Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3448 I, Ling Feng, never hold grudges!

"It's him?"

When Ling Feng saw Cheng Tianqi, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Cheng Tianyong beside him.

Although these two are half-brothers, the relationship between them can be said to be incompatible.

It was obvious that although Cheng Tianyong pretended to be relaxed, there was a flash of murderous intention in his seemingly unruly eyes.

Ling Feng patted his shoulder lightly and shook his head slightly to signal him not to act rashly.

But it turned out that behind Cheng Tianqi, in addition to several Immortal Lord-level subordinates, there was also an imposing middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has a goatee, a lean figure, and a light gray robe. He has a stern look with a hint of ruthlessness, and at first glance he looks like a ruthless person who is not easy to mess with.

"Don't worry, it's just a second-generation ancestor, I haven't taken it to heart yet."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged and murmured to himself: "But, why did they come here together?"


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, "Do you know the guy next to Cheng Tianqi?"


Cheng Tianyong laughed at himself, "Speaking of which, he is also my second uncle. When I was still in the Cheng family, although this second uncle treated me coldly, he was one of the few people who never bullied our mother and son."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Cheng Tianyong and could tell that his life in the Cheng family must not have been easy.

"Forget it, ignore them."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, pretending to be relaxed and said: "We'd better hurry up and exchange the Beichen Crystal. Senior Sister Xiao is still waiting for us."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and strode into the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.

It has to be said that the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce above the Immortal Realm still adheres to the majestic style of the lower realm. Although it is only a building on the sea, it is still nine stories high.

Soon, Ling Feng registered his personal information. Unfortunately, his Supreme VIP Card in the lower realm could no longer be used in the Immortal Realm.

Everything has to start from scratch.

However, when the staff saw the Beichen Crystal that Ling Feng took out, their original cold attitude immediately changed.

Soon, a fat middle-aged man walked out of the inner hall quickly. He nodded towards Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong with a smile on his face. Then he changed his smile and Lei Lei angrily shouted: "Asshole. , is this how you entertain distinguished guests?"

The waiters who received Ling Feng shivered and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy, "Mr. Qin, please forgive me!"

"Everyone, get down!"

Manager Qin snorted coldly, and then looked at Ling Feng and Ling Feng with a smile, "Young Master Ling, Young Master Cheng, and I, Qin Wang, are here to greet you two!"

Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong looked at each other and smiled. This guy must be an old actor.

The scenes with the waiters were all well done.

However, seeing through does not reveal the truth, since the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce has shown enough attention, that is enough.

"It turns out to be Manager Qin!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Qin Wang, "Nice to meet you."

"Where is it? Mr. Ling, for a distinguished guest like you, you should naturally go to the place where the distinguished guests are entertained to talk. Please come with me!"

Qin Wang's face was full of smiles, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

Anyone who can easily take out the Beichen Crystal must be a big customer!

It looks like big business is coming!

"Then Chief Lao Qin will lead the way!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, and soon, under the leadership of Na Qin Wang, he went directly to the fifth floor area of ​​the main building of the Chamber of Commerce.

At this level, there are obviously fewer people coming in and out.

And some of the treasures on display in the exhibition hall of the main hall are all extraordinary.

"Oh, Yuchuan Glaze from Jiuqu Tianhe, Yufu Purple Ginseng from Cangxi Immortal Valley, Dragon Blood Crystal from Jingang Tianque, all good things, they are all good things!"

Cheng Tianyong glanced across the exhibition hall and couldn't help but praise it again and again.

When Manager Qin saw that Cheng Tianyong was like a treasure, he could not only recognize all the treasures in the exhibition hall, but even the place of origin. He also confirmed that these two distinguished guests were indescribably noble. The respect on their faces was It's a bit richer.

Ling Feng was also slightly stunned, never expecting that Cheng Tianyong had such a vision.

"You two, please follow me, this way."

Manager Qin respectfully led the way. By coincidence, Cheng Tianqi's uncle and nephew were also VIP guests of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, another steward was leading the two of them to another VIP room.

"Cheng Tianyong!"

This time, Cheng Tianqi saw Cheng Tianyong at a glance, and immediately became angry in his heart.

Although several years have passed, Cheng Tianqi still remembers that night three years ago, when he was sleeping soundly, someone secretly attacked him and beat him into a pig's head.

Although he didn't see the person who did it clearly, he was 100% sure that except for Cheng Tianyong, no one else would hate him so much and would do such a dirty trick.

"It turns out to be the eldest brother."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged. Since he saw him, he just said hello.

"Fart! You bastard, who is your big brother!"

Cheng Tianqi was furious and stared at Cheng Tianyong, "How dare you come back? If you appear in front of me, you will never leave alive! And you, you idiot, the accounts from last time have been settled together today. I want you to I’ll destroy you too!”

