thoughts were changing, the fierce figure in front of him, the arrogant and ferocious-looking leader of the Siren clan, actually...


That's right.

Starting from the head, every inch of muscle and every pore in the body began to bleed crazily, and then, it exploded in mid-air.

In the night sky, they were as bright as brilliant fireworks, but they were so fleeting.

And in just a few blinks, it completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Ling Feng just remembered that at the last moment when the Kraken Clan Leader exploded, his eyes clearly flashed with the same shock, fear, and trembling from the depths of his soul!

It turns out that the mysterious strong man blocking this void is not the leader of the Kraken clan?

So, who?

The blood mist exploded, and immediately after, there was a mysterious man dressed in black, standing with his hands behind his back, standing very calmly in the sky.

There was a hint of disdain in the eyes of the mysterious man, and he seemed to whisper a few words, and then turned around to leave.

This mysterious man was naturally Si Chen, who had been ordered to lurk beside Ling Feng and observe in secret.

Originally, Si Chen was not supposed to be on the road, but his hands were itchy for a moment, so he couldn't help but jump out and show his hands.

It doesn't matter what he does, he just spreads the ashes of the leader of the Siren clan.

All in all, there is no complete corpse and no bones left after death.

Speaking of which, the leader of the Kraken clan was really unlucky. Perhaps if he knew better, he would regret why he had to arrest these few human boys who suddenly came to his door.

His living sacrifice is already enough!

"Thank you girl for coming to the rescue!"

Just when Sichen turned to leave, Ling Feng bowed in her direction.

Si Chen frowned, and the figure that was about to break through the void was stuck in mid-air.

The next moment, she turned around suddenly, as if she had traveled across time and space, and before Ling Feng could react, she was already in front of Ling Feng.

"I'm dressed like this, can you tell that I'm a woman?"

Si Chen stared intently at Ling Feng. Does this kid have such vicious eyes?

"Hey, girl, how can any man's pecs be as exaggerated as yours?"

Cheng Tianyong had already come up to him at some point, and said with a smile on his face, "You think so?"


Only then did Si Chen realize that he had acted too hastily. He had just changed into black clothes and covered his face, and he had forgotten to use the magic of transformation to change his figure.

"I poke!"

Si Chen frowned, saying it was too late, but soon, he raised his hand and used the "Two Dragons Fighting for the Pearl" move, which went straight into Cheng Tianyong's eyes.

"Ouch my eyes!"

Cheng Tianyong burst into tears when he was poked. Fortunately, Si Chen was merciful, otherwise his lustful eyes would have been destroyed immediately.

"Let you see blindly!"

Si Chen snorted softly, turned around and glared at Ling Feng again, making an eye-piercing gesture, meaning that if you dare to look around, he will be your fate!

What a fierce woman!

Ling Feng laughed a few times, sweating slightly on his forehead.

It seems that this woman is not only powerful, but also has a bad temper!


Why did she arrive in time and save herself?

Also, why does she seem to be very familiar with him, as if she has known him for many years.

Although she didn't say anything, her eyes didn't deceive.

It was clearly a feeling of being impatient, feeling very unhappy with myself, and even wanting to beat myself up.

But she took action to save herself. Isn't this contradictory?

Did he know her before?

This is impossible, right?

"Girl, do we know each other?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and then asked tentatively.

"Shut up!"

Si Chen glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and gestured to sew his mouth shut, and then said angrily, "Let's go!"

As soon as his voice fell, he escaped directly into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Only Ling Feng and his party, as well as the sea monsters from the Youlan Sea Clan, were left messy in the wind.

What does this woman do?

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

However, she was so fierce that no one even saw how she took action, and the leader of the Siren clan was gone.

"How cruel!"

Ling Feng looked at Si Chen's disappearing figure and couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

I have seen the top ten villains, among them the Blood Demon Hand Kuangxue, who is known as the most ferocious and evil, is not even one-tenth as good as this woman.

"Yeah, it's really choppy!"

Cheng Tianyong happily recalled the scene just now, with a coquettish look on his face.


Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes, this guy is really...

"Brother Ling, that woman can't be your old lover, right? You really can't even recognize your old lover. No wonder they are so cruel to you, you really deserve it!"

Cheng Tianyong rubbed his red and swollen eyes and chuckled.

"You old ghost, stop talking nonsense."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Believe it or not, in short, I don't know her! Besides, with her face covered, you know what she looks like, and you're just being obscene?"

"whispering sound!"

Cheng Tianyong curled his lips, "The so-called eyes are the windows to the soul. Looking at her eyes, I know she must be a beauty. Brother Ling, you are so beautiful! It's true that the red flag at home never falls, and the colorful flags are flying outside! And there are three red flags at home. ,awesome!"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he had the urge to beat this guy up.

"Ha, man!"

Xiao Xianling, Mo Yurou, and even Nangong Ziling immediately cast a look of contempt at Ling Feng.

On the other hand, Lan Bing'er, who was patrolling the Ice Tribe, was more interested in Ling Feng.

What kind of background does this kid have that allows such a terrifying and powerful man to protect him secretly?

It seems that he is by no means as simple as an ordinary Tianzhi outer disciple!


Ling Feng simply ignored the looks of these women. At the moment, there was still a mess to deal with.

Now that the leader of the Kraken clan is dead, the next step is to help Namiya control the real power of the Blue Sea clan according to his previous promise.

This not only helps Namiya, but also paves the way for herself.

The Youlan Sea Clan, to put it bluntly, are also descendants of ancient demons.

Since he is a descendant of the ancient demon, he can be roped in to become a part of the new Sao Feng camp.

Apart from anything else, Ling Feng had already experienced the power of the eighteen Golden Blood Guards.

With the addition of these eighteen Golden Blood Guards, the strength of the new Sao Feng Camp has suddenly risen to a huge level.

"Everyone! Everyone has seen that just now, your clan leader, in order to consolidate his position, did not hesitate to take action against the spokesperson of the God of the Blue Sea. His behavior is the real blasphemy!"

Ling Feng strode to Namiya's side, welcomed her onto the altar again, and said loudly: "And facts have proven that blasphemous behavior will be punished by God! So, Amara has now Fu Zhu, and now the only person qualified to lead the entire Youlan Sea Clan is..."

Ling Feng blinked, leaned into Namiya's ear, and asked in a low voice: "By the way, I still don't know what your name is?"


Perhaps it was because Ling Feng was too close, even the hot breath he exhaled while speaking gently hit Namiya's earlobe.

A slight blush appeared on the girl's pretty face, and she whispered her name.

"Now, only Namiya, the spokesperson of the God of the Blue Sea, can lead the Blue Sea clan to fight for a completely different future. There will be no needless sacrifices and endless fighting. We can live and work in peace and contentment under our own world. Create the future!”

It has to be said that Ling Feng's words are indeed full of bewitching power. In addition, Namiya, the spokesperson of the "God of the Blue Sea", is on Ling Feng's side.

Everything went more smoothly than expected.

With almost no effort, the Golden Blood Guard headed by Thoros immediately decided to belong to Namia and serve her.

Ling Feng and his party naturally became the guests of the Youlan Sea Clan. As for the few mysterious cold spirit beads, it was naturally not a problem.

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