Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3473 Come out and get to know each other!

About half an hour later, Yan Jinghong and the other three came out of the temple. Recalling what Immortal Emperor Hao Cang had just said, a strong fighting spirit surged in their hearts.

"Three years later, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting will convene the Seven Ultimate Immortal List in Thunder Emperor City to face the Immortal Lord-level geniuses in the entire Immortal Realm. The seven geniuses will finally be selected, and they will be able to obtain the seven magic weapons stored in Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's library. Not only will In this way, you can also get a master-level immortal technique taught by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting."

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was the first of the five Immortal Emperors when he came, and he was undoubtedly the most powerful person in the Immortal Realm.

In fact, in the Immortal Realm, the Broken Realm Immortal Emperor is a rare existence, and the Yi Ting Immortal Emperor is the only one who has reached the ninth level of Broken Realm.

It doesn't take much to think about the magic weapons he collected. They are definitely rare and unique treasures in this world.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the mastering immortal skills he taught.

This Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking has only seven places in total, but it is open to all Immortal Lord-level experts in the Immortal Realm, and there is no age limit.

One can imagine how fierce the competition will be when the Immortal List opens.

The Seven Ultimate Immortal List was initiated by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, and the other Immortal Emperors from all directions also reached a tacit agreement at the same time, seeming to be preparing something for a big event.

But that is obviously a level that the mere Immortal Lord cannot touch.

For these rising stars, all they need to do is to use all their abilities to compete for a spot on the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings.

That's all.

"Three years!"

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists. In only three short years, he had to compete with those powerful Immortal Lords who had practiced for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Not a minute or a second of these three years can be wasted.

What is gratifying is that Old Bing will help him use the Xuanhan Lingzhu he brought back to condense the Bingxuanhan Eyes.

And once the Bing Xuan Cold Eyes is completed, it will mark his complete transformation into a complete Sky Patrol Ice Clan.

The power he can inspire from the Sky Patrol Divine Pattern will no longer be subject to any conflict from his bloodline.

"Just in time, I originally planned to stay in seclusion for a while after returning this time to avoid those annoying elders."

Lan Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows, patted his chest and said, "Three years from now, I, Lan Xiaoyu, will definitely have a place on the Seven Ultimate Immortals List!"

Lan Bing'er rolled her eyes at her worried brother angrily, "You, you must not underestimate the world's heroes!"

Lan Xiaoyu shrugged and turned to Yan Jinghong, "Brother Yan, do you want to go into retreat with us?"

Xuanyuan Handao and his party also brought several people closer together.

At least, within the Xantian Ice Clan, Yan Jinghong finally had a few more companions he could talk to.

"No need."

Yan Jinghong shook his head slightly, "Bing Lao still wants to awaken the Bingxuan Cold Eyes for me. Maybe, I will retreat a step later."

"I almost forgot about this."

Lan Xiaoyu chuckled, "Okay, then Brother Yan, when you and I come out of seclusion in three years, we will definitely have a good discussion!"


Yan Jinghong nodded and smiled, then said goodbye to the two siblings and turned to leave.

the other side.

After Ling Feng and his party left Wanjian Villa, they rushed to the next stop without stopping.

I was wasted a lot of time at Wanjian Villa, so I had to shorten the traveling time as much as possible.

The third task Ling Feng received was relatively simple and rough.

This time, he needs to enter the forest sea and hunt an evil monster called a changeling beast. Although the task is not difficult, this kind of changeling beast is alert and extremely cunning by nature.

Although many disciples have accepted this task, they often stay in Senluo Linhai for several years without gaining anything at all.

This kind of shape-shifting beast can transform into various other monsters, even trees and boulders, hiding its breath without a trace.

What's even more frightening is that they can also transform into the appearance of human monks, kidnap those female monks who come to the forest, and then raise them in caves that never see the light of day. As for what they can do, needless to say, they are basically just... You can guess it.

In fact, not only human women, this changeling beast is also notorious for many other mammalian (viviparous) monsters.

Because, regardless of mating with any other race, the offspring will all be pure changeling beasts.

According to the recollections of a female monk who escaped from the cave of a changeling beast, she lived for several years in the dark cave, worse than a pig or a dog, and witnessed countless numbers of female monsters that were kidnapped back. The human race has become a tool for the reproduction of the changeling beasts.

And once the aura of those captives becomes weak and they can no longer continue to breed the changeling beast group, they will be brutally killed.

Ling Feng's mission this time was to destroy one of the dens of the changeling beast group.

After traveling westward from Guyang City, about two days later, Ling Feng and his party arrived at the last town entering the forest sea, named Shiyan Town.

Because they have been harassed by changeling beasts all year round, women in Shiyan Town are very rare.

Even if there are, they usually stay at home without leaving the door, for fear of being targeted by the changeling beasts.

After all, the changeling beast can be replaced by a human monk. As long as the demonic energy is not activated, even the average immortal master may not be able to detect the clues.

Therefore, when people in the town saw the two delicate beauties Mo Yurou and Xiao Xianling, their eyes were all a little bright.

