Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3492 Final assessment!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Nan Xiaolie's eyes burst into flames, and he blurted out the words without thinking.

For him to cooperate with Ling Feng is simply a dream.

Although there was no deep hatred between him and Ling Feng, Ling Feng gained such fame in the outer sect because of stepping on his head.

Moreover, he took the initiative to send his head over for him to step on.

It's just that he is still worried about the result of the last battle.

If the maid named "Chen" hadn't interfered in the end, the winner would have been himself.

Regarding Nan Xiaolie's strong reaction, Ling Feng just shrugged slightly and didn't care.

A group of five people join forces to fight against the iron cage and withstand his attack for a stick of incense.

This iron dragon is the leader of their three brothers, and must be the strongest. Judging from the strength displayed by Iron Leopard and Iron Tiger, this third level of assessment is indeed quite difficult.

If you can cooperate with Wu Chengkong and the others, who are the best among the outer disciples, your chances of passing the assessment will naturally be greatly improved.

He now somewhat understands what the senior fellow named Yang Fan said when he went to the mission hall to pay contribution points, what is the key to passing the assessment.

It's probably like hugging your thighs or something like that.

As long as your teammates choose well, you can win directly.

However, if you form a temporary team with teammates who have a grudge against you, you will not be able to cooperate when the time comes.

Instead of doing this, it is better to wait for the next batch of outer sect brothers to form a team.

The current situation is that Wu Chengkong, Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie are basically an inseparable group. With the three of them together, even two dogs can pass.

Um, why do you want to tie up two dogs?

Ling Feng shook his head. They already had three teammates who worked closely together. In comparison, his side was a little embarrassed.

It's a pity that Cheng Tianyong has obviously reached the level of Talisman Realm, but because he doesn't have enough contribution points, he can't apply for promotion assessment yet.

And judging from his appearance, he doesn't seem to care much about promotion to the inner sect, and he has been hiding his strength all this time.

It seems that the secrets hidden in him are no less than his own.

In this case, the only choice is to win over another person.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and walked directly towards the senior brother who had been "ravaged" by the iron leopard and iron tiger.

He still has some strength, but he is a bit more upright.

"This senior brother, I'm Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the opponent. The tall senior brother quickly raised his hand to return the salute, but the injury on his arm affected his arm, and he immediately frowned and grimaced in pain.

Nan Xiaolie next to him couldn't help but sneered when he saw that Ling Feng actually invited such an injured person to be his teammate.

This guy seems to have broken the pot.

"I still want to hug our thighs, I'm dreaming!" Nan Xiaolie sneered, feeling secretly proud in his heart.

If Ling Feng couldn't be promoted smoothly this time, he would be able to win back the victory.

Zhong Ruoxin pouted and whispered softly: "Actually, that guy is pretty good. If we team up with him, we can increase our chances of winning."

"Hey, Junior Sister Zhong, you are one of us, don't sit with your butt crooked!"

Nan Xiaolie immediately complained, looking a little ugly.

"whispering sound."

Zhong Ruoxin put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at Nan Xiaolie angrily, "You are the one who has a conflict with him, and I have no enmity with him. Why should I hate him as much as you do? Besides, that's what I said. To be honest, he is really good!"

When Nan Xiaolie heard this, his expression became even more gloomy, and the black line on his forehead was about to break through the sky.

"Okay, now that Nan Xiaolie has expressed his position, there is no need to argue pointlessly."

Wu Chengkong's expression was calm, which saved some face for Nan Xiaolie.

"Boss Wu!"

Nan Xiaolie stared at Wu Chengkong with an excited expression, looking like a wronged little daughter-in-law, but someone was willing to stand up for him.

Wu Chengkong was speechless for a while. Although Nan Xiaolie was tall and had a fiery personality, at his core he was just a young man who had not experienced much training.

To put it mildly, it is called childishness, but in reality it is just that.

His strength and talent are not bad, but in terms of character...

Wu Chengkong couldn't help but take another look at Ling Feng.

Putting aside cultivation and talent, this ascended person who fought and tempered step by step from the lower world, and finally stood out from hundreds of millions of mortals, does have a toughness that most of the geniuses in the immortal realm do not have.

Even Wu Chengkong himself is ashamed of this.

On the other side, Ling Feng saw that the stunned senior brother was hurting his arm again, and quickly stepped forward to support him. At the same time, he reached out and sealed several acupuncture points on his chest, and said slowly: "Senior brother is injured. , there’s no need to be too polite.”


Senior Brother Lengtou sighed, "Thank you so much, Junior Brother. My name is Zhong Nanyue, you can also call me Dayue."

"Senior Brother Dayue."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Since this third test requires a team of five people, why don't senior brother and I form a team together?"


Zhong Nanyue sighed softly, "I have no problem, but junior brother, I can't use my arm at all now. If I join your team, I might become a burden."

"Senior Brother Dayue, don't worry about it."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, "It's just a minor injury, I can treat it."

"Ah?" Zhong Nanyue glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, and several people around him also looked over curiously.

This guy can still heal his wounds?

"Junior brother, are you still a doctor?"

Zhong Nanyue stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

"You should know a little bit." Ling Feng smiled, as modest as ever.

"Well, let's treat a dead horse like a living horse. Even if it can't be cured, I won't blame you!"

Zhong Nanyue gritted his teeth and said, "Junior brother, please don't worry and be brave, my body can handle it!"

Even the examiner, Tie Long, also looked over with interest.

At the same time, several outer disciples passed the second round of assessment and came here.

Tie Long then took the trouble to explain the rules to the other disciples.

