Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3485 Nine Transformations of Heavenly Patterns!

"Hey, you all already know each other, so I don't need any further introduction. I have something important to do, so I'll take the first step!"

It was inevitable that Xiao Xianling would break the casserole and ask the truth, so Jie Yinxian Zun could only find an excuse and run away.

When the words of the Immortal Master were finished, the figure had already drifted into the distance without a trace.


Xiao Xianling was so angry that she stamped her feet repeatedly. This unreliable stinky grandpa was just an old naughty boy!

For a moment, only Ling Feng, Xiao Xianling, and Si Chen were left in the courtyard, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

But in a sense, Ling Feng is really a "dream come true."

After all, Si Chen will always be with him from now on, which is equivalent to a personal bodyguard with unfathomable strength!

Could it be that Jieyinxian Zun really valued himself so much and was afraid that he would "die" prematurely?

Now I can only think about this aspect. As for other things, it is useless to think too much, it will only add trouble.


Ling Feng laughed a few times, looked at Si Chen who looked reluctant, and could only say tentatively: "Sister Chen, if you really don't want to, I'll go and make it clear to Senior Xian Zun."

"No need!"

Si Chen quickly stopped Ling Feng. In fact, it was his Majesty who arranged for him to follow Ling Feng and continue his mission of monitoring and protecting Ling Feng.

Even if you talk to Jie Yin Xianzun, it will be of no use at all. On the contrary, it will be easy to expose your true identity.

"Not so reluctant anymore."

Si Chen gritted his silver teeth and could only accept his fate, "In short, although I will follow you from now on, I will not be your servant, let alone your thug. You can never control me!"

"Of course, of course..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, he had to be able to control her.

In short, just think of her as a life-saving charm.

Qianlin Realm, Martial Arts Plaza.

At this moment, many outer disciples have gathered in Yanwu Square to watch.

Even some inner disciples were hiding among the crowd, as if waiting for a "good show" to be staged.

Among the newly promoted outer sect disciples, among the three most outstanding geniuses in the Immortal Realm, Nan Xiaolie and Ling Feng, who had recently become famous and had little prestige, actually had a fight here.

Of course, Ling Feng's reputation is mainly due to the fact that he is obviously just a small outer disciple, but he is able to have relationships with big figures like Yufeng Immortal Lord and Jie Yin Immortal Lord one after another, that's all.

Within Tianzhi, it is not forbidden for disciples to compete and challenge each other. As long as the point is reached, they will not be punished by any sect rules.

At this moment, Nan Xiaolie crossed his arms with his hands on his chest, holding a golden-green long sword on his chest. Even though the sword's edge was tucked into the scabbard, it still had an unparalleled edge, which was heart-stopping.

Holding his sword, he stood in the center of the martial arts square for half an hour.

And within this half hour, more and more disciples gathered.

This is exactly the result Nan Xiaolie wants to see.

He just wanted to give Ling Feng a hard lesson in front of everyone, so that he would understand how ridiculous a pretty boy who relies on women to gain power can be in the face of absolute strength.

But he didn't know that there was no unreasonable favor and respect in this world.

As a "mortal" in the lower realm, if he were not thousands of times more outstanding than ordinary people, even the Heavenly Seal would not be possible.

Whether it is Yufeng Immortal Lord or Jingyin Immortal Lord, it is because of Ling Feng's talents and talents that he looks at him in a different light, and it is not Nan Xiaolie's idea that women can get to the top.

At the same time, in a corner of the martial arts square, Wu Chengkong and Zhong Ruoxin were also waiting for Ling Feng's arrival.

Although Wu Chengkong looked down upon Ling Feng on the surface, he could also sense that Ling Feng was by no means an idle person.

He originally thought that it would be Zhong Ruoxin or Nan Xiaolie who would follow him and be promoted to the Talisman Realm, but he never expected that it would be this lower realm mortal named Ling Feng.

In terms of bloodline and talent, how could he be compared with the young masters of Qianji Villa and Sun Moon Immortal Palace?

Therefore, Nan Xiaolie's battle can also be regarded as a test of Ling Feng by their genius from the Immortal Realm.

Although he didn't think Ling Feng had a chance to win, there were always surprises in everything.

If Nan Xiaolie really loses, he also wants to see what level Ling Feng's strength has reached.

Of course, these geniuses from the Immortal Realm were not the only ones who came to watch.

In fact, Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling, Huan Shen Qianjue and others who had a good relationship with Ling Feng also rushed over early. They all knew how powerful Ling Feng was, but they also wanted to see the geniuses in the lower world. , can it be compared with the genius of the fairyland?

Or, fight and win?

Finally, after much anticipation, Ling Feng finally arrived belatedly.

"What a big battle!"

Ling Feng was shocked by the huge crowd of people in front of him. He didn't expect that just a discussion between outer disciples would attract so many people to watch.

Are all these people so idle?

Anyway, since Nan Xiaolie wanted to make a fool of himself in front of so many people, he had no choice but to help him.

"That guy is really waiting for you in the martial arts square!"

Xiao Xianling saw Nan Xiaolie's figure from a distance and couldn't help but murmur.

"That's really thanks to you!"

Ling Feng turned around and glanced at her.

"Then... isn't that person so angry?" Xiao Xianling pouted, "He said you can't do it, but I brought you here, doesn't it mean that I can't do it?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, jumped over the crowd, and arrived at the martial arts square, where he stood a hundred steps away from Nan Xiaolie.

