Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3452 Thousands of deaths and calamities! The life-killing golden spirit!

Soon, the first auction item was slowly carried onto the auction stage by eight burly and strong men, carrying a black box with a "clang, clatter, clatter".

These eight burly men were all two meters away, and their cultivation had reached the Talisman Realm. They were full of energy and blood, and had strong muscles. At first glance, they were masters who were good at physical training.

Eight people worked together, but it was still so difficult. This shows that the contents of the black box must be extremely heavy.


Finally, the eight strong men walked to the middle of the auction table and put down the black box. Although they had put it down very lightly, they still made a dull sound, and even the venue shook slightly.

I am afraid that the entire Tianming ship sank slightly.

For a moment, the audience was in an uproar.

"What is so heavy that it can tire eight strong men like this?"

"The Tianming has always been as stable as a mountain, standing in this sea area, motionless. Such a giant ship can be affected to this extent. The things in the black box are probably not simple!"

"What on earth is it? Tianmeng is Tianmeng, and the confidentiality work done is outrageous."

Everyone was talking about it. It seemed that the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce wanted to surprise everyone right from the start.

Even in the VIP box above, there were whispers, and it was obvious that there was some interest in this first auction item.

Manager Qin narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly. He seemed quite satisfied with the performance of the audience. After everyone discussed it for a while, he raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

"Dear distinguished guests, this first auction item is indeed of considerable origin. Even our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce paid a considerable price to salvage this item from the legendary Death Trench!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole place became excited again.

"Oh my God, the Trench of Death!"

"It's actually something salvaged from there!"

"That's the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. Who from other forces would dare to get their hands on the treasures there!"

"Death Trench, a narrow escape from death, do you think it's a joke? The Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce must have paid enough settlement fees and bribed a large number of death squads to fish out good things from it."

"But there is one thing to say, the things in the Death Trench are not inferior!"

Following everyone's discussion, the image of the Death Trench has been roughly described.

In the VIP box, Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at the heavy black box. Manager Qin had already whetted his appetite.

"Yes, as everyone said, anything salvaged from the Death Trench will never be defective!"

Manager Qin smiled lightly and nodded to the powerful man next to him.

The next moment, a strong man on the right strode to the black box, took a deep breath, and then slowly opened the black box.

However, as soon as the box was opened, a dark tentacle-like thing came out of it, shooting straight at Hercules.

The burly strong man had obviously expected this scene. With quick eyes and quick hands, he grabbed the tentacle and yanked it outward.

Immediately afterwards, seven strong men nearby surrounded him at the same time, using both hands to grasp the dark object inside but with countless spikes sticking out.

" Is this thing alive?"

"Oh my God, is it a living thing?"

I saw those strong men, although they were prepared, they were still confused by the dark object.

After a long while, he was finally caught again and thrown into the black box again. When the leading strongman closed the box, everything finally stopped.

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly: "Have you all seen it? This is the legendary ore that has life."

"Has life? Ore?"

As everyone knows, ore ore is not just a stone containing minerals. No matter what type it is, it should be a hard stone.

And generally speaking, the harder it is, the higher the value.

But the ore just now is like a liquid and can flow freely.

Moreover, it seems to have self-awareness and can actively launch attacks.

After a brief silence, another burst of exclamations broke out from the crowd.

"Could it be...could it be..."

"It seems that there are experts who know the business!"

Manager Qin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Yes, this is indeed the peerless magic weapon that was once famous in the Immortal Realm of the Five Directions and was proud to dominate the world. It killed thousands of people and caused countless calamities -"

Manager Qin changed the subject, then smiled again and said: "This is one of the core raw materials used to create Thousands of Deaths and Tribulations, the Life-Calling Fine Gold. A liquid metal that has the consciousness of self-attack and contains life!"


The whole place suddenly fell silent, and the sound of gasps could be heard all the time.

Thousands of deaths!

The life-killing golden spirit!

These two terms obviously have an indelible impression on most people present.

Or rather, fear.

"Thousands of deaths? What is that?"

