Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3478 The terrifying Si Chen!

The crypts of the changeling beasts extend in all directions and are criss-crossed. If you are not familiar with the terrain, even if you have found the crypt and entered it, you may easily get lost.

Although Ling Feng has always been extremely bad at identifying roads, he can still find the correct path by relying on his powerful perception of infinite vision.

At least, with the ability of unlimited vision, even if you go in the wrong direction, you can quickly return to the origin and find the path again.

However, it still took a lot of time.

But at this moment, the feet suddenly started to tremble slightly, and there was a burst of restlessness from deep underground.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, that aura was simply creepy.

Horrible, really terrible!

Ling Feng tightened his fists. Could it be that there is such a terrifying strong man among the changeling beast group, and has he noticed that a foreign enemy has invaded?

Ling Feng's face became a little solemn, but he vaguely felt that the breath was familiar.


Just when Ling Feng was frowning, the ground under his feet suddenly exploded with a "pop", and then, a series of extremely thick thunders rose from the depths of the ground into the sky.

Then, one after another, one after another...

Hundreds, thousands, thousands of thunderbolts rose from the ground, and almost everything visible to the naked eye was covered with the terrifying power of thunder.



Heart-rending screams came one after another. Ling Feng's complexion changed slightly. He was about to use his body skills to dodge, but he found that those thunderbolts seemed to have eyes, and each one of them cleverly avoided him.

Could it be...

A thought flashed in Ling Feng's mind.

Could it be that this terrible thunder was not caused by the changeling beast, but by Sister Chen?

Since he could find it here with the changeling beast, there was no reason why Si Chen couldn't find it.

Moreover, with her strength, as long as she found the cave, the changeling beasts inside would not be at her mercy.

But Ling Feng never expected that Si Chen's methods would be so "cruel".

This is what you call a whole nest!

"Don't move around. Just stay where you are and you won't be accidentally hurt!"

A cold and stern voice came from his mind, it was Si Chen.

Sure enough, my guess was good.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The earth began to crack from the depths of the cave, and from the ground, a terrifying thunderstorm covering hundreds of miles suddenly surged from the depths of the ground.

I saw only a series of extremely thick thunders, rising from the depths of the ground into the sky, and the thunder dragons intertwined, almost crushing everything above them.

Bang bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!




The violent power of thunder continued to explode on the ground, and then, morphing beasts, like gophers, were blown out from the depths of the ground, and then, under the baptism of thunder, they turned into鑑粉.

"What state is this woman in?"

Ling Feng's scalp was numb and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

too strong!


Is this the anger of a woman?

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and did not dare to move, for fear of being affected by those thunders. Otherwise, even if he had the ability to regenerate with a drop of blood, he might not be able to resurrect in time.

At the same time, Cheng Tianyong and Zhou Yan were walking aimlessly when they suddenly noticed the terrifying movement in the west. They looked at each other and noticed the fear in each other's eyes.

"What...what is going on?"

Zhou Yan asked in a trembling voice.

"I don't know." Cheng Tianyong shook his head, and the joking expression on his face became serious.

It was a terrifying aura that made people feel their scalp numb and their spines chilly.

He took a deep breath, jumped into the sky.

Looking down from a high position, I saw a forest about five hundred miles away in the west...

Oh no, at this moment, it has turned into a piece of scorched earth, and terrible thunderstorms are intertwined crazily. From time to time, you can see some black coal-like monsters being blown away, and then blown into powder.

At least, that terrifying thunder covered a radius of hundreds of miles.

Cheng Tianyong took a breath and murmured: "Then... isn't that the lair of the Changeling Beast?"


Zhou Yan was also completely shocked by the terrifying power, and suggested in a low voice: "We... well, do we want to go over and have a look?"

"Look at you, are you looking for death?"

