Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3456 Guyang City!

About half an hour later.

Cheng Tianyong walked out of a brothel called Yicui Pavilion with a calm expression.

Ling Feng was waiting in front of the door. When he saw Cheng Tianyong coming out, he quickly stepped forward to greet him, "How about it?"

Cheng Tianyong nodded towards Ling Feng, made a "done" gesture, and winked at him, meaning he was walking and talking.

After a while, when he came to a corner, Cheng Tianyong threw a small wooden box into Ling Feng's hand, "Here, this is the blood jade mandrill. I have no use keeping it, it belongs to you."

Ling Feng took it casually. This blood jade mandrill is indeed a highly poisonous thing, and it contains a very sinister and evil spirit. It is a very evil thing, but it is indeed a rare thing, and It took thousands of years to condense such one.

For an alchemist, it has more or less collection value.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and glanced at Cheng Tianyong. This guy had been with an alchemist for three years. Didn't he learn some methods of refining medicine and poison?

"How did you deal with that Cheng Tianqi?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked casually.

"After a beating, he should still be unconscious now."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, "Don't get me wrong, that kind of idiot is not worthy of dying in my hands!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not saying much. However, in the face of the scum who had bullied him since childhood, he showed mercy several times. He didn't know whether to call him kind or naive.

If it were him, Ling Feng asked himself, he probably wouldn't be able to be so generous.

"It's almost time. Let's go back. Senior Sister Xiao must be impatient to wait."

Cheng Tianyong changed the topic and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and the two of them flew out and shot toward the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce's auction house.

On the other side, in order to compete with Xiao Xianling for a moment, Mo Yurou dragged Zhou Yan and left the team, saying she was going back to Tianzhi, but in fact she did not return directly, but came to a nearby small town. Within the town.

After a tiring journey, the two of them casually found an inn to rest for a while. After ordering some wine and food, they started chatting while waiting for the food to be served.

"Zhou Yan, do you still remember what tasks that boy Ling Feng took on?"

After Mo Yurou left the team, it was Ren who became more and more angry as he thought about it, and took a step back to explode.

If you just go back like this, won't you make that woman Xiao Xianling look down on you?


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, "Senior Sister Mo, aren't we going back?"

"I'm not going back!"

Mo Yurou snorted, "Answer my question first!"


Zhou Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I remember that Ling Feng and the others seemed to be preparing to go to Guyang City."

"Guyang City?"

Mo Yurou blinked her eyes, and by coincidence, the diners at the table next to her seemed to be getting excited about what they were talking about, and said excitedly, "Have you guys heard about it? The owner of Wanjian Villa in Guyang City, Guangfa Hero Post is going to hold a sword appreciation conference at Wanjian Villa!"

"Oh? Sword Appreciation Conference?"

For a moment, the monks in the inn lobby became interested and gathered around him in twos and threes.

Mo Yurou and Zhou Yan also looked at each other, obviously also interested in this matter.

"The Sword Appreciation Conference at Ten Thousand Swords Villa is held only once every few hundred years. The specific time is not yet certain, but every time some top-quality magical weapons are on display. It is actually our God's Heaven Realm. What a great event in the region!”

"The scope of its influence has even spread to the realms of other Immortal Emperors, causing many powerful men from other holy realms to come and visit!"

"Not only that, every time we come to this sword appreciation conference, basically all the great forging masters who have a good reputation and high reputation will come to evaluate the swords, and finally they will judge the only peerless magic weapon in this sword appreciation conference! "

“Just thinking about it makes me excited!”

A few words from everyone, and a few words from me, basically gave a rough picture of the grand occasion of the Sword Appreciation Conference.

Mo Yurou narrowed her eyes, becoming more and more curious about the sword appreciation conference.

"Not bad! This sword appreciation conference is a little different from the past."

The monk who mentioned the sword appreciation conference before touched the goatee on his chin and said with a smile: "Because this session of peerless magic weapons may not have been cast yet!"

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Everyone was surprised. Since the sword appreciation meeting has been held, how come there are still magic weapons that have not been successfully forged?

"Because this time, the owner of Wanjian Villa, Mr. Zong Lianzong, bought a piece of life-threatening golden essence at the auction of the Tianming Ship a few days ago!"

"What? The life-killing golden spirit?"

"What is the life-killing golden spirit?"

Everyone looked at each other, obviously, not many people had heard of this thing.


At this moment, Mo Yurou couldn't hold back anymore and started to slap the table.

Everyone turned their attention to Mo Yurou, and Mo Yurou suddenly put on a arrogant attitude, "You ignorant people, if you have never heard of the life-killing golden spirit, you should have heard of that peerless sword of the past, capable of killing thousands of calamities, right?" ?”


For a moment, the sound of gasping for air could be heard in the lobby.

Thousands of deaths and countless catastrophes, that’s a terrible reputation!

"This girl is right."