Some people even began to sigh. Another group of young monks who didn't know the heights of the sky dared to come to the forest sea.

When they regret it, I'm afraid they will realize what it means that the sky cannot respond and the earth cannot work.

Ling Feng was not in a hurry to enter Senluo Linhai directly, but first found an inn to stay in the town.

Searching blindly in the forest may end up taking a lot of time.

What he needs to do is naturally collect information first.

In order to increase efficiency, Ling Feng asked others to go deep into various parts of the town and inquire about some information about the changeling beasts.

This town serves as a supply place for entering the forest sea, so it has also gathered a group of hunters who make a living by hunting monsters.

The cultivation level of these people may not be very high, but they have been living in this forest all year round, living a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. They know the internal situation of the forest sea, but they can basically have a rough grasp of it.

The team members dispersed, but Ling Feng did not go directly to the people in Shiyan Town to inquire about the news. Instead, he walked out of the town, jumped, and landed on the crown of a big tree.

Then, he actually sat down cross-legged.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed. At the same time, as if talking to himself, he murmured: "Hey, you have been with me for such a long time, it's time to come out and get to know each other, right?"

There was no response, Ling Feng seemed to be talking to himself in the air.

If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely think that this guy was crazy.

But Ling Feng still squinted his eyes and said with a faint smile: "There is no need to pretend anymore, and there is no need to doubt your ability to disguise. Indeed, I can't find you, but I know your existence."

At the same time, under the shadow of a certain tree, Si Chen, who had been monitoring Ling Feng, finally frowned slightly.

But she still didn't show up easily.

"This kid, wants to deceive me? Humph, you're still ten thousand years too early to deceive me!"

She was quite confident in her concealment skills. Even an ordinary Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm could not detect her presence easily, not to mention a mere little Immortal Lord.

And the fact is exactly like this. From the time when Your Majesty arranged this task for her three years ago, until the time of Xuanyuan Cold Island, if she hadn't saved Ling Feng's life, she would never have been exposed.

And even after that exposure, she absolutely believed that Ling Feng could not know that she had been lurking beside him for three full years.

"I know, you must think I'm lying to you!"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said, "Your hiding ability is indeed very strong. Even with my infinite vision, I couldn't sense your presence. But at that moment, you were exposed!"


Si Chen frowned slightly, was he exposed?


Absolutely impossible!

"Do not believe?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "When we were at Wanjian Villa, all of us were poisoned. In fact, you were also in the Villa, so you were also poisoned! Although you were not exposed because of this, But at the last moment, when you saw those so-called great masters fighting for Shen Xiangxiang's body, your breath was confused for a few seconds! That was the most real reaction, your struggle and struggle at the moment of life and death! Hesitation cannot be hidden at all!”

"So, you were exposed! In just these few seconds, I was already aware of your presence. Only then did I realize that when we were at Xuanyuan Han Island, you didn't leave, but were still watching in secret. I!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "So, I already know your existence, should you also show up and say hello to me?"

"Humph, it turned out to be that time!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the void.

The next moment, with a flash of white light, Si Chen suddenly appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Holy shit!"

They were almost face to face, so Ling Feng was startled and leaned back, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you ask me to come out?"

Si Chen smiled playfully, with a trace of amusement in his eyes.

It seems that although this kid is aware of his existence, he does not know his specific location.

Therefore, when she suddenly appeared, he was still shocked.

Different from the last time when he was dressed in black and masked, this time Si Chen was dressed in normal attire. His appearance was stunning, not inferior to Xiao Xianling and others.

Ling Feng blinked and couldn't help but look at Si Chen a few more times.

Si Chen used two of them at the same time and struck his eyes with one move, making Ling Feng shrink back again in fright.

Ling Feng coughed dryly and quickly changed the subject: "Girl, why are you following me?"

"No comment!" Si Chen frowned and said with a cold face: "Humph, you have to give up this idea, I won't tell you who asked me to protect you!"

"Protect?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched.


Si Chen quickly covered his mouth, as if he had spilled the beans. In fact, it was just her disguise.

I didn't expect that this kid's observation skills were so meticulous. Now that he has been exposed, we can only temporarily stabilize this kid in the name of "secret protection."

However, although her acting skills were a little exaggerated, it was true that the last time she was on Xuanyuan Cold Island, at her most dangerous moment, she did come to the rescue in time.

"Could it be..."

Ling Feng blinked, "Is it to welcome the Immortal Lord?"

"Humph, you said that, I didn't."

Si Chen looked away. This kid was the only one who could guess. Since he was going to pick up the guess from Yin Xianzun, she was naturally happy to go along with it.

It's just that after I go back this time, it won't be easy for me to explain to you.

He was spying secretly, but now that he was exposed, he didn't know what his superior would do to him.

Hey, what a misfortune, how could I meet such a monkey-minded boy, and he is actually from the Tiandao clan!

This identity alone, once exposed, will undoubtedly be a big trouble for the Tianzhi organization.

If it hadn't been for Your Majesty's order, she might have taken action and broken Ling Feng's neck.

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