Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3491 Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

"Your fists are pretty strong! You've passed the test!"

Tiehu looked at the disciple with a smile, reached out and grabbed the disciple, pulled him up from the ground, and then heard a few "clicks" and connected his arm back.

"Hehe, although your arm is connected, whether you can pass the third level test depends on your own luck."

After Tiehu finished speaking, he patted his shoulder gently, pushed him aside, and then announced calmly: "Next!"

It was also because after the first unlucky guy's demonstration, the subsequent disciples became much more cautious when acting.

But then, several disciples in a row, in order to leave enough strength to resist the rebounding force, ended up leaving too much force behind, unable to even trigger Tiehu's counterattack force, and were eventually eliminated.

Ten thousand contribution points are wasted.

Tiehu frowned and cursed: "You little bastards, haven't you eaten? Or are you afraid that your injuries will affect your results in the next test?"

He had a dissatisfied expression on his face, "I'm telling you, let's give up on this idea as soon as possible. You, the little rubbish in the Talisman Realm, don't have to try your best to get me to launch a defensive posture? That's right, I'm not No matter who you are targeting, but everyone present, in my eyes, they are all rubbish! It’s 10,000 years too early to show any mercy to me!”

But it turned out that Tie Hu's purpose was not only to test the instant explosive power of these disciples, but also to test what level they could achieve when faced with a full blow from him.

Unless Tiehu's limit can be accurately tested, if he still has some strength to spare, he will be asking for elimination.

But obviously, it would be difficult for these outer disciples to test Tiehu's endurance limit.

Perhaps he was frightened by Tie Hu's words, or perhaps it was the defeat of several disciples in succession that made the expressions of some of the disciples behind him become solemn.

When it comes to the next disciple, who dares to leave any remaining strength and attack with all his strength?


The arm was also broken, but this disciple didn't retain any strength at all. Not only was he thrown away, but he was also knocked unconscious.

The result was also eliminated miserably.

The elimination rate in the second test is a bit outrageous if true.

And the next one is Wu Chengkong of the Immortal Realm Prodigy trio.

Without saying a word, Wu Chengkong strode up to Tie Hu, and suddenly punched out in the midst of the lightning and flint.


The next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Wu Chengkong stood on the spot, motionless, but the iron tiger actually took two steps back!

"Good boy!"

Tiehu looked at his abdomen, then stared at Wu Chengkong for a while, and then finally nodded, "You pass!"

For a moment, the crowd was excited.

How did Wu Chengkong do it? He was able to defeat Tie Hu!

Those are the elders of the inner sect, most of all, they are all powerful immortals in the earth-opening realm!

Wu Chengkong, on the other hand, is just a little immortal in the Talisman and Seal Realm.

Only Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie, who were quite familiar with Wu Chengkong, could still remain calm.

What he relies on is speed!

Absolute speed!

Not only is the power of his fists terrifying, but what is even more terrifying than the power is the speed!

In other words, when his fist landed on Tie Hu, his power fully exploded before Tie Hu even had time to launch a defense.

Although Tiehu completely crushed Wu Chengkong in terms of realm, he was careless and had no time to defend himself and was directly knocked back by Wu Chengkong.

Even though he still had a calm look on his face, in fact he was probably in so much pain that his intestines were knotted.

But in front of these outer disciples, he could only bite the bullet and pretend to be calm.

A ray of light also flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Although he did not use the Eye of the Emperor, his eye power was not something ordinary people could match.

"What an amazing speed!"

In Ling Feng's heart, he secretly admired that he was worthy of being the proud king of the Immortal Realm, and he indeed had extremely powerful strength.

Compared with Nan Xiaolie, is he more than superior?

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of his true strength.

Perhaps, it won't be long before the Immortal Realm's Liuyu Jiuyao will usher in a huge change.

As Wu Cheng strolled through the long passage in front of the courtyard, the next person to step forward was Nan Xiaolie.

Nan Xiaolie's eyes narrowed, he raised his head to look at Tie Hu, and said in a deep voice: "Examiner, I am good at swordsmanship. Can I use a sword to assist me?"


Tiehu took a deep breath to slightly relieve the severe pain in his abdomen, but he said with a look of disdain on his face: "I said it can't be done? No matter what method it is, just use it! I still said that, in my eyes, All of you here are rubbish! It’s a thousand years too early for you to compare with me! Even the kid just now is just a little bit stronger!”

His tone was arrogant and his attitude was arrogant.

However, he does have the qualifications to be arrogant.

A top-notch genius like Wu Chengkong could only barely knock him back two steps when he had no defense.

In his eyes, other people are indeed not enough.

"Then I'm not welcome!"

Nan Xiaolie smiled faintly and used Qianji Mountain Villa's sword-killing move. However, with his control of swordsmanship, he was able to break the move into two halves.

The first half of the move is to attack Tie Hu, and the second half is to deal with the rebounded full blow.

In this way, he passed the test easily without any injuries.

"Good boy, your talent in swordsmanship is really not bad!"

Tiehu was quite polite to the real geniuses. He patted Nan Xiaolie heavily on the shoulders with a pair of generous and strong hands, "You have a future, come over!"

"Thank you very much!"