Ling Feng blinked. He was not born in the Immortal Realm. He didn't know about the so-called Thousand Kills, but it was normal.

However, the name sounds very domineering.

The ten directions with him are all destroyed, but they have the same purpose.

"That's a sword, an extremely terrifying sword! Legend has it that this sword has a thousand forms and needs to drink tens of thousands of blood every day to maintain its edge. Hence the name, Thousand Kills and Thousands of Catastrophes!"

"Because it was too terrifying and killed too much, it was Xantian Thunder Emperor who personally took action and killed the sword owner who had been killed for thousands of times. From then on, the sword was sealed in the Xantian Thunder Clan's sword tomb."


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

The story can be said like this, but it can also be said that the Xuntian Thunder Emperor was greedy for the power of killing thousands of calamities, so he took it away and gave the original sword master a hat for killing too much.

After all, he is an Immortal Emperor, so whatever he says comes naturally.

Of course, this may just be because of Ling Feng's inherent prejudice against the Xuntian clan.

But no matter what, he finally understood why everyone reacted like this after hearing about Thousands of Killings.

Those that can attract the attention of the powerful Immortal Emperor are naturally rare and rare.

This life-threatening golden spirit is not simple!

It is conceivable that if a magic weapon can change into various forms at will and has the consciousness of self-attack, wouldn't holding this magic weapon be equivalent to fighting two against one?

This is definitely a rare treasure used to create a peerless magic weapon!

Unexpectedly, the first auction item in this auction party was so outrageous.

"Everyone, this golden spirit of calamity is definitely a rare treasure. If any distinguished guest bids for this treasure today, our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce will also give you an opportunity to have ten top forging masters help forging it. We only charge the normal forging fee. One-tenth of the cost is equivalent to a 10% discount, so don’t hesitate to take action! ”


Manager Qin cleared his throat, and then said with a smile: "The life-killing golden essence, the base price is 100 million immortal stones! Every time the price is increased, it must not be less than 10 million immortal stones!"

"This kind of ore only costs 100 million immortal stones? Is it too cheap?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately raised a placard and quoted a price of 110 million.

"Cheap? Brother, although the Life-Tribbing Golden Essence is good, it is as difficult to forge it successfully as it is for an Immortal Lord to become an Immortal Emperor. Why do you think the Tianmeng would put this treasure up for auction? ? That’s because none of their own blacksmiths can forge this treasure. The so-called 10% discount is just a gimmick!”

"Understand people!"

As soon as these words came out, people immediately nodded frequently, but this did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for bidding for this treasure.

"Even if you can't forge it, if you buy it back and use it as a mascot, I will accept it! 120 million!"

"One hundred and thirty million!"



The fierce bidding lasted for a while, and finally, a wealthy man in the VIP box also joined the bidding.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, the price was taken to another level.

"One billion!"

As expected, the distinguished guests are all rich and wealthy owners.

However, one billion is obviously far from reaching the highest price in everyone's mind.

Soon, someone else continued to increase the price, pushing it past one billion.

"Ling Feng, are you interested?"

Xiao Xianling blinked her eyes and turned to look at Ling Feng.

"More or less, but don't rush to bid yet."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, but secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.

There are still many rich people!

I thought that I would soon be worth tens of billions of immortal stones, which was pretty good, but such a piece of ore was already worth more than one billion.

Tens of billions of Immortal Stones are probably not enough to make a few of them myself.

I can only hope that the Beichen Crystal that I am selling on consignment can be so crazy when the price is raised later.

But this life-threatening golden spirit is actually quite interesting.

But Ling Feng already has Destruction in All Directions, so for him, no matter how good the magic weapon is, it is naturally inferior to Destruction in Ten Directions.

If he could win two to three billion fairy stones, he could still give it a try, but if he kept going up, it wouldn't be worth it.

After all, spending billions of fairy stones for a piece of ore that is not yet sure whether it can be successfully forged is still a bit too crazy for Ling Feng.

For this kind of thing, we still have to act according to our ability and don't get ahead of ourselves!

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