Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3476 The troops are divided into two groups!

The fog has dispersed!

When Zhou Yan opened his eyes, the surrounding environment had changed drastically, and there were no ghosts at all.

It seemed that under the interference of the mist, although he had very much controlled himself not to move around randomly, he was still led far away without knowing it.

"Hey, Ling Feng! Cheng Tianyong!"

Zhou Yan called several times, but there was no response. He couldn't help but sigh. The forest was so gloomy, and walking alone in the forest still felt a little creepy.

He took a deep breath and told himself to calm down.

"That guy Ling Feng said that if we get separated, we should meet up near the water source."

Zhou Yan clenched his fists, looked around, and once again made sure that there was no one around him, he could only sigh and walked forward.

And soon, he saw a white halo in the direction not far away, which was obviously the light reflected from the water surface.

"found it!"

Zhou Yan was overjoyed that he found the water source so smoothly.

Immediately, Zhou Yan unfolded his body skills, accelerated his speed, and flew away in the direction of the water source.

After a while, he came to a huge rock and looked at the gurgling stream with a look of joy on his face.

"Looks like I'm the first one here."

He raised his eyebrows, found a relatively secluded seat nearby, and sat down directly.

Next, he just needs to stay here and wait quietly.

At the same time, Xiao Xianling, Mo Yurou and Cheng Tianyong's team were also heading towards the water source.

The three of them moved forward cautiously. Without Ling Feng, they always felt that the team lacked a sense of security.

That guy Cheng Tianyong doesn't look reliable.


Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the bushes not far away. Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou suddenly felt that their hairs were standing on end. They were very energetic and looked around constantly. When patrolling, he will never let go of the slightest sign of trouble.

And soon, I saw a little squirrel climbing up the tree trunk and disappearing into the dense canopy in a flash.

"Ha ha!"

Cheng Tianyong couldn't help but shake his head and smile, "Sisters, you don't need to be so tense. Isn't it normal for such a big forest to have some small animals in it? Besides..."

He raised his eyebrows, patted his chest and said, "If the sky falls, I, Cheng Tianyong, will still be there!"


Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou glanced at Cheng Tianyong with disdain at the same time, "You can't even protect yourself, yet you are still talking so shamelessly!"

After all, Cheng Tianyong is just a virtual immortal in the realm of mana. He has never even set foot in the realm of the Immortal Lord. How dare he protect anyone?


At this moment, a scream came from the dense forest in the distance.

The eyelids of the three people twitched suddenly, and their bodies trembled at the same time.

"This voice..."

Xiao Xianling was the first to react, "Why does he look like that kid Ling Feng!"

"it's him!"

Mo Yurou also nodded immediately, "Is that guy in danger?"

Immediately afterwards, there was another terrifying roar, and the surrounding environment became extremely hot.

"Let's go there!"

Xiao Xianling's eyes were focused, and she didn't care much. Her figure swept away and flew away in the direction of the sound.

In the distance, I saw a male lion with blazing flames all over its body, waving its huge palm and slapping hard at a young man wearing a blue robe and with flying silver hair.

Surprisingly, it is Ling Feng!

He saw blood spilling from the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, his eyes flashed, and he struck back hard with a backhand palm.

The beast's claws met Ling Feng's palm, one large and one small, completely distinct. The terrifying power intertwined and collided, and the surrounding trees exploded with "bang bang bang", sweeping over a thousand feet.

The figures of Ling Feng and the flaming lion were also blown away. Ling Feng even hit the towering tree behind him hard, breaking more than ten big trees one after another before he could stabilize himself. shape.


Seeing that Ling Feng was injured, Xiao Xianling immediately screamed and sped away in Ling Feng's direction.

The flaming lion saw that its prey actually had so many companions. In addition, it was seriously injured in the collision just now. It didn't care about the fat in its mouth, so it could only step forward with four hooves and head towards Running wildly out of the depths of the jungle.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

"You brat, how are you?"

Seeing that the threat was gone, Xiao Xianling could not hold back and immediately rushed towards Ling Feng.

"Wait a moment!"

But it was Cheng Tianyong who held down Xiao Xianling, "Are you so sure that he is Brother Ling? In my impression, Brother Ling is not that weak!"

"You're talking nonsense, it's not Ling Feng, or who else!"

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. When Xiao Xianling saw Ling Feng slumped on the ground weakly, she could not calm down and think.

"I'm just reminding you, don't forget, what we have to face is the Changeling Beast."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, "If you are not afraid of being fooled, then I won't stop you."

Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth and hesitated for a moment.

Although Mo Yurou has never had a friendly relationship with Xiao Xianling, she does not want Xiao Xianling to become a breeding tool for those changeling beasts.

"Junior Brother Cheng is right, be careful when sailing the ship of ten thousand years."

Mo Yurou also warned, "It's best not to trust anyone before confirming your identity."

Xiao Xianling took a deep breath. Sure enough, she was no longer as excited as before. Instead, she gritted her teeth, looked in the direction of Ling Feng, and asked in a deep voice: " do you prove that you are Ling Feng?"

Ling Feng, leaning on a wooden pier that had been smashed into pieces, gasped for air and said feebly: "Senior Sister Xiao, how do you want me to prove it? I...I am Ling Feng!"

"He said he was..."

Xiao Xianling clenched her fists and looked back at the two people around her.


