Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3458 The road is rough!

After successfully entering Wanjian Villa, disciples soon led groups of guests to stay at the villa halfway up the mountain.

Because there were so many guests who came to watch the ceremony, it was naturally impossible to allocate an independent courtyard to all the guests. Most of the guests could only be assigned to one guest room, or even several people would have to squeeze into one guest room.

Ling Feng and his party, plus Mo Yurou and Zhou Yan, a total of five people, were only allocated two guest rooms.

Therefore, even though Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou disliked each other, they had no choice but to live together in the end.

Otherwise, he would have no choice but to hang out with men like Ling Feng, which would not be very pleasant if word spread about it.

"Dear guests, the Sword Appreciation Conference will start in seven days. During this period, all guests are asked not to walk around randomly. If you want to see the red leaves of the Fragrant Mountain in the villa, you can ask our disciples in the villa to guide you. Otherwise, it will be very difficult. It is easy to trigger the mountain guarding barrier inside the villa. If there is any damage, it will be bad. "

A young man wearing the uniform of a disciple of Wanjian Villa gave everyone instructions very respectfully and politely, and then asked other disciples to deliver some wine and tea to each room.

Obviously, during this period, the senior elders of Wanjian Villa, as the host, were probably very busy, so they did not have time to come out to receive these guests who were of slightly less status.

However, those assigned here are basically juniors, so naturally they have no objections.

But at this moment, there was a "bang" sound, but a fierce and domineering voice came from one of the guest rooms. Just now, a wine bottle was thrown out from that guest room, hitting it hard. Crush.

"It's boring and tasteless. Is this how Wanjian Villa greets guests? I'm here to forge swords, not to watch you Wanjian Villa put on airs!"

The sound of roar spread throughout the entire suit, and everyone gathered over.

It is probably the nature of all human beings to watch the excitement.

Especially at this time, someone actually caused trouble in Wanjian Villa.

"Why does this voice sound familiar?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although there was a slight difference in tone, this momentum and tone...

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he reacted immediately.

Isn't this the one who bid with the owner of Wanjian Villa at the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce's auction party that day, claiming to be the only swordsmith who can forge the life-threatening golden essence?

Unexpectedly, this person not only speaks arrogantly, but also has a quite bad temper.

"Guest, the owner of the hotel is very busy right now, so please forgive me for any indifference. As for if you feel that this wine is bland and tasteless, I can change it for you."

The disciples of Wanjian Villa patiently apologized and explained, but the bearded swordsmith was still unwilling to give up, "Grandma, I was invited by your village owner, and you alone are not qualified." Say hello to me!"

The swordsmith grabbed the disciple's collar and said, "Quickly tell me, where is Mr. Zong Lian? I'll go find him myself!"

"you you……"

The disciple of Wanjian Villa was picked up like a little chicken. He was almost two meters away, and he was a little confused when he was lifted high by such a "little giant".

"Damn, that guy is too arrogant!"

"Is it also the case that the old master of the village can meet him just as he says?"

"This guy is crazy!"

Everyone was talking about it for a while, but they were just sitting back and watching the excitement. No one came to help.

Ling Feng also frowned. This guy's attitude was indeed a bit arrogant.

The disciple persuaded him in a good voice, with thoughtful etiquette and a sincere attitude, but in the end, this guy turned out to be a complete barbarian.

"Isn't he the guy from the last auction?"

Xiao Xianling had obviously figured out the identity of the swordsmith. She frowned and said, "Too rude, too barbaric, you brat..."

Xiao Xianling looked back at Ling Feng, as if to say: Take action quickly!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but that was what he had in mind.

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng's figure turned into a ray of purple light. Just when the bearded swordsmith was about to throw the disciple of Wanjian Villa out, he grabbed his wrist.

At the same time, another figure also passed by like an electric shock.

The next moment, a man with half an iron mask was seen, also holding the bearded swordsmith's other wrist with one hand.

"It's him!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. When he was outside the villa before, he had some impressions of this man with an iron mask.

It seems that he should be the "elder brother" mentioned by these disciples.