Cheng Tianyong swallowed hard, "I estimate that this is probably the work of Cousin Chen that Brother Ling brought back. Do you still remember when we were on Xuanyuan Han Island? This woman could kill the Youlan Sea Clan with one move." The clan leader was given seconds.”


Zhou Yan also swallowed, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Indeed, if there is anyone who can do such an amazing thing, it is probably only that "Cousin Chen".

The terrible thunderstorm lasted for less than half an hour, and I am afraid that all the changeling beasts in this huge cave have been basically exterminated.

But soon, Ling Feng discovered another black shadow, passing through the void.

"Boy, you are that woman's accomplice!"

Immediately afterwards, a burly dark green figure suddenly appeared about ten steps in front of Ling Feng.

It was a twisted and ugly face, with a pair of blood-red eyes spitting out angry flames.

"How dare you destroy my underground palace and everything I own!"

Obviously, that monster is the leader of the Changeling Beast clan.

Although I don't know what method this guy used to survive Si Chen's terrifying indiscriminate attack, I have to say that it is indeed very cunning.

It knew that it could not be Si Chen's opponent, so it found Ling Feng as soon as possible, hoping to capture Ling Feng first and use it as a hostage to threaten Si Chen.

So, there is still a way to survive.

Unfortunately, it calculated the wrong level.

Ling Feng was not a target to be slaughtered.

"The universe is in chaos!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the yin and yang fish floated, directly displaying the ability of the Eye of the Emperor, and the world was reversed.

He did not expect that the Qiankun Rebellion could completely stop the Changeling Beast leader, but the sudden change in the laws of time and space still allowed the Changeling Beast leader to spend at least three breaths to adapt.

And these three breaths are enough!

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, Senbai Zhiya!"

With a roar, the Shifang in Ling Feng's hand was destroyed and turned directly into a square-shaped painted halberd. A cold arc of light burst out from the halberd.

In an instant, almost 70% of the power in Ling Feng's body was directly drained.

The leader of the changeling beast in front of him is a powerful enemy whose cultivation has reached the Dao Fruit Realm. He has condensed more than nine Dao Fruits and is approaching the Immortal Realm with half a foot.

If Ling Feng hadn't been blinded by anger, there would have been no chance for Ling Feng to use Forest White Fang on him at such a close range.


The halberd directly penetrated the left shoulder of the leader of the changeling beast. Under the blessing of the violent billions of dragons, the halberd was swung hard, and the leader of the changeling beast was smashed to the ground like a barbecued meat on a kebab.

And when it finally reacted from the distortion of time and space, the wound on the left shoulder had continued to spread, even exposing the bones in the left half of the body.

This is the terrifying power of Senbai's Fang. Once hit by this terrifying attack, the body will begin to collapse until it turns into a pile of white bones.

The leader of the changeling beast was also a ruthless person. He actually inserted a claw directly into his left chest, and then with a "chi" sound, he tore off his left arm and the left half of his body and threw them aside.

Large areas of flesh and blood fell from the wounds, and the scene was simply disgusting.

And as its flesh and blood continued to squirm, the left half of its body had a tendency to regenerate.

"Still want to recover?"

At this moment, a cold voice came, Si Chen was coming!

Si Chen was seen holding Xiao Xianling in one hand, first like a little chicken, emerging from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a gorgeous whip kicked hard on the head of the changeling beast leader.


Boom boom boom!

First there was an explosion, and then the ground beneath the feet of the changeling beast leader exploded.

The changeling beast leader's eyes first turned from resentment, then became hollow, and his whole body collapsed helplessly.

Finally, the power of thunder spread around the body of the changeling beast leader, turning his body into charcoal, and then crushed it into powder.

In this area, the changeling beasts that had caused trouble for hundreds of years were finally completely wiped out.


Si Chen snorted coldly, then turned back to glance at Ling Feng, and said with a sneer: "Boy, isn't it good? I wasn't killed instantly."

Ling Feng smiled and was noncommittal.

"As expected of a descendant of the Tiandao clan!"

