Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3471 Hot potato!

As Shen Xiangxiang's fragrance disappeared, the poisonous poison in the bodies of everyone in Wanjian Villa gradually dissipated.

Everything finally returned to calm.

In the final analysis, more than 300 people were killed and injured in this poisoning incident, which is ironic to say the least.

Ao Qianchuan tried his best to inject everyone with the phantom poison, but in the end, only a few people, including the old village leader Zong Lian, died from the phantom poison.

And more people died from killing each other before the poison took hold.

In the end, fortunately, Yu Shiwei came forward and told everyone that the poison in their bodies had resolved on its own. The people who had lost their minds finally calmed down and no more casualties were caused.

But Wanjian Villa has already suffered huge losses.

Almost 50% of the buildings in the villa were destroyed. It may not be difficult to rebuild. However, with the death of the old villa owner and this incident, the reputation of Wanjian Villa may plummet.

As for the Sword Appreciation Conference, it naturally came to nothing.

Three days later, Wanjian Villa reopened the mountain barrier, allowing everyone to leave one after another.

For a time, the entire Wanjian Villa became deserted, leaving only a fragment of ruins that needed to be rebuilt urgently.

In the villa, Ling Feng gently wiped a long sword with a piece of red silk. His eyes flashed with light, and he couldn't help but secretly praise, "Huanjianchi is indeed a Huanjianchi. The evil spirit on this sword is , has been completely washed.”

"Then it's time for us to leave!"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily. Everything she had experienced in the past few days in Wanjian Villa was like a nightmare.

What I saw and heard was extremely ugly human nature.

What she couldn't accept the most was that in that underground cave, when everyone rushed to fight for Shen Xiangxiang's body and tore her into pieces, she even wanted to get a drop of her heart for a moment. Blood.

After all, she also wants to live!

Therefore, whether it was to escape or for any other reason, she didn't want to stay for a minute.

"Well, it's time to leave."

Ling Feng nodded. Since the task was completed, there was no need to stay.

At this moment, a familiar figure walked quickly.

It was the disciple of Wanjian Villa, who seemed to be called Xiao Liuzi.

When they first arrived at Wanjian Villa, Ling Feng and Ao Qianchuan once rescued this disciple from the hands of Qiu Tianlong.

"Young Master Ling!"

Xiao Liuzi rushed over, panting and calling Ling Feng's name.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, stepped forward to support Xiao Liuzi, and said slowly: "What's wrong, Xiao Liuzi, has something happened again?"


Xiao Liuzi took a deep breath before continuing: "This is the acting owner of the village. Please come over, young hero."

"The elder of the clan."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, then nodded, "That's fine, I'm also about to bid farewell to the sect elder."

Less than half an hour later.

Ling Feng and his party, led by Na Xiaoliuzi, arrived at the main hall of Wanjian Villa.

The square in front of the palace was in a mess. Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Swords Palace did not completely collapse.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Zong Zhenghong coming up to him quickly.

"Young Master Ling, and everyone else, I'd like to thank you all for still giving me this face."

Zong Zhenghong cupped his fists and saluted everyone, and Ling Feng quickly waved his hand, "The elder Zong said something serious. It just so happens that the juniors are also planning to bid farewell to the seniors."

"Hey, are you leaving too, young hero?"

Zong Zhenghong looked a little lonely.

The three most outstanding disciples of the younger generation at Wanjian Villa are undoubtedly Ao Qianchuan, Zong Huaiyue and Shen Xiangxiang.

Now, Ao Qianchuan and Shen Xiangxiang are dead, and Zong Huaiyue is also in a state of despair all day long.

The huge Wanjian Villa seems to have lost much of its popularity.

"There is no banquet in the world that never ends."

Ling Feng said lightly, looking into the hall, but it turned out that Yu Shiwei was also inside.

Yu Shiwei nodded slightly towards Ling Feng and said warmly: "I am also here to bid farewell to the sect elder."

Zong Zhenghong nodded and smiled bitterly, sighed softly, and then said slowly: "This time my Wanjian Villa encountered such a change, thanks to the help of Fairy Rain Master and Young Master Ling, otherwise, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous."

"The elder's words are serious."

Lingfeng Haoyu Shiwei said in unison.

"Although someone from our clan is not an upright hero, he still has a clear sense of grudges and grievances. You two have shown kindness to me at Wanjian Villa, so naturally you have to repay it."

As he said this, Zong Zhenghong clapped his hands and saw two disciples walking over, each carrying two trays.

Zong Zhenghong lifted up the red cloth on the two trays, and then said slowly: "Young Master Ling, this spiritual ring contains the life-threatening golden spirit. This was originally the rare gold spirit that our Wanjian Villa wanted to use to create The materials for the magic weapon are now given to the young hero."


Ling Feng was slightly startled, going around and around, this life-threatening golden essence was in his hands again?

I think back then, the old sect owner spent tens of billions of immortal stones to capture this life-threatening golden spirit!

"Please don't refuse, young hero."

Zong Zhenghong said seriously.