Before he finished speaking, he already looked tense, ready to take action at any time.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. This Cheng Tianqi really didn't forget to eat and not fight. He forgot the lesson he learned three years ago so quickly?

After not seeing each other for a few years, this second generation ancestor's cultivation had improved a bit, but unfortunately, in the eyes of Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong, it was still far from enough.

"Master Cheng!"

At this moment, it was Qin Wang, the general manager of Qin, who stood up and said, "I don't care what misunderstandings there are between you, but this is the place of our Tianmeng. I hope Mr. Cheng can give me, Mr. Qin, a good deal."

"Hahaha, Manager Qin said something serious. It's just a little misunderstanding between the juniors."

The second uncle stood up with a smile, first stretched out his hand to hold Cheng Tianyong's shoulder, and then his eyes fell on Cheng Tianyong, "Tianyong, after so many years of separation, is everything okay?"

Cheng Tianyong smiled coldly, "It turns out to be my second uncle. Thanks to the Cheng family, everything is fine for me."

"That's good, that's good!"

Cheng Yuchun directly ignored Cheng Tianyong's implication and just smiled and said: "If you return to Tianyong City in the future, you must remember to find your second uncle."

After saying that, he cupped his fists and saluted Qin Wang again, then turned around and left with Cheng Tianqi, who was still looking unhappy.


Seeing Cheng Yuchun and Cheng Tianqi leaving, Qin Wang was obviously relieved. Both parties were big customers, and no one could afford to offend them. It would be best if they could settle the matter in peace.

"You two gentlemen, please follow me."

Qin Wang did not ask about the relationship between Cheng Tianyong and the uncle and nephew of the Cheng family. For their businessmen, making money from business is the most important thing.

As for other things, if you see them, just pretend you haven't seen them, and if you hear them, just pretend you haven't heard them.

Not long after, Qin Wang led the two of them into a VIP room, where everything was fully furnished and there were even two graceful girls who had been waiting inside for a long time.


When Cheng Tianyong saw the beauty, he immediately sat down with a smile on his face, hugging her left and right, and said with a smile: "Manager Qin has good intentions, so I won't be polite. As for the guy next to him, well, he is not close to women. Don’t waste it, just let me enjoy it alone.”


The two girls snuggled into Cheng Tianyong's arms very cooperatively, but this guy looked coquettish, but in fact he only hugged his waist and squeezed his face, and made no further moves.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, noncommittal.


Qin Wang smiled awkwardly, then stretched out his hand to Ling Feng to make a seated gesture, and then said with a smile: "You two gentlemen, now we can talk about the transaction in detail."


Ling Feng nodded, looked around, thought for a while, and then asked: "Is this a sound insulation problem?"

"Please rest assured, Mr. Ling, only we will know about the conversation between us, and we have specially moved the boxes of the two people just now to the farthest place. It will definitely not have any impact on you two."

"That's good."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, but quietly activated his infinite vision.

As Qin Wang said, this VIP room has special sound insulation and formations to isolate spiritual senses. Without some means, even if the powerful Immortal Lord comes, it will be impossible to pry into the privacy issues in other rooms.

As for the Immortal Emperor.

Those are all respectable people, how could they do such obscene things?

However, except Ling Feng.

He is not an Immortal Emperor, he is shameless, who knows who I am?

The infinite horizon quietly opens, and Ling Feng can basically fully understand all the disturbances within a radius of hundreds of miles.

The barrier formation in the VIP room could not block Ling Feng's perception at all.

However, the infinite horizon is not completely omnipotent. At least, Ling Feng cannot see through the situation above the eighth floor of the main building of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. Obviously there is a more powerful magic circle that can block the infinite horizon.

Ling Feng can also enhance the penetrating power of Infinite Vision, but it is obviously not necessary to avoid alerting some powerful people hidden in the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.

What's more, Ling Feng wasn't that bad, he just wanted to see what was going on with Cheng Tianqi.

Since Cheng Tianqi took the initiative to cause trouble and dared to verbally insult himself, how could Ling Feng not "retaliate" to him?

In short, no matter what Cheng Tianqi, the second generation ancestor, wants to do, Ling Feng will definitely not let him get his wish.

After all, Ling Feng never liked to hold grudges, and he would usually avenge himself on the same day if he could.

At the same time, in a certain tavern somewhere on the Tianming.

A woman who was feasting on a feast suddenly twitched her eyelids, frowned, held her breath, and began to hide her breath.

"You brat, it's a good thing that I'm the one doing detective work. I can even spy on the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm. You are the only one who wants to discover my aunt, so you're still a little greener!"

The woman was Si Chen. After evading Ling Feng's infinite vision scan, she began to eat and stuff again. The look of her swallowing jujube was similar to that of a famous man in another restaurant not far away. The woman named Xiao Xianling is no different.

Probably, there are a lot of foodies in the Tianzhi organization...

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