Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3477 The number one brother, Ling Feng!

Let's talk about Ling Feng and Si Chen, each following a changeling beast, hoping to follow the clues, find the nest of the changeling beast, and kill all the changeling beasts in this area.

But Zhou Yan, who arrived near the water source early, was so sleepy from waiting that he didn't know how long it had been, but no one came.

And just when he started to get impatient and hesitated to go back to look for others, there was a sound of fighting not far away.


Zhou Yan frowned, held his breath and concentrated, his consciousness unfolded and radiated in the direction of the sound.

The next moment, Zhou Yan focused his gaze and saw a dozen demon foxes with red and black fur, besieging that boy Cheng Tianyong.

"Yinyue Demon Fox!"

Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched slightly, and he immediately spread out his body skills and flew away to help Cheng Tianyong.

"Damn changeling beast, trying to capture our sisters from the fox demon tribe again!"

Those fox monsters spoke human words, mostly in women's voices, and all of them had their hair spread out, looking very angry.

"Holy crap, how many times have I told you, I'm not a changeling, not a changeling!"

Cheng Tianyong was besieged by more than a dozen Yin Yue demon foxes. He was complaining endlessly and had already summoned his magic weapon of protective puppets.

But even with this puppet protecting them, those fox monsters still had no intention of letting Cheng Tianyong go.

"Brother Cheng, let me help you!"

At this moment, a blaze of flames fell from the sky, and it was Zhou Yan who had already reached him with his sword.

"Overlord Flame Slash!"

Zhou Yan shouted loudly, raised his hand and struck a sword directly at one of the Yin Yue Demon Foxes.

However, what Zhou Yan never expected was that Cheng Tianyong actually controlled the machine puppet, pushed Yin Yue Demon Fox away, and then firmly withstood his killing sword.

The terrifying force of the counterattack struck, and Zhou Yan's hands and jaws were directly shattered, and he couldn't help but stare at Cheng Tianyong in shock.

What the hell is this guy doing?

"Brother Zhou, if you kill them, it will be even more unclear!"

Cheng Tianyong's move actually made those angry fox demons calm down a little.

"'re really not a changeling?"

A demon fox that looked relatively petite but had bright hair hesitated for a moment, and then slowly walked out from behind the other fox demons.

Then, I saw a burst of black energy, and the fox demon turned into a young girl wearing a black dress, staring at Cheng Tianyong with a pair of light pink eyes.

On the left and right sides of the girl's head, two furry fox ears extend respectively, which looks a bit cute and cute.

Then, most of the other Yin Yue demon foxes gradually transformed into human forms, and all of them were actually women.

And those who have not transformed into human form are probably male demon foxes.

Among the Yinyue Demon Fox clan, the female lineage is the leader, so the status and strength of the male fox demons are lower than those of the females.

"of course not!"

Cheng Tianyong hurriedly patted his chest and said, "To tell you the truth, our brothers and sisters came to Senluo Linhai this time just to annihilate those shameless and despicable changeling beasts. We are not enemies!"

Not to mention, this guy has an extraordinary appearance in British dramas, and coupled with his sworn and righteous look, he is quite confusing.

Of course, what he said was indeed true.

"Is that so?"

The fox demon girl blinked her eyes and said, "It seems that we have misunderstood you."

"Hmph, it turns out those damn shapeshifting beasts not only robbed human women, but also extended their claws to the sisters of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan. It's really an unforgivable crime!"

Cheng Tianyong snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and looked filled with indignation.

"It turns out that the young master is so upright and upright. Xiao Wei is deeply sorry for the misunderstanding just now."

The fox demon girl bowed towards Cheng Tianyong, which was the etiquette only possessed by the human race.

"So your name is Xiao Wei, you are such a famous beauty and even more beautiful."

Cheng Tianyong smiled casually, and after a few words, he actually became familiar with these fox demons.

"Depend on!"

In Zhou Yan's heart, he secretly scolded his mother, this disgusting swindler actually used him to cross the bridge and got close to these fox monsters!

But why is there still some inexplicable envy in my heart?

After a few exchanges of pleasantries, Cheng Tianyong relied on his ability to persuade these fox demons with his ability of smooth words, and almost all of them regarded him as a great hero who wanted to destroy the phantom beasts.

The fox demon girl Xiao Wei has even begun to call Brother Cheng, not to mention how affectionate he is.

