Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3480 Mother and daughter reunited!

Just when Ling Feng and the others were comforting the women who had been rescued from the Changeling Beast Cave and arranging their next way out, they saw two figures flying over from a distance.

It was Cheng Tianyong and Zhou Yan.

Before, these two people only dared to watch the terrifying thunderstorm from a distance of hundreds of miles.

And it wasn't until the thunderstorm disappeared for more than half an hour that he had the courage to come closer. He happened to see Ling Feng's figure and confirmed his suspicion.

It seemed that the terrible thunderstorm before was indeed the work of "Cousin Chen".

"Brother Ling, they are..."

Cheng Tianyong saw a large group of women, all of them skinny and ragged, and anger suddenly surged in his eyes.

He was a romantic man, and he couldn't bear to see women being wronged, let alone so many women suffering inhuman torture.

"Okay, it's all over."

Ling Feng raised his hand to hold Cheng Tianyong's shoulders and shook his head slightly at him.

For these women, never mentioning what happened in the past is the greatest kindness and kindness to them.

"Those ones……"

Cheng Tianyong blinked, looked at the women around him, then lowered his voice, leaned into Ling Feng's ear and said, "Is everything... resolved?"

"Well, it's been solved, no one is left."

Ling Feng nodded. After all, it was all thanks to Si Chen. If he had only relied on himself, even if he found the lair of the changeling beast and killed them one by one, it would have taken a lot of time.

Not to mention, with this kind of efficiency, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

If you think about it carefully, Si Chen's strength is really unfathomable.

The magic she performs must be at the level of a master!

And he actually... kissed her!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng felt some chills running down his spine, but she was the one who kissed her on her own initiative, so she shouldn't be settling the scores with her...

"Hey, Brother Ling, why are you so stunned?"

Cheng Tianyong raised his hand and waved it in front of Ling Feng. Ling Feng came back to his senses, smiled, and said quickly: "By the way, Brother Cheng, you guys came back just in time. I am about to send these women back to Shiyan Town. But there are still some things that need to be dealt with. Why don’t you take the responsibility of escorting them back?”


Cheng Tianyong pointed at himself, with a troubled expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Don't you always call yourself a friend of women?"

"Okay, okay, I am a person who is hard in every aspect but soft-hearted!"

Cheng Tianyong sighed softly and then nodded, "Then I will escort them back."

Eventually, the team split up again.

One of the teams was led by Cheng Tianyong and returned to Shiyan Town with the rescued women. On the other side, Ling Feng led the concubines of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan to the territory of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan.

Strangely enough, Xiao Xianling, who usually stuck to Ling Feng's side like a cowhide plaster, stopped following Ling Feng this time and wanted to return to Shiyan Town with Cheng Tianyong and the others.

Even Mo Yurou didn't go against Xiao Xianling and returned with her.

Fortunately, Si Chen was there to act with him, so he wouldn't end up "alone".

But Si Chen's real purpose is probably to continue to monitor him.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After watching Cheng Tianyong and his party leave, he turned to look at the concubine of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan and said in a deep voice: "Please lead the way."

The concubine just nodded expressionlessly.

She spent decades in darkness in the crypt of the Changeling Beast, and her memory of the outside world also stagnated for decades.

Perhaps the only thing that supported her and allowed her to survive was her daughter.

Although she is not related to the Yin concubine, Ling Feng still hopes that her daughter can still be alive. Otherwise, this woman and mother may collapse directly.

About an hour later, Ling Feng and the others entered a valley along a long stream.

This valley is called the Valley of the Yin Yue, and it is the territory of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan.

Seeing the intrusion of humans, the fox demon guards responsible for guarding the valley immediately jumped out from the bushes on both sides. Then, with a surge of black demonic energy, they transformed into two very hot fox clansmen. The girl, holding a bone spear, blocked the entrance.

"Humans, this is not the place for you!"

A slightly taller fox demon girl on the left stared at Ling Feng with a pair of dark pupils.

Ling Feng saluted the two fox demon girls with cupped fists, and said with a faint smile: "Two of you, I, Ling Feng, do not intend to disturb the purity of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan. There is indeed something important. I want to see the current clan leader. I hope that the girl can explain it on my behalf." Pass it on."


The tall fox demon girl's eyes narrowed slightly, she looked at Ling Feng carefully, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you Ling Feng?"

This time, it was Ling Feng's turn to be a little surprised. These fox demons actually knew him?