Nan Xiaolie cupped his fist and saluted Tiehu. After walking more than ten steps, he couldn't help but rub his shoulders and cursed secretly in his heart: This gorilla, does he really not know how exaggerated his brute strength is?

After Nan Xiaolie, the only woman among the trio of geniuses from the Immortal Realm was Zhong Ruoxin from the Sun and Moon Immortal Palace.

To be recognized by both Nan Xiaolie and Wu Chengkong, this woman is obviously not simple.

Similarly, Zhong Ruoxin also passed the level lightly. Her attack seemed weak and weak, but when she touched Tie Hu's abdomen, she suddenly burst out with terrible destructive power.

So far, she was actually the only one who made Tiehu bleed.

"Damn it, are these guys really all new disciples who have only been in school for three years?"

Tiehu cursed secretly in his heart and became a little irritable.

He just said that everyone present was rubbish, and then, three disciples in a row passed the test without any injuries, which was really a bit of a slap in the face!

It only takes three. The next one should be a normal person!

Tiehu roared, his eyes falling on Ling Feng, "Hey, silver-haired boy, it's your turn!"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, walked forward casually, and said calmly: "I thought you, the examiner, were injured and need to take a rest."

"Fart, you little brats, can you hurt me? This is just a scratch at best!"

Tiehu raised his big hand and wiped it on his abdomen, wiping away the blood stains from the place where Zhong Ruoxin had just attacked him, and then stared at Ling Feng angrily.

He was a little angry now, and Ling Feng had undoubtedly hit the muzzle of his gun.

"That's what the examiner said." Ling Feng nodded and did not dare to refute Tie Hu. He just said calmly: "The examiner just said that any method is acceptable, right?"

"Hmph, as long as you don't rely on external force, magic spells, etc., any method will do!"

"That's good."

Ling Feng nodded, then cleared his throat and issued a series of strange notes.

Yes, the ability Ling Feng is planning to use is the dragon roar magical power.

Since the three geniuses in the Immortal Realm have shown their talents, I also have to show some real skills.

"You kid, what are you yelling about?"

Tiehu frowned and was about to get angry when he heard Ling Feng's tone suddenly soared.


This is the first dragon roar magical power that Ling Feng has mastered, and it is unstoppable.

For a moment, Tiehu felt a pressure from his soul, which made him breathless.

As for the other disciples, even though they did not bear Ling Feng's dragon roar head-on, they were all knocked down by Ling Feng's voice.

At a glance, only a few people could remain standing, and they all covered their ears tightly with looks of horror on their faces.

The ancient dragon roar is a powerful attack method belonging to the dragon clan. Not to mention, Ling Feng's dragon roar magical power also has the suppressive power of the ancestral dragon aura.

Not to mention Tie Hu, even Si Chen would probably be confused for a while if he was yelled at at such a close distance without any precautions.

"Examiner? Did I pass the exam?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and waved in front of Tie Hu. Tie Hu finally came to his senses, frowned, and was about to curse, but suddenly felt his nostrils heat up, and two nosebleeds spurted out.

Not only that, both ears and eyes were also bleeding.

These are all internal injuries!

Tiehu was so depressed that he vomited blood. Why were the disciples who came to participate in the promotion of the inner sect today, each one more cruel than the other?


Although Tie Hu was extremely unhappy, he still followed the rules. Ling Feng's attack was not only effective, but also made him bleed from all his holes.

"Thank you, Mr. Examiner!"

Ling Feng bowed respectfully to Tie Hu, and then walked directly towards the third assessment point.

After a while, a courtyard with an almost identical layout to the previous two assessment points appeared in front of them.

Not only that, even the examiner's appearance was exactly the same as the Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard in front of him.

Brothers again?

Apparently, these are triplets!

In the huge courtyard, apart from Wu Chengkong's trio, only the first disciple to participate in the assessment was present.

At this moment, the disciple's left hand was gently placed on his right shoulder, his brows were furrowed, showing a solemn expression.

It seemed that although Tiehu helped him set the bones, the pain caused by his broken arm still had a considerable impact on him.

The examiner who looked exactly like Iron Tiger and Iron Leopard stood in the courtyard with his arms folded, looking around, and said carelessly: "Yes, we are the three brothers Long, Tiger and Leopard. My name is Iron Dragon, and my name is Iron Tiger and Iron." Leopard’s eldest brother is also the examiner of your final assessment! What’s the content of this final assessment—”

His eyes swept across the crowd, and he immediately laughed, "Okay, have we gathered five people? Then I can start telling you!"

"Listen up, the final test is for the five of you to join forces to fight me. If you can hold on for one stick of incense under my attack, you will be considered qualified."

He stood with his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "When we Tianzhi disciples go out to perform tasks, we always adopt a team collaboration model. Therefore, this test will not only test your personal abilities, but also your level of cooperation with each other."

After a pause, Tielong continued: "Of course, you can choose whether the five of you should go together, or wait for the people behind to come and then re-screen other teammates!"

"Nonsense, of course we have to wait!"

As soon as Tie Long finished speaking, Nan Xiaolie immediately pointed at Ling Feng and gritted his teeth and said, "It's impossible for me to team up with that guy, it's absolutely impossible!"

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