Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3487 If you don’t see the rabbit, don’t let the eagle fly!

Si Chen's series of operations undoubtedly earned Ling Feng a lot of face and established his prestige.

Of course, this is also based on Ling Feng's personal strength, which is indeed strong enough.

The disciples were talking a lot, believing that it wouldn't be long before the news about Ling Feng's defeat of the Immortal Domain Prodigy Nan Xiaolie and the fact that there was a maid with unfathomable strength beside him would spread throughout the Tianzhi organization.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He had no interest in being in the limelight. As he turned to leave, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Brother Ling, long time no see!"

"This is……"

Ling Feng looked back, and when he saw clearly the appearance of the person coming, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up with a slight arc.

Sure enough, it was that guy Cheng Tianyong.

In the end, he came back within the deadline and avoided additional punishment.

As soon as his figure flashed, Cheng Tianyong had already rushed in front of Ling Feng, bumped Ling Feng's chest with his elbow, and said with joy, "Okay, brother, I actually asked Sister Chen to cooperate with you to pretend to be big!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this was not what he meant.

However, he was too lazy to explain and just asked casually: "Brother Cheng, why did you come back so late? Did you encounter something wrong?"

"It's nothing serious, just something. I can't solve it easily!"

Cheng Tianyong pretended to shrug his shoulders in a relaxed manner, obviously not intending to tell the truth.

Ling Feng did not break the casserole to ask the truth, but just smiled lightly and said, "Just come back in time, otherwise, the penalty of three times the minimum contribution point is not a joke."


Cheng Tianyong raised his eyebrows and grinned: "I didn't expect you to care about me so much? What a pity, I like beauties with fair skin and long legs. You have no chance!"

Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he had the urge to give him a kick.

Fortunately, I have long been accustomed to this guy's shamelessness and lack of moral integrity.

"I'm going to pay my contribution points first, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Tianyong turned into a ray of green light, and in the blink of an eye, he flew towards the mysterious world and disappeared.

Ling Feng also shrugged and took Si Chen, Xiao Xianling and others directly back to his residence without making any further stops.

Night falls.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged in the training room and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Although the spiritual energy in Tianzhi combined with the spiritual gathering array in the training room, the training effect is not bad, but after three years, after Ling Feng broke through to the Talisman Realm, the level of spiritual energy here is obviously not enough. .

In addition, Ling Feng did not dare to use the Eye of the Emperor here, so there were many restrictions.

However, things are different now.

Lingfeng has two blessed places where he can practice.

One is the treasure cave on Yanlong Island, which contains the Hongmeng Ancestral Dragon Qi, which is the key to practicing the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique".

The second is the innate spiritual spring in Yin Yue Holy Land, which can also greatly improve Ling Feng's cultivation efficiency.

Moreover, in these two places, there is no scruple and the Emperor's Eye can be used unscrupulously.

Now, with the end of the mission, he is bound to enter a period of seclusion again, but he can make arrangements to go to Yanlong Island Cave to practice the Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique every single day in the future.

On even days, go to the Holy Land of Yin Yue and continue to condense the talismans and seals.

With a two-pronged approach, I believe that we can reach the level of more than nine talismans in the fastest time.

At that time, you can work hard to break through to the Dao Fruit Realm and become a true Immortal King.

But before that, there are still some things that need to be dealt with.

With a thought, Ling Feng disappeared directly into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and then summoned the East Emperor Bell in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

After all, this is the realm of Tianzhi, where strong people are like clouds, so it is better to be cautious.

As the golden light of the East Emperor Bell flashed, the next moment, the light finally reappeared in front of Ling Feng's eyes, and he was already within the range of Yanlong Island.

Of course, this is now the new Saofeng Camp established by Ling Feng!

He wants the flag of Sao Feng Camp to become a new force sweeping across the Immortal Realm!

Of course, it may be too far away now.

The star mark that Ling Feng set on Yanlong Island was exactly where he entered the treasure cave. He was not here to practice the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" today.

Counting the time, it has been three months since I left Wanjian Villa.

If that guy Qiu Tianlong really wanted to come to Yanlong Island, he should have climbed there by now.

Although Qiu Tianlong has a somewhat irritable personality, judging from his determination and vow, he said that he was the only one in the world who could forge the life-threatening golden spirit.

He should be really capable.

Therefore, Ling Feng started to recruit.

If he could really forge the life-killing golden spirit, he would not let such a rare treasure become dust in his own hands.

Before this, Ling Feng had also comprehensively tested the life-threatening golden essence.

In addition to being extremely heavy, the ore can also be freely shaped into various shapes like a liquid.

It has its own independent consciousness. Ling Feng uses fire to refine it, and it rhythms with the rhythm of the flame, as if it is integrated with the flame.

