Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3442 Let me try!

Without wasting much time, under the guidance of Baoshan, everyone dived directly into the deep sea.

The previous mineral vein of Beichen Crystal has been mined to a great extent and has basically been hollowed out.

It is precisely because of this that it was revealed that there was actually a mysterious thing hidden under the mineral veins...

A very huge lump of iron.

From a distance, Ling Feng could already see that there was some faint black luster under the exposed silt on the seabed.

It was the luster of metal, but Ling Feng had never heard of or seen this kind of metal with black luster.

Near the trench where the ore veins are buried, there are still some disciples from the Sao Feng Camp, digging and transporting the ore. Everything is orderly and orderly.

It has to be said that this old boy Bakuyama still has some leadership skills and his work efficiency is not bad.

Continuing to dive, I saw Kuangshan holding a small hammer, tapping around the mysterious "iron lump", as if he was studying something.

For a forging master like him, the sudden appearance of such an object that was obviously not born naturally, but more like a man-made object, naturally filled him with curiosity and wanted to study the casting process.

"Senior Kuangshan, how are you? How is your research going?"

As soon as the figure flashed, Ling Feng had appeared beside Kuang Shan, but his eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the dark "big iron lump" in front of him.

This big iron lump exudes an astonishing chill all over its body. The material is so special that even Ling Feng's infinite vision cannot penetrate it and observe what's going on inside.

"Lord Souji?"

Kuangshan was startled by the sudden appearance of Ling Feng, but he quickly realized that it looked like Ling Feng and the others had completed their mission and returned home.

"I think you have heard some things, Mr. Souji."

Kuangshan shook his head and smiled, "Unfortunately, I have been studying here for several days, but I have no clue at all. This thing is hard and heavy. Even if I want to take it back for study, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"Clang clang clang!"

At this time, Cheng Tianyong, Zhou Yan, and Xiao Xianling had already started to study around the big iron knot.

However, they had never seen such a material before, and after hammering for a long time, they only came to the conclusion that "this thing is very hard."

Yes, it is indeed hard.

No matter whether it was punching, kicking or slashing with swords, they could not leave any mark on the big iron lump.

The people who did not believe in evil also used various magic techniques, trying to use the power of law to break through the iron sheet outside, but they all failed.

It seems that the metal that makes this big iron lump is immune to the damage caused by the power of various laws.

"If I can figure it out just by tapping, why would I still have to sit here for so long?"

Kuang Shan had a look of disdain on his face, something that could make him think hard and study for days and nights was certainly not an ordinary thing.

The special envoy is a forging master, and there is no one present who knows forging better than him.

However, there are occasional traces of connection between the things in front of you, and the entire structure seems to be integrated and perfectly integrated.

It's no wonder that such a huge thing can still have such craftsmanship, it's no wonder that Kuangshan was shocked.

But it's not just that.

If it were just a big hard lump of iron, he wouldn't have spent so long dawdling here.

He is a descendant of the Tianjing clan, and with the blood of Tianjing in his body, he can sense that there is some kind of very special ore that contains very large and very pure energy inside the big iron lump.

It was this kind of ore that made him persevere and study hard here, unwilling to give up.

"Is there something similar to a magic circle outside this thing?"

Cheng Tianyong narrowed his eyes, held his chin and guessed: "If you find this magic circle, can you open this thing?"

"It's not that I haven't thought about this, but..."

Kuangshan shook his head, "According to my estimation, this big iron lump is more than 700 feet in total and more than 100 feet wide, but it is only about 300 to 400 feet, and it is all buried deep under the trench. It’s just that this thing is too heavy, so it’s probably not realistic to pull it out directly.”

After a pause, Kuangshan continued: "But I have also calculated that if we use the mining method to excavate bit by bit, because this is under the deep sea, we must return to the sea surface to recover every once in a while. If we work day and night, , it will take almost two months to dig them all out.”

"Two months?"

Ling Feng frowned, two months was really too long.

"I'll try."

At this moment, the Phantom God Qianjue, who had always been silent and rarely spoke, actually took the initiative to stand up.

Illusion God Qianjue cultivates the avenue of strength. In terms of absolute brute strength, even Ling Feng still has a certain gap with him.

Although he did not advance to the talisman realm like Ling Feng and condense a talisman of power, the power he controlled could only be described as "terrible".

"If Brother Huan Shen takes action, maybe there is a slight chance!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he immediately took a few steps back and said to everyone: "Everyone, please step aside and let Brother Huan Shen have a try."

