Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3472 The unity of heaven and man! The Immortal Emperor summons!

"Boy, stand there!"

The figure flashed, and a burly figure had already swept in front of Ling Feng.

Isn’t it Qiu Tianlong!

This guy had already prepared to die and found an empty space to wait for death. However, he didn't die. What a regret in his heart!

If I had known this, I shouldn't have admitted that I stole the sword, let alone returned the life-threatening golden spirit.

However, it was all returned, so he couldn't just lick his face and ask for it back.

Unexpectedly, Zong Zhenghong actually donated the life-threatening golden spirit to Ling Feng, which gave him room for bargaining.

"Hey hey hey..."

Qiu Tianlong stood in front of Ling Feng, his domineering attitude suddenly became extremely gentle, "Um, little brother, where is the life-killing golden spirit with you?"

He had experienced Ling Feng's power before. Although this boy's cultivation level was not high, his brute strength was astonishing.

If he really wanted to fight, he would not only gain the reputation of bullying the smaller ones, but he might not be able to get any benefits.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person with your hand. If he greets you with a smiling face, it's better to negotiate terms.

It's just that this guy has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a fleshy face, a curly beard, and a bear-like physique, not to mention how charming he looks when he smiles.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Yeah, what, do you have any advice, senior?"


Qiu Tianlong laughed a few times, "I can't speak of advice, but Qiu's lifelong wish is to be able to forge a peerless magic weapon. If my little brother is willing to give up his love, Qiu will be grateful. If there is anything that Qiu can do to help I go to busy places, climb mountains of swords, and descend into seas of fire, without even frowning."

"Hey, who wants your gratitude?"

Xiao Xianling first smiled and said: "We Tianzhi don't need any masters, so why do we need your help?"


Qiu Tianlong frowned slightly, and it seemed that there was nothing to talk about.


Qiu Tianlong sighed and had no choice but to give up.

He turned around angrily, but he didn't grab it openly.


At this moment, it was Ling Feng who stopped the guy.

Although Qiu Tianlong behaves erratically and is rough and bold, he is still a good man and his nature is not bad.

Now, his own Saofeng Camp was founded, and it was the right time to employ people.

If this Qiu Tianlong is really talented and knowledgeable, he can be recruited.

"Senior, I didn't say I couldn't give you the life-threatening golden essence."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Although he had also learned some forging methods, he was still incomparable to these great forging masters in the Immortal Realm.

Although Saofeng Camp already has Kuangshan and its forging skills are not bad, who would think that there are too many talents at their disposal?

" really want to!"

Qiu Tianlong suddenly turned around and stared at Ling Feng with wide eyes, a look of excitement on his face.

"I can give it to you, but there is a condition!"

"Don't say one, just ten, a hundred..."

Qiu Tianlong looked excited, but suddenly thought of something, and quickly stared at Ling Feng with a vigilant expression, "Boy, if you ask me to be a pig or a dog, and chop off my hands and feet, I won't agree!"

"Don't worry, senior, what's the benefit to me if I let you be a pig or a dog and cut off your hands and feet?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "Well, if you can rely on your own ability to find Yanlong Island in the depths of the Sea of ​​Stars, and wait until I show up on the island, I will give you the life-threatening golden spirit unconditionally. How about giving it to you?”

"Sea of ​​Stars, Yanlong Island?"

Qiu Tianlong pondered for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Okay, boy, I've said the words, you can't go back on it!"


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "However, when you get to the island, firstly, you are not allowed to act recklessly and hurt the people on the island. Secondly, if there is any crisis on the island, you must also help. Thirdly, are there any people on the island? There’s a blacksmith named Kuang Shan. If you’re bored, there’s no harm in sparring with him!”

"Good boy!"

Although Qiu Tianlong was rude, he was not a stupid person. Even though he was talking about this, he still didn't understand what Ling Feng was thinking.

"To put it nicely, you are using me as a free coolie!"

"Hehe!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Senior, don't say it so harshly. There is no free lunch in this world, right?"


Qiu Tianlong glared at Ling Feng coldly, considered the balance again and again, and nodded heavily, "Coolies are coolies, but there must be a deadline!"

"Are you afraid that when senior arrives on the island, he won't be willing to leave?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly.


Qiu Tianlong snorted and raised three fingers, "Three years, three years at most!"

"Let's wait until we meet again at Yanlong Island to talk."

Ling Feng shrugged, made a fool of himself, and then turned around and left with the group of people.

"Damn it, I've been fooled by you!"

For a moment, Qiu Tianlong was the only one left, cursing on the spot. However, he also made a calculation in his mind. If Ling Feng could really give him the life-threatening golden essence, he would become a peerless magic weapon and become famous all over the world. , everything, that's all worth it.

"Miss Rainmaster, let's part ways here."

Finally, the group of people arrived at the foot of Wanjian Villa. Ling Feng stood still and bowed to Yu Shiwei, the successor of Cihang Jingzhai.

"Young Master Ling, and everyone else, take your leave!"

Yu Shiwei still held the original Guqin in her arms, looking at everyone with a smile. Finally, her eyes fell on Ling Feng again, and she said softly: "Young Master Ling, see you again when we are destined!"

"Well, see you later!"

Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted her, watching as Yu Shiwei walked away step by step with bare feet and disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

"Huh, some of them don't have to wear anything and they have to go barefoot, so they don't have to worry about pricking their feet!"

Xiao Xianling couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, feeling quite dissatisfied.

Why was Ling Feng so indifferent to him, yet so polite to this Yu Shiwei!

