Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3443 Talking door?

"He went in?"

Outside the big iron knot, Xiao Xianling and others stared at Ling Feng disappearing in front of them, and then, the Phantom God Qianjue tried his best to get rid of him.

This huge iron lump sank deep into the ocean trench again, and because all the surrounding trenches cracked, this huge iron lump sank deeper and deeper, and there was a strong tendency that the entire iron lump was submerged in the silt on the seabed.

Fortunately, although the big iron lump sank deeper and deeper, it did not sink completely in the end. There was still a small section of the head, or probably the tail, left.

In short, it was finally not completely swallowed up by the silt on the seabed.

"Illusion God Qianjue, pull it out quickly!"

Xiao Xianling hurriedly looked at the Phantom God Qianjue, "That brat is still in there!"

Illusion God Qianjue was panting for a while, "Hugh... Huh... Huh... Rest first... Huh..."

Zhou Yan shook his head, flew forward and held Huan Shen Qianjue's shoulders, and said to everyone: "I'll take Brother Huan Shen up to adjust his breath first."

Under this deep sea, you are constantly attacked by the terrifying water pressure, and the recovery speed is too slow. This is why the Phantom God Qianjue exhausted himself so quickly.

If it were placed on land, even though the big iron lump was indeed ridiculously heavy, he would never be so strenuous.

When everyone outside the big iron lump was helpless against this dark behemoth, at the same time, Ling Feng had already entered the inside of this "big iron lump".

This was a bit like the cabin inside a warship, but before Ling Feng could stand firm, he felt a weightless feeling, as if the entire cabin was sinking.

Ling Feng quickly grabbed an object and it took a long time before he seemed to stop sinking.

"Didi didi..."

The sound of the alarm continued, and the red and green lights rotated, filling the space in front of him, making Ling Feng unable to open his eyes.

After a long while, the alarm gradually stopped, and then, a blazing white light suddenly lit up on one of the bulkheads, illuminating the entire cabin as bright as day.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. As soon as he entered the door, his feet were completely empty, as if it was an endless abyss leading straight to the underworld.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng realized that it was probably because the entire cabin was inserted vertically into the ground.

So my current sense of space should be confused.

With an idea, Ling Feng directly used the technique of Qiankun Reverse Chaos on himself.

Soon, the world in front of Ling Feng seemed to be turned upside down. Sure enough, everything became normal.

In front of him is a long and narrow passage, and above his head are rows of crystals flashing with white light.

These crystals are perfectly embedded into the cabin above the head. There are six crystals in one piece. Every ten steps or so, there will be another iron plate inlaid with vigilance like this, shining brightly.

Ling Feng had never seen such a crystal before. It could not be said to be a crystal containing energy, but it could emit a very stable and bright light.

Not only that, Ling Feng could even sense that there seemed to be a trace of thunder power flowing through it.

"Is it a treasure that can absorb the power of thunder?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. If this kind of treasure was only used for lighting, then the owner of this big iron lump was quite extravagant.

"Master, what is this place?"

Zifeng flew down and landed on Ling Feng's shoulder, looking at everything in front of him with a curious look on his face.

"I also want to know."

Ling Feng shrugged, looked at the long and narrow passage in front of him, and said calmly: "But now that you have come, let's make peace with it and go to the front to have a look before talking."

Having said that, Ling Feng stopped thinking and walked forward directly.

It's a good thing that Bitch was injured and was still recovering in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Otherwise, how could Bitch not be able to resist coming out to take a look at such a magical place.

And those crystal stones that can shine will probably be picked out by cheap donkeys.

It was different from what it looked like from the outside. It seemed that it had been sunk in this sea for too long. The outside of this big iron lump was covered with seaweed and silt, and it looked like a useless piece of scrap iron.

But inside the big iron knot, it was extremely neat and clean. Even Ling Feng could feel a wisp of breeze blowing from above his head, making the airflow inside the entire cabin very stable.

The air is also very fresh, and it contains extremely pure fairy spirit, even no less than some cultivation caves.

However, as far as the eye can see, it gives people a very monotonous feeling.

There are white walls on the left and right sides. It doesn't feel as rough as stone, nor as hard as metal, but it is extremely tough. Moreover, like the metal iron walls outside, it cannot conduct magic power. .

In other words, the magic used by Ling Feng, even the fire of swallowing flames, is impossible to damage any object inside, unless the structure inside is destroyed with absolute brute force.

