Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3457 Yu Shiwei!

Wanjian Villa stands on the northern outskirts of Guyang City and is built on the mountain. It is not so much a villa as it is comparable to a majestic city.

Since its establishment, Wanjian Villa has a history of tens of thousands of years, and its foundation is so deep that it is far beyond comparison with ordinary forces.

In addition, Wanjian Villa's forging level is second to none among the eight wastelands in the Immortal Realm. Therefore, for thousands of years, whether it is reputation, status, or wealth, Wanjian Villa has been steadily improving.

What is missing is just a powerful person at the level of the Immortal Emperor. Otherwise, he would have been able to establish a sect and become the overlord of one party.

Even so, looking from the bottom of the mountain and seeing the majestic and continuous villas is enough to make people admire them.

Because the Sword Appreciation Conference was about to be held, the mountain road up the mountain was already busy with traffic and pedestrians.

Those who received the invitation naturally entered the villa to stay. Those who did not receive the invitation also wanted to try their luck. Maybe they could meet the qualifications and sneak into the villa to watch the ceremony.

Among them, Ling Feng and his party were included.

Although Ling Feng has no status for the time being, Xiao Xianling does!

The title of the granddaughter of the Immortal Master is enough to scare people.

The three of them followed the flow of people up the mountain, seemingly out of respect for Wanjian Villa. After entering the mountain road, no one was flying in the sky, but they just walked up the mountain along the mountain road.

After climbing for more than an hour, I finally saw the majestic gate of Wanjian Villa.

I saw a gate tower more than three feet high standing directly in front, with the four words "Wanjian Villa" written on it, and a strange golden sword with an extraordinary momentum.

Many disciples of Wanjian Villa and guests who came to visit have gathered in front of the entrance. Those who have invitations can enter the villa directly after registering their information. Those who do not have invitations must either become a swordsmith if they want to enter the villa. , or he has an extraordinary background.

Of course, there is another simplest and most effective way.

Pay money.

One quota, one million fairy stones!

"Dingling bell~"

A clear and melodious ringtone suddenly rang in his ears. Ling Feng couldn't help but stare, only to find that the person registering in front of him was a girl holding a guqin and her face covered with a veil.

is her!

Ling Feng blinked and saw the barefoot girl he met at the gate of the city.

Although he was walking on the road with bare feet, the soles of his feet were still as white as jade, even emitting a faint ray of fluorescence.

It was the woman from Cihang Jingzhai.

However, according to Cheng Tianyong, the female disciples of Cihang Jingzhai are all monks, they have not fallen into the world of mortals, and they are almost all proficient in medical skills.

The barefoot girl's trip must have been to go down the mountain to practice.

"What a pity!"

Cheng Tianyong shook his head and sighed, such a beauty is a monk.

"Hey, stinky man!"

Xiao Xianling gave him a vicious look. Cheng Tianyong shrank his neck angrily and said no more.

"It turns out to be the Rain Master girl from Cihang Jingzhai, please come in."

The people who were guarding the gate of the mountain to check the invitations were two young-looking disciples, one male and one female. The male was youthful and energetic, while the female was lively and lively. The two of them stood side by side. Judging from some intimate gestures, it was obvious that It's the relationship between childhood sweethearts.

"Thank you."

Yu Shiwei held her guqin in her arms, bowed to the two disciples, then stepped forward with her bare feet and crossed the gate tower with a light lotus step.

The graceful figure and the immortal aura made the male disciple a little stunned and couldn't help but look back a few more times.


At this moment, there was a sharp pain in the soft flesh of his waist. The male disciple grimaced in pain. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was the junior sister next to him who reached out and pinched him hard.

"Hmph, your soul has flown away, right?"

Shen Xiangxiang glared at Zong Huaiyue angrily and said angrily.

It turns out that these two people are the younger generation disciples of Wanjian Villa. The man's name is Zong Huaiyue, and he has the same surname as the owner Zong Lian. He is the direct descendant of Wanjian Villa and the sixth generation great-great-grandson of the owner Zong Lian.

The girl's name is Shen Xiangxiang, and she is Zong Huaiyue's distant cousin. Because her parents died early, she and Zong Huaiyue have been childhood sweethearts at Wanjian Villa since they were young.

"Where...where is there?"

Zong Huaiyue coughed a few times in embarrassment, but his face was slightly red and he looked a little guilty.

"Hey, everyone has a love for beauty. Little brother, I can understand it!"

At this moment, a somewhat slovenly-looking middle-aged man walked up, with his chest open and his bulging belly exposed. He winked and looked like he didn't look like a serious person at first glance.

"Your Excellency?"

Zong Huaiyue took a deep breath, straightened his face, and returned to work.

"Hey, there are really talented people coming out from generation to generation. A new generation replaces the old ones. The younger generation no longer recognizes us old people!"

The slovenly middle-aged man grinned, showing his yellowed teeth. He reached out and fumbled inside his open coat for a moment before leaving the greeting card on the table.

Shen Xiangxiang looked disgusted and almost couldn't help but want to pinch his nose. Zong Huaiyue smiled bitterly and could only pick up the greeting card, opened it and looked at it, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

" are the hidden sword master?"

"Hey, how's it going? Can I go in?"

Zang Jian patted his belly and said with a smile.

"Of course..."

Zong Huaiyue carefully returned the invitation and respectfully welcomed Master Zangjian into the villa.

"You really can't tell a person's face, he is actually a hidden sword master?"