Ling Feng used a hammer to forge it, and the ore was precisely at the point where the hammer hit it, and suddenly dented automatically without any force at all.

Therefore, with Ling Feng's half-assed forging level, holding this piece of ore would basically just press the bottom of the box and fill the warehouse, which was of no use at all.

So to a certain extent, Ling Feng really hoped that Qiu Tianlong could forge the life-killing golden spirit and create a peerless magic weapon.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng shook his head slightly, his thoughts gradually retracted, and his figure flashed towards the main camp of Tianwang Village and flew away.

Let’s find Bakuzan first.

It was already late at night, and most of the disciples in the Sao Feng camp had fallen asleep, leaving only a few disciples standing vigil at the entrance of the village.

After all, being a pirate, few disciples have the self-awareness to meditate all night long.

From time to time, you can hear some humming sounds coming from some tents.

Ling Feng shook his head, naturally knowing what these sounds meant.

Pirates are pirates, and there is no comparison with the strict discipline of Sao Feng Camp in the lower world!

However, this was a temporarily reorganized team of pirates, so Ling Feng couldn't have too high expectations for them.

After a while, Ling Feng came outside the bamboo house of Baoshan.

After all, Yanlong Island is isolated from the outside world and lacks craftsmen. Therefore, most ordinary members just live in casual tents or some caves.

Those who can live in the bamboo house like Baoshan must be a high-level boss.

But at this moment, in Baoshan's room, it was even more exaggerated. Not to mention the guy hugging him from left to right, there were actually girls singing and dancing.

This old boy has so much fun!

It's no wonder, it gets dark quickly on Yanlong Island and there's nothing much going on at night, plus they're not allowed to go out to rob yet.

It's a long night, why don't you have some fun?

"Bakuzan, get up quickly!"

Ling Feng stood outside of Baoshan's courtyard with his hands behind his hands, and issued orders to Baoshan using the method of spiritual sound transmission.


Baoshan's whole body trembled, and he almost jumped when he heard Ling Feng's voice.

He quickly picked up his pants, put on a coat in a hurry, and rushed out of the room. He saw Ling Feng standing in the yard with a frosty face. He was startled, and before he could stand firmly, he heard an "Ouch" sound. He rolled down the steps and landed right in front of Ling Feng.

"Sir... Mr. Souji! You... when did you come back?"

Baoshan hurriedly greeted Ling Feng, while he was still tying his belt.

Ling Feng shook his head. Although cultivators are not abstinent, how can they be so good at singing and dancing like this every night?

But Ling Feng couldn't blame him. Baoshan was a pirate leader, and he had "immeasurable merit" if he didn't kill people and steal goods.

Ling Feng pulled Baoshan up and said, somewhat dumbfounded: "I'm so sorry for disturbing your pleasure."


Baoshan's face turned red and he quickly said: "No... nothing!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I've been away for the past few months, but a man named Qiu Tianlong came to the island?" Ling Feng asked lightly.

"Qiu Tianlong!"

When Baoshan heard this, he immediately became angry, "Yes, there is! That bastard is so good at dragging him. He comes to harass him every two days, saying what he"

"What is it?"

Ling Feng saw Baoshan hesitant and evasive, this was not like his temperament.

"I dare not say."


Ling Feng glared at Baoshan, who then gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "He said, he is your father, Mr. General Secretary, and you begged him while you knelt and cried! I couldn't help it. I fought with him, but that bastard was quite strong. I... I couldn't beat him, and he even beat me up!"

Good on you Qiu Tianlong!

When Ling Feng heard this, he also frowned. This guy's mouth is really poisonous! And he dared to hit his own people!

He really has no intention of asking for help. The life-killing golden spirit is still in his hands!

"However, although that guy beat up many of our brothers, he didn't kill him. He showed off his power and came here every now and then. When he heard that you didn't come back, he cursed and left again."

Baoshan said with a dark face, "Counting the days, these two days should be the time when he comes to cause trouble."

Ling Feng nodded, raised his hand and patted Baoshan on the shoulder, and said calmly: "Yes, I understand."

But the next moment, his eyes turned cold, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart: This Qiu Tianlong, I originally wanted him to come to the island to see if he could learn and communicate with Kuang Shan, so that I could get to know his bottom. , test and test whether he really has the real material.

It turns out that this old boy is really a master who doesn't let go of rabbits when he sees them.

Apparently, it was impossible for him to forge any weapons for himself before seeing the life-threatening gold essence.

"Okay, I'll come and meet you in person!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Since Qiu Tianlong came every few days, he was obviously not far from Yanlong Island. It would not be difficult for him to find him.

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