Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3463 The order of death!

This time, who is it?

Zong Huaiyue's face looked a little gloomy. He took a deep breath and flew towards the main hall without saying a word.

And soon, everyone who heard the bell gathered again.

When they reached the square in front of the palace, they saw Zong Zhenghong standing on the steps in front of the palace, his brows furrowed and silent. There was a stretcher behind him with a corpse lying on it.

The body was also covered with a layer of white cloth.

Zong Huai Yue Fei stepped forward, glanced at his father first, then gritted his teeth and stared at his father, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is it...?"

"Master Fu is dead."

Zong Huaiyue took a deep breath, his face was as sinking as water, and the white hair on his temples seemed to have increased several times in just a few hours.


The mountain wind roared, sounding like a wild ghost crying.

In the square in front of the temple, the silence was terrifying.

Everyone looked at the list of names written in blood on the outer wall of the hall, as if an evil spirit had choked them one by one.

This is a life-threatening list!

First came the old boss, then Sect Leader Fu.


Will it be the turn of Sect Leader Yan of the Divine Forging Sect next?

As long as they are on the list, everyone will die one after another, one by one, all of them!

"Fuck! Who is it? Who is it?"

"Come out if you have the guts! Let's challenge each other! Come on!!!"

Finally, everyone's emotions broke out, and many of the masters on the list were already going crazy. After learning that their death was approaching, how many people could be calm and calm?

In a head-on battle with open swords and open guns, death is inevitable. However, the mastermind behind the scenes did not give them a chance to fight head-on. Instead, he hid in secret and carried out murderous attacks.

It would be really frustrating to die in such an unknown situation under unknown circumstances.

"Everyone, please be patient!"

Zong Zhenghong took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said in a deep voice: "Taoist Heitian, you are the one who acted together with Master Fu, and you are also the one who brought Master Fu's body back. If you can help me, can you tell me what happened at that time?" what's going on?"

Everyone's eyes turned to a middle-aged man dressed in black robes and dressed as a Taoist priest.

Taoist Heitian clenched his fists, and after a long while, he said in a deep voice: "It was exactly the same as when the old manor owner died. First he went crazy, and then Master Fu started to cover his chest. It looked like he had difficulty breathing. After a while, he fell to the ground and died! "

Zong Zhenghong's face darkened. Indeed, the situation when Fu Linghan died was exactly the same as when the old village owner died.

But how did the murderer have the opportunity to inject the poison?

"I can't stay here and wait for death. I want to leave! I want to leave this hellish place!"

"Grandma, if you stay here any longer, you will only die!"

"Elder Zong, open that damn barrier quickly and let us out!"

The crowd was so excited that the old village leader died in just a short hour, and then, Sect Leader Fu was killed again.

Moreover, the poison came out without any warning. If you stay here, wouldn't you be waiting for death?

Zong Zhenghong looked heavy. Of course he understood the mood of these people, but if the barrier was opened, these people would be allowed to leave.

Then, the murderer can naturally take advantage of the chaos and leave.

There was also the stolen life-stealing golden spirit and the seven magic weapons, all of which were impossible to recover.

"Open the barrier! Open the barrier!..."

More and more monks protested loudly. No one wanted to stay here and wait to die.

"I know who the murderer is!"

At this moment, it was Zong Huaiyue who roared loudly.


Upon hearing this, everyone stopped protesting and their eyes widened.

"Which bastard is he? I will destroy him!"

"If you want to kill me, I'll cut him into pieces first!"

Everyone stared at Zong Huaiyue, and Zong Huaiyue took a deep breath, hesitated, and pointed at Wei Songtao and the other three people in the crowd.

"Them! Just the three of them!"

Zong Huaiyue gritted his teeth and said: "I heard it with my own ears. They said they wanted to eradicate the roots. Who are they trying to kill!"


For a moment, the sharp gazes were like sharp arrows, almost piercing Wei Songtao and the others.

"You fart!"

Wei Songtao was so frightened that he was scared to death, and he immediately started yelling, "Damn it, you are so damn unfair, I...I..."

"You what?"

Zong Huaiyue stared at Wei Songtao coldly, "Then tell me, who do you want to kill?"

Zong Zhenghong's eyes also turned cold. He stared at Wei Songtao and said in a cold voice: "Fellow Daoist Wei, if you don't explain clearly, I'm afraid everyone present will not let you go!"

Wei Songtao clenched his fists and snorted, but did not answer.

"Damn it, I think you have something in your heart. You are the one who did it! If you want to kill me, I will kill you first!"

The leader of the Shen Forging Sect, Yan Beige, whose name was right behind Fu Linghan, was the third person on the death list.

If the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be found, he will most likely be the next to die.

Now that he heard that Wei Songtao might be the one who poisoned him, he immediately picked up a big knife and put it horizontally on Wei Songtao's neck.

"damn it!"