"You finally came!"

Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists and heard a "clang" sound. The long sword held in his chest was unsheathed and hung around him, trembling slightly.

Controlling a sword with your mind is not too difficult for a strong immortal.

However, being able to imprint his own talismans on the blade also proves that this guy is a true master of swordsmanship.

There was a hint of expectation in Ling Feng's eyes.

Ever since he ascended to the Immortal Realm, he either crushed others or was crushed by others. For a long, long time, he never encountered a strong person who could compete with him.

And this Nan Xiaolie, although a little arrogant, does have the capital to be crazy.

"This is the unique skill of Qianji Villa, the Qianji Divine Sword Technique. Nan Shao's family background is so terrifying. How can it be compared to a small mortal from the lower realm?"

Among the outer disciples, almost 90% are from the geniuses who were predestined to ascend from the lower world, and finally joined the Tianzhi. There are very few geniuses.

The number of people promoted by Ling Feng and his group is already the largest in the past few thousand years.

"What a powerful sword energy."

Ling Feng smiled, but stood there, motionless, and did not even draw his sword.

He knew very well that although swordsmanship and kendo were one of his most powerful methods when he was in the lower realm, this was the Immortal Realm, where geniuses gathered.

He had to admit that he had been completely beaten in terms of swordsmanship.

After all, the two talismans he had condensed, one water and one fire, meant that the most powerful means he currently mastered were water and fire magic.

As for other abilities belonging to the Tiandao clan, or the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, and many other trump cards, he could not use them in front of Tianzhi's disciples.

With his hands tied, he had no choice but to use the safest magic technique.

Fortunately, my Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique has already gained considerable momentum.

With the Demon Dragon Purifying World Fire as the main body, and relying on the domineering flame-swallowing magic, it should be enough to fight Nan Xiaolie.


In an instant, the fire surged, and the flames around Ling Feng spiraled into a hundred-foot-long flaming dragon.

Although Lingfeng's Demonic Dragon Purifying World Fire is thousands of miles away from the real Ancestral Dragon Fire, there is still a hint of Ancestral Dragon Power.

Nan Xiaolie's expression changed slightly, and he finally became serious.

This mortal from the lower realm is truly extraordinary.

Even Wu Chengkong, with a ray of light flashing in his eyes, could control a trace of the power of the ancestral dragon. This alone was enough to rank among the top geniuses.

"bring it on!"

Nan Xiaolie's eyes were flashing with excitement and fanaticism. The next moment, the Divine Marks of Heaven were all over his body. The patterns on his face were actually so complicated that they changed three times before they finally stabilized.

"Three Transformations of Heavenly Patterns!"

"Oh my God, is this still an outer disciple? He has actually cultivated the Heavenly Seal to the level of three transformations!"

"Horrible, horrifying!"


A storm erupted in the crowd, especially the inner disciples who came to watch the battle, with incredible looks on their faces.

In fact, the outer disciples don’t even have access to the method of cultivating the Heavenly Holding Divine Marks. Most of the outer disciples have only mastered the most basic Heavenly Holding Divine Marks, and only cover their whole body with the Heavenly Holding Seal to enhance themselves. role.

After being promoted to the inner sect, you can start to practice the techniques that only Tianzhi disciples can practice. Only by cooperating with your own Tianzhi seal can you practice successful holy arts.

That is, "Nine Transformations of Heavenly Patterns".

The most basic Tianzhi Seal, that is, the first-transformation Heaven Pattern, with the development and mastery of the Tianzhi Seal, it becomes deeper and deeper, and then reaches the second transformation, third transformation...

Until nine changes.

The three-transformation sky pattern mastered by Nan Xiaolie is already at a level that only a small number of inner disciples can achieve, and if you want to compete for the honor of Six Imperial Guards and Nine Glory, the starting requirement is the three-transformation sky pattern.

This is why these inner disciples were so surprised when Nan Xiao Lie revealed his three-transformation sky pattern.

Of course, the three-transformation sky pattern is just a starting requirement. In fact, the weakest among the six-level warriors have already reached the six-transformation sky pattern.

Moreover, the Nine Transformations are only the limit that can be achieved at the disciple level.

In fact, as the cultivation level continues to break through and the realm continues to improve, "Nine Transformations of Heavenly Patterns" is even known as a never-ending holy art.

Take Wuwangzun, the only one among the three great immortals who has ever exposed the number of his heavenly patterns, for example. His heavenly patterns have reached an astonishing ninety-nine and eighty-one changes!

And these are numbers from thousands of years ago!

"Three transformations of the sky pattern?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He was no stranger to the sky pattern. In fact, Xiao Xianling also happened to be a third-transformation sky pattern.

It's just that this woman is uniquely blessed and has been taught by a big boss like Jieyin Xianzun since she was a child, and she has only been able to change the sky pattern three times.

One can imagine how lazy this guy is.

As for Ling Feng himself...

He narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly. Fortunately, when he was on the battlefield of all races, when he obtained the Tianzhi Seal, he had already obtained the complete Tianzhi Divine Curse cultivation method from the Tianmen Artifact Spirit.

And to this day, Ling Feng’s Tianzhi Seal...

He stood with his hands behind his hands, a faint arc hanging from the corner of his mouth, "I'm sorry, my Tianzhi Seal has changed more than yours."

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