Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3474 Obviously! So obvious!

Seeing Si Chen's attitude, Ling Feng frowned slightly. Judging from her attitude, this possibility could not be ruled out.

Could it be that he was really sent by Yinxian Zun to "secretly protect" him?

But that's not right. The Immortal Master Jie Yin is Xiao Xianling's biological grandfather, so he should be protecting Xiao Xianling, right?

Could it be that in addition to protection, there is also surveillance?

Maybe, Jie Yinxian Zun has discovered that there is something fishy about his identity?

Or maybe it was someone else other than the Immortal Master who ordered this mysterious woman to spy on him secretly.

For a time, he was overwhelmed with thoughts, and Ling Feng stopped trying to pry open this woman's mouth.

After all, the opponent's strength is unfathomable and far surpasses mine. If she doesn't let go, there is nothing he can do to her.

But no matter what, it's not a bad thing to have such a master "protect" you secretly.

However, he didn't know when this woman started lurking around him.

If he had been on the Xuanyuan Han Island, then the fact that he was a member of the Tiandao clan would have been exposed long ago.

Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh. Ever since he entered the Immortal Realm, Ling Feng had been careful to hide his Emperor's Eye, and at the same time he did not dare to use any trace of demonic energy.

Even when necessary, in order to let the demonic energy in the body keep up with the cultivation of immortality, it is necessary to hide in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace before daring to practice.

Unexpectedly, despite all the precautions, I failed to prevent it in the end.

I just don’t know how many secrets this woman knows about him.

Ling Feng did not dare to test any more, but changed the topic and asked: "What about the name? Is it okay to ask for a name? As for my details, I think you should be very clear about it."


Si Chen snorted softly, "No comment!"

"Then I can't call you "Hello", right?" Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Well, since you don't say it, then I will call you Shadow Girl from now on. Because you have been just like Shadow for this period of time. Following me is just like——"

At the end of the sentence, Ling Feng lowered his voice again and whispered: "It's just like a ghost!"

"Bah, bah, bah! What a shadow!"

Si Chen glared at Ling Feng, "Chen! My name is Chen!"


Ling Feng blinked and muttered in a low voice before nodding and smiling, "Okay, you should be older than me, so I'll call you Sister Chen."

Si Chen's mouth twitched slightly, this boy can really get close!

"Sister Chen, what's that? Since you've been exposed, there's no need to secretly follow me like a perverted idiot..."

"Who are you calling pervert?"

Si Chen's eyes suddenly widened and he glared at Ling Feng fiercely.

"do not mean that."

Ling Feng quickly waved his hands and begged for mercy, "I mean, you have been exposed, so you don't have to follow me secretly anymore. Protecting in secret is also protection, and protecting openly is also protection. It also saves you the trouble of hiding your head and tail every day."

Si Chen snorted lightly, and after thinking about it carefully, Ling Feng's suggestion made some sense.

Ling Feng didn't know about her existence before, so that's fine.

Now that I know it, I still work hard to hide here and there every day.

Isn't that crazy?

Just follow Ling Feng openly. Surveillance secretly is surveillance. Surveillance openly is not surveillance either.

Anyway, as long as his eyes don't leave this kid's side.

Anyway, I already know the secrets that I should know.

"Humph, although you kid is full of nonsense, there is some truth in what you said."

Si Chen nodded, "Okay, since you made your request sincerely, I will no longer protect you secretly. But don't be complacent. I won't be able to help you until the last moment. , you don’t want to treat me like a follower!”

As he said that, Si Chen glared at Ling Feng. After all, he was also a master at the "Three Respects and Four Wonders" level. Being a bodyguard for this boy, he was so beautiful!

"Of course, of course!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, and after the two of them put their minds together, they finally decided to let Si Chen stay with him as Ling Feng's "distant cousin" and follow the team's actions.

About an hour later.

Members of the team returned to the inn from all over Shiyan Town.

When they returned to Ling Feng's guest room, they saw that there was another beauty in the guest room!

"I go!"

When Cheng Tianyong came back and saw Si Chen, his eyes nearly popped out of his head, and he said with a surprised look on his face: "Brother Ling, how did you find such a beauty from such a poor and remote country?"

As he spoke, Cheng Tianyong almost burst into tears.

It has to be said that even in front of two stunning beauties like Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou, Si Chen actually has a demeanor that outshines other beauties.

"Okay, we have worked so hard to find out the news, but you are doing well here!"

Xiao Xianling, on the other hand, was furious and filled with grievance.


Although Mo Yurou didn't speak, judging from her expression, she was also a little unhappy.

Originally, she was quite confident about her appearance, but Yu Shiwei had just stepped in, and now there was another stunning woman.