However, he still nodded, "I am Ling Feng, but I don't know if I am the Ling Feng you are talking about."

"He is the most capable younger brother around Mr. Cheng!"

The fox demon girl blinked her eyes with a determined look on her face.

"Mr. Cheng?" Ling Feng was speechless for a while, "Are you talking about Mr. Cheng Tianyong?"

"Yes, Mr. Cheng is a great hero who wants to destroy the phantom beasts!" The fox demon girl nodded and said.


Si Chen behind him couldn't help but laugh, secretly snickering, and at the same time said via voice: "Boy, when did you become someone else's little brother?"

Ling Feng's head went dark and he was speechless for a while: You Cheng Tianyong, see if I don't deal with you when I get back!

This guy must have seen that the Yin Yue Demon Fox clan are all beauties, and immediately started to boast about them.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not bothering to expose Cheng Tianyong. He just said noncommittally: "Then I should be the Ling Feng you are talking about."

"It turns out that he is a subordinate of Mr. Cheng. Are you here to bring us good news?"

The fox demon girl blinked her eyes and said expectantly: "We noticed a sudden tremor in the northwest. Has Mr. Cheng already killed all the changeling beasts?"

"So... right..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. He had managed to fight the leader of the changeling beast twice, but this guy Cheng Tianyong didn't even give a shit. He just boasted and took all the credit.

What a big face!


The two guarding fox demon girls almost jumped up with excitement, "That's great, that's great!"

"Then, I would like to ask you two to pass the news on your behalf."

"Okay, you wait here."

The taller fox demon girl smiled, and immediately transformed into a little fox with black hair and three fox tails, and disappeared into the trees in a flash.

Soon, the little fox was seen flying over with a dozen larger foxes.

The leader among them was Xiao Wei, who had met Cheng Tianyong by the stream before.

More than a dozen fox demons transformed into human forms. Xiao Wei quickly walked up to Ling Feng with brisk steps, then came closer to Ling Feng and took a sniff. Then she showed a happy face and said, "It's really Brother Cheng's." Smells!”

Ling Feng was speechless. Cheng Tianyong, this bastard, is so damn shameless. He couldn't bear to lie to such a cute little girl!

"Hey, why didn't Brother Cheng come back?"

Xiao Wei frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy.

"He still has something going on."

Ling Feng coughed a few times and changed the subject: "I'm here to ask to see the current clan leader, little sister, please..."

"What little sister!"

Xiao Wei frowned, glared at Ling Feng angrily, then patted her chest and said, "Me! Me! I am the current leader of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng almost choked out a mouthful of old blood. Isn't this clan leader too young?

The other older fox demons did not refute. Only then did Ling Feng believe that the little fox in front of him, who looked like a teenage girl, was actually the new leader of the Yinyue Demon Fox Clan.

But at this moment, the Yin concubine, who had been standing behind silently, suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Wei's shoulders with some excitement, "You...what's your name?"

Perhaps because they are both of the royal family of the Yin Yue Demon Fox Clan, Yin Concubine can feel that there is a blood connection between her and Xiao Wei.

But she is not sure whether she is her own daughter.

" are?"

Xiao Wei was also stunned. The thin and ragged woman in front of her seemed to have the aura of belonging to the Yin Yue Demon Fox royal family.

"Answer me, answer my question!" Yin Bin looked a little excited.

Xiao Wei was frightened by the concubine and quickly replied: " name is Xiao Wei."

As soon as the words fell, the concubine hugged Xiao Wei tightly and cried loudly, "Daughter, you... you are my daughter! My child, I am your mother!"

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

Xiao Wei's eyes suddenly turned red, and her eyes became moist, as if it brought back the deepest memories hidden in her heart.

Yes, there were two mothers in her memory.

Once upon a time, my mother was the clan leader of the Yinyue Demon Fox Clan. Later, it was said that she was kidnapped. After that, my mother was never seen again.

Later, due to the absence of the clan leader, a protracted internal fight started within the Fox clan.

In the end, it was the third elder who had always been loyal to the original clan leader who won the final victory and achieved the unity within the Fox clan.

She is also Xiao Wei's second mother, the mother who raised her single-handedly.

Eventually, the second mother's old illness relapsed and she died, and she became the new patriarch.

The Yin concubine may not have thought that after all the detours, her own daughter would become the new clan leader.

Somehow, everything may be the best arrangement.

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