Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3483 The lie becomes true!

While Ling Feng was "enjoying" the delicacies of the three Yujun Yao girls, Si Chen flew into the Mingyuan Realm, the core of the Nine Realms of Tianzhi.

This is also the place where Lord Tianzhi usually retreats. Even powerful men like the Three Lords and Four Wonders are not allowed to enter here unless there is something urgent.

In the Bright Abyss Realm, the entire world is like a bright mirror, with a Milky Way at its source, as if hanging down from the endless sky.

This is an empty world, where time seems to stand still.

However, even a drop of spring water falling into the mirror seems to be able to evolve into thousands of worlds, endless possibilities.

The Zhitian Terrace where Your Majesty lives hangs in the center of this mirror world. The spiritual veins of heaven and earth converge, the sun shines in circles, and the moon shines brightly. In fact, Your Majesty has become one with this world.

In the Immortal Realm, the recognized invincible powerhouse is the Sky Patrolling Thunder Emperor who has reached the ninth level of Shattering: Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

And if Immortal Emperor Yi Ting falls into the Ming Yuan Realm, then he will probably be on equal footing with Tian Zhizun.

In this bright abyss world, Your Majesty Tianzhi is the only ruler.

Feeling the vast and majestic, terrifying aura with no visible bottom, even a strong man like Si Chen could only admire Fazi from the depths of his soul.

Even though she ranks among the Four Wonders and can crush most ordinary Immortal Emperors in the Wheel Realm, in front of His Majesty, she is nothing but the light of a firefly and cannot compete with the sun and the moon.


Finally, Si Chen's figure appeared on the Zhitian Platform after passing through the long Mirror River.

The figure of Tianzhi Zun is like the eternal statue of a god, motionless.

He has become one with this world. Although he seems to be meditating on the spot, in fact, he is well aware of all the disturbances in the Mingyuan world.

Your Majesty slowly opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on Si Chen, "See Master!"

Si Chen knelt down, almost prostrate on the ground, and said respectfully: "This slave is ordered by the master to secretly monitor and protect the newly promoted outer disciple Ling Feng. In the past six months, Ling Feng has been out on a mission, and this slave has been accompanying him and was unable to make it in time." Reply to the master and hope that he will forgive me."

His Majesty had an indifferent expression and just raised his hand slightly. Si Chen felt a soft force lifting her up, and quickly bowed to His Majesty again, "Thank you, Master!"

"I hope the news you bring back from this trip is valuable."

Your Majesty glanced at Si Chen lightly and said indifferently.

"This slave indeed brought back a ten..."

Si Chen took a deep breath, organized his words in his mind, and then continued: "This slave indeed brought back a very valuable news. It turns out that the outer disciple Ling Feng is actually from the Tiandao clan! "

"The way of heaven..."

Your Majesty pondered for a moment, his expression was lonely, hesitant and thoughtful, but he was not surprised.

Could it be that your Majesty already knew this?

Si Chen was secretly surprised, but with her status, she naturally did not dare to question His Majesty.

She could only lower her head and wait for the next instruction from her Majesty.

a long time……

Your Majesty finally spoke slowly again, "Continue."


Si Chen took a deep breath, and was about to leave Tianzhi this time from Lingfeng and his party, to Tianyong City, to Xuanyuan Han Island, to Wanjian Villa...

Everything that happened along the way will be reported to your Majesty truthfully without any concealment.

Of course, she didn't mention the kiss between her and Ling Feng, perhaps out of a woman's reserve.

"So it turns out that it involves sky surveying?"

Your Majesty's attention finally fell on the young man named Yan Jinghong.

"Obviously he is just a mortal who ascended to the lower realm, but he was able to win the favor of Hao Cang, and even accepted him as his personal disciple. Hao Cang, Hao Cang, you old fox, did you smell something?"

Your Majesty murmured to himself, and Si Chen's heart was beating wildly. Can he listen to this?

She stood aside very consciously, not daring to make random remarks.

"Well, you have accomplished your task quite well."

Your Majesty thought for a moment and finally cast an appreciative look at Si Chen.


Si Chen breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. Fortunately, your Majesty didn't care about his transformation from darkness to light, and his hidden behavior was exposed.

"Since you have been noticed by Ling Feng, there is no need to continue to monitor him secretly."

Your Majesty looked at Si Chen and said calmly.

"So, my mission?"

Si Chen blinked his eyes, is it over?

Is it finally over?

He is a powerful man from the Four Wonders, but he is following a small outer disciple. Isn't he overqualified and underqualified?

The people she used to monitor and supervise were all powerful men at the Immortal Emperor level!

"From now on, you don't have to spy on Ling Feng anymore."

Your Majesty's words immediately made Si Chen excited, but soon he fell back to the bottom again.

"Since you said that Ling Feng mistook you for being the one who arranged for you to be by his side and protect him secretly, then you might as well make the lie come true."

Your Majesty glanced at Si Chen with a flat expression, "I will ask Jie Yin to cooperate with you."


Si Chen's heart almost collapsed. Do he really want to stay with that boy, three years after three years, three years after three years?

Didn't that really become his personal bodyguard?

However, despite some reluctance in his heart, Si Chen did not dare to disobey His Majesty's order.

What puzzled her even more was His Majesty's attitude towards the Tiandao clan.

It stands to reason that the descendants of the Tiandao clan are the targets of Xuntian's pursuit. Your Majesty, by asking yourself to protect Ling Feng, is not tantamount to provoking the Immortal Emperors of the Xuantian clan?