Everyone looked at each other and then at the Phantom God Qianjue.

Although the Phantom God Qianjue is tall and burly, he looks like an ant in front of a behemoth that is more than 700 feet tall.

This can be considered as a small thing shaking a big tree.

However, everyone still cooperated and stepped back more than ten feet, allowing the Phantom God Qianjue to exert his full power without any scruples.

I saw Illusion God Qianjue taking a deep breath, and the muscles on his body immediately flexed. His body, which was already close to two meters tall, suddenly grew taller, almost reaching three meters away.

But even so, in front of the huge thing in front of us, it is still so small that it can be ignored.


Immediately afterwards, the body of Phantom God Qianjue was directly pressed against the surface of the big iron bump, his hands were spread out, and his palms were also pressed against the iron wall, trying to find a suitable stress point.

However, trying to pull this big iron lump out of the trench is not the same as simply carrying it.

"What does he want to do? Does he want to directly overthrow this big iron lump?"

Xiao Xianling blinked her eyes and saw the Phantom God Qianjue's palm pressed against the iron wall. She was a little confused as to what the Phantom God Qianjue wanted to do.

But soon, everyone understood that the Phantom God Qianjue actually attached his palms to the iron wall, using the power of adsorption to replace the friction. Then, he raised his arms high and shouted loudly at the same time: "Get up." !”


There was a violent shaking on the bottom of the sea, and the huge black thing actually moved a few times.

"What an amazing power!"

Ling Feng secretly praised, the Great Way of Power was truly amazing. In front of the terrifying power of the Phantom God Qianjue, his own billions of dragon powers were somewhat dwarfed by comparison.

"Oh my God, this guy is a monster!"

Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou looked at the scene in front of them with their eyes widened in disbelief.

With the level of a mere virtual immortal in the magic realm, he could actually do something that even the immortals like them could not do.

Is this the legendary avenue of power?


Immediately afterwards, the second roar of the illusory god Qian Jue exploded deep in the seabed.

This time, he kicked his legs hard on the ground, actually trying to uproot all the big iron lumps.


The ravines on the seabed shook even more violently.

The surrounding trenches within a few thousand feet were all cracked, and the terrifying cracks spread quickly like spider webs.

You can even vaguely see the hot magma deep in the seabed, which seems to be erupting.

The brute force of the illusory god Qian Jue is truly terrifying, as he actually wants to activate those sleeping underwater volcanoes.

However, after the big iron lump was forcibly pulled out by the Phantom God Qianjue for almost thirty feet, it seemed to be out of strength and stopped again.

Illusion God Qianjue took a deep breath and continued to exert force, but it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength in that moment. Not only was he unable to continue to pull the big iron lump out, but it also faintly sank again. the trend of.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng clearly saw that there seemed to be several gaps that looked like entrances on the dozens of feet of iron wall that the Phantom God Qianjue had pulled out. Ling Feng didn't care much about falling back in. His figure flashed and flew towards the gap that looked like an entrance.

The gap was very small, but you could vaguely see some conditions inside, as if it were a door that was not completely closed.

Ling Feng raised his hand and pressed it lightly. Immediately afterwards, this big black iron lump actually made a "beep beep beep" alarm sound. First there was a flash of green light, and then bursts of dazzling red light. It kept flashing, and the sound of the alarm became more and more harsh and urgent.

Seeing that the big iron block continued to sink, and the entrance might be buried again, Ling Feng became worried and could not think about it so much anymore.

"Zifeng, go in!"

Ling Feng directly summoned Zifeng. Only the pocket-sized Zifeng could fit into such a small gap.

Ever since Ling Feng ascended to the Immortal Realm, or should be said since his battle with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Zifeng has been basically asleep most of the time.

However, after several years of recuperation, Zifeng's level has improved very quickly, even faster than that of a cheap donkey.

After hearing Ling Feng's instructions, Zifeng transformed into his original larval form without any hesitation and got in through the gap.

Then, with a flash of purple light, Ling Feng was teleported directly to Zifeng through the ability of time and space mark.

Finally, we entered the inside of the big iron lump.

At the same time, the Phantom God Qianjue could no longer hold on. Even though his veins were bulging and he tried his best, he could no longer hold on. There was a loud "boom" and a huge iron bump. , sank again, and the entrance was buried.

The only good thing was that Ling Feng seemed to have somehow managed to get inside the big iron lump.

All the mysteries will probably be revealed for everyone only after Ling Feng comes out.

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