Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3449 Make a friend!

On the fifth floor of the main building of Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, there is one of the VIP rooms.

Qin Wang's face was full of smiles. Although the fat on his round face trembled slightly, he still gave people a rather friendly feeling.

It's no wonder that since Ling Feng first came into contact with the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, most of the managers were similar in stature to General Manager Qin.

Probably it is because of the affinity brought about by this "wide-hearted and fat body".


Manager Qin poured tea for Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong and said with a smile: "Mr. Ling, Mr. Cheng, I heard that you two have a batch of Beichen Crystals that you want to exchange?"


Ling Feng was distracted. While monitoring the situation of Cheng Tianqi's uncle and nephew, he was also able to chat fluently with Manager Qin.

He smiled faintly, took out a bulging bag from the Naling Ring, and then poured out all the thirty or forty Beichen Crystals inside with a bang, almost covering the entire coffee table.

For a moment, the faint blue light emitted by the Beichen Crystal shone dazzlingly in the entire VIP room.

Qin Wang's eyes suddenly lit up. Even the two maids who were beating Cheng Tianyong's legs and pinching his back were obviously wide-eyed and couldn't look away.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a long while, Manager Qin finally came to his senses and felt happy.

These two gentlemen are truly the gods of wealth!

"But...can I check the quality?"

Qin Wang even became a little nervous. He had been working for Tianmeng, the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce branch, for at least three hundred years. He had rich experience and was not only good at recognizing people, but also good at appraising treasures.


Ling Feng casually made a gesture of invitation, and on the other side, he also heard some interesting news.

But it turned out that the reason Cheng Tianqi's uncle and nephew came here was actually to participate in a super large auction party sponsored by the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce and jointly organized by the entire Tianming Alliance.

The two uncles and nephews came to retrieve the fairy stones stored in the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time took out some treasures for consignment, hoping to bid for some treasures at the evening auction.

Did you come here for the auction in the evening?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and a faint curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That was a coincidence. The reason why I wanted to exchange the Beichen Crystal was just to exchange for the Immortal Stone and Immortal Crystal?

And the Immortal Stone and Immortal Crystal are not just for purchasing cultivation materials.

Since you are catching up with such a grand auction party, how can you miss it?

Of course, the more important thing is to take advantage of the auction in the evening to play tricks on Cheng Tianqi. This is the most important thing.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, he was already planning on this, Cheng Tianqi would have a better time at night.

He has to pay the price for his "shit".

You scolded Cheng Tianyong, you scolded him, but you scolded me?

Absolutely not!

"Okay! Excellent! Excellent!"

At the same time, Qin Wang, who had also identified the Beichen Crystal, slowly put down the Beichen Crystal and looked at Ling Feng with excitement, "Master Ling, these Beichen Crystals of yours are all of the highest quality. At least it can be sold at this price!"

He slowly stretched out one finger, shook his head, and then raised the second finger. After thinking about it, he shook his head again and raised the third finger.

"A conservative estimate is that each of these Beichen crystals in your hand can be sold for the price of 30,000 fairy crystals."

"Thirty thousand!"

Ling Feng's eyes also lit up.

Each immortal crystal is equivalent to ten thousand immortal stones.

Thirty thousand immortal crystals, that’s 300 million immortal stones!

And there are thirty-six Beichen Crystals in that bag, which adds up to a total of 10.8 billion immortal stones!

It is indeed the Crystal of Beichen, it is indeed valuable!

Qin Wang nodded heavily, "This is still the exchange price. If part of it can be auctioned, it's hard to say. I'm afraid it might be several times higher."


Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "When I came in just now, I also heard that it seems that there will be a large-scale auction party on the Guibao in the evening. The time is so hasty, I will take out the Beichen Crystal for auction now. , is it still too late?”

"It's coming in time! Of course it's coming!"

Qin Wang quickly made a decision, "Don't worry, Mr. Ling, although the procedure may be a bit troublesome, special circumstances can naturally be handled specially, but..."

Qin Wang chuckled and said a little embarrassedly: "However, Mr. Ling, there is something I hope you can do...hehe..."

"Say it."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "A happy person says happy things, so there is no need to hesitate."

"Okay, actually I have an unkind request, I hope you can agree to it."

Qin Wang rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "If the young master is willing to exchange half of the Beichen Crystals directly with our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce at the lowest price of 30,000 yuan each, then the remaining half of the Beichen Crystals will be exchanged directly with our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. We, the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, will not take any of the fees from the crystal auction, and they will be transferred directly to your name. What do you think, Master?"


Ling Feng chuckled, this is a win-win plan, he won't lose, and the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce will definitely not lose either.

"Okay, I agree!"

Ling Feng nodded. The base price of 30,000 Immortal Crystals was actually not too low. Just treat it as making a friend.

