Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3475 Prove that I am myself!

Forests and seas, surrounded by mountains, stretch for tens of thousands of miles.

And within the forest sea, the trees are towering, reaching directly to the sky, and they are lush and green. As the name suggests, the forest is like the sea.

Because of this, the light in the forest is very limited, and very little sunlight can shine directly through the dense trees. Therefore, even in broad daylight, the forest sea still looks a bit dark, with only mottled light spots. Scattered on the ground, it made the entire forest look even more dense, with a permeating cold air everywhere.

Therefore, in such a dense forest, there are very few monsters that are particularly large in size. Most of them are insects, monster snakes and the like.

The few larger monster beast tribes are basically located near water sources.

The map Ling Feng purchased marked about twelve important water sources within the forest and sea.

These locations are also places where hunting teams and changeling beasts often hang out.

Early in the morning, Ling Feng led everyone directly into Lin Hai.

When they saw that there were actually three women among this young team, the townspeople of Shiyan Town looked at them with sad eyes and a hint of sympathy.

"Another group of self-righteous young monks, trying to destroy the changeling beasts."

"I'm afraid that the changeling beast can't be eliminated, but three delicate beauties will be lost instead. What a pity! What a pity!"

"Yes, if the changeling beasts were so easy to eliminate, how could they still be wreaking havoc today?"


Amidst the discussions of the townspeople, the figures of Ling Feng and his party gradually disappeared into the distance, and finally disappeared into the depths of the forest.

It was obvious that Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou were more or less influenced by some of the townspeople, and their expressions looked a little nervous.

After all, before this, Tianzhi also had female disciples who took over the task of destroying the changeling beasts, but they basically failed.

Among them, the one with the most outstanding mission completion was only able to destroy a few ordinary morphing beasts, but was unable to penetrate deep into the beast's nest and kill the leader of the morphing beasts.

Although these changeling beasts are not too strong, they are extremely cunning and very cautious.

What's even more frightening is that they can take advantage of Lin Hai's special characteristics. After the companions of a team get separated, they can unknowingly change into the appearance of their companions and win the trust of the other party.

Over the past thousands of years, many geniuses have fallen here. Even among the inner disciples of Tianzhi, there were female disciples who were abducted by the changeling beast and have been lost since then.

Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou were more or less nervous.

"Hey, are you scared?"

Cheng Tianyong didn't care. As a big man, he would not be the target of the changeling beast.


Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou both glared at him. Cheng Tianyong shrugged and walked to the back of the team very consciously. If there was any trouble, he could give a timely reminder.

Ling Feng took the lead at the front, holding a map in his hand, pointing to the location of one of the water sources, and said calmly: "This area is the territory of the Yinyue Demon Fox. The Yinyue Demon Fox is also one of the targets of the Changeling Beast. We You can sit back and wait here."

Everyone was silent and nodded. What Ling Feng said was indeed the only way.

In fact, before this, most of the monks who came to exterminate the phantom beasts adopted this method, but the effect was minimal.

The changeling beast is a very cautious monster, extremely cunning, and its perception of the auras of other races is quite keen.

The souls of this ethnic group are inherently extremely powerful, even several times more powerful than monsters of the same level.

Therefore, those monks who think they are waiting for rabbits often become rabbits in the eyes of the changeling beasts.

It is the mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind.

But Ling Feng's situation was different.

First of all, Ling Feng is a master of concealing aura, not to mention his perception. Once the infinite vision is opened, unless he is a strong person like Si Chen, he will not be able to escape his eyes.

As for Si Chen, she was working as a "lurk" within Tianzhi. She was the only one keeping an eye on others, so there was no chance of being targeted.

Therefore, Ling Feng's plan was actually divided into two parts.

First, using the Yin Yue Demon Fox as bait, if those changeling beasts attack the Yin Yue Demon Fox, he can naturally follow the clues.

Secondly, Xiao Xianling and the others are actually part of the bait.

They don't have as powerful hiding abilities as Ling Feng and Si Chen, and they might be easily discovered by the Changeling Beast. Moreover, although Ling Feng doesn't know what the aesthetic standards of the Changeling Beast are, no matter how you look at it, Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou is definitely a stunning beauty.

They will definitely be targeted by the changeling beasts.

However, Ling Feng did not tell them this part directly, otherwise, they would definitely not agree.

And Ling Feng had already secretly placed a soul mark on them.

As long as this mark is there, Ling Feng can completely teleport directly to them through the laws of time and space.

Although it will consume more money, it can completely ensure their safety.

The entire journey was silent.

Time soon came to the afternoon, and the breeze gradually picked up in the forest, bringing a cool feeling.

And then, a thick mist surged from the depths of the forest sea.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Collect the formation!"

According to the information they obtained, the depths of the forest and sea would be shrouded in fog for about an hour every afternoon.

In the mist, it is often difficult to see even one's fingers.

And it was at this time that most of the teams separated, giving the Changeling Beast an opportunity to take advantage of them.

