"The owner of Wanjian Villa, Zong Lian!"

"Master of Tianqiao Sect, Fu Linghan!"

"Master of the Divine Forging Sect, Yan Beige!"


On the outer wall of the main hall, the rows of bright red letters were shocking.

And every name recorded above is clearly a forging master from a famous town in the fairyland.

And every great master who saw his name suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

Is this a death list?

Even Mr. Zong Lianzong died in the hands of the mysterious murderer. Could it be said that everyone else will follow in the footsteps of Mr. Zong?

"Master of Hidden Sword, Li Wenxuan."

The fat sword master with an open chest looked up and saw his name. He couldn't help but pick up the wine gourd and drank several sips, as if muttering something in his mouth.

Ling Feng vaguely heard something, which seemed to be saying: Sure enough, the sins committed in the past will have to be paid back sooner or later!

And Qiu Tianlong, who had been cursing so fiercely, raised his head until his neck was sore. He couldn't find his own name, so he couldn't help but cursed, "His grandma's name, why isn't my name on it? How good is my forging level?" , Definitely much better than these old guys above!"

When everyone heard this, they all rolled their eyes.

This guy's brain must be somewhat seriously ill.

Does anyone else want to be on this kind of list?

Ling Feng also shook his head and smiled bitterly, but judging from this guy's actions, the probability that he was the murderer of the old village owner was very slim.

Unless, he is really a superb actor.

In addition to these sword-making masters, most of the names listed are elders from Wanjian Villa.

In addition to the deceased old manor owner Zong Lian, Zong Huaiyue's father, Zong Zhenghong, who is currently acting as the manor owner, is also on the list.

This list immediately made many sword-making masters become restless.

Some were frowning, some were thinking hard about countermeasures, and there were even some who were cursing and yelling at the list.

It's nothing more than some pretense and trying to kill me, it's still too early!

Things like that.


At this moment, a figure flew out and lay directly on the outer wall. He reached out and touched the bloody words on the list, and came back with some red dye.

It was Zong Huaiyue.

He carefully polished the dye on his fingertips, and then snorted coldly: "It's just a trick. These dyes are mixed with some special materials. When exposed to sunlight, the opportunity will appear, so it will suddenly appear. It's not Why did you write a bloody letter in front of everyone!"

"I believe the people behind the scenes have completed this list as early as last night!"

Zong Huaiyue said coldly: "Don't worry, everyone. From now on, none of us can act alone. We must at least work in groups of two to ensure each other's safety and supervise each other. I want to see, How on earth does that murderer continue to commit murder?”

Everyone was silent, although most of the people present were seniors with seniority, and it was not enough for a junior to give orders.

However, what Zong Huaiyue said is indeed the best way at present.

Zong Zhenghong also nodded and said in a deep voice: "Just do what Huaiyue said. For everyone's safety, it is best not to act alone!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, thinking to himself: If the murderer had already poisoned them, maybe all the people on the list would have died suddenly like the old village owner in full view of the public.

Then, even if everyone doesn't act alone, I'm afraid they won't be able to gain anything.

It's just that they continue to wait for people to die one after another.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh. It was obvious that the people behind the scenes had planned all of this.

And the reason for taking advantage of this sword appreciation conference is precisely because, if it were not for such a grand event, it would be difficult to gather so many top blacksmiths from all over the world.

Because of the existence of the list with blood letters, everyone became more and more anxious as they looked at it.

There was no point in staying here in the hall and staring at each other. Everyone dispersed and returned to their residences.

However, according to Zong Zhenghong's requirements, everyone must at least work in pairs and must not act alone. He will continue to send disciples from the villa to investigate everywhere and look for clues.

As for the disciple Yu Shiwei from Cihang Jingzhai, she voluntarily stayed and continued to examine the old village owner's body. Maybe there would be some clues.

Because Yu Shiwei came to Wanjian Villa alone, one more person was needed as her companion to act with her.

Yu Shiwei's request is also very simple. She hopes that the companions who stay here can be proficient in medical science and can cooperate with her. Maybe they can test out what kind of poison the old manor owner has as soon as possible.

Starting from this poison, we may be able to gain something.

It is a bit difficult to be proficient in medical science.

After all, even the three Taoist doctors in the villa are quite limited in their abilities. Most of them who can be considered proficient are basically old men with gray beards.

In the end, Ling Feng volunteered and stayed.

Naturally, he can be regarded as proficient in medical science, and he is also very interested in the poison in the body of the old man.

