Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3484 I am not satisfied!

Tianzhi, the mission hall of the mysterious world.

When Ling Feng and his team arrived at the mission hall, hundreds of disciples had already gathered in the square in front of the hall. Except for the newly promoted disciples, all the other outer disciples had basically delivered their tasks in the past few days. Required annual contribution points.

Of course, you can directly turn over several years of contribution points at once, but for most outer disciples, it is no longer an easy task to complete the task in full every year.

If you pay several years of contribution points in advance, then there will basically be very few contribution points left that can be used to exchange for treasures such as cultivation materials and skill secrets.

This is undoubtedly not a good thing for a monk.

The purpose of the Tianzhi organization is to enforce the Way of Heaven and eliminate evil spirits. Therefore, it does not encourage its disciples to practice in seclusion for a long time.

For Tianzhimen, fighting is the best way to improve.

Therefore, everyone from outer disciples to elders need to complete a certain number of tasks every year to pay the annual quota, which is called contribution assessment.

Of course, except for those with the status of the Three Honors and Four Wonders, and those elders at the Immortal Emperor level.

But under special circumstances, they will personally lead the team and lead the disciples to complete some more difficult tasks.

At this moment, the outer disciples lined up in three long lines outside the hall.

Fortunately, the inspection efficiency was very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, it was Ling Feng's and his team's turn.

"Please show me your ID token."

The person responsible for checking Ling Feng's contribution points was a man who looked a little thin. He glanced at Ling Feng with an expressionless face and stretched out his hand to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng presented the token, and the senior brother gently placed Ling Feng's identity token on a jade tablet that looked only about the size of a palm. As the magic circle was activated, a light curtain was projected out.

"Outer disciple, Ling Feng.

Entry period: three years.

The ownership of the branch hall: None.

Inheritance: None yet.

Contribution points: twelve thousand three hundred and sixty.

Mission completed record: six times.

Contribution redemption record: once.

Reward record: once. "

The information listed in it was very detailed, and the figure of 10,000 contribution points surprised the senior brother in charge of the inspection.

Among the outer disciples, not many can accumulate ten thousand contribution points.

Not to mention, this kid has only been a disciple for three years. Isn’t this the new disciple who just started three years ago?

He couldn't help but look at Ling Feng a few more times and found that this junior brother's aura had reached the Talisman Realm.

Now that these 10,000 contribution points have been collected, this junior brother is preparing to take part in the promotion assessment.

"Congratulations, junior brother, my name is Yang Fan."

The thin senior brother smiled faintly at Ling Feng. From now on, he will be an inner disciple. Maybe this young junior brother will also choose Zhitian Hall, and maybe they can form a team to perform tasks together in the future.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Yang."

Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted him, and felt a slight pain when he saw that Senior Brother Yang had taken away two thousand of the contribution points.

To apply for the inner disciple promotion assessment, you still need 10,000 yuan, which means that after you have worked hard for half a year, all your contribution points have gone to the bottom.

However, fortunately, I have earned a lot of fairy stones, and I can enter and leave Yinyue Holy Land at will to pick the spiritual flowers and herbs inside.

According to Tianzhi's sect rules, disciples can also trade contribution points directly and privately.

No big deal, just spend more fairy stones and elixirs to buy some.

"Junior brother has saved so many contribution points, he should be preparing to take the assessment for promotion to the inner sect." Yang Fan said to Ling Feng with a smile.

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded, "Senior brother, do you have any advice?"

Yang Fan smiled slightly, "I can't say that I can give you advice, but this assessment is easy to say and difficult to say. The point is..."


Just when Yang Fan was about to say the key, there was an old but majestic and upright figure behind him, who had already walked behind Yang Fan.

"Boy, are you here to chat, or are you here to work?"

There was a hint of joking in the voice, but it scared Yang Fan quite a bit.

"Immortal...Master Immortal!"

Yang Fan trembled all over, quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead, handed Ling Feng's identity token back to him, then cleared his throat and said loudly: "Next!"

But it turned out that the old man was the Immortal Master.

Fortunately, it was said to be Yinxian Zun, otherwise, if it was Wuwang Zun or Mingshen Zun, Yang Fan would not just be teased.

Among the three deities, Jie Yin Xian Zun is also known as a good old man.

"Senior Immortal Lord."

Ling Feng quickly bowed to Jieyin Xianzun, and he still respected him very much.


When Xiao Xianling saw her grandfather coming, she quickly stepped forward and took the arm of the Immortal Jie Yin, and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, why are you here!"

Jieyin Xianzun patted Xiao Xianling's little head, and his eyes immediately fell on Ling Feng.

Realizing that Ling Feng had actually condensed the second talisman, Jie Yinxian Zun couldn't help but be a little shocked.

No wonder this boy actually gets the attention of your Majesty. He actually arranged a maid directly for him!

Of course, the name of the maid should actually be monitoring his every move.

