Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3470 The unacceptable truth!

Wanjian Villa, this place that once fascinated countless sword masters, is now in chaos.

Almost everyone is frantically looking for a woman named "Shen Xiangxiang".

With only the last twelve hours left in their lives, everything is meaningless to them.

Only destruction and endless panic remain.

People used destruction to eliminate the fear in their hearts, burning, killing and looting wherever they passed.

The majestic buildings turned into a sea of ​​flames and turned into ruins.

In order to find the female disciple, they even wanted to turn over every inch of land in Wanjian Villa.

At the same time, Zong Zhenghong, the acting owner of Wanjian Villa, seemed to no longer care about all this.

He walked silently to the ancestral temple of the ancestral hall, knelt three times and knelt nine times toward the tablets of his ancestors in the ancestral hall.

After doing all this, there was no longer any hesitation in his eyes. He seemed to have made up his mind, and finally spread out his body skills and flew away.

Ling Feng and his party followed the acting village owner unhurriedly.

In addition to Ling Feng and his party, there were about a dozen experts who all seemed to have the same idea as Ling Feng.

As long as you follow Zong Zhenghong, you will definitely find a way to find Shen Xiangxiang.

Zong Zhenghong didn't seem to care and allowed these people to follow.

If someone must kill Shen Xiangxiang, at least he hopes that the person who does it is not him.

At the same time, Zong Huaiyue is also looking for his childhood sweetheart.

He knew that many people were following him.

Therefore, relying on his familiarity with the terrain of Wanjian Villa, he quickly threw away all the pursuing soldiers behind him.

"Will she wait for me there?"

"What should I do when I see her?"

Zong Huaiyue was in confusion. He clenched his fists tightly, and for a moment he was afraid to go to the "secret base" that he had agreed with his junior sister.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he let his nails pierce into his palms, and blood dripped onto the ground.

"why why why!"

He rushed into a stream like crazy and fell heavily into the water.

The cold stream water could not extinguish the fire in his heart.

He felt like he was burning with fire, as if his whole body was going to be burned into ashes.

Is this a sign of a poisonous attack?

Am I going to die?

He lay quietly in the stream, struggling and contradictory. He did not dare to face it, and he was also afraid to face it.

Why, Xiangxiang will be the last one!

"The boy is here!"

At this moment, a short, sinister-looking man suddenly passed through the air.


The next moment, the short man threw himself into the stream and slowly pulled out a dagger from his waist.

The cold blade directly locked his throat.

The shadow of death enveloped him in an instant.

It was bone-chilling, as if the whole person was frozen.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, just tell me where the girl named Shen is. Her blood can only save a hundred people. If you tell me, I may be merciful and spare you a drop!"

The sinister man's voice was deep, hoarse, and harsh.

He leaned close to Zong Huaiyue's ear, and his scarlet tongue swept over Zong Huaiyue's ear.

The fishy smell is disgusting.

Zong Huaiyue knew that this kind of person would do anything to survive.


Are you really going to die?

Zong Huaiyue closed his eyes in despair. He would never betray his junior sister and let her die in the hands of such a person.


At this moment, screams rang in his ears, and the dagger chosen on the neck fell into the stream with a "pop".

The sinister man who locked his throat also fell heavily into the water. His body froze and he went straight down the stream, without any breath of life.

he died!

"Why are you still standing there? That guy has other companions!"

A rough voice sounded in his ears.

Zong Huaiyue looked up and saw Qiu Tianlong.

That Qiu Tianlong who had been causing trouble in all kinds of ways since the first day he moved into Wanjian Villa.

And he even once wrongfully accused him of being the poisoner.

He actually saved himself.

The next moment, Qiu Tianlong pulled Zong Huaiyue out, and in a flash, the two figures had disappeared into the deep forest, their auras hidden, and they disappeared without a trace.

"Why did you save me?"

Zong Huaiyue stared blankly at the rugged bearded man in front of him.

He never thought that he would be saved by him.

"To be honest, I don't like you, but speaking of it, I can't help you Wanjian Villa."

Qiu Tianlong clenched his fists, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "To tell you the truth, I stole the life-threatening golden spirit!"


Zong Huaiyue's eyes widened and he looked at Qiu Tianlong in disbelief.

"But don't get me wrong, I don't know about poisoning!"

Qiu Tianlong cursed and said: "On the first night, when I was about to go to sleep, a map was suddenly thrown in from the window. It actually marked the hiding places of the life-killing golden spirit and the seven magic weapons, as well as thousands of The disciples of Jianshan Villa set up a patrol plan!”

He clenched his fists and continued: "I have been here for the life-killing golden spirit from the beginning. Although I was doubtful, I still could not resist the temptation, so that night, I took action directly."

"No wonder..."

Zong Huaiyue sighed, no wonder the senior brother could accomplish so many things at the same time in one night.

But it turns out that the person who stole the sword was Qiu Tianlong.

"Everything went too smoothly. I stole the life-stealing golden essence and the seven magic weapons. I thought that during the sword appreciation meeting, I would take a good look at Wanjian Villa's scandal, but I didn't expect that Wanjian Villa would make a fool of itself. His reaction was so quick and he immediately activated the mountain barrier. Now it seems that it was also a good thing done by your senior brother."

He snorted coldly and gritted his teeth: "That map was leaked to me intentionally by your senior brother. He knew my desire for the life-stealing golden spirit, so he used it to steal the sword, which turned me into a By becoming his accomplice, he can naturally activate the mountain barrier, allowing the poison to spread. So..."

Qiu Tianlong clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth: "So, although I was just used by others, in the final analysis, I still cannot afford your Wanjian Villa!"

