Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3465 Three strange objects!

In the square in front of the palace, everyone was dead silent.

Elder Zong Zhenghong rubbed his temples vigorously, originally thinking that the revelation of the poison poisoned by those who died might be helpful in finding the real culprit behind the scenes.

But now it seems that the situation has become more complicated and confusing.

Everyone has been poisoned for a long time, so the murderer does not need to do it himself. He only needs to induce the poisonous phantom poison in the poisoned person's body to kill people invisible.

Then, even if the murderer strikes right in front of you, there will be no trace at all.

"What are the conditions for inducing poison?"

Ling Feng was still calm and pondered for a moment, then looked at Yu Shiwei and continued to ask questions.

For him, no matter what kind of poison it is, as long as Xiaodie is here, he has nothing to worry about.

Even if it really comes to the last step, he still has the means to protect himself.

Although Xiaodie's abilities are limited, it shouldn't be a big problem to help a few of her companions detoxify.

As for other people, help if you can. If you can't help, Ling Feng just wants to be clear of guilt.

"There are indeed certain conditions."

Yu Shiwei nodded, "Although the poison spirit can induce poison, it needs to be within a certain distance to induce poison."


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Thinking back, who did the three people who died now have contact with at the same time?

That's too much.

Originally, Wanjian Villa was holding a sword appreciation conference. As the host, the old owner of the village should not meet too many people.

As for Sect Master Fu, the situation is probably similar.

As for Ao Qianchuan's father, Ao Kun, although as a swordsmith, he would come into contact with relatively few people, but if people came and went in the villa and only limited the distance, there would undoubtedly be too many people who would be suspected.

"I'm more curious about how the poisoner managed to poison everyone at the same time!"

Qiu Tianlong began to curse. Originally, his name was not in the list with blood letters, so he could just stand by and watch. But now, everyone in the village was poisoned at the same time, so it had something to do with him.

"Either it's water or it's air, it's something that everyone is exposed to."

Yu Shiwei said in a deep voice.

"The person who poisoned me is really nothing. I just came here to join in the fun, and yet I am going to be poisoned. It belongs to his grandma!"

Qiu Tianlong continued to curse, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

If he died here in such an unknown way, he would not even have time to establish his reputation for the rest of his life!

"Now, there are two priorities."

Yu Shiwei raised two green-white jade fingers, and everyone looked over. At this juncture, there were not many people who could remain calm and analyze the problem.

Zong Zhenghong took a deep look at Yu Shiwei, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "I would like to hear the details."

Yu Shiwei opened her red lips lightly and said warmly: "First, we must find three rare objects that can neutralize the poisonous spirit."

"Which three?"

"Red blood maple, blood refining dragon crystal, blood jade mandrill."

Zong Zhenghong's eyes narrowed and he said slowly: "The red blood maple can be found in the mountains behind this thing. It's not uncommon. It's just that it's a little difficult to collect the red blood maple. As for the blood refining dragon crystal, it's not a problem at all. I'll definitely The most important thing in Sword Villa is all kinds of precious and rare minerals, but this last piece of blood jade mandrill..."

Zong Zhenghong was a little confused.

Although the blood jade mandrill is not a rare treasure, it is very rare.

When Ling Feng heard this, he couldn't help but smile knowingly. He already had this thing.

Moreover, it was just snatched back from Cheng Tianqi, and it was still "hot"!

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng coughed a few times and said slowly: "As for blood jade mandrills, I do have some here."

"It turns out that Ling Shaoxia has a blood jade mandrill on his body, so that will be easy to handle!"

Yu Shiwei was a little excited, "With three rare items, it is not difficult to refine the antidote to the poisonous spirit."

"Young Master Ling, on behalf of Wanjian Villa, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Young Master!"

Zong Zhenghong looked excited and bowed to Ling Feng.

"Elder Sect's words are serious. I myself have been poisoned. If I help everyone, I am helping myself." Ling Feng said with a faint smile.

"If an antidote to the poisonous spirit can be refined, then the second thing to do is to find the person who planted the poisonous spirit."

Yu Shiwei said slowly: "As long as the poisonous spirit is resolved, the poison in everyone's body can be cured without medicine. This is also the best way to resolve this poison."

"Damn it, that thief poisoned us, we still have to work hard to detoxify him!"

Qiu Tianlong cursed again.

Not only him, but many experts in the square clenched their fists and looked unwilling.

"In short, this is the best way at the moment."

Yu Shiwei gritted her silver teeth and said, "I'm just telling you how to detoxify. As for other things, Elder Lao Zong and everyone else are there."

Zong Zhenghong nodded, "I am already very grateful to Miss Yushi. As for the rest, leave it to me."

Immediately, Zong Zhenghong sent people to get the red blood maple and blood refining dragon crystal for refining the antidote.

As for tracking down the person who poisoned him, it might be a bit difficult.