Sure enough, as soon as the man in the iron mask arrived, the other Liushenwuzhu disciples immediately saw a savior and rushed forward, "Senior Brother, it would be great if you came!"

Ao Qianchuan's face was expressionless. Although he couldn't see half of his face clearly, judging from the other half of his face, he should be a very handsome young man.

"This guest, since you have come to Wanjian Villa, I hope you can abide by the rules of Wanjian Villa."

Ao Qianchuan stared coldly at the bearded swordsmith and said in a cold voice.

"Hahahaha, rules?"

The bearded swordsmith laughed loudly, "You alone are not qualified to tell me Qiu Tianlong any rules?"

Qiu Tianlong continued to increase his strength, trying to throw the Wanjian Villa disciple down, but Ling Feng and Ao Qianchuan also increased their strength and grabbed his wrist.

"Have some strength!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Qiu Tianlong's eyes. He looked at Ling Feng and then at Ao Qianchuan. He gritted his teeth and mustered up his strength to continue to increase his strength.

But the power of Ling Feng and Ao Qianchuan actually seemed not to be inferior to his.

Moreover, it was a two-on-one situation. The three of them were in a stalemate for a long time before Qiu Tianlong snorted coldly, shook his whole body, and let go of the disciple.

Ao Qianchuan slapped his hand back, and a gentle force lifted the disciple up, grabbed his robe, and took a few steps back.

Ling Feng also let go of Qiu Tianlong in time and stepped aside.

"Hmph, it's interesting to be able to compete with me in strength! I will give you a face today!"

Qiu Tianlong stared at Ling Feng and Ao Qianchuan for a few times, then snorted coldly, walked into his room, and then slammed the door with another bang.

"Thank you, senior brother, thank you so much... thank you so much, young master!"

The disciple who was lifted up by Qiu Tianlong had just recovered from the shock and trembled for a while before finally saying thank you to Ling Feng and Ao Qianchuan.


Ling Feng nodded slightly and was about to retreat when Ao Qianchuan glanced at Ling Feng with a rather strange expression, "You are not from the Villa, why did you take action?"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "The road is not smooth."

"Maybe you shouldn't join in the fun."

Ao Qianchuan shook his head, turned around and left without saying anything else.

"Weird guy."

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't take it seriously, but it was worth mentioning that the strength of Ao Qianchuan should not be underestimated.

Even in terms of brute strength, compared to the Phantom God Qianjue, I'm afraid it's not too much.

"Sorry, Senior Brother has always been like this. His character can even be said to be a bit withdrawn. He only has something to say to Senior Brother Zong Huaiyue and Senior Sister Shen Xiangxiang. Even with other junior brothers like us, he is like this. But Senior Brother In fact, he is a very nice person!”

The disciple who was rescued by Ling Feng quickly explained.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't mind."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled. He could tolerate Yan Jinghong's bad temper. This senior brother was actually quite good.

"That guy with the iron mask is really a weirdo."

Xiao Xianling looked at Ao Qianchuan's leaving figure, pondered for a moment, and then couldn't help but said: "However, he has quite a character!"

"Why, are you excited?"

Suddenly, Ling Feng turned back and laughed.

"I bother!"

Xiao Xianling spat at Ling Feng, "You brat, you're still trying to save people, but you're not as good as anyone. You really embarrass us Tianzhi!"


Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He was there to save people, not just to show off...

At the same time, in Qiu Tianlong's room.


Qiu Tianlong's expression was distorted, and he gasped crazily. He rubbed his left hand and then his right hand, looking miserable.

"Damn it, these two guys are so cruel, they almost broke my wrist."

He blew on his two bruised wrists, and the severe pain made it difficult for him to breathe.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and persisted until the door was closed, without showing any embarrassment in front of outsiders.

This is probably the so-called sacrifice of saving face and suffering.

After a long while, he raised his right arm, shook his head and sighed softly, "Fortunately, the boy seems to have some strength left, otherwise, I might not be able to save this arm, but even so, it has already and The other boy is evenly matched! That boy is the real master!"

But the person who grabbed his right hand before was none other than Ling Feng!

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