Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3439 Only I can help you!

After the sacrificial ceremony ended, Ling Feng and his party were invited into the Youlan Sea Clan's lair as honored guests.

Oh no, maybe it should be called the Youlan Sea Clan. This underground city that is half deep into the ground and half sunk into the ocean is also called Youlan Sea City.

It is completely different from the previous ice prison environment. Although the palace of the Blue Sea Clan is not as luxurious as the human race, it gives people a different experience.

Especially through the windows, you can directly see the magnificent scenery in the depths of the ocean, but it has a unique flavor.

After inviting Ling Feng and his party to stay, Namiya left with eighteen golden blood guards.

Such a major event has happened in the clan. As the new clan leader, Namiya must still have many things to deal with.

This is someone else's "household matter", and Ling Feng is naturally inconvenient to interfere.

I just secretly planned in my heart that after asking Namia for the Xuanhan Cold Spirit Bead tomorrow, I could leave Xuanyuan Cold Island and complete other tasks.

This time I came out and took on four or five tasks at once. The time was tight and the tasks were heavy, so I couldn't stay too long on Xuanyuan Cold Island.

As for the mysterious woman who took action to kill the siren clan leader...

Ling Feng was puzzled and could not figure out the identity of this woman.

But since she helped him, it at least proved that her relationship with him should be that of a friend rather than an enemy.

At least, for now, they are friends rather than enemies.

It seems that in the past few years since I entered the Immortal Realm, although I have been cultivating in Tianzhi, there seems to be a mysterious force that has been secretly eyeing me.

It seems that the Immortal Realm, a place of right and wrong, is deeper than I imagined!

But now that he has embarked on this road of revenge, he is destined to have no way back.

About an hour later.

In the huge palace, Ling Feng and his party were all adjusting their breaths to heal their injuries.

In the previous battle, everyone had their own problems, especially Lan Bing'er and her sister. Because they were the strongest, when fighting the eighteen golden blood guards, most of the attacks were done by their sister. The two brothers bear it.

Therefore, their injuries were the most serious among everyone.

Ling Feng observed them for a few times, and originally wanted to help, but seeing that they had the Xuntian Ice Clan's special breathing adjustment method and their recovery speed was quite fast, he didn't bother to do anything.

Cheng Tianyong, on the other hand, used his own puppets to fight from the beginning to the end, so he basically spent nothing, so he chatted with Ling Feng at random, and he couldn't do anything without women.

Ling Feng looked helpless and could only respond with a few words.

Fortunately, at this moment, several young girls from the Youlan Sea Clan walked in outside the hall.

These girls bowed to everyone at the door very respectfully, and a female official at the head whispered softly: "Master Lingfeng, Your Highness the Saint has invited you."

"Your Highness the Saint?"

Ling Feng blinked, he should be talking about Namiya.

Ling Feng was not surprised. Calculating the time, it was indeed the time when she had to invite herself over.

"Tsk, tsk, saint!"

Cheng Tianyong cast an ambiguous look at Ling Feng and lowered his voice: "Brother Ling, you're just fine. I'm afraid I'll have an erotic dream tonight! I can't help but sleep alone." ”

"Haru, you are a ghost!"

A few black lines popped up on Ling Feng's forehead, and he rolled his eyes angrily. Then he stepped forward and walked up to the girls from the Blue Sea Clan, "I am Ling Feng. Please lead the way, sisters."

"Gee... Master, please come with us."

The siren girls pursed their lips and smiled, seeming to be very satisfied with the title Ling Feng, and then twisted their waists to lead the way.


Seeing Ling Feng leaving with the siren girls, Xiao Xianling frowned and cursed angrily at Ling Feng's back.

Mo Yurou also bit her silver teeth, and couldn't help but curse in her heart: This guy looks confused and serious, but it turns out he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve! But why are you so indifferent to me? Is it because I'm not good-looking?

For the first time, this was probably the first time, Mo Yurou felt a little unconfident about her appearance.

Led by the siren girls, Ling Feng soon arrived in front of a huge palace.

