Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3464 The poison of phantom poison!

"What kind of poison?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Yu Shiwei.

The man behind the scenes used poison to plot against everyone, so it was impossible to defend against it.

But if we knew what kind of poison those people who died of poisoning had, we would have a countermeasure.

We wouldn't have to watch those poisoned people die of poisoning, but be helpless.

As long as we can destroy the killing method of the man behind the scenes and prevent him from killing the target as he wishes, then as long as we disrupt his rhythm, there will definitely be a time when he will reveal his flaws.

Yu Shiwei gently pierced the Baihui acupoint on the top of Madam Ao's head with a silver needle, and said slowly: "Before, whether it was the old owner or Master Fu, I could only detect the toxins that erupted in the body after death, but this time, I also detected toxins in Madam Ao's body."

"That is to say, from the beginning, everyone on the list may have been poisoned, or even more..."

Yu Shiwei took a deep breath and continued to tell everyone a shocking news, "I even suspect that everyone in Wanjian Villa was poisoned, and the death list was just used to confuse people!"



Everyone was terrified.

The tragic scene when the old owner and Master Fu died was still vivid in their minds.

Could it be that all of them were destined to wait for the poison to take effect and die?

As she said, she took out another silver needle and gently pierced it into the Shaoshang acupoint on her thumb. As the saying goes, the ten fingers connect the heart, and the fingers connect the blood of the heart.

And soon, the silver needle changed color slightly, which also proved Yu Shiwei's guess.

Her heart blood has been contaminated by some unknown poison.

Her name was not on the death list, but she was poisoned.

This means that everyone in the villa is probably poisoned.

"I am the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai. The blood of the heart has its own purification power, but it cannot purify the poison. It can be seen how terrible this poison is."

Yu Shiwei frowned and said slowly: "As far as I know, there are no more than five poisons with this toxicity, and there is only one poison that has the state of death like the old owner and Master Fu, and can even control the order of death to a certain extent."

"What is it?"

Everyone stared at Yu Shiwei. Now it's not just the people on the death list who are panicking.

All of them are poisoned. Doesn't it mean that if there is no antidote, everyone will die?

Ling Feng also frowned slightly, took out a silver needle, and pierced his Shaoshang acupoint.

Similarly, the silver needle slightly glowed with a black light, and even his physique was poisoned.

However, he was not panicking.

Even if he is poisoned, if he is given time, he can transform this poison with his powerful chaotic body.

Moreover, there is Xiaodie. If it doesn't work, just let Xiaodie absorb it.

The difficulty is that there are thousands of people in the villa, nearly 10,000 people.

If Xiaodie absorbs the poison in one area, I don't know when it will be absorbed.

Moreover, Xiaodie's absorption of toxins is also limited. For example, this kind of poison that can easily take the life of a powerful immortal, I am afraid that Xiaodie can absorb at most three or five people, and then she must fall into a deep sleep and digest the poison by herself.

It seems that I still have to rely on Yu Shiwei.

After all, I am a mortal who ascended from the lower realm. Although my medical skills are not bad, I am afraid that I can't compare with the heir of Cihang Jingzhai in terms of vision and knowledge.

Since she can recognize this poison, she must have a way to detoxify it.

"If I am not mistaken, this poison is called Huanjin."

Yu Shiwei looked solemn, shook her head and sighed.

"Miss Yu Shiwei, since you can recognize this poison, there must be a way to detoxify it, right?"

Everyone felt a little uneasy when they saw Yu Shiwei looking worried.

"It's not difficult to detoxify this phantom poison. But...ah..."

Yu Shiwei sighed softly, and then slowly said: "But, this poison is different from ordinary poisons."

"What's the difference?"

Someone immediately expressed his doubts.

"There are three types of phantom poison, one is the poison spirit, the second is the poison poison, and the third is the poison lead."

After a pause, Yu Shiwei shook her head and sighed softly: "The so-called poison spirit is generally the poison that the person who poisoned himself gave himself."

"What...what? Is there anyone stupid enough to poison himself? What kind of operation is this?"

Xiao Xianling looked puzzled and widened her eyes.

She just came to join in the fun, but she was inexplicably poisoned, and it was such a strange and weird poison.

Even she had never heard of it.

"This is why the phantom poison is little known. In fact, the phantom poison is a very failed poison. It was listed as a banned drug when it was first created. It should have been sealed forever and should not appear in this world." Yu Shiwei sighed repeatedly, "If you want to understand the poison spirit, you must first understand what the poison and the poison mean." "The so-called poison, as the name suggests, is the phantom poison. The poison that all of us are now poisoned with is the poison. People who are poisoned will die one after another according to their own conditions. However, as long as the person who poisons himself plants the poison spirit, he can control the time when the poison will take effect." "No wonder!"

