Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3440 Prince Yin!

Early the next morning.

When Ling Feng opened his eyes, he found that he was lying on Namiya's bed.

Fortunately, there was no one around and the clothes were still there.

Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, he was so careless last night. He was so exhausted that he fainted directly in an unfamiliar environment.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, I might have made a mistake and regretted it for eternity.

Namiya was resting on the stone table not far away. She seemed to have heard the movement from Ling Feng's side. She quickly rubbed her sleepy eyes. When she saw that Ling Feng had sat up, she suddenly said excitedly: "Mr. Ling , you’re awake!”

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Well, I really lost my temper last night."

"Young Master also fainted from exhaustion just to help me."

Namiya blinked her big bright eyes, "How do you feel, Master? Is there anything else you feel uncomfortable about?"


Ling Feng waved his hand quickly, "Well, it's time for me to leave."


Namiya nodded slightly, and suddenly saw the lip mark on Ling Feng's left cheek, a blush appeared on her pretty face, recalling that she couldn't help but kiss Ling Feng last night.

This lip print is the evidence.

"Master, first...wash your face."

Namiya gritted her silver teeth and said shyly, "I'll get you some water."

"No need."

Ling Feng was startled. He had no nerve to let Namiya serve him. He quickly arranged his clothes and rushed out of the palace.

"Master Ling, Master Ling..."

Namiya couldn't stop Ling Feng, so she could only stamp her feet in anger. Now, the evidence that she secretly kissed Ling Feng was taken away.


After leaving Namiya's palace, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest, and secretly murmured in his heart: Boys must be careful to protect themselves when they go out!

At this moment, several siren girls came towards him, they seemed to be the girls who brought Ling Feng here last night.


However, when these girls saw Ling Feng, they pursed their lips and snickered before even saying hello.

Ling Feng was confused for a while. Could it be that he had flowers on his face?

Ling Feng shook his head and walked quickly towards the residence Namiya arranged for them.

However, the girls from the Blue Sea Tribe whom they met on the road were all whispering and laughing secretly.

It seems that they all misunderstood themselves and Namiya.

After all, I did stay in Namiya's boudoir all night yesterday!

However, I have a clear conscience anyway, and I have nothing to explain to these siren girls.

Soon, Ling Feng returned to his residence and saw that Xiao Xianling and others had already finished adjusting their breathing and were having breakfast in the lobby.

These are some of the special delicacies of the Youlan Sea Clan, which are rare delicacies that cannot be tasted in the outside world.

Seeing that everyone was enjoying their meal, Ling Feng quickly sat down at the table and greeted everyone with a smile, "You don't even wait for me to eat good food!"

"Hey, Brother Ling!"

Cheng Tianyong chuckled and cast a "you know" look at Ling Feng. The smile on his face was beyond shameful.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, too lazy to explain to this wretched guy.

But, what's going on with the looks in the eyes of those women around?

I saw the women's camp headed by Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou, all staring directly at me, full of contempt and disgust.

"I am full!"

Xiao Xianling stood up, gave Ling Feng a hard look, cursed "dirty", and turned around.

"Hmph, vile!"

Mo Yurou also snorted at Ling Feng, picked up a big lobster, and left directly, as if she didn't bother sharing the same table with Ling Feng.


The monk, who was as tall as two feet tall, was confused, "What did I do to me? Why am I so mean? Why am I so mean? I stayed in Namiya's room all night, but I just went to help her fuse. The power of the God of the Blue Sea!”

Ling Feng had a wry smile on his face, it was okay if he did it, but he clearly didn't do anything, so he didn't want to take the blame for this obscene and despicable thing!

"Brother Ling, you have to remember to wipe your mouth when you eat secretly. Look at the lip marks on your face, tsk, tsk, it must have been very intense last night, right?"

Cheng Tianyong winked and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder a few times, "They are all men, I understand you!"

"Lip print?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. Sure enough, through the shiny crystal porcelain bowls on the table, he saw a very obvious lip mark on his left cheek.

No wonder Namiya wanted to wash her face, and no wonder she was laughed at every step of the way. So that’s what happened!


Ling Feng quickly wiped the lip marks on his face and said with a depressed look: "After I finished giving Namiya the acupuncture yesterday, I fainted. What happened next, I also... forget it, do whatever you want. Just think whatever you want!”

Ling Feng also didn't expect that Namiya would actually kiss him secretly, but the other person was a woman and was thin-skinned, so it would be hard for him to confront her directly.

