Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3460 Death Prophecy!

The main hall of Wanjian Villa.

At this moment, in the main hall, all the elders, worshipers and disciples of Wanjian Villa were gathered around a stone platform in the center of the hall.

On the stone platform, there lay a corpse that looked a little ferocious and twisted.

It is the old owner of Wanjian Villa, the master of sword making who is famous throughout the Immortal Domain, the old man of Zong Lian Sect.

All the disciples knelt and worshiped around him, and the elders of the direct line also had red eyes, looking grief-stricken.

The old village owner is a powerful man at the peak of the Immortal Master. It stands to reason that even if he lives for tens of thousands of years, it will not be a problem.

With this old man here, the status of Wanjian Villa is naturally unshakable.

But now, this great master died suddenly on the spot, and in full view of everyone.

In the main hall, many of the masters in the blacksmithing world sighed sadly that such a great master had fallen like this.

This is a loss for the entire forging world!

It was originally a grand event, but now, the life-threatening golden spirit has been lost, the divine weapon and the divine sword have been stolen, and even the old village owner himself died suddenly.

Could it be that Wanjian Villa has run out of energy?


"Grandpa, the owner of the village!"

At this moment, several roars and roars were heard outside the hall, and then Zong Huaiyue, a direct descendant of Wanjian Villa, rushed into the hall crying bitterly.

When he saw the body lying on the stone platform, he was so sad that he almost fainted.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Zong Huaiyue rushed to the body, his eyes instantly turned red, "Who did it? Who did it?"

He gritted his teeth and roared, roaring, his whole body was like crazy.


At this moment, a crisp slap resounded throughout the hall.

But it was his father, Zong Zhenghong, an elder in the direct line of Wanjian Villa.

Because the eldest son of the old village owner died young, Zong Zhenghong, as the eldest son and grandson, has always been the best candidate to succeed the next owner of the village.

Now that the old man died suddenly, all matters in Wanjian Villa naturally fell on Zong Zhenghong's shoulders.


Zong Huaiyue glanced at his father in confusion, "Why..."

"As a direct descendant of the clan, when something happens, you will become hysterical and chaotic. What do you think!"

Zong Zhenghong glared at him coldly, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Everyone, the truth about the death of our ancestor is unknown now. The thief of the seven-handled magic weapon and the life-threatening golden spirit is still at large, so , everyone is asked to stay in the village and not leave until everything is clear!”

"When the truth is found out, I will personally apologize to you all!"

After Zong Zhenghong finished speaking, he bowed deeply to everyone in the hall.

Although everyone was somewhat resentful, they all expressed their understanding.

Now, the mountain protection formation in the villa has sealed off the entire villa. In other words, the culprit who stole the sword and assassinated the old villa owner is still among everyone.

"Elder Zong, even so, we can't wait in the villa indefinitely!"

One of the old men with white beard and hair said slowly.

This person is the master of the Tianqiao Sect and a well-known forging master in the Shenzhi Heavenly Domain.

"That's right, that's right. If we can't find out, won't your Wanjian Villa be able to support so many of us in vain?"

The hidden sword master grinned.


"Everyone has put aside a lot of things and made a special trip to attend the Sword Appreciation Conference. You can't let go of the family affairs and stay here."

Everyone started talking, and they all said that it was okay to wait in the villa, but a time limit must be given.

"Everyone, please be patient!"

Zong Zhenghong looked at the people in the villa. Although everyone was temporarily trapped by the magic circle, if everyone did not cooperate, it would be difficult to control so many powerful immortals with only the manpower in the villa.

Thinking of this, Zong Zhenghong took a deep breath and said slowly: "Let's just limit it to ten days! I hope everyone will take it for the sake of the old village owner. I think everyone doesn't want to see the old village owner just being so unjust. Isn’t it white?”

"Ten days?"

"Okay, ten days, ten days."

"Okay, ten days then, just right. Just think of it as staying here to express condolences to the old village owner."

Everyone's emotions were quickly calmed down, but the death of the old village owner was too bizarre after all, and he died suddenly in front of everyone, and no one saw how the murderer started.

The only possibility is poisoning.

Soon, the sect elders invited some doctors who were proficient in medicine in the villa to examine the body of the old villa owner to see what kind of poison he was poisoned with.

However, after the three Taoist doctors examined the corpse of the old village owner, they all looked sad.

Among the crowd, Ling Feng also narrowed his eyes and looked at the body of Mr. Zong Lianzong.