In addition, he also hopes to find out the murderer behind the scenes as soon as possible so that he can borrow the Huanjian Pond in the villa and leave as soon as possible after completing his mission.

Otherwise, if the murderer is not found, he will continue to be trapped in the villa.

"Sir, are you also proficient in medical skills?"

Yu Shiwei blinked and looked at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes. He seemed to be younger than herself.

"So be it."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, took out a row of golden needles from his arms, and said calmly: "I think if I have these regenerated golden needles, the girl should be able to detect the poison in the old village owner faster."

"Regenerating golden needles?"

Yu Shiwei's eyes lit up as expected, and she nodded in surprise, "Well, I'll give you some advice."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said nothing. He just looked at the corpse of the old village owner and saw that his face was distorted. He must have been in great pain when he died.


Seeing that Ling Feng actually took the initiative to stay with Yu Shiwei, Xiao Xianling gritted her silver teeth and angrily stayed in the hall and refused to leave.

If I hadn't been keeping an eye on this young man, I don't know what he would have done!

On the other side, apart from leaving some disciples to guard the entrance of the hall, Zong Zhenghong quickly summoned all the disciples in the villa, including the disciples guarding the mountain.

Now that the mountain protection formation is fully activated, there is no need to leave extra disciples to guard the mountain gate.

Outside the square in front of the temple, Zong Zhenghong stood with his hands behind his hands, staring at the disciples in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "All of you, please pay attention and secretly follow those on the list. Once you find a suspicious person, send a signal immediately!"


"What about you, dad?"

Zong Huaiyue clenched his fists and said, "Your name is also on it. It's better to arrange more..."

"I will act together with Elder Lone Star!"

Zong Zhenghong patted Zong Huaiyue on the shoulder, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Huaiyue, if my father fails to escape this disaster after all, Wanjian Villa will have to rely on you."

"Dad, no! You won't..."

Zong Huaiyue gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red.

"Life and death matter."

Zong Zhenghong shook his head and smiled, "What is supposed to come will always come."

After that, Zong Zhenghong left with Elder Lone Star.

The other disciples also dispersed one after another.

Senior brother Ao Qianchuan looked at Zong Huaiyue, then at Shen Xiangxiang, then turned around and left with another junior brother.

The huge square should have been packed with people, and everyone was waiting for the sword appreciation meeting to start.

But now, it seems particularly desolate and deserted.

Zong Huaiyue took a deep breath and clenched his fists, almost piercing his nails into his palms.

Why, overnight, the whole world seems to have changed.

"What are you thinking about?"

A gentle voice sounded behind him, and Zong Huaiyue looked back at Shen Xiangxiang.

Even if everything changes, at least...

She's still there.

Zong Huaiyue gently took Shen Xiangxiang's hand. Shen Xiangxiang blushed and glanced at him, but didn't say anything more.

"Let's go!"

Zong Huaiyue held Shen Xiangxiang's hand tightly and said suddenly.


Shen Xiangxiang was stunned and blurted out: "Where are you going?"

"Of course I want to track down the murderer! I won't let my great-grandfather die in vain, let alone watch my father die too!"

Zong Huaiyue gritted his teeth and said, "Absolutely not!"


Shen Xiangxiang frowned slightly, "Just us? How to check?"

Zong Huaiyue took a deep breath and said, "The next one on the list is Fu Linghan, the leader of Tianqiao Sect. I just stare at Master Fu. I don't believe that the murderer can escape!"

"That makes sense! You are still smart!"

Shen Xiangxiang's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "But hasn't master sent other disciples to protect him secretly?"

"Can it be the same? How can other junior brothers be as careful as me?"

Zong Huaiyue frowned, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and murmured in a low voice: "Forget it."

"Forget it?"

"I was just thinking about whether to call the eldest brother to join us. After all, our strength is far inferior to that of the eldest brother. But after thinking about it, let it go. The names of the eldest brother's adoptive parents, Uncle Ao and the others, are also there. On the list, senior brother should be rushing back to protect them. "

"Yes, then it's better not to trouble Senior Brother."

Shen Xiangxiang nodded. The eldest brother was an orphan since he was a child and was raised by adoptive parents. Although they were only adoptive parents, they were closer than his biological parents.

"How about adding us?"

Just when Zong Huaiyue and the two were about to leave, three more people walked out of the main hall, it was Ling Feng, Yu Shiwei and Xiao Xianling.

"Brother Ling?"

Zong Huaiyue's eyelids twitched slightly, "Aren't you?"

"We have some guesses, but further confirmation is needed."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and pointed to the list on the wall behind him, "I think if you follow this list, you might gain something."

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