Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3479 Why did you get started?


really want to...

Ling Feng's heart was beating wildly. Although he had helped Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou transfer the poisonous mist one after another, and it could be said that they were familiar with it, they were both in a coma. The worst they could do was wipe their mouths and refuse to admit it. .

However, Si Chen is awake!

Moreover, she is also a terrifying powerhouse whose cultivation is so powerful that even Ling Feng cannot estimate it.

"What are you dawdling about!"

Just when Ling Feng was still hesitating, Si Chen had already held Ling Feng's head in his hands, and then kissed him directly with his mouth.

Damn, so proactive!

Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and before he could react, he was kissed tightly, and the poisonous mist gathered in Si Chen's body was pouring into his body in a steady stream.

This amount is obviously larger than that of Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou.

It's really hard for this woman to stay awake.

Since I can't resist, I can only cooperate.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and cooperated with Si Chen honestly to transfer the poisonous mist in her body.

It was okay at first, but as he kissed, Ling Feng also felt something.

After all, he is a young man with strong blood, and he has consumed a large amount of changeling beast poisonous mist in his body. Although this thing has almost no effect on male creatures, the stronger the power of blood, the greater the fire in the body.

Drowsily, Ling Feng seemed to vaguely remember that he reached out and grabbed a soft object. Before he could react, he heard a "pop" and a crisp slap on the left cheek.


Ling Feng suddenly came back to his senses, only to see that Si Chen had already floated back three steps away, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him angrily.

"You brat, do you want to die?"

Si Chen's voice was a little cold, but you could vaguely see a slight blush on her cheeks.


Ling Feng raised his palm. Could it be that the soft touch just now was...

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Sorry, it took a little long. I... couldn't control it for a moment..."

At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly curse: Why has my concentration deteriorated? Just kiss me, why did you take advantage of me?

Speaking of which, I really can't blame him. If there was no response like this, wouldn't it be completely impossible?


Si Chen glared at Ling Feng fiercely, gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "If a third person finds out about what happened today, you will be dead!"


Ling Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Absolutely not!"

He raised his hand and touched his cheek, which was still a little hot. Si Chen's slap was really cruel.

That is to say, I have rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise, I am afraid my head will be knocked off.


At this moment, a low groan came, and it was Xiao Xianling who leisurely woke up from her coma.

The next moment, Xiao Xianling seemed to remember the last moment before she fell into coma. She immediately jumped up and made a defensive posture. Without even looking, she closed her eyes and began to bombard the surroundings while gritting her teeth. Shouted: "Don't come near me!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this woman's reaction was a bit too exaggerated.

"Okay, you're safe!"

As soon as her figure flashed, Ling Feng reached out and grabbed her arm. When she heard a familiar voice, Xiao Xianling opened her eyes and took a closer look. The person in front of her was none other than Ling Feng.


In an instant, Xiao Xianling couldn't hold it any longer and threw herself into Ling Feng's arms, crying loudly.

At the same time, Mo Yurou also woke up. Her reaction was not as exaggerated as Xiao Xianling's. The main reason was that Xiao Xianling's crying was really too loud.

After a long while, Xiao Xianling came to her senses and realized that she had been holding Ling Feng and crying for a long time. She quickly pushed Ling Feng away, with a hint of resentment in her eyes, "You bastard, Why did you come?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "You don't have a hair missing!"

"Who said that? I was just in a daze, and it felt like something was kissing me, bah bah bah! It's really disgusting, so disgusting, bah bah bah!"

Xiao Xianling spat several times, wiping her mouth and saying: "Those disgusting things dare to offend me. If I know which bastard did it, my aunt will cut off his hand and stomp on him." Then cut off his legs and feed them to the fish!”


Ling Feng subconsciously clamped his legs, feeling a slight chill under his crotch, and his scalp was slightly numb: Is it necessary to be so cruel?

"Don't worry, that bastard was blown to ashes."

But it was Si Chen who walked up with a sneer, first glanced at Ling Feng with amusement, and then Feng Qingyun said calmly: "All the changeling beasts have been destroyed by me!"

"That's good!"

Xiao Xianling breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly saw a red mark that looked like a palm print on Ling Feng's cheek. She couldn't help but said curiously: "You brat, your face..."

"It hit!"

Ling Feng quickly insisted, "I hit it accidentally!"

"It hit? But it doesn't look like it..."