To be able to poison such a powerful man to death silently must be a highly toxic poison. However, judging from the corpse of the old village owner, except for the slightly crooked and twisted face, everything was as usual.

There is no poisonous blood flowing out of the body, and there is no ulceration of muscle tissue.

There is no black air from accumulated toxins on the face, nor is there even the foul stench that emanates from people who have died from poisoning.

From this perspective, it doesn't look like he died of poisoning.

"How about it?"

Zong Huaiyue stared at the three Taoist doctors and asked anxiously.

The three Taoist doctors shook their heads at the same time.

"It's strange, it's really strange. I can't find out what kind of poison the old owner has in his body."

"The old man is also helpless."


The last Taoist doctor sighed softly and finally shook his head.

"You... are you claiming to be Taoist doctors in vain? You can't even tell what kind of poison you have been poisoned by?"

Zong Huaiyue was so angry that he grabbed one of the Taoist doctors by the collar, his whole body trembling with excitement.


Zong Zhenghong glared at him coldly, and Zong Huaiyue took a deep breath and apologized to the Taoist doctors: "I'm sorry, I... I was a little too excited."

"Why don't you let me take a look?"

At this moment, a soft voice came from the crowd, graceful and graceful, like an oriole's cry.

Along with this soft sound, there was a ringing sound that was as clear and clear as the sound of nature.

is her!

A holy face appeared in Ling Feng's mind.

Everyone also turned to look, but it was the girl from Cihang Jingzhai, Yu Shiwei.

The guqin in the girl's arms had been put away, and she slowly stepped forward with her bare feet. Under the gaze of everyone, she walked to the body of the old village owner, bowed to Zong Zhenghong, and then said softly: "Little girl Yu Shiwei came out of Cihang Jingzhai and met the sect elder."

"It turns out he is a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai."

Zong Zhenghong nodded slightly, a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, a master of Qin and medicine. Although this female disciple looks young, her attainments in medicine may far exceed those of the three Taoist doctors.

"Good work!"

Zong Zhenghong cupped his fist and saluted Yu Shiwei. Yu Shiwei nodded slightly, raised his green-white jade finger, and gently pressed it on the chest of the old village owner.

"It turns out that girl is also proficient in medicine!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he became somewhat interested in this girl from Cihang Jingzhai.


Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng angrily, and cursed in her heart: You stinky man, you just stare at people when they are beautiful! What kind of medical ethics are you talking about? How hypocritical!

Mo Yurou also gritted her teeth. As soon as this woman appeared, even Zhou Yan, the "follower" who had been following him, was attracted to her!

What a little vixen!

After a while, Yu Shiwei stopped checking the old village owner's body and said slowly: "The old village owner is indeed poisoned. However, the toxicity of this poison is somewhat special. I'm afraid it will take a few more days. , I can only determine what kind of poison it is after the toxicity changes on the corpse."

Yu Shiwei said with an apologetic look on her face: "I'm sorry, the little girl has little talent and knowledge, and she has made a fool of herself."

"Miss Yushi is too modest."

Zong Zhenghong sighed, even the successor of Cihang Jingzhai said this. It seems that if he wants to start with the poison first, his hope will be in vain.

Of course, everyone can also be searched for space magic weapons. The person who stole the sword and the person who poisoned it should be the same person. Whoever found the life-stealing golden spirit and the seven magic weapons must be the murderer who poisoned the old village owner. .

However, now there are four to five thousand people gathered in the villa, and most of them are prominent figures.

Who would easily hand over their Naling Ring for search?

Thinking of this, Zong Zhenghong frowned even more and his face became as dark as water.

"Oh my God! Come out and take a look!"

Suddenly, another exclamation came from outside the hall!

But at this moment, the morning glow emerged, the hazy mist in the mountains suddenly dispersed, and the golden light of the sun shone on the outer wall of the hall. The outer wall, which was originally normal, actually had rows of blood-red lines. Big letters.

It seems to be written in blood, it looks shocking!

Not only because these blood-red writings are like Shura devils, exuding astonishing evil aura.

Moreover, the names on it are all very familiar to everyone. The ghostly blood characters are even dripping with blood, just like a list of life demands, the book of life and death of the Netherworld Judge!

And the name of the leader is none other than the owner of Wanjian Villa, Zong Lian!

Following the exclamations of the disciples outside the hall, all the masters in the hall rushed out one after another.

When they saw the lists written in blood on the outer wall, they trembled even more.

who is it?

Who could actually write this bloody prophecy of death in an instant under the attention of so many masters, like magic?

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