Mo Yurou rolled her eyes, "He said yes! Look at me!"

With that said, Mo Yurou took a step forward, glared at Ling Feng and asked, "Which star realm did you come from, and who led you to the Immortal Realm?"

This question is quite tricky.

As expected, that "Ling Feng" looked troubled, but the next moment, he covered his chest and spurted out a mouthful of blood while weakly saying: "I am... I am..."

However, just in the middle of his words, he spurted out several more mouthfuls of blood. His whole body was still shaking, and his skin became red, as if he had been poisoned by the flaming lion.


Seeing Ling Feng in such miserable condition, Xiao Xianling couldn't care less. She jumped and rushed directly in front of "Ling Feng". She just leaned down and wanted to help Ling Feng up, but the Ling Feng in front of her... He opened his eyes suddenly, with an evil smile on his lips, "Senior sister, do you really care about me so much?"

As she spoke, she spat out a light pink poisonous mist. Only then did Xiao Xianling react, but she had already inhaled some of the poisonous mist. Her whole body suddenly became unbearably hot, and she seemed to have lost all her strength, and her eyes became a little blurry. stand up.

She has obviously fallen for the fake Ling Feng.


The next moment, Xiao Xianling's body went limp and she fell heavily to the ground, becoming a sheep to be slaughtered.

"The Changeling! It's the Changeling!"

Mo Yurou's eyes widened and she immediately looked back at Cheng Tianyong and said in a deep voice: "Let's take action together to save that idiot!"


Unexpectedly, Cheng Tianyong behind him also let out a burst of obscene laughter, and with a gentle spray from his mouth, he also spit out a burst of light pink poisonous mist.

The next moment, Mo Yurou also collapsed directly.

But it turns out that this Cheng Tianyong is also fake!

Because Cheng Tianyong had just reminded them to be careful of the Changeling Beast, she had no doubt at all about the possibility that Cheng Tianyong was also a fake.

"Hahaha, humans are so stupid, they actually think they can determine each other's identities by just asking a few questions!"

The shapeshifting beast that transformed into Cheng Tianyong changed its body for a while, and finally turned into a dark green, extremely ugly looking monster that was two meters away.

The fake Ling Feng also turned into a prototype. His figure was slightly smaller than that of "Cheng Tianyong", his skin was full of wrinkles, and he had a pair of sharp antennae on his head.

It turns out that this is the true appearance of the changeling beast.

The next moment, the flaming lion also made a comeback.

Needless to say, the flaming lion was basically transformed into a shapeshifting beast.

The true body of the blazing lion is several times fatter than the other two changeling beasts, but its status seems to be relatively lower than the other two.

"How do these humans know that the ability of our Changeling Beast family is not just as simple as transformation? When we come into contact with humans, we can also sense some of the most obsessed memories of the other party. I am very lucky. If you can remind me, I may not be able to answer other questions!”

The morphing beast that transformed into Cheng Tianyong kicked Mo Yurou hard on the abdomen. Jie Jie laughed strangely and said: "That woman is an idiot, and you are an idiot too. You are the same person, hahaha!"

"Okay, don't waste time."

Perhaps the one who transformed into the fake Ling Feng stretched out his hand and lifted Xiao Xianling's body directly on his shoulders. He smiled strangely and said, "It's better to take it back quickly and taste it first!"

"That makes sense!"

The largest morphing beast also smiled arrogantly and lifted Mo Yurou up. The two morphing beasts exchanged glances, but each flew out in different directions.

These changeling beasts are indeed cunning. Although they are from the same cave, they still return through completely different paths.

The fat Changeling Beast grunted and took steps to catch up with the Changeling Beast that transformed into the fake Ling Feng.

It seems that his identity should be that of the attendant of the "fake Ling Feng".

Within the Changeling Beast, there is probably also a strict hierarchy.

And all of this was actually seen by Ling Feng, who was hiding in the dark, and of course the real Ling Feng, and Si Chen.

"These beasts are so cunning, they actually acted separately!"

Ling Feng frowned, but the plan was successful. Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou, the two decoys, really attracted the changeling beast.

"Then it seems that we have to divide our forces into two groups."

Si Chen narrowed his eyes and said with an indifferent expression: "You choose first. In my opinion, you seem to be quite nervous about bringing in the little granddaughter. Shouldn't you also behave like a hero saving a beautiful woman?"


Ling Feng's old face turned red and he coughed slightly: "It's not what you think!"

As he spoke, he took another deep breath and said slowly: "Senior Sister Xiao, I'll leave it to you. I'll go rescue Senior Sister Mo."

"Hey! It's up to you!"

Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, but didn't say much. His figure flashed and disappeared directly into the void.

"It's really awesome!"

Ling Feng looked at Si Chen's elusive magical power, shook his head and sighed softly.

I don’t know when I will be able to reach a state like Si Chen.

But at the moment, Ling Feng didn't think too much, hid his aura and followed the changeling beast carrying Mo Yurou away.

It would be best if we could follow the clues and find the lair of the changeling beast, but if the situation changes, of course, saving people comes first.

Although he had never had a good impression of Mo Yurou, and was even a little bored, in any case, this girl had cheated him before.

But for the sake of Yufeng Immortal Lord, not to mention that they were all from the same sect, he couldn't just watch Mo Yurou being defiled by the changeling beast.

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