Everyone suddenly realized that no wonder the poisoner would make a mystery and write down a death list. It turned out that he did have the ability to induce severe poison.

"Then, what is the poison?"

Ling Feng stared at Yu Shiwei. As a doctor, he was obviously quite curious about this poison.

"Zhiyin is similar to other people who are poisoned by ordinary phantom poison. However, the poison in the body of a person who is poisoned will only occur after everyone is poisoned. Therefore, it is also called The last person."


Everyone looked at each other in confusion. For a moment, they didn't know whether it would be good or bad if they were poisoned by this poison.

Living to the last one may be a good thing, but seeing everyone around you die one by one is the most painful thing.

"After understanding the meaning of poison and poison, let's talk about the spirit. The so-called spirit is actually a person who can control and induce the poison of phantom poison. Moreover, the person who is poisoned by the spirit is equivalent to taking the poison to cure it. It's just like medicine, even if you are poisoned by phantom poison countless times, it won't be poisonous."

"Then if that's the case, why is it called the most failed poison? It sounds like the design is quite perfect."

Zong Zhenghong asked in a deep voice.

"From these aspects, it is indeed perfect, but if you knew the method of detoxification, you wouldn't think so."

Yu Shiwei took a deep breath and slowly added: "In a sense, there is no cure for people who have been poisoned by the phantom poison, because there are only two ways to resolve the poison."

"There is a way?"

Everyone was excited. It turned out that there was a way to detoxify, and there were two more!

What a hopeless thing!

For a moment, big stones fell from everyone's hearts.

But what Yu Shiwei said next gave everyone a chill.

"To eliminate the poison of phantom poison, we only need to find the person who has been poisoned by the poison and remove the poison from his body. The poison in other people's bodies can no longer be catalyzed and induced, and naturally there will be no recurrence. , it will be automatically cleared after ten days.”


Everyone looked at each other. If they knew who was responsible for the poison, there would be so much trouble!

"Let's talk about the second method."

Yu Shiwei bit her silver teeth and continued: "The second way is to let the person who has been poisoned by the poison of the poison, that is, the last person, kill the poison with his own hands without the antidote. Neutralizing the poison with the poisonous blood will dissolve the poison of the phantom poison in everyone's body. In addition, if anyone else kills the poison, the poison will be released in advance, which will be shortened to ten. Within two hours.”

"This...this method is more complicated than the first one. Except for the person who poisoned it, who knows who is the last one!"

"Yeah, it's not like saying it in vain!"

Everyone looked embarrassed. If the poisoner kept hiding, who could find him out?

"Besides, the way to detoxify is to either detoxify the poisoner, or let the last person kill the poisoner. In the final analysis, it is all related to the poisoner. If the grandson is upset, he must first If you commit suicide, won’t all of us die within twelve hours?”

Yan Beige, the leader of the Shenforging Sect, who was ranked third on the death list, gritted his teeth and said.

"That's the theory. However, if the poisonous spirit dies first, there is another way to detoxify it. Although it cannot remove the poison from everyone, it can still save some people."

"any solution?"

"Find the last person!" Yu Shiwei took a deep breath and said slowly: "Find the last person and refine the blood from his heart orifice. It can also detoxify, but at most..."

Yu Shiwei paused and sighed softly: "The blood of one person's heart orifice can only be refined by more than a hundred people at most."

"More than a hundred people..."

Everyone clenched their fists. There were nearly ten thousand people in the villa, but the blood from the heart of the last person could only save more than a hundred people.

Who to save?

Who can get the blood of this heart orifice?

By then, I'm afraid there will be another fight!

It seems that the best way is to find the poisoner first and detoxify him.

But, who is the person behind the scenes?

Everyone looked at each other, no one seemed to be a good person, and clouds of suspicion had already enveloped the entire square outside the palace.

Moreover, once someone loses his rationality and is desperate for his own survival, he can kill everyone and then refine a drop of everyone's heart blood. There will always be a time when he bets on the right way to detoxify.

And by that time, I'm afraid, the entire Wanjian Villa will become a...

Complete purgatory!

(PS: It’s 2022. This is also the fourth anniversary of the book’s release. Time flies so fast. Although there have been many situations in the middle and it was almost unfinished, Lao Jian still persevered.

Although the current update is indeed not ideal, I really can't put too much energy into "Chaos". I don’t dare to expect everyone to understand, but I am really grateful to the readers who have always supported me. It is you who gave me the motivation to persevere and allowed me to continue writing Ling Feng’s story.

At present, the complete book of Chaos has more than seven million words, and it is expected to be completed in about ten million words. After Ling Feng's story, perhaps Lao Jian will no longer have the energy to write such a long fantasy.

I feel a little emotional all of a sudden and don’t know what to say, so I wish you all a happy New Year~)

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