Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3489: So good at pretending!

"The life-threatening golden spirit! My life-threatening golden spirit!"

Qiu Tianlong's eyes flashed with incomparable fanaticism, and he even put his cheek close to the fatal golden spirit, as if this big stone was the love of his life.

Now, Ling Feng felt a little certain in his heart. Apart from anything else, just from the extent of his obsession with the life-threatening golden spirit, if there is really a forging master in this world who can successfully forge the life-threatening golden spirit, it is probably Qiu Tianlong. Come on.

"What a life-killing golden spirit!"

Kuangshan couldn't help but walked forward excitedly, and said with admiration: "I heard that this piece of life-threatening gold essence was photographed by Mr. Zong of Wanjian Villa on the Tianming Ship. I didn't expect that it ended up in the boss. In your hands!"

"The reason for this is a long story."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, recalling what happened at Wanjian Villa, it was truly a heartbreaking tragedy.

Regardless of the moment Zong Huaiyue killed Shen Xiangxiang. What kind of mood did he hold, but when he learned the final truth, he must have completely collapsed.

I don't know if he can get out of the shadows. If he never gets back on his feet, the once glorious Wanjian Villa may also collapse.

He might even go astray and become a madman who hates this world.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng looked at Qiu Tianlong again, "Master Qiu, I have handed over to you the life-threatening golden spirit as agreed. All the materials you need to forge this life-threatening golden spirit, I think, we The island should be able to satisfy you.”

Although Yanlong Island is definitely not as good as the warehouse of Wanjian Villa, it has existed in this sea of ​​stars for decades and has robbed countless mining ships. The most important thing is all kinds of ores.

"good, very good!"

Kuangshan roared "Hey!", directly carried the heavy ore on his shoulders, and said carelessly: "Take me to see if the forge here is qualified."


Ling Feng nodded and looked at Kuangshan, "Senior, please lead the way."

Kuangshan nodded repeatedly. Although it was already late at night, his mood was completely heightened because of this piece of life-threatening gold essence.

"Everyone else should go back and rest."

Ling Feng immediately dismissed the other disciples, leaving only Baoshan and a few others behind, and went with them to the forging workshop.

Not long after, under the leadership of Kuang Shan, everyone arrived at a small valley on the northwest side of Yanlong Island.

Yanlong Island, as a pirate nest, naturally did not have facilities like a forging shop.

However, the situation has changed somewhat since Kuangshan joined.

Kuangshan quickly relied on his perception as a member of the Tianjing clan to find the place on the island where the fire aura was most abundant.

But it turns out that there is a huge active volcano hidden deep under Yanlong Island.

The caldera of the volcano is in the valley on the northwest side.

This unique environment is the best choice for a natural forge.

Therefore, after the transformation of Kuangshan, the volcanic lava has been directly triggered, and the magic circle connected to the forge has turned into an eternal flame that will never go out, which can fully meet the conditions for forging all magic weapons.

"Oh? This surging fire aura!"

As soon as he arrived at the valley, Qiu Tianlong's eyes immediately lit up, showing a hint of excitement.

As a blacksmith master, he has also realized that this valley is indeed a natural forge. It is uniquely endowed by nature and will be of great help in forging the fate-killing golden spirit.

"Okay, what a great place!"

Qiu Tianlong laughed loudly, "I told you there was such a good place, why did I come here? Why bother?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and ignored this guy. Instead, he asked Kuang Shan to briefly introduce the forge he had improved and the earth fire array here.

Kuang Shan did not have many of Qiu Tianlong's shortcomings. He introduced all his designs to Ling Feng in great detail, and proudly displayed some forged weapons in the sword pool.

Not long after, Kuangshan led everyone to the edge of the sword pool, pointed at the dozen magic weapons hanging upside down in the sword pool, and said with a proud face: "These are all my proud works!"

"Ugh, rubbish!"

Qiu Tianlong looked disdainful, "You have occupied such a natural forge for nothing, but you can only forge magic weapons of this quality. I say old guy, your level is average!"


Kuangshan suddenly became furious, "You can insult me, but you can't insult my work!"

After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and looked like he was going to fight Qiu Tianlong to the death.

Ling Feng quickly grabbed Kuang Shan and glared at Qiu Tianlong helplessly, "Qiu Tianlong, can't you have some moral integrity!"


Qiu Tianlong then raised his hand and patted his mouth gently, "Look at my bad mouth, I'm sorry, I'm used to telling the truth, I can't change it for a while."

When Kuangshan heard this, he became even more angry. This person named Qiu is really too arrogant!

"You are awesome, you can let your works speak for itself!" Kuangshan gritted his teeth.

"The life-killing golden spirit will be my best work!"

Qiu Tianlong snorted coldly, and strode forward with the life-threatening golden spirit on his shoulders.

Only Ling Feng and Kuang Shan were left, looking at each other, both speechless for a while.

This guy is really good at showing off!

I really want to beat him!

Not long after, Qiu Tianlong himself found the entrance to the Earth Fire Array. After Kuangshan's improvements, he activated the magma from the volcano below, turning it into an eternal flame that circulated in a total of twelve blazing forges.

"It's a bit interesting."

Qiu Tianlong nodded slightly, casually placed the life-killing golden spirit on the forging table aside, held his chin, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The entire forge is located in an open cave with an opening at the top and is completely connected to the outside world.

The advantage of this is that the wind generated in the cave circulates with the outside airflow through this narrow opening, which can continuously increase the wind pressure inside the cave.

It is said that fire borrows the power of wind, and wind helps fire. Once the power of wind and fire meet, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but it increases exponentially.

This design, coupled with the wind gathering formation designed at the entrance of the cave, is undoubtedly just right.