"Everyone, listen up. If we accidentally get separated, we should meet up near the water source of the Yin Yue Demon Fox. Also, be careful of the changeling beast transforming into its companions to confuse us. Therefore, if we meet our companions again after being separated, , identification must be confirmed carefully.”

Ling Feng's voice rang in everyone's mind. He used spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice to prevent the walls from having ears.

Soon, the mist spread from the depths of the forest sea. In the deep mist, the surroundings seemed to be in chaos, losing the sense of direction and time and space.

Everyone could only move forward aimlessly. They could vaguely see the figures of their companions in front of them, but they were not very real.

And in the deep fog, the only one who was not affected was probably Si Chen.


Ling Feng felt someone pat his shoulder from behind, and when he looked back, it was Si Chen.

"Sister Chen."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Their plan also officially started.

In fact, Ling Feng had at least a dozen ways to avoid getting lost in the fog.

However, his plan started when everyone dispersed.

If there is no opportunity to take advantage of, how can we lure the snake out of its hole?

This time, he and Si Chen stood together and became the "shadow" who secretly protected everyone.

Naturally, it was Si Chen who proposed this plan.

"The fog will last for about an hour. After an hour, I guess the prey will take the bait."

Si Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled. In fact, Si Chen's joining made this originally quite difficult task suddenly lose its challenge.

Her strength is equivalent to a cheat for Ling Feng's team.

Originally, she shouldn't have interfered with Ling Feng's mission, but as a woman, she naturally hated the changeling beasts, so she decided to help.

Ling Feng nodded. With Si Chen joining him, he had nothing to worry about, so he simply sat up cross-legged and meditated.

With the ridiculously powerful being "guarded" by Si Chen, there is probably no safer place than here in the entire forest.

At the same time, Xiao Xianling began to deviate from the right direction at the moment when the fog shrouded her.

She could vaguely see a shadow in front of her, which seemed to be Ling Feng, so she kept moving forward passively, but she was never able to follow the shadow.

"You brat, wait for me!"

Xiao Xianling felt a little panicked. Logically speaking, with Ling Feng's careful thoughts, he shouldn't have made arrangements in advance.

However, she didn't have any extra thoughts to delve into it at the moment, but looked around cautiously and vigilantly.

She had completely lost her sense of direction and could only look at a vague shadow in front of her. Although she was not sure who it was, she could only follow it bravely.

Time passed bit by bit, and every minute and every second was a kind of torture for her.

Finally, the fog gradually dispersed, and the shadows in front finally became clear.

"It's you!"

Xiao Xianling's eyes widened. When she saw the figure in front of her clearly, she was surprised to find that it was Mo Yurou.

Is the shadow that I have been following for a long time Mo Yurou?

Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth and said, well, although she was very reluctant to stay with Mo Yurou, she should at least be happy that she was not alone.

However, Xiao Xianling quickly remembered Ling Feng's last reminder, and immediately stared at the woman in front of her and asked, "Are you real or fake?"

Mo Yurou rolled her eyes and said with an unhappy look on her face: "I haven't asked you if it's true or not!"

Xiao Xianling put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "Of course I am serious!"

Mo Yurou immediately asked loudly: "Why should you prove yourself?"

"Why do you have to prove yourself?" Xiao Xianling retorted, and the two of them competed with each other, refusing to give in to each other.

In the end, it was Mo Yurou's suggestion to ask each other a question that only she knew, and they finally determined their identities.

But at this moment, Cheng Tianyong came over from not far away. When he saw Xiao Xianling and the two girls, he immediately stepped forward and said hello, "Hey, two senior sisters, so you are here!"

As he said that, he rushed forward excitedly.


The two girls widened their eyes at the same time and stared at Cheng Tianyong, "First prove that you are true!"

Cheng Tianyong was speechless, but he could only say angrily: "I have grown up, and I really don't know how to prove that I am myself."

"What's your father's name?" Mo Yurou asked immediately.

Cheng Tianyong frowned, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a hateful voice: "Dead!"


Xiao Xianling immediately jumped up, pointed at Cheng Tianyong and said: "Fake! You are fake!"

"Alright alright!"

Cheng Tianyong sighed softly, and could only say helplessly: "That damn old man of mine is Cheng Yugong from the Lord's Mansion of Tianyong City, okay!"

"You got the answer right!"

Xiao Xianling nodded slightly, "Come here!"

Cheng Tianyong shook his head and smiled bitterly, walked to the two girls, and then said slowly: "What about Brother Ling and the others?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid they got separated."

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips, a little displeased, "That brat, logically speaking, his sense of consciousness should be the strongest..."

"Forget it, Brother Ling said that if we get separated, we should meet up near the water source of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan. Let's go there."

After all, Cheng Tianyong was the only man at the scene, and he was still calmer than Xiao Xianling and the other two girls.

After briefly confirming the surrounding environment and knowing the approximate direction of the depths, I found the correct path and headed towards the water source.

Xiao Xianling and her two daughters could only follow closely behind, while looking around vigilantly.

Perhaps even they themselves didn't notice that when Ling Feng was not around, it was as if they were missing their backbone and felt extremely insecure.

Unknowingly, Ling Feng has become the real core figure in this team.

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