Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3467 Descendants of Tianyuan Village!


The Hidden Sword Master drank all the wine in the fragments of the wine jar, threw the fragments heavily on the ground, took a deep breath, and finally started talking.

"To trace the origin of this matter, I'm afraid we have to start talking about it more than two hundred years ago. More than two hundred years ago, in the Divine Realm, a genius blacksmith suddenly appeared, rising like a comet, unstoppable..."

The Hidden Sword Master sighed softly and clenched his fists. A trace of sadness and anger flashed through his cloudy eyes, but more importantly, he felt guilt and self-blame.

"Everything started with the rise of that blacksmith, and his appearance was perhaps destined to be a tragedy from the beginning..."

The Hidden Sword Master spoke with a heavy tone, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Cheng Tianyong sat aside, saying nothing, just listening quietly. As the Hidden Sword Master spoke, the expression on Cheng Tianyong's face changed again and again, from surprise, to shock, to anger.

It seems that with the narration of the Hidden Sword Master, I have traveled through two hundred years and returned to that day.

That bloody day, the day of killing!

"Oh my God!"

Xiao Xianling covered her mouth, widened her eyes, and said, "You... how could you do this?"

Zhou Yan's face was as dark as water and he said nothing, but everyone could see that his eyes were full of anger.

"Either for fame or profit, who knows. In short, when everyone thinks that doing this represents justice, then no one will think more about it for even a moment."

Master Hidden Sword clenched his fist tightly, "And when we discovered that everything was just a rumor and a scam, a big mistake was made!"

His eyes turned blood red and angry, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What's even more chilling is that there are not many murderers who commit crimes under the guise of justice, even showing even a little bit of remorse and remorse! Yes! To them, it’s like squeezing a few ants to death. Hahahaha——”

The Hidden Sword Master raised his head and laughed, "I should have known earlier that when it comes to slaying demons and protecting the Tao, or slaying demons and slaying demons, they are just worried that their status will be threatened, hahaha..."

Cheng Tianyong and Xiao Xianling both fell into silence.

Everything they heard just now was really shocking.

It turns out that these famous seniors and experts are just a group of people who deceive the world and steal their fame.

However, when they abandoned their conscience, they could still be well-dressed and famous, but Master Hidden Sword seemed to be burdened by his own conscience and became what he is now.


Cheng Tianyong sighed, looking at the hidden sword master who was like a walking corpse, and didn't know what to say.

He clenched his fists and thought to himself: "It seems that I can have business with Brother Ling. I really didn't expect that the truth would be so cruel..."

Cheng Tianyong stood up slowly, looked back at Xiao Xianling, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Zhou, Senior Sister Xiao, let's go."

"Where to go?"

Xiao Xianling blinked her eyes and asked through gritted teeth.

"Of course I'll go find Brother Ling."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, "I think we are very close to the truth."

After saying that, Cheng Tianyong walked forward. Xiao Xianling frowned slightly and couldn't help shouting: "Hey, aren't they going to the back mountain? You are going in the wrong direction!"

Cheng Tianyong turned around and smiled mysteriously, "You'll know in a moment."

Wanjian Villa, at the entrance of the villa gate.

The three middle-aged men stared angrily at the sword-like barrier in front of them, their eyes filled with anger.

These three people were none other than the three elders of Liuhe Immortal Sect and Wei Songtao.

At this moment, because the mountain guarding barrier has been fully opened, there are no disciples guarding the entrance.

Wei Songtao and the three of them just stood at the door, staring at each other, but there was nothing they could do.

"Damn it, this is a trap! It was a trap from the beginning!"

Wei Songtao clenched his fist tightly and said bitterly.

"You shouldn't have come. The Lao Shizi Sword Appreciation Conference is simply revenge by the descendants of Tianyuan Village! He wants to gather all the enemies together and then poison them all. He also wants to kill everyone in Wanjian Villa. Buried together!"

Zuo Songyang, another man with a goatee, had some vibrato in his voice.

"I can't escape now, so I might as well strike first!"

A cold glint flashed in Wang Xiao's eyes, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand.

"I'm afraid the descendants of Tian Yuan Village still don't know that the three of us were the ones who first destroyed the whole family of Tian Yuan Village and spread rumors. If we are exposed at this time, wouldn't it be self-destruction?"

Wei Songtao glared at Wang Xiao and said coldly: "We are all poisoned. As long as the descendants of Yuanzhuang that day activate the poison in our bodies, we will probably die suddenly!"

