Three days later.

Ling Feng flew out of the Yin Yue Spirit Spring with satisfaction, a faint smile on his face.


Yes, after three years of seclusion, Ling Feng was finally promoted to the Talisman Realm, condensed the first Fire Talisman, and became an Immortal Powerhouse at the level of a Little Immortal Lord.

And he originally thought that he would stay in this realm for a long time, but he didn't expect that under the stimulation of Yin Yue Spiritual Spring, he actually condensed a second wave of energy in just three days. Fu Zhuan.

Water talisman seal.

You know, it was only two short months after Ling Feng finished seclusion, accepted the mission and left Tianzhi!

In two months, he successfully condensed the second talisman. This speed of cultivation is simply unparalleled.

This also confirms what Si Chen said, this spiritual spring is indeed a rare holy land for cultivation for young immortals of Ling Feng's level.

"This kid's talent..."

In the past few days, Ling Feng was practicing in Lingquan, and Si Chen was waiting in the holy land. Ling Feng's progress really shocked her.

Is this the bloodline of the Tiandao clan?

No wonder he was once able to be respected in the Immortal Realm and became the master of the five Xantian clans.

With such a terrifying talent, if he can continue to grow, I am afraid that he can really close the gap with those Broken Immortal Emperors.

Thinking of this, Si Chen couldn't help but stir up a storm in his heart.

What a terrible thought!

Fortunately, Tianzhi has always maintained a neutral attitude on the issue of the conflict between the Xiantian Clan and the Tiandao Clan.

In addition, Si Chen was directly taking orders from His Majesty Tianzhi. Since His Majesty asked her to secretly monitor and protect Ling Feng, no matter what Ling Feng's identity was, she could only continue to follow His Majesty's orders.

"Thank you, Sister Chen, for protecting me."

With a flash of purple light, Ling Feng landed firmly beside Si Chen and bowed to her.


Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, but didn't say anything more.

"It's time to go back and join Senior Sister and the others."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He thought it would not take long to escort the concubine back to the clan, but he didn't expect to soak in a hot spring, so he stayed there for three days and three nights.

Come to think of it, Xiao Xianling and the others must have been impatient waiting in Shiyan Town.

"You're really lucky, kid."

Si Chen casually took out a scroll, threw it into Ling Feng's arms, and said calmly: "This is the recipe for Xu Tian Dao Yan Dan. In this holy land, all the main medicinal materials for refining Xu Tian Dao Yan Dan are available. You can refer to the elixir recipe to refine the elixir, which will also have miraculous effects on your realm."

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had found a treasure. He quickly opened the scroll. For an alchemist, one can imagine how precious the alchemy is.

"Here, here are some elixirs that I collected in these days of idleness and boredom."

As he spoke, the Naling Ring on Si Chen's fingertips flashed with soft light, and a sack filled with medicinal materials appeared in front of Ling Feng's eyes.

"Thank you, thank you, Sister Chen!"

Ling Feng looked excited. It had to be said that Si Chen was really attentive and very strong.

How wonderful it would be if she were really his "bodyguard" and would always be by his side!

Of course, this thought only passed through his mind. He did not dare to let a strong man like Si Chen protect him all the time.

That's purely because I want to eat shit.

However, Si Chen probably didn't know that Ling Feng had already recorded the star mark of the Yin Yue Holy Land on the star instrument of the East Emperor Bell. He could come and go freely in the future, and there was no need to go to the trouble of collecting medicinal materials in advance.

Although Si Chen was pretty good to him, Ling Feng didn't want to hide anything from Si Chen, but in the final analysis, Ling Feng was not sure of her identity at all.

You still have to be as wary of her as you should be.

As for the secret of Donghuang Bell, it is better not to expose it too much.

After coming out of the Holy Land, Ling Feng said goodbye to his mother and daughter, and then embarked on his return journey.

Before sunset, Ling Feng and Si Chen finally returned to Shiyan Town.

At this moment, the situation in Shiyan Town can be described as completely new and completely changed.

Three days ago, Cheng Tianyong and his party escorted nearly a hundred human women back to Shiyan Town and informed the villagers that the group of changeling beasts in the forest had been completely wiped out.

In other words, from now on, the women in the town can finally walk freely on the streets without worrying about being abducted by the changeling beasts.

Therefore, women can be seen everywhere in Shiyan Town. This town that originally seemed to be lifeless suddenly seemed to be revitalized.

As for the women who were rescued, most chose to leave Shiyan Town.

For them, if they can find a place to start a new life, they will have the opportunity to completely let go of the nightmare they once had.

Soon, Ling Feng returned to the inn, only to find that Xiao Xianling was the only one left waiting for him in the inn.

"Huh? Where are the others?"

Ling Feng noticed that there was no presence of Cheng Tianyong and Mo Yurou in the town. Apparently, they had left.

"That white-haired monster took Zhou Yan with him when he came back and said he wanted to return to Tianzhi first. That woman is crazy, so don't worry about her."