The monk with the goatee from before said with a smile: "This Tribulation Gold Essence was one of the main ores used to create Thousands of Killings. This time, Mr. Zong got the Life Tribulation Gold Essence, and even made bold statements. If the blacksmith can successfully forge this piece of life-threatening gold essence, he can directly take the successfully crafted magic weapon away!"


"Hmph! You know, Mr. Zong spent tens of billions of immortal stones to auction just this life-threatening golden essence. Taking away the magic weapon that was successfully forged with the fate-tribulation golden essence is equivalent to taking away tens of billions of immortal stones!"


For a moment, everyone swallowed their saliva again and again, only wishing that they did not know how to forge, otherwise they might be able to try their luck.

"Anyway, you have nothing to do. If you are interested, you can go to Wanjian Villa to participate in the Sword Appreciation Conference. However, I'm afraid it will be overcrowded by then. In addition to the invited guests, you must also be a big shot with a good reputation before you can enter."

There was a lot of discussion in the lobby, and Mo Yurou had a look of confidence on her face. She was also a disciple of the Tianzhi inner sect and the younger sister of Yufeng Immortal Lord, so she should be considered respectable.

"Zhou Yan, let's go to Guyang City to participate in the Sword Appreciation Conference!"

Mo Yurou's eyebrows relaxed, and she smiled and said, "Aren't you known as an all-around genius? You should be good at forging, right?"


Zhou Yan almost choked on a mouthful of hot tea. Since arriving in the Immortal Realm, the first opponent he encountered was a freak like Ling Feng.

All-around genius?

Don't humiliate me anymore!

Listening to it now, I feel like these words are sarcastic.

"I just...just know a little bit about it."

"That's enough, that's enough, as long as you can sneak in."

Mo Yurou pursed her lips, thinking that she would definitely meet that stupid woman Xiao Xianling then, and she would have to think carefully about how to attack this self-righteous guy.

Three days later, inside Guyang City.

Because the Sword Appreciation Conference at Wanjian Villa is about to be held, Guyang City, which was originally as famous as Tianyong City, has more than ten times more monks gathered than usual.

Almost every inn and every restaurant is full of classes every day, and the city is packed with people.

Everyone is waiting for the sword appreciation meeting ten days later.

Although most people may not have the qualifications to enter Wanjian Villa to watch the ceremony, they can also see for the first time how elegant the peerless magic weapons judged by this sword appreciation conference are.

Because according to past practice, after the selection of the peerless magic weapons is completed, they will be sent to the Weijian Tower in Guyang City for three days and three nights for exhibition. Even if you can't enter the villa to watch the ceremony, it is a worthwhile trip to see the magic weapons. .

"It's so lively!"

At the city gate, three figures came together, and they were none other than Ling Feng and his party.

Among the crowd, Ling Feng's long silver-white hair was particularly eye-catching, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

Xiao Xianling, on the other hand, has a candied haws in her left hand and a dough-making dough in her right hand. She has a pretty face and turned into a tabby cat.

Ling Feng looked helpless, smiled bitterly and moved forward with his forehead in hand, with an expression of "I don't know that guy".

"Holy shit, she's so beautiful! This girl is so good, she's got legs from the neck down!"

At this moment, Cheng Tianyong's exclamation voice came from beside him. Ling Feng shook his head. He had a pervert and a foodie next to him. How could he not be a normal person?

I still miss Yan Jinghong more when he was by his side. The aloof male god was in line with my temperament!

But soon, Ling Feng was dressed in white and attracted attention.

It was a young girl holding a guqin in her arms. Her hair was combed in clouds, and her black hair was gently curled up, showing her dignity and beauty.

Even though his face was covered by a veil, many people still stopped to watch, with some eagerness in their eyes.

Moreover, as Cheng Tianyong commented, almost all the legs below the neck are the most perfect and slender legs that Ling Feng has ever seen.

What is a bit surprising is that the woman did not wear shoes, but walked barefoot on the ground. There was a crisp silver bell wrapped around Bai Shengsheng's left ankle. Every step you take, there will be a very quiet and peaceful sound of nature, as if it penetrates directly into your soul.

For a time, everyone's eyes became much clearer, and all the colors were like a dream.

When he came back to his senses, the girl holding the guqin was already gone.

"She is truly a goddess-like figure!"

"How can there be such a woman in the world?"

"This is what you call a real fairy, right?"

There was an uproar among the crowd, and Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth, but she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Even Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh secretly, such a woman seemed to have stepped out of a painting.

Is there such a wonderful lady in the world?

"A pair of bare feet and a guqin. I think I probably know the origin of that woman."

Cheng Tianyong's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he thought of something.

Before Ling Feng could speak, there were already many male monks beside him, who blurted out and asked: "My dear friend, what is the origin of that woman?"

Cheng Tianyong narrowed his eyes, smiled faintly, and then said slowly: "There is a holy land in the north of the Divine Realm, called Cihang Jingzhai!"

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