"This is called the unity of nature and man, and what we pursue is all things natural!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and explained casually.

"If heaven and man are to be one, and everything is natural, why don't you just stop wearing clothes!"

Xiao Xianling gouged out Ling Feng, bit her silver teeth and said.


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, then turned around and strode away.

But Cheng Tianyong became more interested, his eyes swept over Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou, and he chuckled: "Two senior sisters, how about we also pursue the unity of nature and man? We can't lose to others. !”


The two women punched at the same time, one left and one right, giving Cheng Tianyong a panda eye.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, why are there so many living treasures around him?

at the same time.

Lan Bing'er and his party, who parted ways with Ling Feng and his party on Xuanyuan Han Island, finally returned to Tianbing Sanctuary smoothly.

The news that Shui Changdong was buried on Xuanyuan Han Island quickly spread throughout the Xantian Ice Clan, causing an uproar.

In any case, Shui Changdong is a direct descendant of the Xantian Ice Clan, and has a distinguished status that is comparable to that of ordinary people.

Such geniuses actually died on Xuanyuan Han Island, which naturally caused the whole clan to be furious.

At this moment, in the Tianbing Hall, a group of elders from the water system gathered together and asked Lan Bing'er, Lan Xiaoyu and Yan Jinghong again and again, making sure that every detail was correct. .

When they learned that Shui Changdong probably died at the hands of the ancient beast hidden deep in the Gorge of Mist, the elders remained silent, obviously not believing the news.

If it was really what the giant monster from the deep sea did, I'm afraid even they wouldn't dare to seek revenge easily.

"Are you really sure that Changdong was not harmed by someone else?"

A long-bearded elder asked again.

"We didn't see the specific situation. We were lucky enough to escape. We were able to come back with our lives. We are not criminals. You elders have asked questions back and forth hundreds of times. Don't bother me. I’m still annoyed!”

Lan Xiaoyu glared angrily at the elders in the hall, as if a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers.


Lan Bing'er quickly grabbed her younger brother, "Elders, Xiaoyu didn't mean to contradict you, but we really don't know the details of this matter. That day at Xuanyuan Han Island, we were quickly attacked by Youlan Hai. We were attacked by our tribe, but they just wanted to capture us alive and use them for sacrifice.”

"So, if cousin Changdong is really captured by the Youlan Sea Clan, he should also appear in the dungeon, but this is not the case. Therefore, this matter should have nothing to do with the Youlan Sea Clan. The most likely possibility is that he is really caught by the Youlan Sea Clan. Being sucked into the depths of the misty gorge by that deep-sea beast."


The elders of the water system were obviously still doubtful, but seeing the anger on Lan Xiaoyu's face, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Yan Jinghong, tell me!"

The long-bearded elder stared at Yan Jinghong and asked coldly.

"The disciples also have no idea."

Yan Jinghong's face was expressionless. Although Shui Changdong died under his sneak attack, if he showed any signs of guilt at this moment, he would probably be doomed.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "This disciple knows the same situation as Senior Sister Shui and others!"


The elders of the water system all frowned deeply. They had been interrogating them together for several hours. It seemed that there was nothing suspicious about these three people.


At this moment, an old voice came from outside the hall.

Then, I saw an old man with white beard and hair, wearing a frost crown on his head, strolling into the hall.

This person is a mysterious old man who has been accompanying Immortal Emperor Haocang all year round. Even within the Xantian Ice Clan, few people know the identity and origin of this old man.

However, everyone respected him as Bing Lao.

In the three years since Yan Jinghong was accepted as a registered disciple by Immortal Emperor Hao Cang, he met Immortal Emperor Hao Cang only a handful of times. In fact, most of the time, many of his abilities were taught by Bing Lao.


Seeing Old Bing come in, all the elders also quickly saluted you, the old man, with a respectful attitude and did not dare to show any slights.

"They are the proud sons of our Sky Patrol Ice Clan, not prisoners. You have been interrogating here for several hours and wasted several hours. Do you want to continue to torture them?"

"no no!"

The long-bearded elder quickly waved his hands and said: "We are's almost over."


Bing Lao snorted coldly, frightening these elders into silence.

"You three, get ready, the Immortal Emperor wants to see you."

Bing Lao's eyes fell on Yan Jinghong and the others. After saying this, their figures turned into ice and melted into the void.

But it turns out that Bing Lao just now is just a one-year Dharma image.

The strength of this Bing Lao is truly unfathomable!

"Since the Immortal Emperor has summoned you, go ahead."

Those elders of the water system no longer dared to stay in trouble, so they could only let Yan Jinghong and the others leave.

Yan Jinghong and the Lan family siblings looked at each other, obviously relieved.

Fortunately, Shui Changdong's brother, the genius known as "Prince Yin" is not here, otherwise, it might not be as simple as an interrogation.

After the three of them walked away, the elders of the water system couldn't help but mutter: "Changdong's death, is it really that simple?"

"At present, there is no other evidence."

The long-bearded elder clenched his fists, "Hey, I just don't know how to explain it to that kid Chang Yin..."

All the elders frowned deeply.

Although Shui Changyin, also known as "Prince Yin", is only a junior, his strength exceeds that of most of the elders present.

Moreover, he has a violent temper and will be punished with anger. If he knows the news of his brother's death, he doesn't know what trouble he will cause.

The most important thing is that this guy has no respect for his elders. If he gets angry, he might even beat them up, the elders.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing for the water system to have such a demon star...

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