Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3469 The last person!

Ao Qianchuan blew himself up!

No one could have imagined that under such tight control, Ao Qianchuan could end his own life with such cruel means.

Recalling the last moment, his malicious gaze made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Oops! He...he's dead!"

"This madman! Madman!"

After a brief silence, the crowd began to riot.

According to Yu Shiwei, if you want to completely eliminate the poison of the phantom poison, you must either detoxify the poison spirit, or you must let the "last person" who is poisoned kill the poison spirit with your own hands.

In addition, no matter if someone else takes action or the poisonous spirit explodes by itself, the poison in everyone's body will be released in advance.

In other words, for everyone present, the countdown to life has begun.

Twelve hours!

They can only live for the last twelve hours.

Unless, in the meantime, the "last person" is found.

Because only the blood of the "last person"'s heart orifice can dissolve the poisonous poison in the body.

Otherwise, even if the antidote is prepared with the blood jade mandrill, it will not be able to remove the poison of the phantom poison at all, and the only thing left is to wait for death.

However, nearly ten thousand people gathered in the entire Wanjian Villa.

The blood from the heart of the "last man" can only save more than a hundred people.

But the worst thing is that now, the poisoned Ao Qianchuan is dead, and no one knows who is the "last person".

Fortunately, the mountain protection barrier has already been activated, which can at least prove one thing.

The last person is still in the villa.

Everyone stared at the pool of sticky blood in the forest with sinking faces, which was the place where Ao Qianchuan finally self-destructed.

The remnant power of the explosion also blew up the Hidden Sword Master into ashes, leaving no bones left.

And in the blood, an iron mask of timbre was left.

That was something that belonged to Ao Qianchuan, and it was also the last relic he left behind.

"Damn it, everything is over, we can't find the last person, we are all going to die!"

"Damn it, I don't want to die yet!"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Everyone's mood became more and more manic.

Twelve hours!

There are only twelve hours left.

Even most people have begun to have auditory hallucinations in their ears.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

That is the sound of time passing by, and it is also the death knell, the final countdown.

Most of them are the overlords of famous towns, or the most famous geniuses.

Just die here.

Not willing to accept it!

Everyone could see that the situation was about to get out of control.

Perhaps at this moment, they can temporarily suppress it and maintain their rationality.

However, as death gets closer and closer, the twelve-hour period continues to shorten.

If the target of the last person cannot be locked, then there will probably be a brutal and inhumane fight.

Since no one knows who is the last person, then anyone may be the last person.

"Fairy Yushi, you are the successor of Cihang Jingzhai. You must have other ways, right?"

The restless people all looked at Yu Shiwei again.

At this moment, she is everyone's last straw.

Yu Shiwei bit her lip. She also hoped that she could find a way to neutralize the poison of the evil spirit.

But the fact is, she can't do it.

She was about to speak out the truth when a big hand suddenly pressed her shoulder.

It's Ling Feng!

Ling Feng shook his head at her, and at the same time told her through his spiritual consciousness: Miss Yushi, if you tell the truth, these people will go crazy immediately.

Rain Master Wei Dai frowned.

How could she not know this? However, at this time, should she still give everyone unnecessary hope?

At this moment, it was Zong Huaiyue, walking step by step into the pool of blood with heavy steps, and slowly picked up the silver iron mask from the sticky blood.

This is the last thing left by Ao Qianchuan.

Although he himself had been blown up into ashes, this iron mask was actually able to remain intact.

Zong Huaiyue held the mask tightly, and for a moment, his mood was extremely complicated.

Should I hate him?


But how can there be unreasonable hatred in this world?

Suddenly, he seemed to see a few tiny words on the back of the iron mask.

A dusty memory seems to be awakening little by little in the depths of my mind.

"Elder brother, I give this mask to you so that others won't laugh at you for having an ice face!"

"Elder brother, I made this with my own hands. There are also marks left by me myself. It was cast by Shen Xiangxiang, the top blacksmith of Wanjian Villa! Hehe!"

"Elder brother, just accept it!"

The past events came to mind one by one, and Zong Huaiyue suddenly realized that the iron mask worn by senior brother had always been the side that junior sister Shen Xiangxiang had created.

ten years!

Twenty years!


a hundred years!