After walking about thirty steps forward, there was a circular gate in front of him, blocking Ling Feng's way.

Ling Feng frowned slightly and looked carefully. On the right side of the circular door, there was an iron plate with a strange shape and shining metallic luster.

There is an engraving plate engraved with some strange characters on the iron plate, which seems to be some symbols similar to the patterns of the magic circle.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Fortunately, he had some research on the formation method.

It can be seen at a glance that the key to opening this door lies in the strange characters on the dial.

"Try it first."

Ling Feng rubbed his hands nervously and lightly pressed the characters on the dial.


As Ling Feng pressed on the characters, the engraving disk in front of him seemed to be activated. A red light flashed, and an image of a human face appeared on the engraving disk.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. The face above clearly looked like his own.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and saw several red lights scanning up and down the face several times. Finally, a red "×" symbol appeared, accompanied by a flash of red light. Then, from above the engraving plate, A very strange sound came out.

"Jiliguluhazi Salaka..."



First there was a series of sounds that Ling Feng couldn't understand at all, and then, as the number of scans increased, a language that Ling Feng could understand actually began to be spoken.

"Scanning completed, language loading completed!"

"Alert alert, non-core pilots are not allowed to enter!"

"Repeat! Non-core pilots are not allowed to enter!"

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the door in front of him in disbelief.

Talking doors?

Could it be that this big iron lump is an artifact in itself, and this voice is something similar to the spirit of the artifact.

That's probably the only way to explain it.


Ling Feng took a deep breath, coughed dryly, and hurriedly bowed toward the door in front of him, "Senior, I accidentally stumbled into this place. I don't mean to offend you. I hope you can show up and explain."

However, apart from the red light flashing and the repeated reminders of "non-core pilots are not allowed to enter", there was no other response.

It seems that the intelligence of this weapon spirit is not very high.

It seems that this exchange probably ended in failure.

Ling Feng took a few steps back. Then, the face projected in front of him disappeared, and the rapid sirens also became silent.

It seems that you have to enter the range of that gate to be warned.

You can't get in, and communication has failed. Do you want to return without success?

Ling Feng frowned. It seemed that all he could do was work together and mobilize everyone's wisdom.

With a flash of black light, Ling Feng summoned Bitch directly.

This guy is well-informed and might know the secret behind it.

"You brat, you don't know that all the bones in this beast's body are broken, and you don't know how to let this beast have a good rest!"

Before the donkey appeared, the sound of cursing came over.

"Okay, bitch, I can't do this without you!"

Ling Feng's words immediately made the bitch shut up, and he even seemed a little arrogant, "You brat, you finally know how powerful this beast is, right?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Ling Feng hurriedly said something perfunctory, "Bitch, look, do you know how to open that door?"


The bitch was obviously stunned for a moment, looking here and there, looking around for a long time, and finally said, "What the hell is this place? Also, what kind of treasure is that shining on the top of your head? Come on, pick it up, pick it up Come down and let this beast have a look!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Sure enough, the performance of the bitch was exactly as he expected.

But obviously, this guy probably doesn't know the mystery here either.

Ling Feng frowned. He didn't know that he seemed to be...


There is also the Dharma image of Emperor Tianbai!

An old man in a family is like a treasure. Although he is just a remnant soul, his true identity is known as the "Tianbai Emperor". His vision should be far beyond that of a cheap donkey.

Also, Huang Shaotian, the "Yellow Emperor" who has been sleeping in the East Emperor Bell, keeps saying that he has come from time travel, and always says some weird words that he can't understand at all.

Perhaps, Huang Shaotian can know something?

Ling Feng was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment at this moment. In short, he called out all the intelligent creatures he could.

Even Xiaodie and Xiaoqiongqi were not spared.

With a flash of white light, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang came to life from the token of the Imperial Gate.

Then, another golden light flashed, and Huang Shaotian was also awakened by Ling Feng.

"Don't think that I won't dare to scold you because you have the halo of being the protagonist. I don't know that every time I show up now, I will consume a lot of energy! How many times have I told you, don't bother me if you have nothing to do, don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

Huang Shaotian was chatty as always, and once he opened his mouth, he couldn't stop talking.

But the next moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and then there was a sound of gasping for air, followed by a burst of surprise, " does this high-tech texture come about?" It’s okay, kid, have you traveled through time too?”

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