"Anyway, I just don't want to hit it!"

Ling Feng quickly changed the subject, "Okay, okay, let's rescue all the women imprisoned by the changeling beasts first."

Ling Feng said and immediately walked towards the depths of the cave.

Obviously, Xiao Xianling deliberately avoided the imprisoned women when she carried out indiscriminate attacks. There were still many very weak auras deep in the cave.

For these poor women, although Ling Feng couldn't help them much, he could save them if he could and help them see the light of day again, which was considered a good deed every day.

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party found an almost airtight prison in the deepest part of the cave.

Apart from the only entrance, there is no other way in or out.

And in that prison, there were nearly a hundred human women imprisoned, as well as many monsters and monsters.

As long as the body is strong enough to reproduce for the changeling beasts, they don't mind at all what race or form the other person is.

Inside the prison, piles of bones could be seen everywhere, presumably from prisoners who had been tortured to death.

Ling Feng sighed. The number of bones was probably ten times more than the number of living people.

These damn changelings!

Even Ling Feng, who had always been calm, still felt a surge of unknown anger in his chest when he saw the piles of bones.

I wish I could catch all those changeling beasts and whip their corpses.

But it seems that except for the leader of the Changeling Beasts, all the other Changeling Beasts have been wiped out.

Of course, before that, Ling Feng had dug out the demon elixir of the leader of the changeling beasts as proof of delivering the mission.

"Everyone, you are free now. All the changeling beasts have been eliminated by us."

Ling Feng winked at Xiao Xianling and asked her to communicate with the female captives.

After all, we are all women, so relatively speaking, we can communicate better.

After hearing Xiao Xianling's words, bursts of wailing sounds immediately came from the prison.

Some of them may have been tortured for ten or decades.

And now, they finally have a chance to see the light of day again.

About an hour later, all the imprisoned women were brought back to the ground one after another.

Although there were monsters and beasts among them, Ling Feng and the others still treated them equally and released them back into the forest.

As for those human women, Ling Feng will escort them to Shiyan Town and give them some immortal stones so that they can ensure their basic life.

Where they go in the end is beyond Ling Feng's control.

He could only go so far.

Soon, the monsters and monsters dispersed, leaving only one of them, a monster woman who looked a little older, sitting aside with an indifferent expression.

Ever since she was in the underground prison, she had been expressionless, unlike other women who would either cry or curse.

She just calmly killed a few cubs of the changeling beasts, and then never said a word again.

Although those changeling beast cubs were born from their wombs, to them, this was not flesh and blood, but a shame.

Naturally, Ling Feng had no intention of leaving behind any cubs of the changeling beast.

Although God has the virtue of good life, despicable creatures like the changeling beast must be excluded.

"It seems that you belong to the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan. The power of your bloodline is not weak, and your status in the Fox Demon Clan is not low."

Ling Feng walked to the side of the fox tribe woman and asked lightly.

Although she may have been tortured for a long time, she still has a vague royal aura. She should be a royal with a very high status among the Yinyue Demon Fox Clan.

The Fox Clan woman looked at Ling Feng deeply, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke slowly: "My name is Yin Bi, and I was originally the leader of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan. It has been decades since I was kidnapped. I am afraid that the clan members may Things have changed. Originally, I never thought that I would see the light of day again, so I no longer thought about it. Now that I can come out, the only thing I can't worry about is my former little girl."

"Back then, when I was taken away, the clan was already facing internal and external troubles. Once I leave, the clan leader will definitely change his position. I am pitiful for my little girl, who is helpless and has no idea whether she is dead or alive..."

After a pause, Concubine Yin slowly said: "If the young master is willing to help me and returns to the clan with me, I can regain my position as clan leader without asking. As long as my daughter can be found and our mother and daughter can be reunited, I My wish is enough. If my daughter is unfortunately killed, I hope that my son can avenge me."

As she spoke, when she got excited, she knelt down on her knees and worshiped in front of Ling Feng, "As long as you can help me with this, I will tell you the location of Yin Yue Holy Land. This holy land, It has been passed down from generation to generation through word of mouth, and now I am the only one who knows about it. There are countless rare treasures in the Holy Land, and you can keep them all for yourself!"


Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, feeling deeply sympathetic to the Yin concubine's plight, not to mention that there were interests at hand.

Immediately, Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Okay, I promise you!"

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