It turned out that shortly after his superior asked Si Chen to leave, he directly summoned the Immortal Jieyin.

Let Jieyin Xianzun arrange Si Chen next to Ling Feng in the name of arranging a maid.

Even the Immortal Master Jie Yin did not dare to have any objections to His Majesty's instructions.

But, that Si Chen...

In fact, before this, Jie Yinxian Zun had not dealt with Si Chen.

Although the three deities and the four wonders are equal in name, the three deities are in charge of all affairs of Tianzhi, but the four wonders are not.

They are like sharp blades hidden in the dark, secret weapons that belong directly to Your Majesty.

The identity of Si Qi is a mystery even to the three deities.

Therefore, when Jieyin Xianzun met Si Chen for the first time, he knew that Si Chen was definitely not an ordinary "handmaid".

The strength of her aura was not much worse than his own.

Jie Yingxian Zun had a vague guess that this woman was probably one of the four wonders.

In other words, your Majesty actually arranged the Four Wonders to be with Ling Feng.

He couldn't understand. Since His Majesty no longer investigated what Ling Feng had snooped in Yuanyang Lake, why did he send the Four Strange Powers to keep an eye on Ling Feng?

However, he could only hide these doubts in his stomach.

The only thing he could be sure of was that since Ling Feng was so valued by his superior, he must be no ordinary person.

My little granddaughter really brought back an incredible guy.

Thinking of this, Jie Yinxian Zun took a deep breath and then slowly said: "Little guy, I have something to ask you, please come with me."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Of course!"

Ever since, in the slightly envious eyes of everyone, Ling Feng was taken away by the famous Jie Yin Xianzun.

Even Wu Chengkong, Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie, the three great geniuses of the Immortal Realm, did not receive such treatment.

"That kid, who is he?"

Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists, a trace of unknown jealousy igniting in his heart.

Wu Chengkong had a hint of disdain on his face. Although he didn't say anything, he still regarded Ling Feng as a pretty guy who used women to gain power.

In his opinion, Ling Feng was able to be so close to Jieyin Xianzun only through Xiao Xianling's relationship.

A guy who relies on women to climb up the ladder does not deserve to be compared with himself.

"It makes people angry to think that this kid from the lower world actually stole the show!"

Nan Xiaolie gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Let's go to the martial arts square to wait for him!"

Since it has been agreed before, after the assessment, there will be a competition in the martial arts square.

If Ling Feng didn't come, he would spread the news throughout the outer sect that Ling Feng was a softie and was scared out of his wits!

On the other side, Jieyinxian Zun took Ling Feng to a courtyard of Jieyin Hall.

As for Xiao Xianling, although Jie Yin Xianzun had no intention of taking this girl with him, he couldn't stop the girl from acting like a spoiled brat, so Jie Yin Xianzun had no choice but to take her with him.

At first glance, they really look like a family. It's no wonder that people like Wu Chengkong regard Ling Feng as the "white face" who clings to Xiao Xianling.

After all, Ling Feng's silver hair and handsome face do make him a pretty boy.

"Grandpa, what on earth is going on, so mysterious?"

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips and became a little impatient.

"You girl, why are you so anxious?"

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Besides, I didn't ask you to follow me!"


Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at her grandfather, "Why are you curious?"

Jie Yinxian Zun shook his head and smiled, then looked at Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Little friend, how do you feel about the girl I arranged to be by your side before to protect you secretly?"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he accepted the Immortal Lord's intention...

Could it be that Si Chen really accepted the Immortal Lord and placed him next to him?

But from what he meant, it seemed as if he meant it to himself.

However, Ling Feng certainly would not question the Immortal Master to his face. He just smiled and said: "Senior, I am talking about Sister Chen. She is indeed very powerful. She has helped me a lot along the way and also saved the life of this junior. ”

"Well, as long as you're satisfied!"

Jie Yin Xianzun stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Then, from today on, let Chen continue to follow you, and I will stay by your side from now on."


Ling Feng's eyes widened and he looked at Jieyin Xianzun in disbelief.

A strong man like Si Chen just followed him?

Isn't it?

No way?

Are you dreaming?

At the same time, Xiao Xianling expressed shock. As soon as she heard Yin Xianzun's words, she immediately frowned in dissatisfaction, "Grandpa, why are you..."

She gritted her teeth and held back what she was about to say. Then she changed the topic and said, "I am your granddaughter, and you haven't even arranged for me to be protected by experts. Ling Feng... around him... …”

She couldn't help but murmur in her heart: There are already enough women around him!

Jingyin Xianzun was also helpless. This was the instruction of his Majesty. What could he do?

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "In short, this matter is settled! Chen, come out. From now on, you will always follow little friend Ling Feng for personal protection."


There was a flash of dim light, and Si Chen's figure fell from the sky.

However, looking at her expression, she looked impatient, and it almost said "I am not satisfied" written on her face.

This woman doesn't seem too willing...

I’m afraid it will be sad in the days to come!

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