The ground under your feet showed a dark red color, and the trend of magma flow was vaguely visible, just like human veins. The scorching hot air seeped out from the surface, causing the temperature of the entire cave to reach an astonishing level. degree.

However, as blacksmiths, they are all monks who major in fire laws. The higher the temperature, the more comfortable the environment is for the blacksmith.

Therefore, Ling Feng, Qiu Tianlong, and Kuangshan all looked calm and calm after entering the cave. However, Baoshan himself is a descendant of the ancient demon and possesses some of the blood of the sea monsters. He is even more powerful in the marine environment, but When he arrived at this cave filled with fire spiritual energy, he became listless and looked decadent.

"The transformation of the magic circle is pretty good, but it can still be improved."

Qiu Tianlong held his chin and analyzed it seriously.

Kuangshan rolled his eyes, obviously not wanting to listen to Qiu Tianlong's suggestion.

He is also a forging master and has his own arrogance.

Unless Qiu Tianlong shows enough ability to convince him, why should he listen to your instructions?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, Wen Wu was the first, Wu Wu was the second, and I am afraid the same is true in the blacksmithing world.

"Let's postpone the transformation for now."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, then changed the subject and said, "Let's talk about how to cast this life-threatening golden spirit."

Sure enough, the eyes of Qiu Tianlong and Kuang Shan immediately focused on the life-threatening golden spirit.

"I have tried to smelt the life-threatening golden essence before, but unfortunately, it all ended in failure."

With that said, Ling Feng used the Demonic Dragon's World Purifying Fire to cover the surface of the life-threatening golden spirit.

However, as before, the life-threatening golden essence turned into a flowing liquid, and when Ling Feng withdrew the flame, it turned into the form of ore again.

It can be described as "cunning".

"The Life-Calling Gold Essence is a living ore. Of course you can't refine the Life-Calling Gold Essence using this method!"

Qiu Tianlong sneered, but he was quite curious about the flames Ling Feng had just cast, "Boy, the flames you cast just now..."

"You mean this?"

Ling Feng spread his palms, and the domineering demon dragon's world-purifying fire came at the drop of a hat.

"This flame is so pure, it doesn't look like it can be displayed by just a junior in the Talisman Realm!"

Qiu Tianlong stared at Ling Feng in surprise, "You have some potential to become a forging master."

"I've told you before, this kid has potential!"

Kuangshan and Qiu Tianlong had the same opinion for the first time.

In fact, when Kuang Shan noticed Ling Feng's Origin Fire for the first time, he intentionally wanted to teach Ling Feng the ancient secret techniques of the Tianjing Clan.

Although he is a descendant of the Tianjing clan, unfortunately his talent is always limited.

They failed to carry forward the forging method of the Tianjing Clan in a true sense.

The reason why he was willing to join Sao Feng Camp and associate with those vulgar pirates was because of Ling Feng.

"Hey, kid, please become my master. I guarantee that you will become a first-rate blacksmith after me!"

Qiu Tianlong immediately extended an olive branch to Ling Feng.

"It's better to skip it."

Ling Feng waved his hand. Although he has a certain interest in forging and has a certain foundation, for now, he needs to practice "Hongmeng God Transformation Technique" to reach the realm of dragon bone transformation as soon as possible to fill the gap of immortal gold after ascending to the immortal realm. The body begins to become weak.

In addition, he also needs to condense more law talismans as soon as possible to become the Immortal Lord of Dao Fruit Realm as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we initially gain a foothold in the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, right now, he really can't afford to be distracted.

"This matter of forging the life-threatening golden spirit will be left to you two masters. With your abilities, if you can cooperate, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It's no longer time for forging, and it's time for me to return to Tianzhi. I'll take care of the forging."

After saying that, he directly summoned the Donghuang Bell, and with a flash of golden light, the whole person disappeared.

"There are so many treasures in this boy!"

Qiu Tianlong couldn't help but secretly admire it, but soon focused his attention on this natural forge.

I may have to spend a long time here in the future.

The ancestors of the Qiu family, I, Qiu Tianlong, finally have the opportunity to fulfill the unfinished wish of our ancestors and forge the life-threatening golden spirit!

Thinking of this, Qiu Tianlong took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he looked full of energy.

the other side.

Ling Feng passed the East Emperor Bell and quickly returned to the Tianju.

Looking up at the window, the sky is getting brighter and a new day has begun.

He took a deep breath, stood up immediately, pushed open the window sill, and took a breath of fresh air in the yard.

Today is the day for the spirit promotion assessment. As long as you pass the assessment, you can advance to the inner gate, enter the mysterious world, and open up your own cave.

And this Tianju, where I have lived for three years, is about to become a passer-by in my life.

Just when Ling Feng was sighing with emotion, a leisurely figure suddenly floated in front of Ling Feng's eyes. It was none other than Si Chen.

Si Chen's expression was a little complicated. She looked at Ling Feng carefully. After hesitating for a moment, she couldn't help but ask: "Boy, where did you go last night? Why can't you even feel your breath?"

"I've been in the room the whole time!"

Ling Feng shrugged, naturally pretending to be dumbfounded, trying to get through.

Si Chen immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Are you lying? I can't sense your breath when you are in the room?"

"That's the truth. Maybe I have learned the secret method that can completely hide the rising breath?"

Ling Feng grinned, "Besides, weren't you sent by Senior to protect my safety? I'm in the Tianzhi area now, and I'm very safe, so I don't need you to worry about it. You don't even have to sleep. It’s embarrassing to stare at me.”


Si Chen glared at Ling Feng angrily, but couldn't find a reason to refute.

It seems that this kid has become a master again. He is really a difficult guy!

But also, he has already reported his biggest secret to the Lord, and now the focus of his mission may have changed from surveillance to protection.

As long as he is not in danger, for the rest, just turn a blind eye or close one eye.

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