For millions of years, Tianzhi's attitude towards the Tiandao clan has been neutral, but now, wouldn't your Lord's move mean to directly bring Tianzhi and the Tiandao clan to the same front?

Naturally, Si Chen did not dare to speculate on His Majesty's thoughts. She could only nodded, bowed and said, "Slave, I obey."


Your Majesty gently flicked his sleeves and said indifferently: "Okay, you can go down first."


Si Chen's figure flashed, turned into a ray of purple light, and disappeared into the depths of the Mirror River.

On the huge holding platform, only one person, your Majesty, was left, standing alone.

He stood up and wandered at the edge of the rooftop platform, staring at the mist in the distance of Jinghe River.

It seems that he wants to see something clearly from the depths of the fog, but even if he tries his best, he can only vaguely see the outline of an island.

No one knows that this sea of ​​fog in the Mirror River of the Mingyuan Realm is connected to the depths of Yuanyang Lake, the isolated island with a terrifying legend.

After a while, he murmured again, "When will a little spark turn into a fire that lights up the sky? And have you seen it?"

Time flies and two days pass.

Ling Feng strode out of Tianfengju and looked at Tianfengju next door. Cheng Tianyong still did not return.

Today is also the last day for new outer disciples to be exempted from contribution points for three years.

It is also the day when the new batch of disciples pay their contribution points for the first time.

If you fail to turn in the full amount of contribution points in time, in addition to being punished by several times the contribution points, you will also be affected in many aspects.

Could it be that this guy Cheng Tianyong would be absent when he turned in his contribution points for the first time?

Or did he really encounter something unexpected when he returned to Tianyong City this time?

"Don't look, that guy hasn't come back yet."

A soft voice came to my ears, it was Nangong Ziling who lived in Tianqiaoju on the other side of me.

However, she completed the mission early and returned to Tianzhi with the Phantom God Qianjue and Senior Brother Han Wenliang.

Although the contribution points earned are not many, they are completely enough to complete the annual tasks.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed softly, "Although Brother Cheng is a bit messy on weekdays, I really didn't expect that he failed to come back within the deadline."

"If you keep nagging, you guys will be late!"

An urging voice came from a distance, and you knew without looking that it must be that woman Xiao Xianling.

Ling Feng shrugged and looked back at the three women in the yard. After saying goodbye to them, he followed Xiao Xianling and several other "neighbors" to the mission hall of the Mysterious World.

The ones responsible for testing whether these new disciples have completed the first contribution assessment are the disciples of the Zhitian Hall who are in charge of Ming Shenzun.

Before this, most of the people Ling Feng came into contact with were disciples from the Jie Yin Hall. The light golden crape myrtle flower on his chest was the symbol of the Jie Yin Hall disciples.

The mark of the disciples of Zhitian Hall is a three-legged cauldron.

Soon, Ling Feng saw several other familiar faces.

Wu Chengkong from the Holy Spear Immortal Sect, Zhong Ruoxin from the Sun and Moon Immortal Palace, and Nan Xiaolie from the Qianji Villa. These three people have been crushing many new disciples since their entry selection. The best among them.

Moreover, Wu Chengkong is also the first genius among many new disciples to break through to the Daoyan realm.

Although Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie were a step slower, they were still fundamentally different from the other disciples.

Of course, except Ling Feng.

In fact, Ling Feng was one step faster than Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie, but he was just behind Wu Chengkong.

Therefore, when this trio of "Prodigies from the Immortal Realm" met Ling Feng and his party head-on, it was inevitable that there would be some inexplicable friction.

Except for Wu Chengkong, who still looked cold and arrogant and looked down upon Ling Feng, Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie looked at Ling Feng with a bit of gunpowder in their eyes.

Obviously, they were not very convinced by Ling Feng.

He was obviously just a mortal who had ascended to the lower realm. Logically speaking, his bloodline and talents were impossible to compare with them. How could he break through the Talisman Realm earlier than them?

In this regard, Ling Feng was also very helpless. I also wanted to keep a low profile, but he was not strong enough!

"Brother Ling!"

Nan Xiaolie took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, then cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, then stepped forward to say hello.

"Brother Nan!"

Ling Feng was a little surprised. These talented people from the Immortal Realm with high eyes would actually lower their dignity and say hello to him?

Nan Xiaolie nodded slightly, and then smiled slightly provocatively: "If I have time another day, I hope I can ask Brother Ling for some advice, so that I can open my eyes to what powerful moves can be found in the lower world. "

Unexpectedly, before Ling Feng opened his mouth, Xiao Xianling glared at Nan Xiaolie angrily, "Don't change the situation, just today!"

As he said that, he turned back and winked at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "You brat, teach Junior Brother Nan a lesson, don't let others look down on you."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this woman is really afraid of chaos in the world!

"Today is today!"

Nan Xiaolie was also an arrogant person. When he heard that this senior sister actually wanted Ling Feng to teach him a lesson, he could not swallow his breath. He immediately gritted his teeth and said: "When the contribution assessment is over later, we will perform martial arts in Qianlin Realm." Square, whoever doesn’t come is the grandson!”

After that, he left without looking back.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, this woman always caused trouble for herself!

However, he also wants to know how powerful those top geniuses in the Immortal Realm are!

Just thinking about it makes people excited!

After all, Ling Feng is still a fighting maniac at his core...

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