But it seemed that he had to ask Namiya for the Xuanhan Lingzhu and leave quickly, otherwise, he would probably be left behind by the new leader of the Blue Sea Clan to be the "unconquered uncle"!

One day later.

On the beach on the east coast of the Xuanyuan, Ling Feng and his party, the eighteen golden blood guards of the Blue Sea Tribe led by Namiya, and all the tribesmen formally bid farewell.

"Mr. Ling, here are five mysterious cold spirit beads. They are all treasures with the best quality and the highest age."

Namiya held a jade box in her hand and gently brought it to Ling Feng. She bit her silver teeth and her beautiful eyes were slightly red.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and did not dare to look into Namiya's eyes.

However, he still reached out and took the jade box, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Thank you very much, Your Highness the Saint! Take care of yourself!"

Namiya took a deep look at Ling Feng, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "You... you will come back to see me, right?"

"There will be a chance."

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, thought for a while, and handed a chart into Namiya's hands, "This chart marks the location of an island called Yanlong Island in the sea area beyond the stars. If you encounter it in the future, If anything happens, you can send someone to Yanlong Island to deliver the news to me. Even if I am thousands of miles away, I will definitely come back in time. "

After a pause, Ling Feng took another deep breath and said with a serious face: "We will always be allies! We are companions!"


Namiya nodded heavily, and before Ling Feng could react, she actually stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Ling Feng's cheek like a dragonfly touching water.


Ling Feng froze, and his mind went blank for a brief moment.

After a while, when Ling Feng came to his senses, Namiya had already turned around and walked into the Blue Sea City with the maids around her.

"Can't bear to part with it?"

A sarcastic voice came from my ear, "If you don't want to leave, just stay!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew without looking that it must be that boring woman Xiao Xianling.

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled lightly: "It's a proposal worth considering."

"Hmph, you dirty bastard!"

Xiao Xianling gave Ling Feng a hard look and walked aside angrily. Even she was a little surprised, why should she be angry?

"Brother Yan."

Ling Feng didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao Xianling, held up the jade box and walked to Yan Jinghong, "Take these two mysterious cold spirit beads."

Yan Jinghong said before that he only needed two Xuanhan Lingzhu.


Naturally, Yan Jinghong and Ling Feng were not polite. After receiving the Xuanhan Lingzhu and putting it away, they said calmly: "It seems that it's almost time for us to part ways."

He took a deep look at Ling Feng and said goodbye this time. He didn't know when we would see each other again.

"Yeah, take care of yourself!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Yan Jinghong wanted to lurk in the Xantian Ice Clan. Once his identity was exposed, he would probably die.

However, the matter has come to this, and there is no way to go back.

"Hehe, it looks like you have known each other for a long time."

Lan Xiaoyu came over at some point, looked around for a while, and couldn't help but mutter, "Speaking of which, how come that boy Shui Changdong has disappeared since he entered Xuanyuan Han Island? We are all in the Youlan Sea Clan. I have been in and out of my lair several times, and now I have completed my mission, but this guy has never shown up. "

Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.

Shui Changdong was afraid that he would not be able to show his face, because that guy had already died in their hands.

"It's really strange that he wasn't captured by the Youlan Sea Clan."

Lan Xiaoyu frowned, thought for a moment, then gave up and said with a smile: "Maybe the sky has eyes, and that bastard has died under the tentacles of the tentacle monster outside. It would be better to die. This scumbag should have died long ago!”


But Lan Bing'er quickly stopped Lan Xiaoyu, frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Lan Xiaoyu shrugged, but did not continue to speak rudely.

"It's been so long. Cousin Changdong hasn't shown up for so long. I'm afraid something has happened."

Lan Bing'er frowned and sighed softly: "If he is really killed, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Prince Yin to explain."


Hearing the words "Prince Yin", Lan Xiaoyu, who has always been fearless, obviously showed a hint of fear, and said with some trepidation: "That kid didn't do anything to us even after he died. If you want to blame him, blame him If you are unlucky, how can Prince Yin blame us?"

After hearing this, Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong couldn't help but look at each other.

Prince Yin, it seems that they have secretly formed a deadly feud with this mysterious "Prince Yin" again.

The existence that can be called the prince by the Lan family siblings must be the successor of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang. His strength is probably beyond what they can imagine now.

I just hope that this matter can be hidden from the public, otherwise, they are afraid that they will be troubled from now on...

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