Why do all the beauties in the world gather around Ling Feng?

"Dare you ask the girl her name?"

Cheng Tianyong came up to Si Chen with a coquettish look on his face, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Cheng Tianyong, what, you are unmarried!"

"It turns out to be Mr. Cheng!"

Si Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, with a pair of phoenix eyes flashing with a hint of cunning. He slightly raised two fingers and made a gesture of piercing his eyes.

Suddenly, Cheng Tianyong's whole body trembled, and his eyes moved down. When he saw the towering and spectacular scene on Si Chen's chest, he immediately took a few steps back, and said with some fear: "It's... it's you!"

"You can recognize this too!"

This time, Ling Feng was even more shocked. How could he recognize this guy?

Si Chen's aura was well hidden. If Si Chen hadn't taken the initiative to show up, she might not have been able to recognize her among the crowd. She was the mysterious man in black who came to the rescue that day on Xuanyuan Han Island. .

Cheng Tianyong put his hands on his chest and made an upward gesture, "It's so obvious! It's so obvious!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, it must be you Cheng Tianyong!

Si Chen frowned and glared at Cheng Tianyong fiercely, but it could be seen that he was not really angry.

Mo Yurou, on the other hand, seemed to be stung, and her expression was obviously a bit unnatural.

Xiao Xianling, on the other hand, didn't feel too big about it, because her capital was really not small.


Ling Feng coughed dryly and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this is my cousin, you can call her Sister Chen. Yes, Brother Cheng guessed it right, Cousin Chen was the same one who was on Xuanyuan Han Island last time , the mysterious man who came to save us.”


Cheng Tianyong's eyes widened and he muttered in his heart: It turns out he's not an old lover!

Xiao Xianling looked shocked, "Hey, hey, you're fooling a ghost. You ascended from the Xuanling Continent. Where did you get your cousin?"

"This is a long story, but this blood is thicker than water, and the bones are broken and the tendons are connected. How can I still admit my mistake!"

Si Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, raised his hand to the top of Ling Feng's head, patted it gently, and chuckled: "You think so, little-brother-brother-"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, he laughed a few times, and explained: "Yes, besides, aren't there other people in Xuanling Continent allowed to ascend? Those are the ancestors of our old Ling family!"


Xiao Xianling and others looked at each other. Although they were doubtful, they did not continue to investigate further.

Looking back, this woman was quite fierce.

With just a casual wave of his hand on Xuan Yuan Han Island, the leader of the Youlan Sea Clan was instantly wiped out.

With such an expert accompanying him, it should be much easier to go to the Forest Sea to slay the phantom beasts.

"Anyway, Sister Chen will be working with us in the next period of time. If we say hello, we will be considered acquaintances."

"Everyone, please take care of me!"

Si Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled. Mixing with these juniors, he felt that his mentality was much younger.

"Cousin, take care of me!"

Cheng Tianyong came up to her with saliva on his face. He didn't care what Si Chen's status was, as long as she was a beauty.

Everyone quickly said hello and began to discuss matters about the changeling beast.

"The news I got is that there is probably a group of changeling beasts, probably about a thousand miles away in the northwest."

When talking about business, Cheng Tianyong's expression became much more serious, and he said in a deep voice: "This is the news I got from a famous hunting team in Shiyan Town, because the changeling beast is not only difficult to deal with, but also has nothing special about it. However, they still hope that the sect forces can deal with these scourges, so they provided me with this information for free."

"The news I have to come back is basically the same, northwest, thousands of miles away." Zhou Yan nodded and said slowly.

As for Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou, they did not find any information about the location of the changeling beast, but they collected a lot of information about the victimization of human women. Each one of them was filled with indignation. When they talked about anger, they even raised their fists. He clenched his fist tightly, and there seemed to be anger in his eyes that was about to burst out.

Even Si Chen's expression turned obviously gloomy.

There is no need for disgusting creatures like the changeling beasts to exist. One must be killed one by one, and then they can all be eliminated quickly.

"There is another woman who is a Taoist companion of a disciple of the Hengyi Immortal Sect. When she was practicing in the area near Senluo Linhai, she was deceived by a changeling beast that transformed into a Taoist monk. In the end, she never came back. The Taoist monk finally chose to end his life after entering the forest many times in search of no results!"

As Xiao Xianling spoke, she gritted her teeth with hatred, as if she had a belly full of anger to express.

"Okay, okay, I understand how you feel!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "At present, we can probably locate the approximate location of the changeling beast. When I came back, I also purchased a topographic map of the forest and sea. If there are no other problems, Then, let’s set off early tomorrow morning and enter Linhai!”

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