However, since the purpose of the poisoner was to kill everyone in Wanjian Villa, he would definitely prevent Yu Shiwei from refining the antidote.

Therefore, in the process of refining the antidote, it is very likely that flaws will be exposed.

"There is no problem in refining the blood dragon crystal, but the screening of the red blood maple requires me to personally review it."

Yu Shiwei gritted her silver teeth and said slowly: "Elder Zong, please ask the elder to send someone to take me with you."


Zong Zhenghong nodded repeatedly, and Ling Feng thought of his mission and said quickly: "Since we are going to the depths of Maple Forest, Elder Zong, I hope to borrow the Huanjian Pond in your village to purify the evil spirit on a magic weapon. I wonder if the elder can..."

"It's just a trivial matter. If the young master is willing to give you the blood jade mandrill, I naturally have no reason to refuse."

Zong Zhenghong is obviously particularly easy to talk to at this moment.

"Thank you very much, Elder Zong!"

Ling Feng nodded and thanked Zong Zhenghong.

"Let me take you to Maple Forest."

Shen Xiangxiang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and choked with sobs: "I...I also want to do something for everyone!"

"I'd better go."

Zong Huaiyue held Shen Xiangxiang's shoulders, his eyes were a little red, he looked at the senior brother who was still unconscious, gritted his teeth and said: "Junior sister, you stay and take care of senior brother, I will take them to the back mountain to pick red maples with red blood. !”

Shen Xiangxiang was silent for a moment, looking at his senior brother and his parents who both died, and finally nodded silently.

"Then Huaiyue will take Miss Yushi and Shaoxia Ling to the back mountain, and I will go and refine the Blood Dragon Crystal myself. As for everyone..."

Zong Zhenghong looked at the people in the square and said, "Still according to the previous grouping, I hope everyone can..."

"Fart! I don't want to be with anyone!"

The first person to take the lead in expressing his dissatisfaction was Yan Beige, the leader of the Shenforging Sect. "The little girl from Cihang Jingzhai just said that all of us have been poisoned. Only within a certain distance can it induce The poison is acting up, so from this moment on, you'd better keep a distance from me. Anyone who comes near me will be treated as a murderer and I will kill you without mercy!"

"That's right! I mean the same thing!"

"Hmph! Unless you find the murderer, don't appear in my sight!"

For a time, countless figures left the square and dispersed in all directions.

These people can no longer trust anyone but the weapons in their own hands.

Except for some companions who trust each other and know everything about each other, no one can trust each other.


Zong Zhenghong shook his head and sighed, this might give the poisoner an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But the matter has reached this point, and it is beyond his control.

"Hey, what a bunch of losers!"

The Hidden Sword Master smiled disdainfully and did not leave, nor did he go much. He just found a corner to sit down and took out a wine gourd. He seemed to have looked away from everything and was just quietly waiting to die.

Ling Feng glanced at the Hidden Sword Master with his peripheral vision, vaguely feeling that he seemed to know something, but he was going to the back mountain now. It seemed that the matter of obtaining information could only be left to other companions.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng still set his sights on Cheng Tianyong.

Although this guy looks lazy, he is thick-skinned. Maybe he can get something out of the hidden sword master.

"Brother Cheng, go and get close to that hidden sword master. I guess he may know something but not necessarily."

Ling Feng lowered his voice and spoke in Cheng Tianyong's ear.

"a piece of cake."

Cheng Tianyong chuckled, "I like listening to stories the most."

"rely on you."

Ling Feng patted Cheng Tianyong on the shoulder and smiled lightly.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng looked back at Xiao Xianling and couldn't help but ask: "Senior Sister Xiao, you won't continue to follow me, will you?"

"Who...who is following you!"

Xiao Xianling frowned and glared at Ling Feng, "You brat, when did I follow you?"

After saying that, Xiao Xianling walked aside angrily, "This time, I won't go with you. I have to stay!"

Seeing that Xiao Xian was about to stay, Mo Yurou immediately stepped forward deliberately and got close to Ling Feng, "Junior brother, your cultivation is still young, so that's good. I'll go with you so that I can take care of you."


Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart. After finally getting rid of Xiao Xianling, another Mo Yurou came.

Seeing that Mo Yurou was going to the back mountain, Zhou Yan immediately stepped forward, preparing to follow Mo Yurou as before.

Unfortunately, Mo Yurou glared back at her, and she could only walk to Cheng Tianyong angrily.


Zhou Yan was secretly angry in his heart. When he was in the Immortal Realm, he was the number one genius and a peerless evildoer. Wherever he went, he was admired by stars and followed by thousands of people. Unexpectedly, after arriving in the Immortal Realm, he not only became a follower, but also became a follower at any time. A follower who can be kicked away.

On the other hand, Ling Feng...

Hey, they also ascended from the lower world, why is the difference in treatment so big!

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