"Mr. Ling, please go in by yourself. Her Royal Highness the Saint is waiting for you inside."

The leading woman said softly.

"Thank you."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the siren girls, then took a step forward and strode into the palace.


As soon as Ling Feng entered, the palace door was immediately closed. The huge palace seemed a bit empty, with not even a single person in sight.

Then, Ling Feng heard a low groan.

Following the sound, I found Namiya sitting on a futon. She seemed to be in some pain, her brows were furrowed and her body was shaking slightly.

Moreover, there was an amazing amount of heat emanating from her body, so much so that she had already taken off her coat, wearing only a light veil.

" are finally here."

Namiya's voice trembled a little, as if she was suffering from huge pain, her eyes were a little red, she bit her lips and lowered her voice: "You said you would help me, I...I can't control it now. Save yourself."

"Don't worry, I will do what I said."

Ling Feng had a calm face, and his bright eyes shone with confidence, "Besides, I am the only one who can help you with your situation."

"Then...then what are you waiting for?"

Namiya's body was trembling slightly, "I...I can't control myself anymore!"

"Hey, I thought you could hold on a little longer, but it seems..."

Ling Feng sighed softly, "That's all, that's all. Your Highness the Saint, I'm offended!"

After saying that, Ling Feng strode up to Namiya, raised his palm, and gently took off the last layer of gauze covering Namiya's body.

An hour later.

"Thank you."

Namiya slowly opened her eyes, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"If it weren't for you, I might have..."

Namiya looked deeply at Ling Feng, with a hint of shyness on her pretty face.

"I told you before, I will help you."

Ling Feng slowly removed the golden needles from Namiya's back one by one.

Speaking of which, it was a critical moment just now.

After all, the divine power belonging to the God of the Blue Sea in Namiya's body was only temporarily integrated with her.

As time passes, this divine power will dissipate on its own.

Originally, for saints in the past, the leader of the Siren Clan would take action to help them dissipate the divine power in their bodies.

But because of the dissipation of their divine power, all the saints in the past would often grow old quickly and then die.

Ling Feng had already seen the clues, so he promised to help Namiya completely integrate the divine power of the God of the Blue Sea.

After all, without this divine power, with Namiya's strength, it would be impossible to secure the position of leader of the Blue Sea Tribe.

Ling Feng did this not only to help Namiya, but also to better maintain the alliance with the Blue Sea Tribe.

If Namia dies, this cooperative relationship will most likely end.

It is obviously not an easy task for Ling Feng to help her integrate that ray of divine power.

After doing all this, Ling Feng felt as if he had been soaked in water, and even his body was a little exhausted.

After all, when performing Taixuan acupuncture, every minute and every second requires a high degree of concentration and concentration.

Moreover, this lasted for a whole hour.

What he needs to fight is the divine power belonging to the God of the Blue Sea. The consumption of his own spiritual power is naturally even more immeasurable.


After Ling Feng withdrew the last golden needle, he rolled his eyes and passed out because he was too weak.

He is too tired.

It’s so tiring!

"Master, Master Ling?"

Namiya saw Ling Feng fainting and hurriedly stepped forward to support Ling Feng's body.

I felt relieved when I found that his breathing was stable and he was just asleep.

Because she needed acupuncture just now, all the clothes on her body had been taken off. Although Ling Feng didn't look sideways during the whole process, she was still a young girl who had not left the palace after all. Being looked at by a man inside and outside, it was unavoidable in her heart. Somewhat shy.

Seeing Ling Feng sleeping like a baby, Namiya couldn't help but have some strange thoughts in her heart.

I didn’t expect that Mr. Ling’s sleeping appearance was actually quite cute.

She gently raised her hand to caress Ling Feng's cheek, but found that Ling Feng's eyes seemed to move, so she quickly retracted her hand in fright.

Fortunately, Ling Feng did not wake up.


Namiya breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest gently, and then plucked up the courage again. She kissed Ling Feng on the cheek like a dragonfly, murmured "Thank you", and then hugged Ling Feng. He got up from Ling Feng, walked to his bed, and helped him lie down gently.

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