Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3490 Somewhat personal grudge!

In the mysterious world, advance to the main hall.

As the name suggests, the role of this promotion hall is naturally to be responsible for the promotion of disciples within Tianzhi.

Of course, it is not just the promotion from outer disciples to inner disciples, but also the promotion from personal disciples, true disciples, and even elders, to the worship level, all need to go through the mission hall.

The Promotion Hall is also under the jurisdiction of the Zhitian Hall, which is also the scope of power of Ming Shenzun.

Among the three Tianzhi deities, Jieyin deity is relatively undisciplined and not very concerned about power and status. Therefore, he is only responsible for the selection of outer disciples and the holding of some major ceremonies.

For example, Jieyin Xianzun is responsible for the general election of Liuyu and Jiuyao.

The affairs handled by the Zhitian Palace under the jurisdiction of Ming Shen Zun are relatively complicated.

Including tasks, rewards, promotions and many other matters, he is also the one who manages the most affairs among the three deities.

As for Wuwang Zun, he is responsible for the punishment of all disciples and is the existence that many disciples fear the most.

Of course, he is also the only Immortal Lord that Ling Feng has not dealt with so far.

In order to apply for promotion assessment, Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling went to the mysterious world early in the morning.

As for why you are looking for Xiao Xianling...

The main thing is that although Ling Feng stayed in Tianzhi for three years, it was basically equivalent to three years of solitary confinement in the retreat room. He could be regarded as a top-notch dead house.

He doesn't even know where the promotion hall is!

When Ling Feng arrived at the Promotion Hall under the leadership of Xiao Xianling, he found that besides himself, Wu Chengkong, Nan Xiaolie and Zhong Ruoxin, the trio of immortal geniuses, had already arrived at the Promotion Hall. .

They have also reached the Talisman Realm, and have gathered enough contribution points to prepare to apply for promotion assessment.

In addition to their new batch of outer disciples, there are also some disciples who have stayed outside for decades or even hundreds of years. They have finally completed the accumulation of contribution points and come to apply for promotion.

Once you enter the inner gate, your worth will be doubled. Not only can you enjoy more resources, but you can also increase the difficulty limit of the tasks you receive.

For example, the previous mission of going to Xuanyuan Han Island to find the Xuanyuan Han Lingzhu required a team of two or more inner disciples to take it on.

Only then were Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou given two large contribution points in vain.

Otherwise, Ling Feng wouldn't have had to take on five tasks in one go before finally collecting all the contribution points.

"It's him again!"

Zhong Ruoxin had sharp eyes. When she turned around and saw Ling Feng, she couldn't help but whisper to the two companions beside her.

There is still a red palm mark on Nan Xiaolie's face. Although the swelling has reduced a lot, judging from the size of the red mark, it is estimated that it will take at least another half a month to completely dissipate.

I have to say, this woman Si Chen is really ruthless!

But why is there a little joy in my heart?

Seeing Ling Feng coming, Nan Xiaolie subconsciously looked around Ling Feng several times, and was obviously relieved when he found that Si Chen did not follow him.

It seems that Nan Xiaolie must be extremely afraid of Si Chen, and it may have even become his lifelong shadow.

Because there are five windows to register information in the promotion hall, and new disciples enjoy privileges and are in the queue on the far right side of the hall.

So even though the other four teams had long queues, there were only three new disciples, Wu Chengkong and the others.

It saves you a lot of trouble.

Ignoring the unfriendly looks from Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie, Ling Feng walked directly to line up behind the three of them.

"Sister Xiao, please go back first."

Ling Feng turned to look at Xiao Xianling beside him, and said calmly: "I already remember the way back."

"whispering sound!"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "I want to stay here to see how you failed to get promoted, can't I?"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, he could only shake his head, smile, and let her go.

Zhong Ruoxin, on the other hand, was both a woman, so she naturally saw Xiao Xianling's little thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help but secretly murmured: Duplicity!

Nan Xiaolie frowned and hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but stare at Ling Feng and said bitterly: "What, where is the woman who stood up for you? Isn't she following you today?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Not necessarily. Maybe, she has always been there, but you just couldn't notice her existence."

Ling Feng didn't say this to scare Nan Xiaolie. With Si Chen's concealment methods, even his infinite vision couldn't detect him.

Nan Xiaolie just glanced at it a few times, it would be strange to see it.

"Who are you scaring?"

Nan Xiaolie glared at Ling Feng fiercely, but he was still frightened and even subconsciously shrank back to keep an absolutely safe distance from Ling Feng.

As for Wu Chengkong, he glanced at Ling Feng coldly. Although the last battle between Ling Feng and Nan Xiaolie, apparently it was Si Chen's intervention that forcibly ended the battle.

However, for a master like Si Chen, I'm afraid her last words were not just to favor Ling Feng.

In other words, Ling Feng's strength has surpassed Nan Xiaolie.

As the top genius in the immortal realm, he was actually surpassed by the mortals in the lower realm.

This made Wu Chengkong a little uneasy, but he completely hid this uneasiness.

Moreover, it is well hidden.

For a moment, the atmosphere became somewhat mysteriously silent.

Fortunately, because their team was small, within a short time, all four of them had registered their information and, led by two disciples who had been promoted to the main hall, arrived at the back hall.

The promotion from outer door to inner door is not complicated.

Apply on the same day and get assessed on the same day.

Then, the results will be available on site.