"Brother Cheng, you mean, do you have any other companions?" Xiao Wei blinked and looked at Cheng Tianyong with admiration.

"Well, there are a few more, but they are all my subordinates."

Cheng Tianyong looked proud and said with joy: "One of them, Ling Feng, is pretty good at fighting. He is my number one younger brother! However, he can barely match one-tenth of my strength!"

"Wow, it turns out Brother Cheng is so powerful!"

"Haha, of course!"


Zhou Yan rolled his eyes when he heard this and cursed in his heart: Blow! Keep on blowing!

However, he did not directly expose Cheng Tianyong. After all, in this case, since Cheng Tianyong had appeased the group of fox monsters, he would not ask for trouble.


Seeing those fox girls looking at him with great admiration, Cheng Tianyong felt a little dizzy, and immediately patted his chest and promised: "Xiao Wei, and sisters, don't worry, I'll help you right away. Except for those morphing beasts, I will definitely come to see you within three days with the head of the morphing beast leader!"

After saying that, he turned around with his head held high and said carelessly to Zhou Yan, "Junior Brother Zhou, let's go!"

Zhou Yan secretly cursed in his heart, this guy was so damn good at pretending, but he still gave him some face and flew after him.

"Brother Cheng, I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"

The fox demon girl Xiao Wei looked at Cheng Tianyong's back with her big watery eyes, watching them go away, but she was unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Xiao Wei, I advise you not to have too much hope. Mr. Cheng always seems unreliable."

An older fox girl next to her began to persuade.

"I believe in him!"

The fox girl Xiao Wei has a firm look in her eyes, and she has become his admirer after just one meeting.

After all, you are still inexperienced!

"Cheng, you are really good at blowing!"

It wasn't until he walked out of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan's sphere of influence that Zhou Yan cursed and glared at Cheng Tianyong. This kid's hideousness was almost blown by him.

"Isn't this just to win the trust of those fox demon sisters!"

"You're really good at it. How old are you now that you start calling me sister?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened, and the veins on his forehead popped out slightly.

Cheng Tianyong curled his lips, "What do you mean by that? Even though they are fox girls, you can't discriminate against them!"

Zhou Yan gave Cheng Tianyong a big roll of his eyes, "I'm so discriminating against you!"

"Hey hey hey!" Cheng Tianyong still looked shameless, "Brother Zhou, don't be angry! You see, judging from the results, we and the Yinyue Demon Fox Clan turned our hostility into friendship, avoided a fight, and made friends with others. Good thing, my friend!”

"Good thing?"

Zhou Yan was speechless, "We were waiting for Ling Feng and the others near the water source, but now we are seeking revenge for the fox demons?"

"That's not the same thing." Cheng Tianyong chuckled and said: "You see that after so long, Brother Ling and the others haven't shown up, you know they must be in trouble. We are brothers, we have to save them! "

"You said everything!"

Zhou Yan was speechless. With Cheng Tianyong's mouth, straw could be said to be gold bars.

"Don't worry, everything is under control!"

Cheng Tianyong patted Zhou Yan on the shoulder, then pointed in a random direction and said with determination: "Let's go this way!"

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Somewhere in the forest, Ling Feng couldn't help but sneeze and quickly covered his mouth. Fortunately, he was relatively far away, otherwise, he might have been exposed.

"Who is talking about me?"

Ling Feng frowned. Naturally, he didn't know that he had somehow become the "little brother" of that boy Cheng Tianyong. Well, he was still the number one brother!

He shook his head and continued to follow the changeling beast secretly.

With Si Chen on Xiao Xianling's side, there would be no problem. She only needed to pay attention to the situation on Mo Yurou's side.

It has to be said that the changeling beast is indeed cunning and cunning. Before returning to the cave, it actually made several circuits around the area before returning to the cave on the correct path.

Ling Feng cursed secretly in his heart, but fortunately, he was one step ahead. No matter how cunning and ghostly these shape-shifting beasts were, they still couldn't escape from his grasp.

Ling Feng followed the changeling beast for a whole hour, and finally entered a dark and damp cave deep in a bush.

This should be one of the entrances to the Changeling Beast's lair.

"Hey hey hey..."

The changeling beast carried Mo Yurou on its shoulders and let out a very strange laugh, "Little beauty, wait a minute, I will let you know how powerful our changeling beast is in a moment!"

At this moment, Mo Yurou's eyes were blurred and her skin was red. The light pink poisonous mist she inhaled before must have taken effect in her body, and she had completely lost any ability to resist.