"Okay, thank you very much, Elder Zong."

Ling Feng nodded and pocketed the Naling Ring on the tray.

Even though he had Destruction in All Directions, he had no use for other weapons.

But this does not affect the fact that this life-threatening golden spirit is indeed a rare treasure.

"As for the Rain Master Fairy."

Zong Zhenghong looked at Yu Shiwei again, "Cihang Jingzhai's lineage is from outside the world, and things from the world cannot naturally enter the eyes of fairies. This Fengxi Guqin is a treasure collected by my grandfather. , give it to the fairy now.”

When Yu Shiwei saw the guqin, her eyes lit up slightly. Apparently, the gift from Zong Zhenghong was exactly what she wanted.

"Thank you very much!"

Yu Shiwei bowed to Zong Zhenghong Yingying and accepted the guqin without any hesitation.

This Fengxi Guqin is not only a famous instrument that has been passed down forever, but also a rare and rare magic weapon.

Even Yu Shiwei, who was in a calm state of mind, had to admit that she liked this piano very much.

Seeing that Ling Feng and Yu Shiwei both had gifts, Xiao Xianling and others felt unhappy.

But it's true that they didn't help much this time, and there was really no reason to ask for gifts from others.

"Originally, I thought about staying with you for a few more days, but Wanjian Villa has become what it is now, and is in need of reconstruction. I will definitely send out invitations and invite you all again. I hope you can come here with honor! "

Zong Zhenghong said loudly.


Ling Feng nodded, and Yu Shiwei also smiled slightly and said: "Elder Mengzong doesn't mind, the little girl will definitely come."

After another polite exchange, Ling Feng, Yu Shiwei and their group left the main hall and prepared to leave Wanjian Villa.

However, when they walked down the mountain path, Ling Feng and Yu Shiwei seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they both glanced towards the back mountain.

After the incident was over, Zong Huaiyue did not say another word, but picked up Shen Xiangxiang's broken body again.

Just in front of the tree hole, a grave was dug with the palm of one's hand.

Then, he kept lying next to Shen Xiangxiang's grave, seemingly losing hope in everything.

Yes, he killed his beloved with his own hands, but the result turned out to be like this. Anyone else would probably not be able to accept it.

"It's all because of that Ao Qianchuan, he's so insidious!"

Xiao Xianling frowned and shook her head. She could only sigh that Ao Qianchuan's intentions were really vicious.

"Maybe Ao Qianchuan didn't expect that Zong Huaiyue would really attack Shen Xiangxiang."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "If Zong Huaiyue doesn't kill Shen Xiangxiang, maybe Ao Qianchuan has actually told Shen Xiangxiang that she is the evil spirit. If Zong Huaiyue can be calmer, we can have time to The evil detoxification method will not cause such a tragedy."

"Or maybe Shen Xiangxiang doesn't know either?" Xiao Xianling immediately frowned and retorted.

"Haha, who knows what the truth is?"

Ling Feng sighed softly, "No matter what it is, the ending cannot be changed."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, a little playfully: "In my opinion, Ao Qianchuan loves his junior sister the most, so he would rather destroy everything than harm Shen Xiangxiang. Shen Xiangxiang's favorite is Zong Huaiyue. Therefore, she believed in him unconditionally and did not resent Zong Huaiyue even at the last moment. "

"And Zong Huaiyue, what he loves most is himself. In order to survive for himself, he can kill Shen Xiangxiang."

Cheng Tianyong shook his head, "So, what's the matter of love and love? I love your mother selling mahua love! It has to be the sisters of Ningxiang Pavilion!"



Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou rolled their eyes at this guy at the same time. Why did the good words come out of his mouth and turned out to be bad.

Ling Feng also shook his head and smiled, but Cheng Tianyong's analysis was quite good.

Zong Huaiyue, is it really for the villa and for his father?

Maybe deep down in his heart, he just wants to live, that's all.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Instead, he looked back at Yu Shiwei and said warmly: "Miss Yu Shi, it seems that we have to part ways here."

Yu Shiwei glanced at Ling Feng with a smile, "Yes, there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. The little girl really admires Mr. Ling's medical skills. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely ask him for advice."

"Haha, I admire this girl's medical skills!"

Ling Feng also cupped his fists and saluted Yu Shiwei, feeling a bit of sympathy for this unworldly fairy.

At this moment, an extremely rough voice came from behind, "Hey, boy named Ling, stand there for me and don't move!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Without asking, he knew that this voice was that of Qiu Tianlong.

It seems that the news about Zong Zhenghong giving him the life-threatening golden spirit has leaked out.

And this Qiu Tianlong has already set his sights on him for the first time.

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. It seemed that Zong Zhenghong gave him the life-destroying golden essence not only out of gratitude, but also as a way of throwing a hot potato out!

However, now that this treasure is in his hands, Ling Feng cannot give it up.

I just hope that Qiu Tianlong doesn’t know what is good and what is evil!

If he really wants to take action, although Ling Feng's level is low, he is not in vain.

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