Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3466 Hidden Sword Master!

Ling Feng and his party, led by Zong Huaiyue, the young master of Wanjian Villa, went to the depths of the maple forest to pick red blood maples.

There was no words to say all the way, and the young master of the sect looked worried. Now, his most respected great-grandfather was brutally poisoned, and his elder brother and his parents, with whom he had the best relationship, also died tragically one after another.

At this moment, Zong Huaiyue was suppressing a nameless rage deep in his heart. He was eager to find out everything and cut the poisoned murderer into pieces.

Ling Feng knew that Zong Huaiyue was in a bad mood, so he didn't take the initiative to talk to her. On the contrary, Mo Yurou was always beside Yu Shiwei asking about something.

You don't need to think about it to know, it's nothing more than asking some questions about the poison of phantom poison.

If the poison of the evil spirit cannot be eliminated in the end, will everyone really have to wait to die?

After all, no matter how you think about it, finding the last person and taking the blood from his heart is too cruel.

Unfortunately, what she got was probably not the answer she wanted. After talking to Yu Shiwei, Mo Yurou's expression looked even more serious.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. If he really couldn't stop everything in the end and everyone became poisonous, for the sake of Yufeng Immortal Lord, he should save this little girl's life.

Different from the mountain road in the front mountain, the mountain road in the back mountain is not specially paved. Therefore, the mountain road is rugged and muddy, but it is not difficult for Ling Feng and his party.

Soon, everyone came to Huanjian Pond, which was necessary to enter the deepest part of Maple Forest.

Zong Huaiyue looked back at Ling Feng, took a deep breath, and then said indifferently: "This is the Huanjian Pond. Ling Shaoxia just needs to soak the magic weapon in the pond."

After a pause, he slowly said: "However, I may not be able to stay here and wait..."


Ling Feng nodded, "You go pick the red maple first, I can just stay here."

It is urgent to prepare the poisonous antidote.

What's more, I'm afraid there will be other variables, which will inevitably lead to long nights and many dreams, so it's better to solve it quickly.

Anyway, when picking red blood maples, it is enough to have Yu Shiwei present.

The square in front of the temple.

Cheng Tianyong was entrusted by Ling Feng to inquire about the hidden sword master and see if he knew anything.

Therefore, after everyone dispersed, Cheng Tianyong did not leave, but approached Master Zangjian intentionally or unintentionally.

The hidden sword master seemed determined to wait for death in the square. He was just leaning on a stone tablet, patting his round belly and drinking wine. There was no image of a great master at all.

Cheng Tianyong pinched his nose and came within ten feet of the hidden sword master. A strong smell of alcohol hit his nostrils, and it was clearly the lowest quality alcohol.

It belongs to the "clean and hygienic, somewhat smelly" level!

With the Hidden Sword Master's wealth, he wouldn't be so destitute that he would drink such low-quality wine, not to mention buying any fine wine.

It can only mean that the Hidden Sword Master is not so much drinking as he is actually punishing himself.

No wonder, the genius who was once well-known in the entire Shenzhi Heavenly Realm, and also a famous handsome man, has now become like this.


Cheng Tianyong coughed slightly and moved closer to Master Cangjian, trying to attract Master Cangjian's attention.

Unfortunately, Master Hidden Sword was just drinking alone and had no intention of paying attention to Cheng Tianyong.

Cheng Tianyong slapped his forehead, feeling a little worried. The hidden sword master made it clear that he didn't want to take care of himself, so how could he pry his mouth open?

On the other side, Shen Xiangxiang took several disciples from Wanjian Villa and sent Senior Brother Ao Qianchuan back to his residence.

As for the bodies of Ao Qianchuan's parents, they are also stored in the main hall for the time being.

Only after everything is over can they be buried.

"Elder brother, have a good rest."

Shen Xiangxiang covered Ao Qianchuan with the quilt. When his breathing gradually stabilized and he seemed to have fallen asleep, he slowly stood up and walked out of the bedroom quietly.

She grew up with her senior brother and Zong Huaiyue, and they were considered childhood sweethearts.

However, her parents died when she was young, and although her eldest brother was adopted by Ao Kun and his wife, he was actually an orphan.

Perhaps because of this, her relationship with her senior brother was even closer than that with Zong Huaiyue.

But more importantly, Shen Xiangxiang only regards his senior brother as his own big brother. Only from his senior brother can he feel the missing family affection.

"Don't worry, senior brother, I will definitely find the murderer! I will avenge the old village owner and Uncle Ao!"

Shen Xiangxiang gritted his silver teeth, took a deep look at Ao Qianchuan who was sleeping soundly, and left resolutely.

If the murderer behind the scenes wants to prevent Yu Shiwei from formulating the antidote, then he must start with the red blood maple or the blood refining dragon crystal.

The greater possibility is that it should be the red blood maple.

After all, Zong Zhenghong went to get the Blood Refining Dragon Crystal himself, and with so many disciples around him, the chance of the murderer being discovered is naturally greater.

The side of Red Blood Maple is relatively easier.

Moreover, Ling Feng also acted together, and the blood jade mandrill on his body would inevitably become the target of the murderer behind the scenes.

After thinking about this level clearly, Shen Xiangxiang immediately decided to go to the back mountain to join Zong Huaiyue and the others.

Even if she must die, she hopes that the person who will accompany her at the last moment of her life is Senior Brother Zong.

At the same time, in the square outside the palace, Cheng Tianyong had already tried to greet the Hidden Sword Master in various ways. However, the Hidden Sword Master was still drunk and kept muttering something like "Sooner or later it will come!"

"I should have died a long time ago!"

"I shouldn't have to live in this world!"


Things like that.

Cheng Tianyong looked helpless, there was really nothing he could do against this drunkard.

"What a puddle of mud!"

At this moment, Xiao Xianling could no longer bear Master Zangjian's nagging, so she directly lifted the wine jar aside and hit Master Zangjian hard on the head, "You want to die, I will help you." !”


The wine jar was broken into pieces, and the inferior wine inside stained Master Hidden Sword's body.

The cold drink gave Master Zangjian a jolt, and he seemed to be more conscious.

He raised his cloudy eyes, took a look at Xiao Xianling, then picked up the pieces on the ground, poured the low-quality alcohol into his stomach, and complained at the same time: "No... don't waste it!"

"You are hopeless!"

Xiao Xianling almost exploded with anger. She didn't expect that the hidden sword master didn't care about being hit on the head by her and continued to drink his inferior wine.

"Master Hidden Sword, now that you have decided to die, you must be feeling very uncomfortable if you still have so many words hidden in your heart that you have not spoken out!"

Cheng Tianyong sighed softly, picked up a piece of the wine jar, and took a sip of the bad wine.

It tastes spicy in the mouth, and apart from the spiciness, there is no other feeling.

Oh, maybe, it's probably the dizzy feeling in my head.

"Come, I'll drink with you!"

Cheng Tianyong sat next to Master Hidden Sword and smiled lightly.


Master Zangjian glanced at Cheng Tianyong, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "Yes, you have already decided to die, why are you holding back so many secrets? Okay, I say! I will just breathe, Say it all!”

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