Finally, the changeling beast walked into a stone room, quickly lowered the stone door, and threw Mo Yurou onto a pile of straw, with an evil smile on his face, "Before I take you into the leader's underground palace, of course. You have to enjoy yourself first!”


The stone door fell heavily to the ground, seeming to isolate a whole world.

The shape-shifting monster laughed, rubbed his hands and said, "Now, no one can disturb us!"

It approached Mo Yurou step by step, and continued to spit out the light pink mist from its mouth. Mo Yurou's face turned red, and hallucinations even began to appear in front of his eyes.

However, just when the changeling beast was about to pounce impatiently on Mo Yurou, there was a "boom" and the stone door, which weighed 10,000 tons, was instantly blown open and shattered into pieces.


As expected of the Changeling Beast, the Changeling Beast reacted extremely quickly, and in the first moment, it directly grabbed Mo Yurou and held it in front of him as a hostage.

"What a disgusting race, there is no need for their existence."

A cold voice came, and then, a young man with purple clothes and silver hair, his whole body burning with blazing flames, strode in from outside the stone room.

Of course it was Ling Feng.

Now that the entrance to the Changeling Beast's lair has been found, there is naturally no point in continuing to survive for this Changeling Beast.

He doesn't have that perverted bad taste and continues to watch the changelings do whatever they want.

"You...don't mess around!"

The changeling beast was obviously restrained by Ling Feng. The stone door blocking the outside of the stone chamber was not an ordinary rock, but made of special ore.

It stands to reason that even an ordinary immortal cannot break it easily.

And this young man only used one sword at most.

His sword was even more weird, and the flames burning on it seemed to have some kind of terrifying purifying power, making it feel trembling from deep within.

"Don't come here, otherwise... otherwise..."

The changeling beast strangled Mo Yurou's neck tightly, "I'll break this woman's neck!"

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and a brilliant light shot out from his eyes.

The shocking calamity suddenly erupted.

This is a very ordinary silver soul skill, but as Ling Feng's cultivation continues to improve, there are multiple increases in pupil power. Even ordinary soul skills can exert astonishing power through those eyes. .

Maybe his eyes were widened, what a pair of pupils those were!

He clearly saw a pair of red eyes, with yin and yang fish floating in them, and they were constantly rotating, as if they were being drawn into another world.

An eternal world with only death!

Those eyes were clearly the eyes of the bloody emperor!

Since entering the Immortal Realm, Ling Feng has never used the Eye of the Blood-Rage Emperor, but at this moment, he no longer needs to guard against anyone.

The powerful pupil power burst out, and under the terrifying increase of the Eyes of the Blood-Rage Emperor, the shocking catastrophic power could almost severely damage the soul of a strong man of Yufeng Immortal Lord's level.

What's more, it's just a low-level changeling beast.


Screams rang out, the changeling beast's head exploded with a bang, and its body fell heavily to the ground.

Mo Yurou lost her support and her body went limp. With a flash of purple light, Ling Feng had already supported her body, but Mo Yurou's body was extremely hot at the moment, and she hugged Ling Feng tightly with her backhand. , the scene became a little awkward for a while.


Two slaps were slapped on Mo Yurou's cheek, "Senior Sister Mo, wake up!"

Mo Yurou opened her eyes slightly, saw Ling Feng in front of her, and murmured in her sleep, "It's... it's you, where... is this place?"

As she spoke, she moved a little closer to Ling Feng, pointing to her plump and shiny red lips in a daze, "Junior brother, do you want to... do you want to kiss me..."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to open Mo Yurou's head, with a look of helplessness on his face. He didn't expect the poisonous mist of the changeling beast to be so powerful, and although Mo Yurou was unconscious, she was not poisoned.

The mist sprayed by the changeling beast was not highly poisonous, and in a sense, her body actually increased to a certain extent.

Therefore, even if Xiaodie comes out, there is no way to absorb the mist from her body.

"Is it just..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but have a very bad idea in his heart, but his mind trembled slightly.

Although this woman has a bad temper, she is really good-looking. If she really can't do it, she won't suffer any loss...


The next moment, Ling Feng slapped himself in the face, taking advantage of others' danger, what kind of hero can he be!

He took a deep breath, knocked out Mo Yurou with a strike of his hand, and then threw her into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Let’s talk about everything after meeting Si Chen.

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