As he said that, he threw out the life-killing golden spirit and the seven magic weapons, and said coldly: "We are all going to die anyway. There is no point in keeping these things. I will give them back to you!"


Zong Huaiyue blinked and looked at Qiu Tianlong in surprise.

Although this man looks vulgar, he can be regarded as a man.

"I'm leaving. Since I'm going to die, I have to find a good Feng Shui place first!"

Qiu Tianlong smiled and actually left without looking back.

Zong Huaiyue swallowed hard and touched the wound above his neck that had just been scratched by the dagger. There was still blood flowing there.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth as he looked at Qiu Tianlong's leaving figure.

Finally, he no longer hesitated and flew away in the other direction!

"If one day you want to avoid the whole world and steal a moment of peace, I will wait for you there! And the same goes for you the other way around!"

That beautiful image flashed through my mind.

That place is only known to us!


No one knows that there is a hidden underground cave deep in the back mountain of Wanjian Villa.

You need to go down from the hole of a dead tree, all the way down, and you can't see the bottom.

But in the deepest part of the tree hole, there is a vast underground world connected to it.

It is as big as a square, with various luminous mosses growing inside.

The faint fluorescence illuminated the entire underground world.

Finally, Zong Huaiyue saw that figure, the figure that made him dream and forget him all the time.

The distant fluorescence stretched her figure long, all the way to Zong Huaiyue's feet.

For a moment, it seemed as if heaven and earth no longer existed. In this world, there was only that charming silhouette.

"Brother, you are really here!"

A voice full of expectation sounded. Zong Huaiyue looked up and saw that the girl had already burst into tears.

Without the slightest hesitation, Shen Xiangxiang flew over.

Finally, the two hugged each other tightly. The villa outside had almost turned into a sea of ​​fire. Only here, there was peace and tranquility away from the chaos of the world.

Shen Xiangxiang raised his head and looked deeply at Zong Huaiyue with some red and swollen eyes: "It turns out that senior brother is the one who poisoned me. It turns out that I am..."

The sound stopped suddenly!

Shen Xiangxiang lowered her head in shock. She looked at the long sword that pierced her body, looked at the gurgling blood, looked at that——

The second senior brother holding a dagger.

Zong Huaiyue was so stiff that he couldn't even let go of the dagger. He just stared blankly at the woman in front of him and the person he loved most in his heart.

The blood dyed his palms red, as bright as flames, trying to engulf him completely.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I can't..."

Zong Huaiyue burst into tears and choked up, "I can't be so selfish. I can't look at Wanjian Villa like this... I can't... I can't..."

He was even speechless, only choking and crying.

Shen Xiangxiang's confused expression gradually disappeared, looking at the blood spurting out from the dagger like a fountain, and looking at the dull-eyed and helpless senior brother.

Suddenly, she laughed!

That was the smile that made the clouds smile for eternity, the smile that made the glaciers of the Tianshan Mountains melt, and the smile that made Zong Huaiyue’s heart break.

"I do not blame you……"

Shen Xiangxiang's body collapsed uncontrollably into Zong Huaiyue's arms. It seemed that he had used up his last strength to raise his palm with difficulty.

She wanted to touch the senior brother in front of her one last time, but the strength in her body was gradually draining away.

The consciousness also blurred little by little, becoming cold and numb, leaving only the eternal emptiness.

"no no!!!"

Zong Huaiyue held his lover's body and roared in pain. The roar echoed throughout the underground world.

But he didn't know that at the entrance to this underground world, there were already more than a dozen figures slowly walking out.

It was Ling Feng and his party brought by Zong Zhenghong.

"Oh my god..."

Xiao Xianling covered her mouth in disbelief, looking at the scene in front of her, she felt an indescribable feeling.


Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

The monks who saw Shen Xiangxiang's body immediately rushed forward like crazy and snatched Shen Xiangxiang's body from Zong Huaiyue's arms.

They need to use Shen Xiangxiang's heart orifice blood to detoxify before they can continue to live.

Before more people discover this place, divide the blood from the heart orifice first.

They can survive!

The girl's body was torn into pieces, and those hideous and ugly faces made people feel numb.

It turns out that people can become so crazy in order to survive!

At this moment, Yu Shiwei's expression suddenly changed. She felt her pulse, pricked her fingertip, and took a drop of blood, as if she wanted to verify her idea.

Finally, she said with some astonishment: "You don't have to fight anymore, our poison of phantom poison has been lifted!"


Everyone's eyes widened and they looked back at Yu Shiwei, "Fairy Yu Shi, what are you talking about?"

Yu Shiwei let out a long sigh and glanced at Zong Huaiyue somewhat unbearably, but still told the cruelest truth.

"From the beginning, we took it for granted that the person who poisoned the poison must be a poisonous spirit, but maybe we have all entered into a misunderstanding."

She gritted her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "Actually, Ao Qianchuan is not a poisonous spirit, but Miss Shen is a poisonous spirit! In fact, as long as we detoxify Miss Shen, we can... we can..."

"no, I can not!"

Zong Huaiyue completely collapsed. He had made up his mind to kill his junior sister with his own hands.

However, this is the ending!

This is the ending!

"As for Mr. Zong, he is actually the last one alive because he killed Miss Shen, so...hey..."

Yu Shiwei sighed, this is really a tragedy, an unacceptable truth.

And all of this was probably designed by Ao Qianchuan.

From the beginning, the only person Ao Qianchuan didn't want to kill was his junior sister.

Even if he hates the whole world and hopes for its destruction, he still hopes that his junior sister can survive.

And what he hated most, in fact, might be Zong Huaiyue.

That's why he was made the last person to face the most painful choice in the world, and finally fell into the most desperate abyss.

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