After hearing this, Ling Feng's expression froze. His guess was indeed good. Si Chen indeed knew his identity.

"Don't worry, she passed out."

Si Chen casually threw Xiao Xianling into Ling Feng's arms and said calmly: "Don't worry, your little girlfriend will return to Zhao intact."

"Ahem...she's not...forget it..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he was too lazy to explain.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng checked Xiao Xianling's pulse. Sure enough, it was the same as Mo Yurou's. It looked like she had been knocked unconscious by Si Chen.

"Sister Chen, her current situation..."

Ling Feng frowned, thought for a moment, and then sent Mo Yurou out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, letting the two women stand side by side.

"The poisonous mist of the changeling beast is different from ordinary poison."

Si Chenhan said with a face: "Strictly speaking, this kind of mist will not only cause any female life to have a strong desire, but it will not cause any harm to the body. Therefore, even the strongest monks cannot directly Although your medical skills are good, you should be unable to do anything to get this poisonous mist out of your body."

Ling Feng nodded and said with a wry smile: "That's true."

"However, it is not difficult to resolve it."

Si Chen smiled playfully, his eyes falling on Ling Feng, "It depends on you."


Ling Feng pointed at himself, then looked at Xiao Xianling, and then at Mo Yurou. Immediately, his face turned red, his eyes widened, and he shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, absolutely not!"

"Where are you thinking, you little pervert!" Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng angrily, "You say no, but you are already happy in your heart, right?"

"'s nothing!"

Ling Feng, with his old face, quickly changed the subject with a serious look on his face and said, "Well, Sister Chen, what is the method you are talking about?"

"Although the poisonous mist of the changeling beast cannot be eliminated directly, it can be transferred. In other words, as long as the poisonous mist is transferred into your body, you will be fine."

"Transfer?" Ling Feng's eyes widened, "Then I will..." Si Chen glared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Humph, this poisonous fog will not have any effect on male creatures. If there is any, it will strengthen the body and the power of blood." "But how to transfer?" Ling Feng swallowed hard and asked carefully. "Of course..." Si Chen's face flushed, "mouth to mouth." "Uh..." Ling Feng's face froze, "That's not good, right?" "Humph, either kiss quickly, otherwise, when the poisonous fog completely invades the sea of ​​​​spirituality, it can only be resolved by that method." Si Chen stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Why, you are hesitating, do you want to delay time, and then..." "Absolutely not!" Ling Feng's forehead darkened. In comparison, it is indeed more appropriate to kiss. "Hu..." Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, thought about it, and held Xiao Xianling first. His heartbeat was fierce, but he still leaned over, "I'm not taking advantage of you, I'm just trying to detoxify you!" After saying that, Ling Feng closed his eyes and silently said in his heart, let's die! Then, he kissed Xiao Xianling's red lips. As Si Chen said, although the poisonous fog could not be expelled directly from the body, it really flowed into his body through mouth-to-mouth. Xiao Xianling seemed to be stimulated by the outside world, and hugged Ling Feng's neck tightly with both hands. Ling Feng was startled and quickly increased the efficiency. After completely transferring the poisonous fog in Xiao Xianling's body, he did the same thing and helped Mo Yurou transfer it. Just when Ling Feng thought he could finish his work, Si Chen suddenly pointed to his mouth again, his face was slightly hot, and he said in a muffled voice: "Stinky boy, what... hum! And... that... and me..."? ? ? Ling Feng was confused, and then he seemed to understand something.

No wonder this woman suddenly went crazy and launched such a terrifying attack. Logically, with her strength, she could easily wipe out all the phantom beasts, so why would she use such a terrifying magic?

But it turned out that this was the case.

She almost fell into the trap of the phantom beast and inhaled some of the poisonous mist.


Ling Feng swallowed hard, his mouth twitching slightly, and he felt his heart beating faster: Really...really want to... kiss her?

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