Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3486 Master, it’s time for us to go back!

The Tianzhi Seal appeared and completed four changes on Ling Feng, and his aura had completely reached its peak.

"Four...Four changes?!!"

There was another uproar among the crowd.

Nan Xiaolie's three-changing sky pattern has caught people off guard and shocked them.

A mere outer sect disciple possesses the third-transformation sky pattern. He thought it was the limit, but unexpectedly, Ling Feng had already mastered the fourth-transformation sky pattern.

Is this still an outer disciple?

Are the outer disciples of this class going to be so defiant, each one more perverted than the last?

And even Wu Chengkong finally began to change his expression.

Ling Feng's level of evil has exceeded his expectations.

In fact, he has only reached the level of the four-transformation sky pattern.

Could it be said that this mortal in the lower realm can really keep pace with and be on a par with him?

Standing in the center of the martial arts arena, Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists tightly, with fighting intent surging in his eyes, "So what about the four-changing sky pattern? A warrior's strength is not entirely determined by the changes in the heavenly seal. !”

His words were not just out of dissatisfaction. The increase in Tian Zhi Seal was based on his own strength. Even if Ling Feng's Tian Zhi Seal changed more than Nan Xiao Lie, it did not mean that it was absolutely The crushing strength.

Just like, a hundred times zero is still zero.

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, blazing flames all over his body, and the demon dragon form of the Purifying World surged again, reaching an astonishing height of two hundred feet.

In an instant, the entire sky above the martial arts arena was covered by the dragon's dharma, blocking out the sky and the sun.

The raging flames scorched the sky, seeming to melt the world into a magma purgatory.

"It's so hot!"

"What kind of flame does that guy control? How can it be so terrifying!"

"There are really weirdos every year, but this year there are so many!"

The crowd seemed to be in an explosion, and there was a lot of discussion.

Only Zhou Yan, who had already experienced the power of Ling Feng's demonic dragon's world-purifying fire, secretly sneered in his heart: Huh, back then I suppressed this guy's flames with Tuo Di's ancient divine flame. Now, this guy has condensed the Fire Talisman Seal, and his control over the laws of fire has probably reached an unimaginable level!

He felt proud at first, but soon became more frustrated.

From this point of view, compared to the time when we were in Santu River, wouldn't it be that after three years, the gap between myself and Ling Feng is even greater?

For a moment, the smile on Zhou Yan's face disappeared. After a long while, he sighed softly and murmured to himself: You really can't compare with this pervert, otherwise, your Taoist heart will collapse!

As everyone knows, since Ling Feng set foot on the path of cultivation, he has met countless geniuses on the road. Zhou Yan is not the only one who has such thoughts.

Well, if you break it down, it's probably enough for them to form a corps and huddle together to keep warm.

Nan Xiaolie clenched his fists. He knew that Ling Feng's demonic dragon form had changed the entire battlefield environment and formed a domain-like range.

Under the scorching heat of this scorching flame, the more he persists in the stalemate, the slimmer his hope of victory becomes.

It must be resolved quickly.

"Jian Ji! Billions of killing calamities!"

In an instant, bright sword shadows appeared all over the sky, and the long sword around Nan Xiaolie could be seen, one divided into two, two divided into four...

Infinitely splitting, it turned into billions of sword blades, and also gathered into a huge beast, almost as tall as Ling Feng's World-Purifying Demonic Dragon Technique.

The terrifying sword pressure swept across the entire place. The surrounding disciples who were watching the battle retreated again and again, unable to withstand Nan Xiaolie's sword energy.

"What a domineering sword move!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Although he had roughly glimpsed the tip of the iceberg about the swordsmanship of immortals when he was in the lower realm.

But now, when he really faced the immortal swordsmanship displayed by the powerful immortal, and it was an extremely high-level immortal swordsmanship, Ling Feng even felt that his hands were trembling slightly with excitement.

"This move determines the outcome!"

Nan Xiaolie held his breath, united his mind, and his whole aura climbed to the highest point it could reach so far.

Under Ling Feng's stimulation, he also achieved the peak state he could reach since practicing this swordsmanship. It was an absolutely extraordinary performance.

This is why geniuses always like to compete with each other.

Because strong people can also achieve each other's success.

His body slowly levitated and fell into the core of the billions of sword blades. He raised his hands high and all the sword energy was under his control, like arms and fingers.

Only with sufficient spiritual power can one control such a sword formation.

Ling Feng can be sure that this Nan Xiaolie must also possess a secret technique for cultivating the origin of the soul.

"Okay, let's win with one move!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, and his body also flew up simultaneously with Nan Xiaolie's floating in the air, and finally stood on the dragon's head.

One person is holding the sky high, and the other is stepping on the world-destroying dragon. A shocking battle is about to break out.


