Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3488 This boss can be dealt with!

The sea area beyond the stars.

Although the entire sea of ​​stars is calm and windless, the sea of ​​stars at night is a bit more dangerous.

In order to do things cheaply, Ling Feng took Baoshan alone, picked a small boat over two meters long, and left Yanlong Island.

Immediately afterwards, he directly used the infinite vision to search the situation in the nearby area.

He must return to Tianzhi before sunrise, so he cannot waste too much time here.

Soon, Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on a small boat.

"Is that there..."

A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

Although the sea of ​​stars has always been calm, it feels so great to be able to drive a small boat alone, float on the sea, and then sleep soundly!

Qiu Tianlong is exactly one of them.

That guy's burly body almost covered the entire boat, and his legs were spread out. He really didn't take his own life seriously!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, urging Baoshan to speed up and rush to Qiu Tianlong's location.

Although the distance is not that far, if we fly, it won't take long.

But Ling Feng didn't want to risk flying in such waters.

It is the default common sense of all monks that the air is prohibited in the far sea area. Otherwise, once the strange beasts sleeping on the seabed are disturbed, it is equivalent to seeking death.

Unless you have absolute confidence in your own strength.

"Huh... piu~... Huh... piu~"

On the lonely boat, the sound of snoring was like thunder.

Soon, another small boat approached, it was Ling Feng and Baoshan.

Ling Feng jumped onto Qiu Tianlong's boat. The guy was still sleeping like a dead pig.

The boat was almost covered with Qiu Tianlong's burly body. Ling Feng could only rest his toes on the edge of the boat, leaned down and patted the guy's face a few times.

"Don't make trouble..."

Qiu Tianlong still didn't wake up, and slapped Ling Feng's palm away with his backhand, frowning slightly, showing a trace of displeasure.

This guy……

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. Qiu Tianlong, who usually had such a strong temperament, had offended countless people, yet he dared to sleep like this.

It’s a miracle that I can survive to this day!

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng poked Qiu Tianlong's large acupoint on his waist with one finger. He heard a painful cry of "Ouch", and Qiu Tianlong finally woke up.

"His grandma's, who is it!"

Qiu Tianlong suddenly opened his big copper bell eyes, feeling quite angry when he got up.

"Open your eyes and take a closer look."

Ling Feng had a cold face and sneered: "Didn't you claim to be my father, or did I cry and shout, begging you to come over?"


Only then did Qiu Tianlong see clearly that it was Ling Feng who came to him personally.


This guy was quite thick-skinned, and he immediately said with a smile: "I, I call myself "I" every day, and I don't say who I am!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, too lazy to mess around with this guy, "I asked you to stay on the island to help forge swords before I came back. How about you beat my people on my territory?"

"My hands are itchy for a moment, let's spar!"

Qiu Tianlong chuckled, "Besides, I didn't kill him! Otherwise, the ugly guy who came with you would be dead!"

"Who are you calling ugly?"

When Baoshan heard this, his eyes almost popped out of his head, "What the hell is so good about you?"


Qiu Tianlong smiled coldly, pointed at Ling Feng and said: "It's not just the pretty face that is good-looking. How can a commoner like you understand my charm?"

Ling Feng glared at Qiu Tianlong with a dark face, and without saying much, he just said in a deep voice: "Okay, now that I'm back, please follow me back to Yanlong Island."

"No problem at all."

Qiu Tianlong shrugged, "As long as you keep your promise, I am also a kind person!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, kind?

This guy has a close relationship with the word "kindness".

Shamelessly thick!

Not long after, the ship returned and docked on the coast of Yanlong Island.

At this moment, the disciples who were originally on guard had woken up all the captains and squad leaders, waiting for Ling Feng to give orders.

Although Ling Feng intends to rebuild a new Saofeng Camp in the Immortal Realm, at present, except for Baoshan and Kuangshan who can serve as elders, as for the original commanders, captains, generals, and Gotei of the Saofeng Camp Among these pirates, not even one meaningful candidate like Ten Blades could be found.

There is a long way to go to establish the new Saofeng Camp!

"Congratulations, Sir General!"

A group of disciples gathered on the coast and knelt down to Ling Feng from a distance.

Ling Feng jumped to the shore, then raised his hand to signal everyone to get up.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Tianlong also jumped onto the shore, and the disciples who had been beaten all showed angry expressions when they saw Qiu Tianlong coming.

Even Kuang Shan, who was relatively well-educated, frowned, obviously not liking Qiu Tianlong.

Indeed, this guy is a thorn!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. As the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng, he should do something.

Without saying a word, he just walked slowly for more than ten steps, and a few feet away from Qiu Tianlong, he slowly unleashed Destruction in All Directions.

"Qiu Tianlong, although it is true that I gave you the sea map and invited you to the island, but you are on my territory and you beat my people. Shouldn't this debt be settled?"

Ling Feng stared at Qiu Tianlong and said calmly.

For a moment, all the disciples from the Sao Feng Camp looked at Ling Feng, and their eyes changed from the initial awe to a bit more respect.

This boss is very capable, and he will really help everyone when something happens!

"Hey, do you want to do something?"

Qiu Tianlong's eyes widened, "I'm not afraid of you if you do it!"


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "One code is another code. You hit my man, so I have to take action to stand up for my subordinates. However, whether I win or lose, it should not affect the transaction between you and me."

