Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3468 The truth!

As soon as his figure flashed, the mysterious man in black had quickly fled the scene before all the experts arrived.

His movement was like a ghost. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

In front of the mountain gate, there were only two crouched corpses and the trembling Wang Xiang in place.

The masters who came after hearing the sound looked at this bloody scene, their eyes widened, and they looked around, but they clearly couldn't see any trouble.

That mysterious man in black escaped too fast!

The strong wind roars, and the robes roll violently!

In the shadow of the trees, a dark shadow passed by.

But on the road where the man in black must pass, there is a young man in blue clothes with long silver hair dancing in the wind.

The young man stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes already locked on the man in black.

In an instant, the man in black apparently also noticed the boy in blue, and he stopped and landed on the tree crown with one foot.

Although his whole body was covered by a black cloak, he could still feel the look of astonishment flashing through his eyes under the cloak.

"It's strange, why am I here?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and a faint smile appeared on his face.

And then, several more figures flew towards them.

Surprisingly, it was Cheng Tianyong and his party.

"Brother Ling, I've found out everything. You guessed it, not 70%, but 60%. It's basically as you expected!"

Cheng Tianyong gave Ling Feng a thumbs up. From just a few words from Wei Songtao and some subtle expressions of everyone in the villa, Ling Feng had basically guessed the whole story.

"Are you the descendant of Tianyuan Village that Wei Songtao and others call you?"

Ling Feng stared at the man in black robe and asked calmly.

The man in black robe did not answer, but deliberately said in a hoarse voice: "Do you think you can stop me with just a few of you?"

"Then, what about adding me to the mix?"

At this moment, another majestic figure descended from the sky.

A suffocating sense of oppression swept over him.

The acting owner of Wanjian Villa, Zong Zhenghong, also appeared here.

And along with it, there are many masters who are listed on the bloody list.



The terrifying aura stirred in the forest, and the towering ancient trees collapsed under the terrifying momentum and exploded into debris all over the sky.

In fact, even the ground was depressed.

One master after another surrounded the man in black and completely sealed him off.

There is no possibility of escape.

The man in black clenched his fists, still not understanding that he had fallen into a trap.

"You should be thinking now, why did you get fooled?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, jumped from the tree crown, and jumped down.

He slowly walked to the edge of the pit, looked at the man in black who was surrounded by everyone, and slowly said: "All this is thanks to the cooperation of Miss Rain Master."

Ling Feng's eyes condensed and he spoke eloquently, "Actually, in order to eliminate the poison of the phantom poison, only the blood jade mandrill is enough. As for the red blood maple and the blood refining dragon crystal, they are just for You mistakenly thought that the other masters had been mobilized, making you think that you would have enough time to get rid of Wei Songtao and the other three."

The crowd dispersed, and Yu Shiwei and Zong Huaiyue slowly walked out.

Zong Huaiyue was quite surprised when he opened it. In fact, apart from Yu Shiwei, the only person who knew Ling Feng's overall plan was Zong Zhenghong, the acting owner of the village.

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "Since you are out for revenge, when you learn that these three people are the ones who massacred all the people in Tianyuan Village, the anger in your heart must have already exploded! "

The man in black remained silent, just staring at everyone present.

Even though he was covered by a black cloak, it still couldn't cover his bloody eyes, and the terrifying murderous intent revealed in those eyes.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and continued: "And Wei Songtao's three scum deserved their death, so it is most appropriate to use them as bait."

"Now that you've reached this point, it's time for you to show your face like this!"

Zong Huaiyue looked angry and stared at the man in black under the pit. He gritted his teeth and said, "Today, I will avenge my great grandfather and my senior brother's parents!"

With that said, Zong Huaiyue pulled out his long sword and wanted to kill the man in black.

"Don't mess around!"

Zong Zhenghong held Zong Huaiyue's shoulders.

Now, although the murderer has been captured, if he wants to relieve everyone of the phantom poison, he cannot be killed. Instead, the poison spirit must be removed from his body first.

"Now that things have happened, I really want to know, who are you?"

Zong Zhenghong stared at the man in black robes and said in a deep voice: "What happened back then was that our Wanjian Villa was incapable of treating your Tianyuan Villa. It's understandable that you want to take revenge. As long as you are willing to obey. The antidote, I can guarantee, will keep you alive!"

"Stay alive?"

The man in black laughed ferociously, "Hahahahaha... Survive? Hahahaha..."

Everyone's eyes widened, and they didn't know why the man in black suddenly laughed wildly.

"Brother Ao, if I guess correctly, you are the eldest disciple of Wanjian Villa, Ao Qianchuan!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng stood up. As soon as he said this, the laughter of the man in black robes suddenly stopped.

The next moment, the man in black took off his cloak and untied his hood.

The first thing that caught my eye was that silver iron mask!

The man in black robe is really Ao Qianchuan!

"How did you guess it was me?"

Ao Qianchuan stared at Ling Feng coldly.

"I'll check your pulse. Although your pulse is chaotic, you shouldn't faint."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. Because of this, he had a little doubt about Ao Qianchuan.

Moreover, from the moment the life-threatening golden essence was stolen, Ling Feng had already suspected that the person who did it should be someone from Wanjian Villa.

"Is that so..."

Ao Qianchuan smiled coldly. He didn't expect that his plan would reveal a flaw just because of his pulse.

"Elder brother? How... how is it possible?"