Shen Xiangxiang stuck out his tongue and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, "I heard that Master Zangjian used to be a rare and handsome man. How come he looks like this now?"

"who knows?"

Zong Huaiyue shrugged and didn't say much. He just continued to smile and receive the guests.

Not long after, a young man with half an iron mask strode forward. Zong Huaiyue and Shen Xiangxiang saw the person coming and hurriedly stepped forward.


Zong Huaiyue stepped forward and bowed to the iron-faced boy. Shen Xiangxiang took the iron-faced boy's wrist very affectionately and said coquettishly: "Brother, you have been away for more than half a year. Xiangxiang wants to is you!"

Although the iron-masked boy only wore half of the iron mask, his entire face was as cold as an iron mask. Even when facing the salutes of his junior brothers and sisters, he only nodded slightly.

However, Zong Huaiyue and Shen Xiangxiang have long been used to it, because their senior brother Ao Qianchuan is born unable to cry, smile, and has no expression.

Ao Qianchuan also grew up with Zong Huaiyue and Shen Xiangxiang. He was an orphan. His adoptive parents were ordinary swordsmiths at Wanjian Villa. However, his swordmaking talent was extremely high, so he was included in the direct lineage at a young age. , and became the most outstanding swordsmith among the younger generation of Wanjian Villa.

"I'll go in first. I've been away from home for half a year. I'll go home to see my parents first." Ao Qianchuan said lightly, looking at Shen Xiangxiang with a hint of tenderness.

"That's fine, I'll take over classes with other juniors later, and we'll find you again!"

Shen Xiangxiang said, letting go of his senior brother's arm, but holding Zong Huaiyue's hand very naturally.

Ao Qianchuan still nodded very calmly, turned around and walked into the villa.

Time passed little by little, and during this period, groups of guests passed by and entered the villa, and many of them had no choice but to go home.

At this time, a man and a woman walked up to Zong Huaiyue. It is worth mentioning that the girl among them had long silver hair, which was quite eye-catching.

"You two, do you have a greeting card?"

Zong Huaiyue looked at the two people in front of him and asked in a routine manner.


The silver-haired girl was Mo Yurou. She frowned and pushed Zhou Yan beside her.

Zhou Yan swallowed and could only say: "I am... I am a swordsmith!"

Zong Huaiyue looked at Zhou Yan and said calmly: "Then, do you have the senior swordsmith's token issued by the swordsmiths' union?"


Zhou Yan was in trouble, he didn't have this thing.

"We just don't bother to judge, can't we?"

Mo Yurou frowned, "In short, he is a swordsmith, the real deal!"

"Sorry, if we don't have the token of the senior swordsmith, there might be nothing we can do..."

Zong Huaiyue shook his head. Although there are some truly powerful blacksmiths who disdain to accept the judgment of the Swordsmiths Guild, a young and inexperienced boy like Zhou Yan can't.

The level of sword making is probably far inferior to that of the direct disciple of Wanjian Villa.

"Hmph, I...I am still a disciple of Tianzhi inner sect!"

Mo Yurou gritted her teeth and took out her identity token.

"It turns out that I am a disciple of Tianzhi. I am disrespectful and disrespectful."

Zong Huaiyue cupped his fists and saluted Mo Yurou. Mo Yurou felt proud and was about to enter the villa, but was stopped again, "I'm sorry, there are so many disciples in the Tianzhi inner sect. If it's just the inner sect disciples, I'm afraid they won't be able to get in. If It’s different if it’s Liu Yu Jiu Yao or if it’s passed down by the Immortal Lord.”


Mo Yurou's eyes widened in anger, "I...Although I am not one of the Six Emperors and Nine Glory, I am...I am the sister of Yufeng Immortal Lord!"

"If Yufeng Immortal Lord comes in person and wants to bring the girl in with him, that's no problem, but..."


Mo Yurou was so angry that her teeth were itching, this brat was just deliberately making things difficult for her!

At this moment, a strange voice came, "Hey, what's wrong? Isn't this a white-haired monster? I'm not allowed in! Oh, oh, oh, oh..."

But Xiao Xianling covered her mouth and laughed strangely.

She was lining up with Ling Feng at the back, but suddenly she saw Mo Yurou, an old acquaintance, and naturally she would not miss the opportunity to ridicule her.


Mo Yurou clenched her fists tightly, but had nothing to say.

Xiao Xianling grinned, winked at Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong, and strode over, "White-haired monster, you better see how I get in!"

With that said, Xiao Xianling took out a seal belonging to the Immortal Master Jie Yin directly from her pocket, and said with a smile: "Brother, do you think we can go in now?"

"Receive the Immortal Lord's seal?"

Zong Huaiyue's eyelids twitched and he nodded quickly, "It turns out that we were sent by Master Jie Yinxian Zun. Everyone, please come in!"

As soon as the name of Jie Yin Xianzun came out, let alone a small disciple of his. If Jie Yin Xianzun really came by himself, I am afraid that even the owner of the village would have to show up in person to greet him.


Xiao Xianling nodded with satisfaction, and looked back at Xiao Xianling provocatively, "White-haired monster, remember you owe me a favor!"

After saying that, he walked into the villa swaggeringly.

Mo Yurou was so angry that her teeth itched, she looked at Xiao Xianling's leaving back, snorted softly, and then took a step forward to follow her.

A good man doesn't want to suffer the immediate consequences, just sneak in first and then talk!

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