"Have you gone back?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. This was good, as sometimes it was not easy to get things done when there were more people.

What's more, Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou have always been at odds with each other. As long as they are together, it is basically difficult for them to keep their ears clean.

Xiao Xianling shrugged, and then continued: "As for that guy Cheng Tianyong, he left mysteriously without saying anything, but it seemed like he had something on his mind."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, probably already having some guesses in his mind.

It seems that this guy is soft-spoken and soft-hearted after all, and he still can't worry about the "dead man" he talks about that has nothing to do with him.

After all, if the brothers and the son he raised by his own hands join forces to plot against this damn old man, no matter how shrewd he is, it will be easy for him to dodge overt attacks, but hard to guard against hidden attacks.

What's more, Cheng Yugong is simply an old fool!

Although he kept saying that he didn't care about Cheng Yugong's situation and could just let him die, in the end, he was his father.

It's okay if you don't know, but if you know and still don't act, that would be too insensitive.

"I guess he has returned to Tianyong City?"

Xiao Xianling pouted her lips and said slowly: "Although if it were me, if I were misunderstood by my father and kicked out of the house, I would definitely be very angry, angry, and even hate that family, but... But, it’s my home after all!”

"I didn't expect our Senior Sister Xiao to be so kind."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Although Xiao Xianling was sometimes a bit messy and unruly, she was kind-hearted, had a sense of justice, and was sincere towards others.

He was very lucky to have met Xiao Xianling and been led to the fairyland by her.


Xiao Xianling huffed and rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, but her pretty face turned slightly red, "Of course I am kind, but except for you!"

"Ha ha……"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and did not argue with Xiao Xianling, "Brother Cheng finally made his choice. It seems that the three of us will be able to go on the road together."

"Ah?" Xiao Xianling blinked, "I thought you were going to find Cheng Tianyong? Aren't you good friends?"


Ling Feng almost spat a mouthful of old blood on Xiao Xianling's face. Si Chen couldn't help but secretly chuckle, but on the surface he had a straight face, pretending to be cold.

"I think Brother Cheng can handle it by himself."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Xiao Xianling angrily, "Let's just complete a few other tasks."

This time I came out and took on five tasks in total, and now I have completed most of them.

There are still almost two months left before the assessment deadline.

If nothing else, it should be more than enough.

Two months later.

Tianzhi organization, Qianlin world, Tianzhi.

Before the deadline, Ling Feng finally successfully returned to his place of residence.

In the few months since he left, the three women of Tianzhu, Tuoba Yan and Yu Junyao, have taken care of it, so everything has been business as usual.

In the courtyard, the fragrance of flowers overflowed. These were some elixirs planted by Ling Feng before he left. Under the careful care of the three women, they had already blossomed and bear fruit.

"Finally back!"

Ling Feng stood at the door and stretched out beautifully. As for Xiao Xianling and Si Chen beside him, they left on their own as soon as they returned to Tianzhi.

Of course Xiao Xianling wanted to go back and say hello to Jieyin Xianzun. As for Si Chen...

When she left, Ling Feng didn't even notice. This woman was so mysterious!

Shaking his head, Ling Feng stopped thinking about it and turned to look at Tianfengju next to him, but the door was still closed.

Cheng Tianyong, haven't you come back yet?

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Could it be that something unexpected happened?

It shouldn't be. Cheng Tianyong is so hidden that his strength may not be inferior to him. What's more, he also has many wonderful cards. There shouldn't be any problem in dealing with that idiot Cheng Tianqi and the ambitious Cheng Yuchun.

Just when Ling Feng was thinking wildly, three graceful figures came out of the courtyard.

But it wasn't the three girls Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan and Yu Junyao.

"Master Ling!"

Yue Yunlan was the most reserved. She just nodded slightly towards Ling Feng and then stopped five steps away, her beautiful eyes full of lovesickness.

Tuoba Yan glanced at Ling Feng with a hint of resentment.

"You brat, you still know how to come back!"

Yu Junyao was not so good-tempered. She gave him a few soul-chasing pinches and slapped Ling Feng on the soft flesh of his arms and waist.

Although Ling Feng didn't feel any pain, he still cooperated and grinned, making Yu Junyao giggle, and then he gave up.

"You brat, you're in for a treat. We took advantage of the boredom in the past few months to teach ourselves how to cook. It's going to be cooked soon. Come and try it!" Yu Junyao said with a smile.


Ling Feng's head went dark, recalling the fear he had felt before, he waved his hands quickly and said: "Aunts, please let me do this rough work!"

After all, he is also a descendant of Shura Cooking Saint, and he is good at cooking.

"Bah, I can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. Are you looking down on me?"

Yu Junyao said, putting her hands on her hips and staring angrily at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng had no choice but to give in, and surrounded by several women, he returned to his place of heaven after months of absence.

Although he looked depressed on his face, there was still warmth flowing in his heart.

This is probably the warmth of home.

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