Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3453 Wanjian Villa! Sword Appreciation Conference!

"Two billion!--"

After another fierce bidding, finally, a calm and old voice came from one of the VIP boxes.

Although the special sound of the magic circle in the box has been modified, it still gives people a feeling of anger.

The sound was not loud, but it quickly spread throughout the entire venue, shaking people's spirits.

Obviously, this auction has already attracted competition from various forces. Treasures such as the life-killing golden spirit are naturally not something that ordinary people can win.

However, after a brief silence, another voice sounded, "Twenty-one billion!"

He immediately raised the price by 100 million immortal stones. At this price, it was obvious that most people could only stay away and become mere spectators.

"I am determined to win this life-threatening golden spirit!"

The voice was sharp and overbearing, domineering, and indeed there was an aura of determination to win.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Although he was somewhat interested in this life-threatening golden spirit, it was a pity that his strength did not allow it.

Because soon, the price of the life-threatening gold essence soared to five billion.

Ling Feng did not intend to put all his wealth on a piece of ore.

After all, no matter how good the magic weapon is, in his heart, it cannot replace the status of being destroyed in all directions.

"Fifty-two billion!"

The sharp voice sounded again, but after reaching this price, it was obvious that every increase in price had started to become a bit hysterical.

"Fifty-three billion!"

The slightly older voice from before was as calm and gentle as ever, slowly raising the price.

At this moment, these two people were the only ones bidding in the end.


The sharp and domineering voice began to get a little anxious, "Master Wanjian Manor, I know it's you. Who else in the entire Shenzhi Heavenly Realm would spend such a price to buy a piece of ore that ordinary people can't forge. However, just you, With the forging skills of Wanjian Villa, do you want to successfully forge a magic weapon like Thousand Kills and Wanjie? It’s simply delusional!”

"The only one who can forge a thousand deaths and calamities is me! Only me!"

Roar, roar, hoarse!

That fierce and domineering voice almost became crazy. Obviously, he should also be a blacksmith, otherwise, he would not be so crazy for a piece of ore.

"Whether it can be forged or not, I don't need to worry about it."

That old voice, still as calm as ever, just continued to increase the price very steadily, "Fifty-five billion!"

"Oh my god, it turns out he is the owner of Wanjian Villa in Guyang City. No wonder he has such financial resources!"

"It is said that Wanjian Villa has been forging swords for generations. The swords they forged have always been what all immortal masters long for. It is even said that among the five immortal emperors, Immortal Emperor Haocang is proud of his swordsmanship. This sword was forged by the master of Zong Lianzong of Wanjian Villa."

"Oh my God, is that Mr. Zong behind that box?"

For a moment, the whole house was excited. The name Zong Lian was already a legend.

For a big shot of this level, not to mention four to five billion fairy stones, even if it were four to five billion, I'm afraid he wouldn't even frown.

"Six billion!!!"

That fierce and domineering voice roared and shouted again, seeming to be struggling to death.

"Ten billion!"

Zong Lian spoke slowly and said calmly: "We are both blacksmiths, why should we hurt our harmony? I am also determined to get this life-threatening golden essence. In half a month, I, Wanjian Villa, will open the gate and hold a sword appreciation ceremony. At the conference, not only will the top-notch divine weapons that we have forged over the past hundred years be displayed at Wanjian Villa, but this life-threatening golden spirit will also be made available to the world."

After a pause, the old man of the sect continued: "At that time, if there is a swordsmith who is confident that he has the ability to forge the life-threatening golden spirit, he can stay in the villa for forging. I put down my words, who can use the sword-smith to forge the life-threatening golden essence? If you forge the divine weapon with the life gold essence, you can take the divine weapon away directly. All you need to do is leave an emblem of my Wanjian Villa on the sword, that’s enough.”


"Oh My God!"

"As expected of Mr. Zong, he is so magnanimous!"

"Mr. Zong is indeed a legendary figure in the forging world!"

"Did you hear that in half a month, there will be a sword appreciation conference at Wanjian Villa? Haha, there will be fun again!"

"Haha, I must go and show my support when the time comes!"

The crowd became excited. I believe that after the auction ends, the news of the sword appreciation conference held at Wanjian Villa will spread throughout the Shenzhi Heavenly Domain, and even farther away in other areas under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Emperors. The wind comes.

After all, Wanjian Villa is almost the pinnacle of forging level in the Immortal Realm!

An almost insurmountable peak!

After hearing Zong Lian's words, the swordsmith who had fought to the death with Zong Lian before finally stopped bidding and just said slowly: "Okay, Mr. Zong, you are a leader in the casting world. I hope When the time comes, don’t regret it!”

"Whoever can forge the life-killing golden spirit can take it away."

Zong Lian was as calm as ever. At his age, he was no longer as sharp as a young man.