Zong Huaiyue was completely dumbfounded, "How could it be you? Why would it be you?"

"Why can't it be me?"

Ao Qianchuan glanced at everyone in the audience coldly. His face still had no expression. He looked cold and calm, without even a trace of fear or panic.

"But...but you shouldn't..."

Zong Huaiyue clenched his fists tightly, "You shouldn't even mention Uncle Ao and Auntie... they... they are your adoptive parents!"


Ao Qianchuan laughed wildly, but a look of madness flashed through his scarlet eyes, "They are the ones who deserve to die the most! Because only they know my identity! Only they know!!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened.

It turns out that Tianyuan Village was supposed to have been wiped out, but it was able to leave a line of orphans behind, but it was Ao Kun and his wife who saved this child!

However, they did not expect that this child had never forgotten the blood feud, not even for a moment.

Now that I think about it, why did Madam Ao say those words inexplicably when she was dying for her love.

She already knew it!

The couple already knew everything!

Ao Qianchuan was like a wild beast. Perhaps, he was not as cold-blooded and ruthless as he said.

Regarding the death of his adoptive parents, he may also have pain and struggle in his heart!

However, hatred turned him into a beast!

"This plan has been rehearsed countless times in my mind. From the moment I stole the sword, the plan has already started!"

Ao Qianchuan murmured to himself about his plan, "I have been waiting for this moment for more than a hundred years, and finally, I have waited! Only the life-threatening golden spirit can attract the entire Shenzhi Heavenly Domain. All the top forging masters are here, and as long as I steal the life-stealing golden essence, in order to prevent the treasure thief from escaping, the old village owner will immediately issue an order to open the mountain protection barrier!"

"And as soon as the barrier is opened, the phantom poison that I have already planted will permeate the entire Wanjian Villa with the opening of the barrier!"

Ao Qianchuan looked ferocious and laughed wildly, "What a perfect plan! Everyone will die here, just like he once did! You! You! And your family! You will all die!"


"Damn, what a white-eyed wolf!"

"The couple named Ao, it's okay if they die. If they weren't showing mercy, how could these things happen today?"

There were scoldings from the crowd, and some of the words made even an outsider like Ling Feng feel uncomfortable hearing them.

Sure enough, in the eyes of these people, there is only the jungle of the jungle.

Until this moment, they will not feel even the slightest regret!

"You don't deserve to scold my parents!"

Ao Qianchuan's eyes turned red, and he rushed out like a hungry wolf, rushing towards the powerful Immortal Master who had scolded him the most.

The results can be imagined.

He only relied on the powerful poison of the phantom poison to kill masters such as the old manor owner and Master Fu one after another.

His own strength is nothing more than Daoyan realm.


As a result, the powerful Immortal Master knocked Ao Qianchuan away with his palm without any effort.

If Pa Ao Qianchuan hadn't died and couldn't remove the poison from his body, I'm afraid that one of his blows could have directly killed Ao Qianchuan.

"Why bother talking to him!"

The leader of the Shen Forging Sect hurriedly said: "Miss Yu Master, hurry up and prepare an antidote to detoxify him!"

Yu Shiwei bit her silver teeth, but a trace of unbearable color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, a strong smell of alcohol hit his nostrils.

But it was the Hidden Sword Master who finally arrived belatedly.

He grabbed Ao Qianchuan with one hand and put his arm on his shoulders, staring coldly at everyone present.

"Today, I will not let the tragedy of more than a hundred years ago happen again, I will take him away!"

Master Hidden Sword said coldly: "Whoever dares to stop me, I will kill him! Uh-"

The sound stopped suddenly, and a sharp sword was seen penetrating through the round belly of the hidden sword master.

The sharp energy crushed his internal organs, and the terrifying sword energy burst out from his limbs and bones.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and when he looked back, he saw Ao Qianchuan, a sword piercing through his back.

"You want to be a good person? You are just a murderer, and now you want to be a good person?"

Ao Qianchuan smiled grimly, "You are not qualified to be a good person!"


Blood gurgled out of Master Zangjian's mouth, "Yes, I am not qualified. I am indeed not qualified. I'm sorry...but thank you. I am finally...liberated..."


Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, what a pity.

People with an intact conscience end up like this, while most of those scum are still alive and well.

"Master of the Hidden Sword!"

Zong Huaiyue watched Master Zangjian gradually slide down Ao Qianchuan's body, and his eyes turned red, "You're crazy! You're completely crazy!"

"I've already gone crazy!"

Ao Qianchuan gritted his teeth and said: "I shouldn't involve those people who have nothing to do with the Yu tragedy, but I have no other choice! I want to apologize to those innocent people, but I just want to apologize! As for you ——”

Ao Qianchuan's blood-red eyes burst out with unprecedented murderous intent, and then he shouted loudly, "Let's all die!"

After hearing the last few words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

What does he want to do?

However, when everyone reacted, they heard a "boom" and his body suddenly exploded.

Flesh and blood flying everywhere!

Seemingly endless blood spread all over the forest with the sudden explosion.

No one had time to escape the rain of blood that was pouring down from the sky. When they came to their senses, everyone's bodies were covered with dripping blood——

The blood of Ao Qianchuan!

The place where Ao Qianchuan was just now was empty. Only the place under his feet was much thicker than other places, proving that the owner of the blood once stood here and let out heart-rending roars.

Anger and the roar of the devil!

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