The beard on Wei Songtao's chin trembled, he swallowed, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "You little bastard, you will also say that I was struggling with you at the time, how could I have time to poison Sect Master Fu?" ?”

"Are you not allowed to poison me in advance?"

Zong Huaiyue obviously bit Wei Songtao to death. Even if he was not the murderer, he was still planning some shameful deeds.

He must be forced to tell the truth.


Wei Songtao gritted his teeth and glared at Zong Huaiyue fiercely. After a long while, he finally said: "Damn, this is just a private grudge between our Liuhe Immortal Sect..."

He hesitated for a moment before finally speaking: "Yes, hundreds of years ago, for a treasure, I teamed up with Zuo Songyang and Wang Xiao and massacred each other's entire family, but I didn't want one fish to slip through the net. ,so……"

"So, you still want to eradicate the root cause and avoid future troubles forever?"

Zong Huaiyue's eyes turned cold and he gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me quickly, who are you going to deal with?"

"Hmph, that was indeed a scandal, but the subsequent development was even more exciting than what the three of us did."

Wei Songtao grinned, but looked sideways at Zong Zhenghong, "Elder Zong, do you really want me to tell you? And all of you here, really want me to tell you everything without missing a word? Okay? ! Okay! Now that I’ve reached this point, I’m not afraid to admit that I’m really not a fucking thing, but you guys… hum!”

Wei Songtao laughed sinisterly, but Zong Zhenghong clenched his fist tightly, hesitated for a long time, and then finally gritted his teeth and said, "This matter should have nothing to do with Wei Songtao and the other three."

What is surprising is that the aggressive masters just now seemed to be speechless all of a sudden, and no one actually put forward any rebuttal.

Could it be that, as Wei Songtao said, they had done some shameful things behind the scenes?

But at this moment, I saw a young man carrying a body on his back, accompanied by a woman, slowly walking to the steps of the square in front of the temple amidst a burst of crying.

"Big... senior brother?"

Zong Huaiyue and Shen Xiangxiang looked at each other and saw Ao Qianchuan walking slowly carrying his father on his back, and the crying person was his mother.

"My father is dead!"

Ao Qianchuan's eyes were a little red. When he reached the middle of the square, he stopped and raised his head to stare at the outer wall.

The bright red words seemed to be bleeding out.

And Ao Qianchuan's father, Ao Kun, although his name is also on the list, it is clearly at the very bottom of the list, almost at the bottom.

However, he actually died too!

"how come!"

Zong Zhenghong's hands trembled slightly and he quickly ran down the steps.

And when he saw Ao Kun's death, he clenched his fists tightly.

Exactly the same!

The death conditions of the old manor owner and Sect Master Fu were almost exactly the same.

With their curled up bodies and expressions twisted in pain, it was obvious that they were suffering from immense pain when they died.

"Fuck, fuck!"

Everyone was even more panicked. It turned out that the death list was not a list of the order of death at all.

But as long as everyone is on the list, everyone will die.

There is no order at all!

"Old man, wait for me! Wait for me!"

Mrs. Ao held her husband's body and cried bitterly. Suddenly, she took out a sharp dagger from nowhere and stabbed her heart fiercely.

"No! Mom!"

Ao Qianchuan's eyes widened, watching his mother's heart gushing blood, and his whole body began to tremble with excitement.

He quickly pressed his mother's heart, but he couldn't stop the gurgling blood.

" are alone...ahem..."

Mrs. Ao took a deep look at Ao Qianchuan, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and her consciousness gradually became blurred...

"let me!"

The crisp bell rang, and the next moment, Yu Shiwei flew over and performed a hand gesture to stop Mrs. Ao's bleeding.

It's a pity that Ao Kun and his wife are also among the top forging masters in Wanjian Villa.

The dagger carried by Mrs. Ao is not only a magic weapon that can cut iron like clay, but also contains the law of cutting and destruction.

As long as a wound is opened, it will not heal at all within the next few days.

Not to mention, the dagger now pierced directly through the heart.

After a while, Yu Shiwei also shook her head, a trace of sadness appeared on her beautiful face, "Sorry, I have tried my best."


Ao Qianchuan held his father's body in one hand and his mother's body in the other, and his whole body seemed to collapse.

Although his eyes were red and tears were rolling down his face, his face was still like ice.

Even in such grief, he was still unable to make any expression until he collapsed and fainted.


Ling Feng sighed, tragedy, tragedy...

Since he started martial arts and came out of the Eastern Spirit Realm, he has seen too many similar tragedies.

He casually sealed several acupoints in Ao Qianchuan to prevent him from hurting his internal organs due to excessive grief.

But at this moment, Yu Shiwei seemed to have discovered something. A hint of fear suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes. After a long while, she slowly said: "I... I think I already know, Lao Zhuang Lord, what kind of poison have they been hit with?"

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