Obviously, Wu Chengkong, the three talented people from the Immortal Realm, became the favorite in everyone's eyes, and everyone wanted to join them.

As for Ling Feng, although Ling Feng's performance in passing the second level was quite impressive, there was only one person after all, not to mention the fact that he brought along a wounded person like Zhong Nanyue...

These are all disadvantages!

But soon, Ling Feng took out the golden needle, used Taixuan acupuncture to heal Zhong Nanyue's injuries, and then fed him a pill to restore Qi and blood.

Sure enough, when Zhong Nanyue opened his eyes again, a look of ecstasy immediately appeared on his face.

"Haha, okay, I'm fine!"

He shook his right arm excitedly, confirming that there was no longer any discomfort in his arm, and immediately gave Ling Feng a bear hug in excitement.

"Hey, Junior Brother Ling, your medical skills are really amazing!"

He gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "You were too humble just now. If you know a little bit, you are obviously proficient. Fortunately, I was a little worried just now, hahaha!"

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and he didn't say much as his eyes scanned the crowd.

They are a group of five, which means they are still missing three companions.

At the same time, Wu Chengkong and the others have selected two teammates with good abilities and have stepped forward to challenge Tie Long.

"Hey, you five, right? Are you sure? After you are sure, you can't go back on your word? If you fail, the whole team will fail."

Tielong's eyes fell on Wu Chengkong and asked lightly.


Wu Chengkong nodded calmly.


Tielong laughed loudly, pointed to a high platform behind him, and said calmly: "You guys, go up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Chengkong took the lead and flew out, followed immediately by Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie following closely behind.

When the nameless team members all stood on the high platform, they saw several rays of golden light rising into the sky, and the figures of the five people disappeared at the same time.

But then, in less than ten breaths, another five golden lights were seen falling from the sky.

The five people went from being high-spirited and tidy, to becoming disgraced and embarrassed.

Wu Chengkong was relatively fine. The others, including Nan Xiaolie and Zhong Ruoxin, were all panting and out of breath.

Not only were there multiple explosion wounds on his body, but there was also blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Everyone looked at each other for just ten breaths. What happened?

Tie Long glanced at Wu Chengkong with great interest, nodded and said: "Well, not bad. The five of you have successfully passed all the assessments and have been officially promoted to inner disciples! Go to the promotion hall to register in a while, and change An identity token.”

"it's over???"

The disciples present were all staring at each other, as if nothing happened.

But looking at the looks of Wu Chengkong and others, it must have been a big battle.

But don’t you want to challenge Iron Dragon?

Tie Long obviously never left the scene from beginning to end.

"Hey, look at how you have never seen the world!"

Tie Long sneered, "Under that platform, there is a space-holding magic circle. Entering the space of the magic circle, the speed of time and space passing inside is a hundred times faster than the outside world. In other words, although the outside world has only passed ten breaths, but in the outside world, The time and space inside the magic circle has been around for almost half an hour. "

"As for the target of the war..."

Iron Cage raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "You will naturally find out when you get in."

For a moment, everyone's hearts were in suspense again.

Judging from the looks of Wu Chengkong and the others, it was clear that they had gone through a hard battle!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, collected his mind, and began to select other team members.

Not long after, Ling Feng's team finally gathered five people. In addition to Zhong Nanyue, there were two senior brothers and one senior sister. They also suffered some injuries when passing the first two levels.

However, through Ling Feng's skillful hands, everything was restored to its original state.

Not only that, Ling Feng also treated other brothers and sisters who were not part of his team.

Anyway, for him, it's just a piece of cake, but it can directly affect whether they can pass the third level of assessment.

What's more, to a certain extent, it can also win people's hearts, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

"This guy has a pretty good character!"

Tie Long touched the beard on his chin, looked at everything in front of him with a smile, and thought to himself: Then put some water on it, there are not many disciples who are good at medical skills among the inner sect.

"Junior Brother Ling, be righteous!"

"Junior Brother Ling, you are indeed a master of skill and kindness!"

"Junior brother, thank you very much!"

The brothers and sisters who had been treated by Ling Feng all looked at Ling Feng with great excitement and thanked him profusely.

"This kid is really good at winning people's hearts!"

Nan Xiaolie gritted his teeth with a gloomy expression.

Zhong Ruoxin rolled her eyes, "You, although he comes from the lower world, he has proven his strength in the last battle with you. But you still target him everywhere, doesn't it seem too petty? I It seems that he is a good person! Don't be a villain and judge a gentleman."

"You... why are you always going against me!"

Nan Xiaolie was almost hurt internally by Zhong Ruoxin's few words.

"Then I'm just telling the truth!" Zhong Ruoxin rolled her eyes at him, then looked back at Wu Chengkong, "Brother Wu, what do you think? You also think Ling Feng is a good person, right?"

Wu Chengkong's expression remained calm, and he just said indifferently: "What does it have to do with me?"

After saying that, he left and prepared to go to the promotion of the Great Emperor and change his identity token.

As for Ling Feng, some time was lost due to the delay in healing other senior brothers. Therefore, while Ling Feng was recovering from his injuries, two more unmanned teams completed the assessment.

Unfortunately, only one of the teams was able to pass.

The teams that passed thanked Ling Feng as soon as they came out. Even the teams that failed also nodded to Ling Feng. If Ling Feng hadn't healed their injuries, their performance in the assessment would have been even worse.

"Junior brother Ling, you have to work harder soon, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Junior brother, you will definitely pass!"

"Haha, although I failed, you can definitely succeed!"

Under everyone's attention and expectation, Ling Feng's five-person team finally boarded the magic circle.

Whoosh whoosh!

In a flash of golden light, the five-man team disappeared.

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