"Master Ling is indeed very cheerful! I hope we can have a happy cooperation!"

Qin Wang was immediately happy and bought eighteen Beichen Crystals at the lowest price. He would auction one or two from time to time in the future. Although on the surface, not charging any auction fees might be a bit of a loss, but in fact, Tianmeng The Chamber of Commerce makes a lot of money!

He has even thought of a bigger concession, and there is no problem in raising the base price of 30,000 yuan.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng agreed directly.

Such magnanimity and magnanimity are really not something that ordinary people can compare to.

Of course he didn't know that the thirty-six Beichen Crystals were just part of Ling Feng's pocket.

After all, a whole vein of Beichen Crystal has been dug out. I really don’t have much feeling about this Beichen Crystal.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Although it seemed that he might have made a lot less immortal crystals, building a good relationship with the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce would definitely be worth every penny.

"Master Ling, please wait here for a moment. I will order someone to apply for a Supreme Black Diamond Card for you as soon as possible."

Qin Wang said with a smile: "As long as you hold this card, you can enjoy a 20% discount at any branch of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce in the Immortal Domain."

This is what you've been waiting for!

Ling Feng had a calm look on his face. He offered a 20% discount and got it right in one step. Well, it’s not a loss!

After a while, Qin Wang returned with a smile, and in his hand was a supreme black diamond card polished with special crystal minerals and handmade.

Holding this card is a symbol of status. You must have at least tens of billions of immortal stones in assets, and the transaction amount with the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce reaches tens of billions to be eligible to obtain it.

Logically speaking, Ling Feng is not qualified to directly obtain this black card, but for him to be so generous and obtain a black card in advance is a good sign from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.

"Mr. Ling, this is your Supreme Black Diamond Card. Please keep it. If you lose it, you can apply for a replacement, but the procedure is a bit troublesome."

Qin Wang respectfully handed the black diamond card to Ling Feng's hand, and said with a smile: "The 540,000 fairy crystals exchanged for the eighteen Beichen Crystals have been included in this black card. As for the other I have also transferred the eighteen Beichen Crystals to the auction treasury. After the auction is completed, all proceeds will be directly transferred to your black card."

"Good work."

Ling Feng glanced at Qin Wang with admiration. This guy's efficiency was really good. No wonder he became the general manager of this branch of Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.

"Haha, being able to entertain two young talents, Mr. Ling and Mr. Cheng, is my blessing, Mr. Qin!"

Qin Wang laughed heartily, "Come on, let's go, now that the business is done, I hope that the two young masters can show their respect. I, Qin, will be the host and invite the two young masters to taste the most famous dragon in our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce." Feast!”


Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong looked at each other with their index fingers twitching.

The Dragon Feast sounds like it has a lot of background.

"Haha, since Manager Qin is so polite, what are you thinking about? Brother Ling, let's go for a walk, eat and drink well, and go to the auction in the evening!"

Cheng Tianyong booed for a while.

"makes sense."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, but felt vaguely in his heart that he seemed to have forgotten something?

What exactly did you forget?

Forget it, never mind it!

Let’s have a good meal first!

"Since General Manager Qin has treated me so warmly, it would be disrespectful for me to refuse."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly, but he also wanted to taste what Qin Wang called the Dragon Feast.


At the same time, in the private room on the third floor of the Zhenxiu Restaurant, Xiao Xianling had already refilled the pot soup three times. Looking at the mess on the table, she touched her already round belly, but her brows became more and more serious. The deeper the state.

I agreed that I would order food first and then go back, but it has been an hour and there is not even a sign of anyone!

"Smelly boy! Hiccup~"

Xiao Xianling started to curse while burping, secretly cursing Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong, these two bastards, for daring to play tricks on her!

"If it hadn't been for my aunt, I would have eaten too much, and I would have hiccupped~"

Xiao Xianling was sitting on pins and needles, because she wanted to kill Cheng Tianyong, so she ordered the most expensive dishes in the restaurant, most of which were cooked with the meat of deep sea monsters, which was not only delicious Abnormal, it is a good thing that can enhance Qi and blood, and even warm and nourish blood vessels.

I'm afraid this table is a bit expensive.

If he pays his own money and leaves, wouldn't he be cheating himself?

But if you don’t pay...

Looking at the waiters and thugs around, they seemed to be getting more and more impatient, and there was even a hint of sharpness in their eyes, as if they were sure that she was going to eat the King's meal.

The corners of Xiao Xianling's mouth twitched slightly.

What is my identity? Will I eat your overlord meal?

She clenched her fists tightly, and some veins popped up on her forehead, pulsing.


The next moment, Xiao Xianling took out her money bag, slammed it on the table, shouted the check, and immediately jumped out of the window.

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, "You two brats, when I catch you, I will make sure you look good!"

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