"What should we do?"

Wang Xiao and Zuo Songyang gritted their teeth and said.

"Currently, we only know that the descendants of Tian Yuan Village have been hiding in Wanjian Villa, but we still don't know who they are. We just know that the descendants of Tian Yuan Village all have a common characteristic. Originally, I thought We should secretly find out the identity of this person and then secretly eliminate him to avoid future troubles. But now it seems that we cannot act rashly, otherwise, we will be targeted first. We should wait for the little girl from Cihang Jingzhai to prepare the antidote. "

"It makes sense!"

Zuo Songyang nodded repeatedly, "The eldest brother is the eldest brother, and he is really thoughtful!"

However, at this moment, a terrifying murderous intent suddenly enveloped them.

The expressions of the three people suddenly changed, and they looked frightened at the same time.


Suddenly, Zuo Songyang clutched his chest tightly, a look of great pain appeared on his face, and it became very difficult to breathe.

"The poison... is poisonous!"

Wei Songtao's eyes widened and he looked around. Yu Shiwei once said that if a poisonous spirit wants to activate poisonous poison, it must be within a certain range.

In other words, at this moment, the murderer must be not far away.

Wei Songtao no longer cares about Zuo Songyang. Now as long as he catches the poisoner, everything will be solved.

Sure enough, the next moment, Wei Songtao saw a mysterious man wearing a black robe standing behind a giant tree in the sky.

His whole body was covered in black robes, and he couldn't even tell the difference between men and women, or his figure.

He was just floating in mid-air. Although he couldn't clearly see the eyes under the black robe, he could still feel the extremely fierce murderous aura.

"Are you a descendant of Tianyuan Village?"

Wei Songtao immediately shouted loudly, looked at Wang Xiao, and immediately took action.

"Catch them alive!"

Wei Songtao roared, and the next moment, his body was flying out like an arrow from the string.

In order to eliminate the poison of phantom poison, the poison spirit must take the antidote. If the opponent is accidentally killed during the fight, everyone may be hopeless.

Therefore, although Wei Songtao wanted to kill the opponent directly on the spot, he could only tolerate it for the sake of his own life.

The cultivation level of the man in black was obviously no match for Wei Songtao and Wei Songtao. What's more, they still attacked together, but after only a few rounds, the man in black was already showing signs of defeat.

"Hmph, you tried so hard to get revenge, but now, you still fell short in the end!"

Wei Songtao laughed ferociously, "There is no justice or justice in this world. If you don't care for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. Since you want to destroy me, I will never make it easy for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Songtao had already struck out with a palm. He was a powerful Immortal who majored in the gold system.

As soon as he took action, the sharp energy swept across, and the world seemed to collapse.

However, at this moment, Wei Songtao suddenly felt his heart beating wildly, boom!


His heart was beating violently, making his whole body feel like the world was spinning.


A look of horror appeared in Wei Songtao's eyes. Could it be that the other party actually triggered the poison in his body?

But, how is this possible?

He had obviously joined forces with Wang Xiao at the first opportunity to suppress the other party, leaving him no time to activate the poison in his body!

What on earth is going on?


Wei Songtao suddenly drew out a mouthful of black blood, and his powerful and heavy palm just missed the target, blasting a towering ancient tree to pieces.

The next moment, Wei Songtao clutched his chest and took several steps back. A tearing pain came through his mind.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

This time, Wei Songtao finally realized what it was like to experience the poison of phantom poison when it takes effect.

The severe pain made his facial features become distorted, and his body curled up. He could only let out hysterical roars and roars to slightly relieve the severe pain.

The whole person seems to be crazy.

"you you……"

Seeing his two companions being instantly poisoned, Wang Xiao trembled all over, not remembering that his own cultivation level was higher than that of his opponent.

Just as if he saw a devil, he trembled: "Don't... don't kill me, I... I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"


The man in black didn't answer, but immediately after, there were two heart-rending screams.

Zuo Songyang!

Wei Songtao!

Both died suddenly!




At this moment, a tree shadow swayed in the dense forest. Apparently, the movement here had alarmed the people around.

The man in black didn't care to attack Wang Xiao again, and his figure flashed and disappeared into the forest.

Wang Xiao stood there with trembling legs, and suddenly a pungent smell hit his nostrils.

The dignified and powerful Immortal Lord was actually...

I was so scared that I peed!

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