However, regardless of success or failure, the 10,000 contribution points required for the application assessment will not be refunded.

If you want to apply again after failure, you must wait another year and then collect 10,000 contribution points.

Therefore, if you are not confident enough in your own strength, it is better to take it easy. Otherwise, it would be very painful to waste 10,000 contribution points in vain.

According to regulations, outer disciples are not allowed to watch the promotion assessment, but inner disciples are not restricted.

Therefore, Xiao Xianling naturally followed Ling Feng into the assessment point of the promotion hall.

From a distance, I saw a tall man, who seemed to be the examiner in charge of the assessment.

At this moment, the number of people gathered at the assessment point was still very small. When Ling Feng and the others arrived, there were only a few people in front of them.

The burly examiner, with his stern and piercing eyes, glanced at the crowd with his big copper-bell eyes, and then he nodded and said: "Well, the number of people is almost there, we can start!"

After a pause, the burly man said loudly: "My name is Iron Leopard, and I am the examiner in charge of your first round of assessment!"

The sound of the iron leopard was like a loud bell, and as soon as it opened its mouth, all the disciples who participated in the assessment were shocked and their spirits were lifted.

Everyone's eyes turned to Iron Leopard, and they saw Iron Leopard rolling up the sleeve on his right arm and saying carelessly: "The rules of the first round of assessment are very simple. Walk up to me one by one, punch each person. If you can hold it, go to the next round. If you can’t hold it, get out!”

Okay... What a simple and crude rule!

The crowd was in an uproar, and many female disciples among them looked troubled.

Of course, there is no need to mention the disciples who practice body training, but there are probably not many female disciples who would choose to practice body training.

As the Tie Bao finished speaking, the first disciple took a deep breath and walked up to Tie Bao.

"Ah da!"

A costless punch landed heavily on the disciple's abdomen.

For a moment, his intestines seemed to have been strangled inch by inch. The disciple was in so much pain that he could not stand upright. He was foaming at the mouth and crying. He held his stomach and took deep breaths for more than ten times before finally standing firm.

But Iron Leopard kicked the disciple again, directly on the buttocks, and cursed in his mouth: "You are grinding, after the beating, walk away quickly and let the next one follow!"

The disciple was kicked and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Tiebao just rolled his eyes and said calmly: "If you can stand even after being punched by me, you are considered qualified! Next one!"

The second in line was a female disciple. This female disciple learned her lesson and when she walked in front of Tiebao, she activated more than ten layers of protective enchantments. Tiebao just glanced at her and said nothing more.

It seems that using various means to defend is also the default rule.

Three minutes of silence for the first unlucky guy to be beaten.

Since the use of defensive methods is allowed, then basically there will be no such situation as being beaten to the point of foaming at the mouth.

However, one female disciple was eliminated and lost 10,000 contribution points.

Those who passed the first round of assessment went directly through a courtyard and came to the second assessment point.

It has almost the same layout, and the person in charge of the assessment is also a burly man.

What's even more surprising is that this big man looks almost exactly like Iron Leopard.

Apparently noticing everyone's surprise, the big man slapped his chest and shouted loudly: "My name is Tie Hu, and he is Tie Bao's brother!"

It turns out they are twin brothers!

Only then did everyone realize that they looked exactly the same.

Tiehu also had a fierce look, glaring at everyone in the venue, and said coldly: "The content of the second round of assessment is also very simple. Stand up and punch me one after another. Those with qualified power can enter the third round, and It’s the final test.”


For a moment, everyone became a little excited.

I was punched just now. Although I was told that I could use defensive barriers and other means, I was still punched solidly by Iron Leopard. To say it didn't hurt would be a lie.

Now this Iron Tiger looks exactly like Iron Leopard.

Just beat him up!

Tiehu sneered, how could such a human spirit fail to see the little thoughts of these little guys.

"Hey, don't blame me for not reminding you, you must use all your strength!"

Tiehu chuckled, then slightly bent his legs and made a horse stance, "Look at my waist and horse becoming one! Come on!"

"The waist and horse are one, right?"

The first one to take action was naturally the guy who was beaten by Iron Leopard just now and was foaming at the mouth.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes instantly burst into flames.

In an instant, this man exerted 120,000 points of strength, and even the void roared with a roar. No wonder he could withstand Iron Leopard's punch without any defense. It was indeed a bit real. The ability is in the body.

"The sky is falling apart!"

With a loud shout, an extremely dazzling golden light burst out from his fist, and with a roar, the fist hit Tie Hu's lower abdomen.

This punch may have some personal grudges!

However, Tie Hu grinned, his abdomen instantly became tempered, and even sharp barbs extended out.


With a cry of pain, the disciple's fist split open the skin and flesh, and the bones inside were vaguely visible.

Then, there was a "click" and one arm was half disabled.

"Tsk, tsk, why are you using so much force? Didn't I tell you that the force you exert will be how much force I will rebound?"

Tiehu said with a serious face.

The disciple finally couldn't hold it any longer and roared angrily with a black face, "What the hell are you talking about!"

"Oops, I was careless and forgot!"

Tiehu slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "The disciples below should take this as a warning and remember to use force. Otherwise, if you can't even trigger the rebound, you will lose. But you must also remember to stay strong and fight against your own rebound. Power!"

As he said that, he glanced at the disciple just now, and said with a smile: "You are not bad, your fists are quite powerful, you pass!"

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