Nan Xiaolie raised two fingers together and pointed at Ling Feng. The billions of sword blades turned into falling meteors all over the sky and hit Ling Feng directly.

Boom boom boom boom!

Before the mighty sword energy could reach him, the void had already been crushed.

The laws of heaven and earth in this space are far stronger than those in other worlds.

Such a terrifying power, if placed on the Xuanling Continent, would probably blow up several pieces of land, but here, it would just crush the void.

But even so, it has proved the destructive power of Nan Xiaolie's sword energy.

If all of them were bombarded on Ling Feng's body, he might not even have time to resurrect with a drop of blood, and he would be blown up to ashes.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, Nan Xiaolie's strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, he has always taken Wu Chengkong as the leader, which can only prove that Wu Chengkong is more powerful than him, and I am afraid it is not even the slightest bit.

As expected of a fairyland, there are indeed many geniuses.

However, it is precisely this environment that can stimulate his unlimited potential.

He clenched his fists and silently circulated the Hongmeng Dragon Qi in his body.

Without using the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, he could only use about 60% of his power at most.

The chance of winning simply by relying on the demonic dragon's purifying fire is not high.

It looks like the only thing left to do is give it a try!

There was a hint of fighting intent in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and let out a deafening roar.


Yes, it’s the magical power of Dragon Roar, the Breath of Dragon Flame!

The roar of the ancient dragon, combined with the appearance of the Pure World Demonic Dragon, saw the flaming dragon more than two hundred feet long suddenly open its bloody mouth, and a stream of blazing fire burst out from its mouth.

The violent sword energy and the violent fire flow.

Like the tip of a needle hitting a wheat awn, or like the collision of a meteorite, it is bound to burst out with devastating destructive power.


"These two guys are simply crazy. This is not a competition!"

The disciples who were watching retreated wildly, retreating again and again. This battle may have destroyed the entire martial arts arena.

If you attack with all your strength in an area without a barrier, you will have to pay for all the damage caused.

If the Martial Arts Plaza is really destroyed, these two guys will have to wait for at least fifty years to perform the mission for free.

"Two idiots!"

Behind the crowd, Si Chen silently watched the battle between Ling Feng and Nan Xiaolie, and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

The next moment, her figure turned into a bolt of thunder, and with a flash of thunder, the terrifying sword energy formation and the mighty dragon flame breath disappeared without a trace in an instant. .

Everyone saw only a white and tender palm, suddenly appearing in the center of the fierce battle between the two people. With such a gentle squeeze of the palm, the full strength of the two people was struck, instantly dissolving them without a trace.

Finally, the palm slowly opened, only to see a small jumping flame and a sword the size of an embroidery needle, which were annihilated at the same time and turned into nothingness.

"That's enough for you two. Competing with each other is not a life and death battle!"

Si Chen glanced at Ling Feng and the others coldly, and said with an indifferent expression.

"She...who is she?"

"Oh my God, you managed to neutralize these two monsters with such ease. Isn't it at the level of a true disciple?"

"At least they are all at the level of Six Yu Jiu Yao, right? But why have you never seen this senior sister before?"

Everyone started talking for a while, but Nan Xiaolie looked impatient and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, I'm going to win! I'm going to beat that kid!"


Si Chen smiled coldly, "Haha, if I hadn't taken action just now, you would have been the loser."


Nan Xiaolie didn't care who Si Chen was, he immediately gritted his teeth and shouted: "Why do you say that? Why? My sword moves are as powerful as a rainbow, I will win!"


Si Chen's figure floated down in front of Nan Xiaolie, and then he gently raised his palm.

call out!

Before Nan Xiaolie could react, it was as if a transmitter had been installed on him. His eyes were blurred, and he was slapped and thrown thousands of miles away.

He was actually sent directly from the Qianlin Realm to the Heavenly Realm with a slap!

Even if he waits for him to fly back by himself, it will probably take an hour to get on board.

"I said yes."

Si Chen snorted coldly, then turned around and flew towards Ling Feng. Just when everyone thought that Ling Feng would also be slapped by this ridiculously strong woman, Si Chen suddenly turned towards Ling Feng with a soft smile. He said: "Master, it's time for us to go back."

"Young Master?"

The entire audience was stunned. Could this ridiculously strong woman just be Ling Feng's...


Even Ling Feng was slightly stunned, wondering what kind of medicine this woman was selling.

"If I want to be with you from now on, this girl must have an identity! Let's just make it clear today to avoid trouble in the future!"

Si Chen glanced at Ling Feng, and then said calmly: "You know, the identity assigned to me by the Immortal Master Jie Yin is that of the maid next to you! However, if you dare to treat me as a maid, you will be dead. !”

"Ahem... I don't dare, I don't dare..."

Ling Feng waved his hands repeatedly and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

However, seeing those disciples looking at me dumbly, it felt pretty good to have such a strong man as my maid!

At least, it should save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

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