"Hey, you kid, you are too good for me!"

Qiu Tianlong grinned, but he felt a little more fond of Ling Feng, "However, since we have talked about this, I will not show mercy!"

"No need."

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he launched the attack first.

Although Qiu Tianlong is not a top master, let alone a martial arts wizard, his victory is due to his amazing brute force, and his cultivation has reached the Dao Yan realm. To deal with him, he must fight quickly.

Otherwise, when he enters a fierce fighting state, he will only become more courageous as he fights, and the advantages of his realm will become more and more obvious.

"Hmph, last time I was at Wanjian Villa, I already wanted to beat you!"

Qiu Tianlong roared and took out his weapon.

A black epee as tall as himself was held in his hand, like a giant pillar holding the sky. When the sword was swung, the sky was filled with blackness, with the potential to sweep away thousands of armies.

The surrounding disciples who were watching were all shocked and showed horror.

It turns out that although this guy has come to the island many times to cause trouble, he has never done anything serious.

His true strength is actually terrifying.

However, the next moment, as a purple light burst out from Ling Feng's pupils, Qiu Tianlong fell into a brief daze. And the next moment, his arms began to become extremely heavy. Starting from his fingers, there was actually a Bits of petrification.

But it turned out that in just a moment, Ling Feng had used Jing Jing Jie, Qian Kun Reverse and Petrified Eyes one after another.

The three pupil techniques were superimposed together. When Qiu Tianlong reacted, the giant sword in his hand had already fallen heavily to the ground with a "dong" sound.

His heavy sword had become the biggest burden the moment his arm turned to stone.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, leaving the range of Tianzhi and being able to use the Eye of the Emperor arbitrarily. This feeling is so refreshing!


The next moment, Qiu Tianlong roared like a beast, and his petrified arm made a "click" sound, breaking through the shackles of petrification.

His body transformed into a beast and pounced on Ling Feng, but the next moment, he clearly saw a hint of cunning flashing in Ling Feng's eyes.

His rage played right into Ling Feng's hands.

The ten directions were destroyed, and instantly turned into a square-shaped painted halberd, and the blow that struck Qiu Tianlong head-on was none other than the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, the White Fang!


Screams rang out, and Ling Feng's halberd just scratched Qiu Tianlong's left arm. Then, the flesh and blood began to decay automatically, and the dense white bones were exposed, and the trend of flesh and blood decay continued to spread.

Qiu Tianlong jumped greatly, and the severe pain made him let out a low and hoarse roar. He stared at Ling Feng with a look of shock on his face, ""

"Do you admit defeat or not?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, but did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him, "Let me remind you first, once the Senbai Fang hits, unless you tear off your arm in time, your whole person will soon turn into a skeleton."

Qiu Tianlong frowned and felt worried, actually wanting to tear off his arm.

"It's too late now. What's more, you are a master blacksmith. How can you forge a sword without an arm?"

Ling Feng said calmly: "Admit defeat now, I can heal your injuries."

For a moment, Qiu Tianlong fell into hesitation and struggle, but soon he chose to bow his head.

Seeing that his entire arm had turned into bones, Qiu Tianlong finally panicked.

He knelt on one knee and gritted his teeth: "Yes... I lost!"

"Apologise to my brothers."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and continued.

"I'm sorry everyone, I shouldn't have caused trouble! I'm sorry!"

Qiu Tianlong gritted his teeth and roared. For the first time, this was probably the first time in his life that he chose to surrender.

Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction.

The reason why he wanted to teach Qiu Tianlong a lesson was, of course, to stand out for his subordinates and to establish his own prestige.

Since he is the leader of everyone, if his younger brother is beaten and remains indifferent, what qualifications do he have to sit in the position of leader?

Secondly, Qiu Tianlong is indeed too arrogant and arrogant.

If you want to truly conquer him, you must first crush his dignity.

In other words, only the strong can control the strong.

In a flash, Ling Feng appeared behind Qiu Tianlong, pressing his palm on his left shoulder, absorbing the destructive energy of Sen Bai Zhi Ya into his body.

Then, he took out another bottle of elixir and handed it to Qiu Tianlong. After the flesh and blood was reconstructed, Qiu Tianlong's arm returned to normal in just a while, but it was whiter than before.

Moreover, because the skeleton is not broken, it will not affect his forging level.

But this time, Qiu Tianlong's eyes finally changed when he looked at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng knew that this was the beginning of Qiu Tianlong's "taming".

He smiled faintly, casually took out the Life-Calling Golden Essence and placed it at Qiu Tianlong's feet.

"Qiu Tianlong, according to the previous agreement, as long as you come to the island, I will give you this life-threatening golden spirit for free. However, because you did not fully keep your promise and forge swords on the island, so you have to do it for me. My Sao Feng camp will make swords for free for ten years. After ten years, I will let you go free, how about it?"

"Okay, ten years, just ten years!"

Qiu Tianlong nodded heavily, but from the beginning to the end, his eyes never moved away from the life-threatening golden spirit.

There was another person in the audience who had almost the same expression as Qiu Tianlong.

This person is naturally Kuang Shan, who has the blood of the Tianjing clan.

The cooperation between Qiu Tianlong and Kuang Shan may really be able to forge a magic weapon comparable to "Thousands of Kills".

Ling Feng was already looking forward to it.

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