Did he actually have such deep affection for Junior Sister Shen?

Suddenly, Zong Huaiyue clenched his fists. If Shen Xiangxiang was the person he loved most in his senior brother's heart, then even if he hated the whole world and hoped to destroy everything, he might also hope that Shen Xiangxiang could survive to the end.

Therefore, Shen Xiangxiang is most likely the last person!

"What the hell are you holding, kid?"

The leader of the Shenforging Sect was already a little crazy. When he saw the iron mask in Zong Huaiyue's hand, he suddenly thought of something and immediately glared at Zong Huaiyue with his teeth bared, "There must be some clues in this, about the last person, right?" wrong!"


Zong Huaiyue subconsciously hid the mask behind his back, but the next moment, he saw a black shadow flashing past. It was another Immortal-level blacksmith who snatched the iron mask directly from Zong Huaiyue's hand.

"It's really weird!"

The blacksmith touched the mask again and found that the mask was rough in workmanship and was a very ordinary work. However, there was indeed a row of small words on the inside of the mask.

"Shen Xiangxiang, the top forger of Wanjian Villa, cast it!"

The blacksmith read the above content again, and then seemed to think of something, and immediately shouted: "It's Shen Xiangxiang. That boy named Ao must regard the girl named Shen Xiangxiang as the most important person, so Shen Xiangxiang , must be the last one!"

"Damn it, it turns out it's a girl named Shen Xiangxiang!"

"We know who the last person is!"

"Catch that girl and you'll live!"


In an instant, the eyes of everyone present turned scarlet.

Immediately afterwards, each one turned into an arrow and flew out.

For a time, everyone was looking for Shen Xiangxiang.

Now, they all have less than twelve hours left to live. Only by finding Shen Xiangxiang and taking the blood from her heart can they have a chance of survival.

"no no!"

Seeing everyone scattering in all directions, looking for Shen Xiangxiang, Zong Huaiyue roared like crazy, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

These people have almost gone crazy, and one can imagine Shen Xiangxiang's fate.

"I never expected that it would be that girl from Xiangxiang!"

A trace of intolerance appeared between Zong Zhenghong's brows, but soon he changed from unbearable to decisive and firm.

Shen Xiangxiang can die alone, but Wanjian Villa cannot perish just like that!

Zong Zhenghong raised his son up with both hands and said in a deep voice: "Huaiyue, do what you want to do, whether it's protecting her or anything else, as a father, I won't stop you!"

Zong Huaiyue's eyes were red, and the sudden change had made him feel a little confused.

How he hoped that this was just a nightmare.

As soon as you wake up, everything will be the same as before. How great would it be?

However, there is no going back, there is no going back anymore.

He clenched his fist tightly, knowing that he was about to face the most difficult decision in his life.

The senior brother loves his junior sister deeply, what about himself?

He and his junior sister have always been together, and perhaps they have already considered each other as lifelong companions.


Suddenly, Zong Huaiyue made a pop, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed heavily to his father. Then, his figure swept away and disappeared into the dense forest.

If the junior sister knows her situation, then there is a place that only she and she know.

She will definitely be there!

"Hey, brat, what should we do now?"

Seeing everyone dying and scattering, Xiao Xianling began to feel a little uneasy.

She didn't want to be like those other people who had to attack the innocent Shen Xiangxiang in order to survive.

But what if you don't do this?

Twelve hours!

There are only the last twelve hours left!

"That's right, I don't want to die here, I don't want to die!"

Mo Yurou also bit her lip. Obviously, at this time, no matter who it was, their hearts were full of contradictions.

"There's no rush. Who knows what the outcome will be until the last moment?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but his eyes were fixed on Zong Zhenghong.

At this moment, he was probably the only one who could remain calm.

"We just need to follow the elders."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Perhaps Zong Huaiyue didn't know that his father was smarter than he thought.

If there is someone in the villa who can find Shen Xiangxiang the fastest, then it must be Zong Huaiyue.

And Zong Huaiyue, how would he choose?

Kill her?

Save her?

Maybe I shouldn't think of people so sinisterly, after all, they are childhood sweethearts.

But at this moment, he suddenly wanted to know, in the face of life and love, what choice would human nature make?

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