However, judging from his confident and calm reaction, I am afraid that in his heart, the only person in the world who can forge the life-threatening golden essence is Zong Lian.

In the end, the first auction item, the Life-Calling Golden Essence, was sold for 10 billion immortal stones.

This is already a very exaggerated number, and even Ling Feng can't help but admire the old man's magnanimity, especially his "one hundred million people" demeanor.

For such a character, no matter how many immortal stones there are, they are probably just a number.

However, what is interesting is that the mission Ling Feng took before was exactly to go to Guyang City.

And he had already made a plan to go to Guyang City.

If you have time, you might as well go and experience the grand occasion of this sword appreciation conference.

Immediately afterwards, several more auction items were displayed, but with the life-threatening gold essence pearl and jade in front, the millions and tens of millions of auction items behind were not enough to see at all.

However, Ling Feng still took pictures of two treasures that Xiao Xianling liked and gave them to her as an apology.

Xiao Xianling accepted the gift and was so happy that she no longer frowned.

However, although Cheng Tianyong seemed to have a calm face, he seemed extremely silent, without his usual voluptuous remarks.

Ling Feng glanced at Cheng Tianyong with his peripheral vision and sighed secretly in his heart.

Although this guy said on the surface that he no longer had any relationship with the Cheng family.

But in the final analysis, blood is thicker than water. Can he really watch that scum Cheng Tianqi harm his biological father?

And all this depends on his own decision.

Ling Feng had no right to interfere, nor would he interfere with anything. He had no reason or position to teach Tian Yong what to do.

Finally, a collection was brought to the stage. It was a mahogany tray with six sparkling blue crystals placed on it.

Beichen Crystal!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, were he finally going to put his Beichen Crystal up for auction?

I took out a total of eighteen Beichen Crystals to the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, but the other party did not put them out for auction at once. It seemed that they wanted to divide them into three groups, with six crystals in each group to be auctioned separately.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a kind of hunger marketing.

Let me tell you first that there are only six of them. If you can’t grab them, they’ll be gone.

Then, when everyone was sighing, they took it out and continued the auction, giving people hope again.

Otherwise, the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce would be able to stand firm in the Immortal Realm. It also has a very thorough understanding of the psychology of its customers.

"Beichen Crystal!"

"Let me go, such a big Beichen Crystal?"

"There are actually six of them here!"

Before Manager Qin could make an introduction, the audience had already exploded.

Most of them are living in the Sea of ​​Stars generation, so how could they not know Beichen Crystal?

It's just that it's so complete and so big, it's really rare and tight.

"Haha, everyone should also know the efficacy and preciousness of Beichen Crystal, so there is no need for me to waste any more words."

Manager Qin looked at everyone with a smile, "This Beichen Crystal is also a very precious ore. It can be used not only for forging, but also for refining elixirs, and even as the core of formations. It is a very good choice. , and these Beichen Crystals, whether in terms of quality, form, or energy purity, the professional evaluation given by our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce is that they are top-notch!”

After a pause, Manager Qin picked up one of the Beichen Crystals. The faint blue light seemed weak, but it could illuminate almost half of the venue.

Moreover, the spiritual energy escaping from it also made many spectators sitting in the front row intoxicated.

This is indeed good stuff!

Every one is a treasure!

"Ordinary Beichen Crystals cost about 10,000 Immortal Crystals each, which is 100 million Immortal Stones. And this batch of Beichen Crystals is definitely several levels higher than ordinary Beichen Crystals, but we give The starting price is still 100 million! Next, it depends on your performance!”

"One hundred million? Good guy, with this kind of quality, you can earn three hundred million in blood!"

Immediately, some monks shouted, "One hundred and thirty million!"

"One hundred and forty million!"

"One hundred and eighty million!"

The bidding was also fierce. Although the starting price was similar to that of the Life-Calling Golden Essence, ordinary monks were obviously much more enthusiastic about the Beichen Crystal.

After all, only top blacksmiths can use the Life-Calling Golden Essence, but the Beichen Crystal is different.

Licking it every day can have the same effect as an elixir. Even if you don't forge or refine the elixir when you take it back, it can be passed down from generation to generation!

However, everyone also knows that the upper limit of the Beichen Crystal is definitely not as high as that of the Life-Calling Golden Essence. It is probably priced around 4 to 5 billion, and if it reaches 7 to 8 billion, it will not be worth it any more.

There is a steelyard in everyone's heart, and there is a certain amount of room for a decisive victory. Maybe at the moment when others hesitate, they can still miss it.

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips. The more aggressive the price shouting, the happier he would naturally be.

However, he was not so shameless that he raised the price so outrageously.

At most, it's just throwing the cheap ass out.

Of course, this kind of thing is left to a bitch to do!

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